Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, 2020
Starting with Islam to base the framework and working of a nation state andthen leading the state... more Starting with Islam to base the framework and working of a nation state andthen leading the state based on varying interpretations of the same ideology (Islam) including liberal interpretations, socialism, sharia, moderate version of it- Pakistan is one of those states which have been basing itsnational narrative on ideology. Ideology thus brought more challenges than achieving national objectives and national interests. Additionally, ideological underpinnings and its various indices made it easy for political elite to further their schema and safeties and get peoples backing as legitimacy for their vested political interests. This respective paper anticipates to analyze this very attitude of political elite as they counted on and exploited ideological beliefs of masses along with manipulating their belief for own peculiar interests and get backing for their flawed domestic and foreign policies. Furthermore, this paper aims at assessing how political elite managed to fragment the so...

Global Foreign Policies Review, 2021
US National Security Strategy, 2017, mentioned China as a revisionist state, an economic competit... more US National Security Strategy, 2017, mentioned China as a revisionist state, an economic competitor and a challenger. US NSC China declared to compete with China under the guided principles of realism. US actions and strategies make an interesting argument to validate that USA has fallen in the Thucydides Trap, not because China has pushed the US, but because fear has engulfed her and has adopted an appropriate form of war. This article explores the approaches adopted by USA in her Hybrid War against China. It discusses the surge in attacks on China political Center of Gravity. It analyses the created chaos in Hongkong and the engineered clash of Muslim and Chinese civilisations. It observes how Corona Pandemic has been used to malign China and uncovers that US allies have been buoyed up to contain China. Before rendering conclusions, the article examines how the friends of china are being targeted.

The South Asian states have been facing grave challenges to human security since long as a result... more The South Asian states have been facing grave challenges to human security since long as a result of increasing extremism, border conflicts and terrorism. These domestic, regional and global factors are a menace and main hindrance in the progress and prosperity of this region. Terrorism has posed a serious threat to peace, security and stability of this region and the rest of the international community. This article highlights the human security problems specific to Pakistan, though contextualised within broader human security challenges affecting South Asia. Today, Pakistan is facing different types of internal and external threats. The South Asian region has strategically strong and weak features, where Pakistan and India are two major regional players. Therefore, the issues regarding peace and security depend on the relationship between these countries. Pakistan lives in an environment lacking in human security. At present, she is facing crucial problems like political instabili...

Global Foreign Policies Review, 2020
This article is an effort to examine socio-political and economic impact of COVID-19 to state sys... more This article is an effort to examine socio-political and economic impact of COVID-19 to state system global politics. Further, this study analyzes the response of US, China, Russia, India and Pakistan to Covid-19. Starting in December of 2019, first suspected as a mild cold in a seafood merchant of Hua'nan market was proved to be a fine example of "Butterfly" or you may call it "Domino" effect. At first it was taken by the world community an epidemic later regarded as a global pandemic engulfing over million of earthlings in matter of days, responsible for seizing its originating country and crippling the world's economy. As of 26 March 2020, the number of confirmed cases in the country is 1,179, with 21 recoveries and 9 deaths. World Health Organization has appreciated Pakistan for taking meaningful and timely steps deal with Corona Virus. The efforts to deal with Covid-19 by states with the help of World Health organization (WHO) are admirable. WHO is u...
Global International Relations Review, 2020
China aspires to be a regional hegemon in Asia Pacific region—this requires material as well as s... more China aspires to be a regional hegemon in Asia Pacific region—this requires material as well as social factors This paper focuses on how China is utilizing its soft power to gain social legitimacy in the region. Using Joseph Nye's soft power, it argues that China is using its soft power to develop social acceptance for its new desired role in the region. In this vein, China's Belt Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) are enhancing China's soft power in Asia Pacific region. The paper employs broader definition of soft power and analyzes all non-military tools used by China in Asia Pacific region.

Global Strategic & Securities Studies Review, 2020
This paper then looks at some important questions. First, does the age of automation and technolo... more This paper then looks at some important questions. First, does the age of automation and technological transformation often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution pose any threat to human employability? Second, what is the scope of the challenge and how soon should we expect it? Third, what might be the socio-political impact of such displacement around the world?. Fourth, whether there is enough preparedness or at least awareness of the threat posed? Finally, what has been done and can be done to thwart an unemployment apocalypse. The theoretical framework adopted is plain old zero-sum game from game theory. And the entire scope of the study required simple deductive reasoning. An important caveat worth spelling out at the outset is that this piece focuses on the very latest and mostly current developments, therefore in the absence of widely accessible material internet resources have been used for sourcing

Global Strategic & Securities Studies Review, 2020
Since the announcement of “US pivot to Asia” and “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI), both remained ... more Since the announcement of “US pivot to Asia” and “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI), both remained a center of debate in international politics both regional and global, policy making, academia, news both print and electronic media. Many people including academic experts, researchers, have written about USA pivot to Asia and BRI initiative from different perspectives. This research paper as an attempt to bring the understanding of the complexity of networked relationships between the two major powers the US and China. Moreover, attempts have been made to explore the notion of BRI and AIIB that whether it will be prone or not towards the US “Pivot to Asia” policy especially in the vast Indo Pacific region. The paper contains the significance of the Indo-Pacific region and illustrates that how the region has been using as a center for great power politics. Why the US maximize its sphere of influence and how China respond into the US interplay?

Global Foreign Policies Review, 2018
The rising influence of Iran in the wake of Arab Spring threatens both Saudi Arabia and Israel. T... more The rising influence of Iran in the wake of Arab Spring threatens both Saudi Arabia and Israel. The US shares the challenge being posed by the Iranian rise. This Iranian rise has brought the three closer. The burgeoning closing of Saudi Arabia and Israel is largely shaped by this rise. However, it remains to be investigated that what is pushing Iran to expand its regional influence. The existing literature suggests it is the policy of the US in the region which gave Iran a space to expand its muscles in Middle East. However, the literature misses to study the role of changing international structure which is providing Iran an opportunity to rise where Russian and Chinese involvement have limited the hegemonic credentials of American power to support and propagate Israel and Saudi Arabia in the region. The same structure is pushing KSA and Israel closer to each other. Moreover, the paper attempts to study the possible implications Iran can face as a result of this opening up relation...
The thesis titled "FEDERALISM AND PROVINCIAL AUTONOMY: Political and Economic Dimensions under th... more The thesis titled "FEDERALISM AND PROVINCIAL AUTONOMY: Political and Economic Dimensions under the Constitution of Pakistan 1973" is partial fulfillment of PhD degree in Politics and International Relations. The thesis has been completed under my guidance and supervision by Muhammad Imran Ashraf, Registration No. 40-SS/PHDP&IR/F10, and finally submitted to me on 15 th August 2016. I am satisfied with the quality of student's research work therefore forward this thesis for further process as per IIUI rules and regulations.
President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan is tilted in favour of Israel. The prime motivation behi... more President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan is tilted in favour of Israel. The prime motivation behind it is to put a favourable end to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Peace Plan has drawn great global response with those terming the Peace Plan as unreasonable outnumbering those who claim that the Peace Plan is devised to perfection. Despite the negative public opinion, President Trump still happens to be very confident about the prospects of his Peace Plan. The Peace Plan has very conveniently diverted attention from the domestic politics of both, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is thereby, suspected to be a part of another possible political strategy. With a multitude of players in action, this paper shall attempt to draw a comprehensive account of all the prospects of Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan.

Global Social Sciences Review, 2018
History of the politics of agitation and protest indicate that political agitation has always bee... more History of the politics of agitation and protest indicate that political agitation has always been converted from any point to the issue of provincial autonomy in Pakistan. The case of Pakistan Tehrik-E-Insaf (PTI), on alleged rigging after the general elections of 2013 also suggests that the protest after general elections 2018 would at last be transformed from rigging to demanding the redressal of provincial grievances over devolution of power under 18th amendment. Since, provincial governments including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) had continuously been registering grievances about the transfer of liabilities without transferring corresponding assets and resources to provinces. In current scenario under the slogan of 'New-Pakistan' the registering of complaints by political leadership against federation though the card of provincial autonomy would have more and prolonged potential and attraction for the general public rather than merely protest on rigging. Therefore, the bigg...
The South Asianist, Jun 4, 2013
Pakistan holds an important geopolitical position as it connects East and West, and has potential... more Pakistan holds an important geopolitical position as it connects East and West, and has potential for Global South as well as attraction for the North. It is therefore very important for Pakistan to be democratic and peaceful. This article will set forth a roadmap for with which stakeholders may engage, towards a more democratic and prosperous Pakistan. The main

Role of Social Infrastructure In Economic Development Of Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf 3. Omer Shaikh ... more Role of Social Infrastructure In Economic Development Of Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf 3. Omer Shaikh 4. Saleem Raza Bhatti ABSTRACT Purpose From the conception to the materialization, the formulation and development of plans for social infrastructure has been considered as an important factor in encouraging the development of hale and hearty communities. The provision of fair community infrastructure at all levels of human settlements (i.e. vicinity, union councils, Taluka Municipal Administrations, District councils, Metropolis, province etc.) is essential since it got recognition as a building block that affects optimistically and significantly on the excellence of life of community. The growing importance and significance of the suitable and sustainable development around the globe in human settlements has necessitated governments to lay more emphasis on community services by developing and retaining social infrastructure capable to deliver to inhabitants of society. The inadequate s...

Int J Agric Biol, 2011
The proximate composition and amino acid profile of farmed and wild silver carp (Hypophthalmichth... more The proximate composition and amino acid profile of farmed and wild silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) was determined to identify nutritional differences due to habitat changes. Fifty six fishes in total from wild and farm raised population, of two different weight categories (0.5 to 0.1 kg & 1.0 to 1.5 kg), were captured from Head Trimmu and Sher Dil Aquaculture facility District Jhang, Pakistan. Fish samples were chemically analyzed for protein, lipid, moisture and amino acid profile. When chemical composition of two fish species collected from different sources was compared, the differences were substantial. Elevated levels of protein and lipid were observed in farmed fish, while lower in wild fish. Values were, however, other way round for moisture contents. Quantitative estimation of amino acid profile was proportional to the protein contents at species level, higher in farm raised grass carp and lower in wild fish; contrarily, lipids were lower in farmed grass carp while higher in silver carp. In conclusion, grass carp showed significantly higher protein and lipid contents and lower moisture level than silver carp farmed fish is nutritionally better than wild irrespective of the species studied. Minor differences in protein and lipid levels, however, were observed when same nutrients were studied in different size groups.

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Education has incomparable obligations. One of the key purposes is to give input to national grow... more Education has incomparable obligations. One of the key purposes is to give input to national growth and labor market. To contribute in knowledge-based and knowledge driven society, higher education institutions and policy play a critical role. Higher Education System provides innovative skills to the graduates, to help transformation of the society from backward to modern economy through quality teaching, research and innovation. The Pakistan is facing multiple sectors crises such as energy, water and trade deficit. This has thus posed a greater challenge to Pakistan for its position on international economic relations. In this situation the higher education sector needs to play its role to help the country to bring it back to the economic trajectory. Under the Education Sector Reform under different Visions, the Higher Education sector of Pakistan has gone through an overhauling for the last 15 years. There is a protracted mismatch between the higher education and trained labor force which is detrimental to socioeconomic transformation. This paper is an attempt to take a stock of these reforms in the education sector for input in innovation to sustain growth on knowledge based economy. My Hypothesis thus would remain that economic transformation of Pakistan is heavily linked with generation of knowledge and therefore Higher Education of Pakistan. This paper intends to correlate the higher education input through overhauling education system of Pakistan vis-à-vis socioeconomic transformation of the society.

Global Political Review
This study delineates a 1000 Megawatt (MW) very large scale Photovoltaic (PV) system designed in ... more This study delineates a 1000 Megawatt (MW) very large scale Photovoltaic (PV) system designed in three phases, from which 100 MW has functional and the remaining two phases of 300MW, 600 MW has yet to be functional at Quaid-eAzam solar park (QSP) in Cholistan desert near Bahawalpur City of Pakistan. This study describes the opportunities and risks in the construction of solar PV plant (QSP), which is constructed through public-private partnership (3P).This study uses the case study as a part of research methodology. Firstly it explains about 3Ps, their various types and necessity. Secondly, explores the critical factors in the construction of QSP PV Plant through PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental) analysis. Thirdly outlines the effect of RE projects on the socioeconomic status of the periphery which is ignored in previous studies. The recommendations will guide the policymakers how they can embed social acceptance in RE projects.

2016, Dec 30, 2016
Economic development is always linked with systematic changes in human behavior, its basic value ... more Economic development is always linked with systematic changes in human behavior, its basic value and cultural change are paths dependent on it. The study illustrates the culture value that converges the EU into a 'single European value landscape'. Current economic growth theories do not take into account cultural variables at national levels and economic life happens in asocial context and it affects economic development. This paper gives an overview of earlier relevant studies on cultural and economic growth and established linkage between cultural norms and its economic outcome from the EU perspective. The paper concludes that culture is ought to play a central role in devising the plan for the future of Europe. The paper suggests some recommendations that a new approach may be allowed with a change of mindset which should not practice the notion that what is not allowed is forbidden to what is not forbidden is allowed.

USA at large and trump in particular , had the chance to unite the world making it more harmoniou... more USA at large and trump in particular , had the chance to unite the world making it more harmonious for living by helping declare JERUSALEM as "international city ''under the common control of Judaism , Islam and Christianity . It would have served his purpose at both fronts, domestic and foreign how? Because unpredictable and inexperienced Trump with his foreign policy adventures is facing deep divisions at home and criticism abroad .But it seems nationalist trump wants to carry out his realist foreign policy with his hate mongering war bureaucracy to thrive on the crisissecondary to his novel foreign policy approach. This is not new approach for US elite, the more the US face antagonism abroad the better it deals the divisions at home and enemies abroad through military fist. The decision strengthen or weakens US malign approach is entirely based on the reaction of the Muslim world and unpredictable religiously sanitized Christians .INTIFADAS and POPE FRANCISIM till now were fruitless, unorganized and unsupportive from the entire Christian and Muslim stake holders. The role of a leader for globalized world is thrown in fires of biasness by the US. Besides being sentimental even the realist approach was nullified practically by the trumpy tricks with purpose of deviating Americans approach from domestic politics .Furthermore realists are interest based rather chaos based .Protests by the entire Muslim community is making me optimistic and hoping to see them UNITED at least on an issue that is crux of our religious sentiments . Political and religious dynamics of Middle East can take a new path onward by setting their ways and encumbering SHIAS and SUNNIS, MONARCHS and DEMOCRATS, ORTHODOX and LIBERALS. Every individual and religion-politico stake holders should stand firm and set up a cause that it's enough and US should full stop further deterioration. The block between
The state is key unit of international environment or relations. Because a sovereign state is tra... more The state is key unit of international environment or relations. Because a sovereign state is traditionally conceived of as the sole actor to legitimately use coercive violence within its territory. These are the states that shape the regions and globe; hence if the states are peaceful ultimately regional and global civic unit will be peaceful. Consequently the primary responsibility of international community is to help the state to be peaceful. And similarly the core obligation of any state is maintaining the order and peace within its territory. In broader prospect peace is the accommodation of diverge political, economic, social and religious forces to bring affluence. This accommodation of diverge forces within the state is not an easy task therefore required an agreement which called constitution.