Contemporary Muslim communities witnessed many inventions and innovations as a result of global p... more Contemporary Muslim communities witnessed many inventions and innovations as a result of global progress and civilisation. Some of the innovations are full of evils that affect the hearts. Some Muslims instead of reading and listening to the Qur’anic recitation in the early hours of the day, they spend huge time on social medias through internet devices available to them or listening to radio news, From these it can be said every Muslim should care about his/her heart, purify it and activate Iman in it. To love Allah, to fear Him, to rely on Him, to have hope in Him to help and seek refuge from Him and make sure that there is no any disease or anything bad within the circuit of his/her heart. Greediness, envy, arrogance and ignorance are among the common evils that infect the heart. This paper cited few Qur’anic verses that are liable to hearth softening and maintained that the messages of the Glorious Qur’an can be a mechanism to scan the heart affected by evils and activate it, to make it function very well. A lively heart is the one that has Iman and Allah’s fear, while a deadly heart is the one that is full of evils which can make it unsound or weak. Therefore, this paper recommended for this society and other Muslim associations to awaken Muslims on the dangers and challenges of neglecting the recitation or listening to the Glorious the Qur’an.

The Islamic way of life always emphasized a strong sense of brotherhood in such a way that a comm... more The Islamic way of life always emphasized a strong sense of brotherhood in such a way that a community should be maintained to ensure that mutual understanding pave way for the peace and harmony, As long as individual or group of individuals failed to recognize and identify their variations, colours, nations and tribes, peaceful coexistence will no longer exist among them, and this will lead to series of violence and conflicts. In this regards Islam is a religion which adores peace rather than violence and love, compromise rather than confrontation. In line with this, the Islamic principle of reconciliation should be given attention to address the gabs caused by lack of mutual understanding. Consequent upon this, this paper reveals that reconciliation, patience (Sabr) and forgiveness will serve as tools for negotiation to reach an equitable settlement and to restore peace and security for their wellbeing. Finally, the paper recommends that, all reconciliations terms must conform with the recommendations made by Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet (SAW).

There is nothing untouched by Islam pertaining the Religious, political, Socio-economy and Securi... more There is nothing untouched by Islam pertaining the Religious, political, Socio-economy and Security life of an individual and community as a whole. Islam laid down great emphasis for an individual to live peacefully and freely in his environ according to the revealed laws. The Qur'an stated humans are created by Almighty Allah yet they differ in their views, ideas and interest, and that reasons should not be a setback to their role to move the community forward in order to bring them together to work collectively, Almighty Allah has guided them with a revelation that will lead them to resolve their disputes amicably, in view of this. The paper highlighted the wisdom and objectives of Shari'ah from the Qur'ăn & Sunnah on resolving matters amicably for sustainable Development in communities. The paper also, examined the areas where the used of amicable settlements helped in promoting peace and mutual understanding without bloodshed in some communities in Nigeria.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Orthosiphon stamineus has been used in traditional medicine for c... more Ethnopharmacological relevance: Orthosiphon stamineus has been used in traditional medicine for centuries especially to treat diseases of the urinary system.

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2011
To determine the safety and efficacy of ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy (PL) for the clearanc... more To determine the safety and efficacy of ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy (PL) for the clearance of ureteral calculi (UC). Experimental study. Department of Urology, KRL Hospital, Islamabad, from March 2006 till December 2008. Ureteroscopic PL was performed on 104 patients with ureteric calculus measuring > 6 mm; using Swiss Lithoclast through a 9.5 French semi-rigid ureteroscope. At the end of the procedure, a DJ stent was inserted. Complications were noted. Stone clearance was assessed through X-ray KUB. DJ stent was removed within 3 - 6 weeks after the procedure. Sixty-eight patients (65.4%) were males and 36 (34.6%) females. The average hospital stay was 2.6 + 2.8 days; 72 (69.6%) patients were discharged on the first post-procedure day. Complete stone clearance was achieved in 98 (94.2%) patients, at 3-6 weeks. Four patients (26.7% of upper ureteral stones) had stone retropulsion. The only major complication was perforation occurring in 2 (1.9%) distal ureters. One case wa...
Paper Presented at the
Depatment of Religious & Philosophy, University of Jos, Nigeria
A paper Submitted at the Faculty of Arts, Dept of Islamic Studies, NSUK, Keffi
Paper presentation at NSUK Keffi
Muhammad Auwal Sulaiman
Ph.D (In View) PDE
08066783171/08088525991 e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]
As long as people lives together, they might have their individual or collective interest, opinion, thought, taste and beliefs to defend or guard, and in the cause of protecting any, it may directly or indirectly lead to a dispute, conflict or misunderstanding among them. Almighty Allah has guided them with a revelation that will lead them to resolve their disputes and conflict through dialogue. (Q11:118). The effort of some of the Shari’ah States in the northern Nigeria to adopt a device mechanism for resolving conflict amicably through the use of Islamic sources, attracted the paper. It is a qualitative research, primary data are sourced from the Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas and the secondary sources of data include works written on the mechanism of conflict resolution in the modern times, papers presented at conferences, articles in learned journals and online printed material. Findings of the paper will be significance as Ṣulḥ, is the most easiest and effective means of resolving conflicts and it will recommend for other sharia’h states to adopt such a device mechanism for peace and lasting security.
KEY WORDS: Beliefs, Conflict, Dialogue, Dispute, Mechanism, Resolution, Shari’ah, Ṣulḥ,