Moein Zergani
I have published some books and presented different papers based on English course as national and international academies. As well as I’m teaching English in different schools, universities like Azad and Elmi karbordi and some language institutes. About 15 years, I’m teaching English in training center of KSC, during these years, about two terms I have taught English in Shahid Chamran University at engineering college. By the way, I am translator and English announcer in stadiums for international games in Iran.
Phone: +989166128273
Address: 6185988951
No 151 Islamabad, Ahwaz. Iran
Phone: +989166128273
Address: 6185988951
No 151 Islamabad, Ahwaz. Iran
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Papers by Moein Zergani
We did not notice that the mother tongue is not the only language of speech, it is the language of emotion, the language of feelings and the language of a person's life. The mother tongue is the inner language of humans and the thinking process first occurs in the inner language of each person and then it is translated into his spoken language. Studies have shown that in the population groups of bilinguals, if they have learned the mother tongue well, their brains are more capable of processing emotional information and the field of semantic perception. In fact, by not teaching the mother tongue and imposing Farsi language on children whose mother tongue is not Farsi, we stop the development of their inner language and language of thinking at the very childhood age, and they endure a lot of mental and emotional pressure and with a delay of several years, Finally, they can think and speak in the new imposed language; But what is missing in the meantime is the development opportunities of their educational and existential dimensions, which shape their communication abilities and creative development.
The important point is that language is a catholic (spontaneous) phenomenon or system; That is, it is a phenomenon that was created and evolved naturally and without conscious human intervention and reached a spontaneous order. In Catholic phenomena, we first learn their use and application, then we analyze them and identify their components. If language is a Catholic phenomenon, then we must first use it and maximize the capacity of using it, and then move on to learning and analyzing it. When we take the child out of the environment of the mother tongue and enter him into the compulsory education of the Persian language, he has not yet reached the flowering point in the Catholic learning process of the mother tongue, that is, the maximum point of the power of speech and perception, that is, that part of feelings and emotions. which must be fully developed with the help of the mother tongue, it is not fully formed and therefore the process of developing the power of speaking in the mother tongue in the child stops somewhere and therefore the inner language of the child, which is also the language of his thinking, does not reach its maximum capacity. Then, this oppressed child must first learn Farsi language and then strengthen the ability to think in Farsi language. This is the same oppression that we have been inflicting on the children of non-Persian-speaking Iranian ethnic groups for seventy years and putting them in an unequal position in the competition for social and economic opportunities with Persian-speaking people.
In fact, by imposing Persian language education, we slow down or stop the process of mental and personality development of nearly half of our country's population for a few years and destroy their opportunities for the benefit of Persian-speaking children. And in this way, we reduce the public opportunities to participate in the development process in the provinces whose population is non-Persian speaking. Perhaps part of the gap and imbalance of development that exists between the central provinces and the border provinces of the country is due to this issue; That is, despite the fact that appropriate budgets have been allocated for the development of some deprived provinces in the past, but those provinces are still deprived. In fact, it is possible that by imposing Persian language on the children of bilingual provinces, we create a multi-year break in the process of forming the personality and ability of the children of these regions, and this is the beginning of the unfair distribution of opportunities between resources. In addition to all other political, social and cultural injustices, this form of educational injustice is also a devastating injustice that we have quietly imposed on non-Persian-speaking Iranian peoples in the last seventy years.
ever-increasing pressure to acquire a master’s degree in addition to a post-graduate teaching
certificate. A glance at the appointments columns in the educational press will confirm what many
teachers already know to their cost: that state and private sector employers in many countries are, for
whatever reason, insisting more and more on academic credentials as well as a basic professional
qualification. In a ‘buyers’ market’ it is clearly their perfect right to do so, and yet it is a worrying trend
for those of us who value professional know-how at least as highly as academic excellence in a
classroom teacher.
these words have a charm and romance all their own. Only in dictionaries do words stand alone. They are not by nature solitary things but flock joyously together to make coherent phrases, sentences, paragraphs. Just as glorious cathedrals can be created into memorable
chapters, Rhythm is musicality of English the ups and downs and connected speech and linking of words, which together, change how we say sentences. When you look at these words and read them, their rhythm causes that they stick on your mind and you don’t forget them forever.
The goal is not to be perfect, but to progress, understood when speaking and to be able to understand English when spoken naturally. One of the most important aspects of pronunciation and listening is to understand that American don’t just speak fast as many students believe but that they connect their words and change the sounds of words. books and entire libraries.