Papers by Marcin Swobodzinski

Zapiski Historyczne, Sep 29, 2022
Brandenburg-Polish-Saxon Negotiations during Augustus II's Visit to Gdańsk in the Spring of 1698 ... more Brandenburg-Polish-Saxon Negotiations during Augustus II's Visit to Gdańsk in the Spring of 1698 Polish King Augustus II's stay in Gdańsk in 1698 provided an excellent opportunity to strengthen his existing friendly relations with Elector Frederick III. To this end, representatives of the Elector of Brandenburg, Gottfried Werner and Adam Bogislav Rubach, the former staying in Gdańsk temporarily and the latter residing there permanently, established a network with key members of the Saxon-Polish court. During the talks, a number of issues were addressed, not only those that arose in Brandenburg-Prussian-Polish, but also Brandenburg-Saxon relations. These included the Courland issue, the sale of Saxon estates, issues with postal organization, and above all, arranging the meeting of the two aforementioned rulers. Although the latter was not successfully concluded (something that Augustus II particularly cared about), intensified contacts between the monarchs resulted in a meeting in June 1698 in Pisz. In addition, the Elector's representatives took to Berlin information relating to matters of internal importance to August II at the time, such as the campaign against the Ottoman state and the conflict in Lithuania, as well as the course of action in the Sejmiks before the April Sejm. A detailed insight into the negotiations between the diplomats is possible thanks to a careful analysis of the correspondence between the deputies and Frede rick III, which is kept at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin-Dahlem.

Zapiski Historyczne
Brandenburg-Polish-Saxon Negotiations during Augustus II's Visit to Gdańsk in the Spring of 1698 ... more Brandenburg-Polish-Saxon Negotiations during Augustus II's Visit to Gdańsk in the Spring of 1698 Polish King Augustus II's stay in Gdańsk in 1698 provided an excellent opportunity to strengthen his existing friendly relations with Elector Frederick III. To this end, representatives of the Elector of Brandenburg, Gottfried Werner and Adam Bogislav Rubach, the former staying in Gdańsk temporarily and the latter residing there permanently, established a network with key members of the Saxon-Polish court. During the talks, a number of issues were addressed, not only those that arose in Brandenburg-Prussian-Polish, but also Brandenburg-Saxon relations. These included the Courland issue, the sale of Saxon estates, issues with postal organization, and above all, arranging the meeting of the two aforementioned rulers. Although the latter was not successfully concluded (something that Augustus II particularly cared about), intensified contacts between the monarchs resulted in a meeting in June 1698 in Pisz. In addition, the Elector's representatives took to Berlin information relating to matters of internal importance to August II at the time, such as the campaign against the Ottoman state and the conflict in Lithuania, as well as the course of action in the Sejmiks before the April Sejm. A detailed insight into the negotiations between the diplomats is possible thanks to a careful analysis of the correspondence between the deputies and Frede rick III, which is kept at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin-Dahlem.

Masuro-Warmian Bulletin, 2022
Rozdwojona elekcja 1697 roku i poparcie Augusta II skończyło się dla Gdańska bolesnymi represjami... more Rozdwojona elekcja 1697 roku i poparcie Augusta II skończyło się dla Gdańska bolesnymi represjami ze strony francuskiej. Konieczność normalizacji relacji z Francją oraz szukania poparcia nad dworze kopenhaskim, w celu uwolnienia przetrzymywanych tam gdańskich statków doprowadziły do szukania pomocy przez magistrat gdański w Berlinie. Oznaczało to uruchomienie przez władze miejskie wielu kontaktów oraz wysłanie na zagraniczne dwory swoich osobistych posłów. Jednym z nich był sekretarz gdański Johann Georg Schimmelpfennig, którego misja odbyła się w czerwcu 1698 roku misja na dworze elektora brandenburskiego Fryderyka III w Królewcu. Nie zakończyła się ona jednak sukcesem, bowiem władca Brandenburgii-Prus nie chcąc nawiązać ściślejszych relacji z Francją, nie był zainteresowany silniejszym popieraniem interesów miasta. Na niekorzyść miasta działała również postawa samego Augusta II, który był gotów poświęcić interesy Gdańska na rzecz zbliżenia z Francją.
Papers by Marcin Swobodzinski