Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2015
Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine the effect of placental site on uterine ... more Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine the effect of placental site on uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) values and tendency for laterality of uterine artery diastolic notch in singleton pregnancies. Materials and Methods: All medical records of singleton pregnancies whose first trimester screening was done between years of 2004-2014, were evaluated retrospectively. Singleton pregnancies with detected/suspicious anatomical or genetic fetal anomalies, any systemic disease, familial genetic diseases, artificial reproduction techniques or missing data were excluded. Mean left and right uterine artery PI values and diastolic notch laterality ratios according to placental sites were determined and compared. Results: A total of 2,067 singleton pregnancies were included in data analyses. Mean gestational age was 12.57 ± 0.61 weeks. Left and right uterine artery PI was 1.42 ± 0.47 and 1.48 ± 0.56, respectively. Uterine artery notch was present in 18.86%. PI measurements did not show any statistical difference according to placental locations. Uterine artery notch laterality ratios according to common placental sites are as following; in anterior location (n=190) 67% bilateral, 21% left sided, 12% right sided; in posterior (n=136) 66% bilateral, 18% left sided, 16% right sided. Conclusion: The placental site has no effect on uterine artery PI values and the laterality of uterine artery notch in singletons.
Objective: To evaluate prevalence, etiology and prenatal diagnosis and treatment of the pregnanci... more Objective: To evaluate prevalence, etiology and prenatal diagnosis and treatment of the pregnancies with polyhydramnios. Materials and methods: Fifty two pregnancies complicated by polyhydramnios were evaluated between 1997 and 1999 in Dicle ...
... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-20... more ... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-2003 yılları arasındaki çoğul gebeliklerde obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçlarımız.Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2003; 14: 180-3. 11) Yayla M, Bayhan G, Esen S, Yalınkaya A ...
... Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği, ISTANBUL, TR 1 Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Has... more ... Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği, ISTANBUL, TR 1 Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji Bölümü, ISTANBUL, TR 2. ... viabilite sınırına ulaşabilen over gebeliği örnekleri olarak bildirilen 10 vakaya ulaşılabilmektedir 1982 ve 1991'de iki vaka daha bildirilmiştir ...
Gebelikte rutin ilk üç ay taramas›n›n sonuçlar› ve sonras›nda yap›lan tan›sal giriflimler Amaç: B... more Gebelikte rutin ilk üç ay taramas›n›n sonuçlar› ve sonras›nda yap›lan tan›sal giriflimler Amaç: Bu çal›flmada gebeli¤in ilk üç ay›nda kombine test yap›lan gebelerde risk da¤›l›m›n›n gösterilmesi, tarama sonras› yap›lan di-¤er ifllem ve giriflimler ile tan›sal test uygulanan hastalar›n genel demografik ve klinik özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanm›flt›r. Yöntem: 2008-2011 y›llar› aras›nda ilk üç ay gebelik taramas›na ait kombine test verileri retrospektif-kesitsel olarak de¤erlendirildi. Ense kal›nl›¤› (NT) ölçümü sonras›nda ayn› gün içinde kombine testi tamamlamak için ikili test uyguland›. Taramalar›n sonra-s›nda uygulanan tan›sal giriflimler oran, endikasyonlar›, karyotip ve postnatal sonuçlar aç›s›ndan karfl›laflt›r›ld›. Bulgular: Toplam 1109 gebe de¤erlendirmeye al›nd›. Takipteki gebelerin ortalama yafl› 31.07±3.73 y›ld›. Serbest βhCG ölçümü 1.26±0.94 MoM ve PAPP-A ölçümü 1.16±0.65 MoM saptand›. Birinci üç ayda ortalama NT de¤eri 1.60±0.67 mm bulundu. Eflik de¤eri 1/250 al›nd›¤›nda olgular›n %3,1'inde tarama testi pozitif saptand›. ‹lk üç ay taramas› sonunda 22 olguya ve ikinci üç ay ta-ramalar› sonras›nda 19 olguya daha tan›sal giriflim yap›ld›¤› gözlendi (toplamda %6.4). Giriflim yap›lan hastalar›n %11.3'ünde karyotip anomalisi saptand›. Kombine test sonucu pozitif olan grupta anne yafl›na ba¤l› anksiyete gibi di¤er nedenlerle giriflim ya-p›lanlara göre karyotip anomalisi daha fazla (%20) gözlendi. Sonuç: Çal›flmam›zdaki gebelik takiplerinde ilk üç ay taramas›nda kombine testte yanl›fl pozitiflik oran› %3.1 olmas›na ra¤men toplam giriflim oran› iki kat›ndan fazlad›r (%6.4). Tan›sal ifllem say›s› yafl s›-n›r›ndan kaynaklanan anne anksiyetesine ve hekimlerin sadece NT veya ikili test sonucunu dikkate almalar› nedeni ile artmaktad›r. Ta-n›sal giriflimlerde %11'lere ulaflan kromozom anomalisi ile %10'lara ulaflan sonland›rma gereksinimi ile karfl›lafl›lm›flt›r. Anne veya hekim anksiyetesine ba¤l› uygulanan giriflimlerin hiçbirinde sonland›rma gerektiren bir kromozom anomalisine rastlanmam›flt›r.
The 6p24 deletion syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome is characterized by a wide spectr... more The 6p24 deletion syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome is characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. In this case report we present an antenatal case of 6p 24 deletion syndrome variant involving FOXC1 gene. First trimester fetal screening of a 34 year old pregnant female revealed ultrasonographic anomalies and chorionic villus sampling was performed to rule out any chromosomal anomaly. Cytogenetic examination resulted in normal 46,XY karyotype. In the following weeks further anomalies like cleft palate/lip, thick nuchal fold, ventral septal defect and low set ear were detected with ultrasonography. At 20 weeks of gestation, amniocentesis and whole genome array-CGH analysis revealed a 9.6 Mb interstitial deletion in the 6p25.2p24.1 region which has many genes including an important gene, FOXC1 and 119 Kb interstitial deletion at 9q22.31. The pregnancy was terminated. Postmortem morphological examination revealed turricephaly, hypertelorism, depressed nasal b...
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2015
Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine and compare the uterine artery pulsatili... more Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine and compare the uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) between spontaneous and IVF twins in the second trimester. Materials and Methods: All medical records of twin pregnancies, whose fetal screening was done between May 1999 and December 2013, were evaluated retrospectively. All twin pregnancies without detected/suspicious anatomical or genetic fetal anomalies, systemic diseases, biochemical abnormalities, and familial genetic diseases were included in the data analyses. Fetuses with no information on spontaneous or IVF conception and fetuses with undetermined uterine artery impedance of second trimester were excluded from the data analyses. Results: A total of 151 twin pregnancies were evaluated in the analyses. The percentages of spontaneous and IVF twins were 24.5 % and 75.5 %, respectively. Mean gestational age was 19.95 ± 2.25 weeks in IVF twin group and 20.10 ± 2.19 weeks in spontaneous twin group. The difference of the gestational age between groups was not statistically significant. Mean uterine artery impedance was found as 0.78 ± 0.22 in IVF twins and 0.96 ± 0.31 in spontaneous twins respectively). Mean values were significantly lower in the IVF twins (p = 0.09). Conclusion: The uterine artery PI in the second trimester is significantly lower in IVF twins compared to the spontaneous twins.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2021
OBJECTIVE The management of multiple pregnancies is still a challenge. The aim of this study was ... more OBJECTIVE The management of multiple pregnancies is still a challenge. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of triplet pregnancies managed expectantly or by multifetal pregnancy reduction to twins. STUDY DESIGN For this retrospective, comparative and monocentric study, the medical files of all women with triplets who admitted to our institution over a 13-year period were examined. Women requesting multifetal pregnancy reduction to have twins formed the study group, and women with triplets who wished to continue their pregnancies formed the control group. Main outcome measures were durations of pregnancies presented as number of weeks gestation, abortion rates, term and preterm birth rates, fetal loss and live birth rates. RESULTS During the study period, 171 women with triplets admitted to our institution. One hundred fifty one patients are included in this study. Forty-five women carrying triplets wished to continue their pregnancies and 106 women requested multifetal pregnancy reduction to have twins. Fetal reduction of triplets to twins was associated with a significantly lower incidence of birth before 34th gestational week and higher incidence of late preterm and term birth rates without changing live birth rates. CONCLUSION Multifetal pregnancy reduction of triplet pregnancies to twins resulted in a later gestational age at birth compared with the triplet gestations managed expectantly.
Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology, 2009
The term arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers to multiple joint contractures present a... more The term arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers to multiple joint contractures present at birth. AMC is not a specific disorder but is the consequence of neurological, muscular, connective tissue, and skeletal abnormalities or intrauterine crowding, which may lead to limitation of fetal joint mobility and the development of contractures. Cases referred to our perinatology department for detailed examination were retrospectively analyzed. Twelve cases with AMC were detected during the antenatal period. The ultrasound features related to the "lack of movement" included limb abnormalities (multiple contractures, clenched hands, and clubbed feet), short umbilical cord, polyhydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, camptodactyly, and micrognathia. Five of the early detected cases (71%) were found to have increased nuchal translucency or nuchal fold. All of the cases at the third trimester resulted in neonatal death. First trimester screening may be useful for early diagnosis o...
... 13. Eglowstein M, D'Alton M. Single intrauterine demise. Am J Obs-tet Gynecol 166: (SPO ... more ... 13. Eglowstein M, D'Alton M. Single intrauterine demise. Am J Obs-tet Gynecol 166: (SPO Abst: 339) 369, 1992. ... 28. Aka N, Taşkın Ü, Ayırtman M, Özbey A, Arıkan M, Kılıç G. İkizlerden birinin antepartum ölümü. 3. Ulusal Perinatoloji Kongre si Özet Kitabı: 43, Bursa, 1-5. 3. 1992. ...
... (0:00) 'Çift kol ve bacak ... Jinekoloji-Obstetrik Dergisi Year: 1996 / Volume: 6 / No: ... more ... (0:00) 'Çift kol ve bacak ... Jinekoloji-Obstetrik Dergisi Year: 1996 / Volume: 6 / No: 1. Plasma Endothelın-ı Levels In Preeclampsıa And Eclampsıa Meral ABAN * , Murat YAYLA * , Halil KAYA ** , A. Ceylan ERDEN * Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi * Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum AD ...
Objective: Investigation of the results of continued locking single layer closure of the uterine ... more Objective: Investigation of the results of continued locking single layer closure of the uterine incision. Institution: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Medical Faculty of Dicle University, Diyarbakır. Materials and Methods: The study group included 75 cases with the ...
... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-20... more ... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-2003 yılları arasındaki çoğul gebeliklerde obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçlarımız.Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2003; 14: 180-3. 11) Yayla M, Bayhan G, Esen S, Yalınkaya A ...
Yöntem : Gebeliğin 11-39 haftaları arasında 540 olguda fetusun burun kemik uzunluğu prospektif ol... more Yöntem : Gebeliğin 11-39 haftaları arasında 540 olguda fetusun burun kemik uzunluğu prospektif olarak ultrasonografi ile ölçüldü. Eş zamanlı olarak biparietal çap (BPD) ve femur boyları (FL) elde edildi. Zamanında canlı doğum yapan, anomali saptanmayan 276 fetusun ...
Özet: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda fetal prenazal kal›nl›k ve iliflkili oranlar› Amaç: Fetüst... more Özet: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda fetal prenazal kal›nl›k ve iliflkili oranlar› Amaç: Fetüste prenazal kal›nl›k (PT), bipariyetal çap/prenazal kal›n-l›k (BPD/PT) ve prenazal kal›nl›k/nazal kemik uzunlu¤u (PT/NBL) oranlar›n›n gebelik haftas› (GH) ile iliflkileri ve da¤›l›mlar›n›n araflt›-r›lmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Yöntem: Çal›flmaya 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda tekil sa¤l›kl› gebelikler çal›flmaya dahil edildi. Fetüsün biyometrik de¤erlendirmesi ile birlikte fetal yap›lar ayr›nt›l› olarak incelendi. Prenazal ka-l›nl›k ve burun kemi¤i ölçüldü ve her olguda BPD/PT ve PT/NBL oranlar› hesapland›. PT'nin gebelik haftas› ile iliflkisi regresyon analizi ile de¤erlendirildi. Gebelik haftalar›na göre PT persentilleri hesapland›. BPD/PT ve PT/NBL oranlar›n›n gebelik haftas› ile iliflkileri araflt›r›ld› ve persentil de¤erleri bulundu. Bulgular: Çal›flmaya toplam 393 gebe dahil edildi. PT'nin gebelik haftas› ile anlaml› olarak artt›¤› bulundu ve regresyon denklemi PT = GH × 0.24-0.87; R=0.65; p<0.01 olarak hesapland›. Ortalama PT 3.9±0.7 mm ve 95. persentil de¤erleri 16-18 gebelik haftalar›nda 4 mm, 19. gebelik haftas›nda 4.7 mm, 20-21 gebelik haftalar›nda 5 mm ve 22-23 gebelik haftalar›nda 6.0 mm olarak saptand›. PT'nin BPD ile korelasyonu araflt›r›ld›¤›nda lineer olarak artt›¤› (R=64; p<0.01) bulundu. Fakat BPD/ PT oranlar› ile gebelik haftas› aras›nda anlam-l› korelasyon saptanmad› (p=0.29). Ortalama BPD/PT 12.3±1.6 ve 5. persentil de¤eri de 10 bulundu. PT ile NBL aras›nda anlaml› korelasyon saptand› (R=0.63; p<0.01). Regresyon analizinde PT/NBL oran› ile GH aras›nda negatif korelasyon saptand› (PT/NBL =-GH × 0.016 + 1.02; R=0.25; p<0.01). Ortalama PT/NBL oran› 0.7±0.1 olup; 95. persentil de¤erleri 16-23 gebelik haftalar›nda 1.1-0.9 olarak saptand›. Sonuç: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda PT ve PT/NBL oran› gebelik haftas› ile de¤iflmekte iken BPD/PT oran› sabit kalmaktad›r. Bundan dolay› taramalarda BPD/PT <10 (5. persentil) de¤erinin kullan›lmas›n›n daha kullan›fll› ve pratik olabilece¤i düflünülmektedir.
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2015
Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine the effect of placental site on uterine ... more Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine the effect of placental site on uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) values and tendency for laterality of uterine artery diastolic notch in singleton pregnancies. Materials and Methods: All medical records of singleton pregnancies whose first trimester screening was done between years of 2004-2014, were evaluated retrospectively. Singleton pregnancies with detected/suspicious anatomical or genetic fetal anomalies, any systemic disease, familial genetic diseases, artificial reproduction techniques or missing data were excluded. Mean left and right uterine artery PI values and diastolic notch laterality ratios according to placental sites were determined and compared. Results: A total of 2,067 singleton pregnancies were included in data analyses. Mean gestational age was 12.57 ± 0.61 weeks. Left and right uterine artery PI was 1.42 ± 0.47 and 1.48 ± 0.56, respectively. Uterine artery notch was present in 18.86%. PI measurements did not show any statistical difference according to placental locations. Uterine artery notch laterality ratios according to common placental sites are as following; in anterior location (n=190) 67% bilateral, 21% left sided, 12% right sided; in posterior (n=136) 66% bilateral, 18% left sided, 16% right sided. Conclusion: The placental site has no effect on uterine artery PI values and the laterality of uterine artery notch in singletons.
Objective: To evaluate prevalence, etiology and prenatal diagnosis and treatment of the pregnanci... more Objective: To evaluate prevalence, etiology and prenatal diagnosis and treatment of the pregnancies with polyhydramnios. Materials and methods: Fifty two pregnancies complicated by polyhydramnios were evaluated between 1997 and 1999 in Dicle ...
... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-20... more ... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-2003 yılları arasındaki çoğul gebeliklerde obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçlarımız.Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2003; 14: 180-3. 11) Yayla M, Bayhan G, Esen S, Yalınkaya A ...
... Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği, ISTANBUL, TR 1 Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Has... more ... Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği, ISTANBUL, TR 1 Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji Bölümü, ISTANBUL, TR 2. ... viabilite sınırına ulaşabilen over gebeliği örnekleri olarak bildirilen 10 vakaya ulaşılabilmektedir 1982 ve 1991&#x27;de iki vaka daha bildirilmiştir ...
Gebelikte rutin ilk üç ay taramas›n›n sonuçlar› ve sonras›nda yap›lan tan›sal giriflimler Amaç: B... more Gebelikte rutin ilk üç ay taramas›n›n sonuçlar› ve sonras›nda yap›lan tan›sal giriflimler Amaç: Bu çal›flmada gebeli¤in ilk üç ay›nda kombine test yap›lan gebelerde risk da¤›l›m›n›n gösterilmesi, tarama sonras› yap›lan di-¤er ifllem ve giriflimler ile tan›sal test uygulanan hastalar›n genel demografik ve klinik özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanm›flt›r. Yöntem: 2008-2011 y›llar› aras›nda ilk üç ay gebelik taramas›na ait kombine test verileri retrospektif-kesitsel olarak de¤erlendirildi. Ense kal›nl›¤› (NT) ölçümü sonras›nda ayn› gün içinde kombine testi tamamlamak için ikili test uyguland›. Taramalar›n sonra-s›nda uygulanan tan›sal giriflimler oran, endikasyonlar›, karyotip ve postnatal sonuçlar aç›s›ndan karfl›laflt›r›ld›. Bulgular: Toplam 1109 gebe de¤erlendirmeye al›nd›. Takipteki gebelerin ortalama yafl› 31.07±3.73 y›ld›. Serbest βhCG ölçümü 1.26±0.94 MoM ve PAPP-A ölçümü 1.16±0.65 MoM saptand›. Birinci üç ayda ortalama NT de¤eri 1.60±0.67 mm bulundu. Eflik de¤eri 1/250 al›nd›¤›nda olgular›n %3,1'inde tarama testi pozitif saptand›. ‹lk üç ay taramas› sonunda 22 olguya ve ikinci üç ay ta-ramalar› sonras›nda 19 olguya daha tan›sal giriflim yap›ld›¤› gözlendi (toplamda %6.4). Giriflim yap›lan hastalar›n %11.3'ünde karyotip anomalisi saptand›. Kombine test sonucu pozitif olan grupta anne yafl›na ba¤l› anksiyete gibi di¤er nedenlerle giriflim ya-p›lanlara göre karyotip anomalisi daha fazla (%20) gözlendi. Sonuç: Çal›flmam›zdaki gebelik takiplerinde ilk üç ay taramas›nda kombine testte yanl›fl pozitiflik oran› %3.1 olmas›na ra¤men toplam giriflim oran› iki kat›ndan fazlad›r (%6.4). Tan›sal ifllem say›s› yafl s›-n›r›ndan kaynaklanan anne anksiyetesine ve hekimlerin sadece NT veya ikili test sonucunu dikkate almalar› nedeni ile artmaktad›r. Ta-n›sal giriflimlerde %11'lere ulaflan kromozom anomalisi ile %10'lara ulaflan sonland›rma gereksinimi ile karfl›lafl›lm›flt›r. Anne veya hekim anksiyetesine ba¤l› uygulanan giriflimlerin hiçbirinde sonland›rma gerektiren bir kromozom anomalisine rastlanmam›flt›r.
The 6p24 deletion syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome is characterized by a wide spectr... more The 6p24 deletion syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome is characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. In this case report we present an antenatal case of 6p 24 deletion syndrome variant involving FOXC1 gene. First trimester fetal screening of a 34 year old pregnant female revealed ultrasonographic anomalies and chorionic villus sampling was performed to rule out any chromosomal anomaly. Cytogenetic examination resulted in normal 46,XY karyotype. In the following weeks further anomalies like cleft palate/lip, thick nuchal fold, ventral septal defect and low set ear were detected with ultrasonography. At 20 weeks of gestation, amniocentesis and whole genome array-CGH analysis revealed a 9.6 Mb interstitial deletion in the 6p25.2p24.1 region which has many genes including an important gene, FOXC1 and 119 Kb interstitial deletion at 9q22.31. The pregnancy was terminated. Postmortem morphological examination revealed turricephaly, hypertelorism, depressed nasal b...
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2015
Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine and compare the uterine artery pulsatili... more Purpose of investigation: The authors aimed to determine and compare the uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) between spontaneous and IVF twins in the second trimester. Materials and Methods: All medical records of twin pregnancies, whose fetal screening was done between May 1999 and December 2013, were evaluated retrospectively. All twin pregnancies without detected/suspicious anatomical or genetic fetal anomalies, systemic diseases, biochemical abnormalities, and familial genetic diseases were included in the data analyses. Fetuses with no information on spontaneous or IVF conception and fetuses with undetermined uterine artery impedance of second trimester were excluded from the data analyses. Results: A total of 151 twin pregnancies were evaluated in the analyses. The percentages of spontaneous and IVF twins were 24.5 % and 75.5 %, respectively. Mean gestational age was 19.95 ± 2.25 weeks in IVF twin group and 20.10 ± 2.19 weeks in spontaneous twin group. The difference of the gestational age between groups was not statistically significant. Mean uterine artery impedance was found as 0.78 ± 0.22 in IVF twins and 0.96 ± 0.31 in spontaneous twins respectively). Mean values were significantly lower in the IVF twins (p = 0.09). Conclusion: The uterine artery PI in the second trimester is significantly lower in IVF twins compared to the spontaneous twins.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2021
OBJECTIVE The management of multiple pregnancies is still a challenge. The aim of this study was ... more OBJECTIVE The management of multiple pregnancies is still a challenge. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of triplet pregnancies managed expectantly or by multifetal pregnancy reduction to twins. STUDY DESIGN For this retrospective, comparative and monocentric study, the medical files of all women with triplets who admitted to our institution over a 13-year period were examined. Women requesting multifetal pregnancy reduction to have twins formed the study group, and women with triplets who wished to continue their pregnancies formed the control group. Main outcome measures were durations of pregnancies presented as number of weeks gestation, abortion rates, term and preterm birth rates, fetal loss and live birth rates. RESULTS During the study period, 171 women with triplets admitted to our institution. One hundred fifty one patients are included in this study. Forty-five women carrying triplets wished to continue their pregnancies and 106 women requested multifetal pregnancy reduction to have twins. Fetal reduction of triplets to twins was associated with a significantly lower incidence of birth before 34th gestational week and higher incidence of late preterm and term birth rates without changing live birth rates. CONCLUSION Multifetal pregnancy reduction of triplet pregnancies to twins resulted in a later gestational age at birth compared with the triplet gestations managed expectantly.
Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology, 2009
The term arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers to multiple joint contractures present a... more The term arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers to multiple joint contractures present at birth. AMC is not a specific disorder but is the consequence of neurological, muscular, connective tissue, and skeletal abnormalities or intrauterine crowding, which may lead to limitation of fetal joint mobility and the development of contractures. Cases referred to our perinatology department for detailed examination were retrospectively analyzed. Twelve cases with AMC were detected during the antenatal period. The ultrasound features related to the "lack of movement" included limb abnormalities (multiple contractures, clenched hands, and clubbed feet), short umbilical cord, polyhydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, camptodactyly, and micrognathia. Five of the early detected cases (71%) were found to have increased nuchal translucency or nuchal fold. All of the cases at the third trimester resulted in neonatal death. First trimester screening may be useful for early diagnosis o...
... 13. Eglowstein M, D'Alton M. Single intrauterine demise. Am J Obs-tet Gynecol 166: (SPO ... more ... 13. Eglowstein M, D'Alton M. Single intrauterine demise. Am J Obs-tet Gynecol 166: (SPO Abst: 339) 369, 1992. ... 28. Aka N, Taşkın Ü, Ayırtman M, Özbey A, Arıkan M, Kılıç G. İkizlerden birinin antepartum ölümü. 3. Ulusal Perinatoloji Kongre si Özet Kitabı: 43, Bursa, 1-5. 3. 1992. ...
... (0:00) 'Çift kol ve bacak ... Jinekoloji-Obstetrik Dergisi Year: 1996 / Volume: 6 / No: ... more ... (0:00) 'Çift kol ve bacak ... Jinekoloji-Obstetrik Dergisi Year: 1996 / Volume: 6 / No: 1. Plasma Endothelın-ı Levels In Preeclampsıa And Eclampsıa Meral ABAN * , Murat YAYLA * , Halil KAYA ** , A. Ceylan ERDEN * Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi * Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum AD ...
Objective: Investigation of the results of continued locking single layer closure of the uterine ... more Objective: Investigation of the results of continued locking single layer closure of the uterine incision. Institution: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Medical Faculty of Dicle University, Diyarbakır. Materials and Methods: The study group included 75 cases with the ...
... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-20... more ... Murat Yayla 1 , Rahime Nida Ergin 1 , Yeşim Baytur 2. ... İ, Benk D, Ayas S, Yakut Y .2000-2003 yılları arasındaki çoğul gebeliklerde obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçlarımız.Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2003; 14: 180-3. 11) Yayla M, Bayhan G, Esen S, Yalınkaya A ...
Yöntem : Gebeliğin 11-39 haftaları arasında 540 olguda fetusun burun kemik uzunluğu prospektif ol... more Yöntem : Gebeliğin 11-39 haftaları arasında 540 olguda fetusun burun kemik uzunluğu prospektif olarak ultrasonografi ile ölçüldü. Eş zamanlı olarak biparietal çap (BPD) ve femur boyları (FL) elde edildi. Zamanında canlı doğum yapan, anomali saptanmayan 276 fetusun ...
Özet: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda fetal prenazal kal›nl›k ve iliflkili oranlar› Amaç: Fetüst... more Özet: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda fetal prenazal kal›nl›k ve iliflkili oranlar› Amaç: Fetüste prenazal kal›nl›k (PT), bipariyetal çap/prenazal kal›n-l›k (BPD/PT) ve prenazal kal›nl›k/nazal kemik uzunlu¤u (PT/NBL) oranlar›n›n gebelik haftas› (GH) ile iliflkileri ve da¤›l›mlar›n›n araflt›-r›lmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Yöntem: Çal›flmaya 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda tekil sa¤l›kl› gebelikler çal›flmaya dahil edildi. Fetüsün biyometrik de¤erlendirmesi ile birlikte fetal yap›lar ayr›nt›l› olarak incelendi. Prenazal ka-l›nl›k ve burun kemi¤i ölçüldü ve her olguda BPD/PT ve PT/NBL oranlar› hesapland›. PT'nin gebelik haftas› ile iliflkisi regresyon analizi ile de¤erlendirildi. Gebelik haftalar›na göre PT persentilleri hesapland›. BPD/PT ve PT/NBL oranlar›n›n gebelik haftas› ile iliflkileri araflt›r›ld› ve persentil de¤erleri bulundu. Bulgular: Çal›flmaya toplam 393 gebe dahil edildi. PT'nin gebelik haftas› ile anlaml› olarak artt›¤› bulundu ve regresyon denklemi PT = GH × 0.24-0.87; R=0.65; p<0.01 olarak hesapland›. Ortalama PT 3.9±0.7 mm ve 95. persentil de¤erleri 16-18 gebelik haftalar›nda 4 mm, 19. gebelik haftas›nda 4.7 mm, 20-21 gebelik haftalar›nda 5 mm ve 22-23 gebelik haftalar›nda 6.0 mm olarak saptand›. PT'nin BPD ile korelasyonu araflt›r›ld›¤›nda lineer olarak artt›¤› (R=64; p<0.01) bulundu. Fakat BPD/ PT oranlar› ile gebelik haftas› aras›nda anlam-l› korelasyon saptanmad› (p=0.29). Ortalama BPD/PT 12.3±1.6 ve 5. persentil de¤eri de 10 bulundu. PT ile NBL aras›nda anlaml› korelasyon saptand› (R=0.63; p<0.01). Regresyon analizinde PT/NBL oran› ile GH aras›nda negatif korelasyon saptand› (PT/NBL =-GH × 0.016 + 1.02; R=0.25; p<0.01). Ortalama PT/NBL oran› 0.7±0.1 olup; 95. persentil de¤erleri 16-23 gebelik haftalar›nda 1.1-0.9 olarak saptand›. Sonuç: 16-23 gebelik haftalar› aras›nda PT ve PT/NBL oran› gebelik haftas› ile de¤iflmekte iken BPD/PT oran› sabit kalmaktad›r. Bundan dolay› taramalarda BPD/PT <10 (5. persentil) de¤erinin kullan›lmas›n›n daha kullan›fll› ve pratik olabilece¤i düflünülmektedir.
Papers by Murat Yayla