Papers by Mariana Sirotova

Témou príspevku je pracovná spokojnosť učiteľov a jej vplyv na edukačnú prácu. Každý človek vníma... more Témou príspevku je pracovná spokojnosť učiteľov a jej vplyv na edukačnú prácu. Každý človek vníma svoje povolanie individuálne, ale možno očakávať, že ho práca bude v živote výrazne ovplyvňovať. Práca učiteľa so sebou prináša pozitívne aj negatívne aspekty, ktoré následne ovplyvňujú pracovnú spokojnosť, čo v konečnom dôsledku môže ovplyvniť kvalitu edukačnej práce. Práca učiteľa je nielen veľmi náročná ale aj zodpovedná. Učitelia majú v spoločnosti nezastupiteľnú úlohu, keďže svojou prácou ovplyvňujú úroveň vzdelanosti obyvateľstva. Príspevok predkladá zistenia z dotazníkového prieskumu realizovaného na slovenských školách. Cieľom prieskumu bolo zistiť odpovede na nasledujúce otázky: Ako hodnotia učitelia faktory pracovnej spokojnosti? S ktorými oblasťami sú spokojní a s ktorými nespokojní? Aké negatívne aspekty sa vyskytujú v práci učiteľov, do akej miery a ako ovplyvňujú ich výkon? Základnou metódou použitou v prieskume bol dotazník. Okrem identifikačných položiek obsahoval dotazník 17 otázok s predvolenou alternatívnou odpovede, a 3 otázky, v ktorých mali respondenti možnosť uviesť konkrétne svoj postoj k danej otázke. Dotazník obsahoval otázky týkajúce sa celkovej pracovnej spokojnosti, riadenia školy, vzťahu nadriadeného a podriadeného, atmosférou, náplňou práce, platu, kolektívu, pracovnej doby, stresu a jeho vplyvu na výkon. Prieskum bol realizovaný v roku 2023. Prieskum pracovnej spokojnosti učiteľov ukázal, že celková spokojnosť učiteľov je pomerne vysoká, aj napriek vyskytujúcim sa negatívnym faktorom. Pracovná spokojnosť učiteľov je nevyhnutná, predovšetkým ak chceme, aby školstvo poskytovalo kvalitné vzdelávanie. Rovnako aj pregraduálna príprava učiteľov v rámci vysokoškolského vzdelávania sa musí zameriavať na prípravu pre výkon profesie, preto je tento príspevok súčasťou riešenia projektu KEGA 004UCM-4/2022 Podpora zdravia a pohody študentov prostredníctvom inkluzívnej edukácie na terciárnom stupni.

EDULEARN proceedings, Jul 1, 2022
This study investigated whether changes can occur on indicators of teachers' professional identit... more This study investigated whether changes can occur on indicators of teachers' professional identity (TPI) when teachers and students share representations about what happens in class during an academic term. TPI is a process of constant negotiation between the different I-positions of teachers at the personal, social and cultural levels. The main indicators underlying this identity are: teachers' representations and perceptions of their own academic roles; their concepts of what it means to teach, learn and assess the courses they teach at university; and the feelings they associate with their duties. Teachers' education based on critical incidents could be appropriate to analyse teachers' self-positions, reflect about them and evaluate the possibility of changing any indicators of a TPI. The participants of this study were four university teachers and their students. Data were constructed employing electronic media. Questionnaires were created essentially using open questions. The findings have indicated that the methodology of shared reports was an effective educational tool that can foster changes in teaching and classroom management strategies and has the potential to foster the development of TPI. For further studies, in addition to a longitudinal project, it is also necessary to implement the method herein employed using a broader sample.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Aug 20, 2018

Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych
The COVID-19 pandemic had overnight affected all areas of traditional life. In the field of educa... more The COVID-19 pandemic had overnight affected all areas of traditional life. In the field of education, the classic face-to-face teaching was replaced by distance education at all levels of the educational system not only in Slovakia but in all countries of the world. Teachers, pupils, parents, teaching assistants, special educators or professional staff had had no experience with distance education up to that point. In today’s vulnerable world, the possibility of a combined educational process, in which teaching would be divided between face-to-face and distance education, is being raised more frequently mainly in connection with the energy crisis. Setting the right balance between face-to-face and distance education requires, among other things, defining the positives and negatives of these forms. Given the existing extensive theoretical elaboration of the issue of face-to-face teaching, our study focuses on the positives and negatives of distance education, while using the period ...

Journal of Education Culture and Society
Aim. The main aim of the article is a presentation of a comparative study of differences in ethic... more Aim. The main aim of the article is a presentation of a comparative study of differences in ethical orientations used by teachers in educational practice in two settings: in private life as parents and in the public sphere, working as teachers. Methods. First, a hypothesis was proposed to test the observations by Lawrence Kohlberg (1984) and Carol Gilligan (1993) regarding the relative stability of ethical orientations in terms of the ethics of care and justice. To this end, an assumption was made that teachers prefer the former in contacts with their own children (private sphere) while favouring the latter in relationships with students (public sphere). The paired samples t-test confirmed this hypothesis. Results. Based on the analysis, gender was found not to influence teachers’ ethical orientations in the private sphere; however, it seems to play a part in the public sphere. This ambivalence was revealed in male teachers. Contrary to gender stereotype, in contacts with their own ...
Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2022: „Omnes, omnia, omnio“ pro 21. století
V štúdii sa venujeme téme inkluzívneho vzdelávania a vyučovacím metódam, ktoré inkluzívne vzdeláv... more V štúdii sa venujeme téme inkluzívneho vzdelávania a vyučovacím metódam, ktoré inkluzívne vzdelávanie v školskej praxi podporujú. V empirickej časti textu sú stručne popísané výsledky prieskumu, zameraného na vyhodnotenie zmien vo vzťahoch a v začlenení žiakov v školskej triede po aplikovaní vybraných metód zameraných na podporu inklúzie v školskom vzdelávaní. V štúdií su použité kombinované metódy pedagogického výskumu využívajúce textovú analýzu pedagogických dokumentov a dotazníkovú metódu. V závere sú navrhnuté odporúčania v zameraní na uplatňovanie inkluzívnych metód.
Value orientation has remained a valid issue of pedagogical theory. Along with other factors valu... more Value orientation has remained a valid issue of pedagogical theory. Along with other factors value preference significantly influences a human ́s formation, his/her education and lifelong activity. It is therefore necessary to explore and based on the acquired knowledge to influence the formation of value orientation of children and adolescents also through the educational process of a school and through direct or indirect influence of a teacher. This article presents a quantitative view which subsequently allows for an adequate adjustment of further educational activity of a teacher or a school.

Tertiary education must respond to the contemporary changes that take place in our society. Such ... more Tertiary education must respond to the contemporary changes that take place in our society. Such changes do not touch only transformation of the content of school curriculum, do not result only in new forms of areas of study, in new ways to organise education and evaluation of students’ work, in relations between students and their teachers, but they also bring variations in the usage of teaching methods. Knowledge explosion, its inclusion in learning and immediate practical efficiency – it all requires a new way of university preparation. The output of studies thus is a definition of graduates’ competences that involve critical and comparative thinking, problem solving, creativity, team cooperation, and communicativeness. Appropriate teaching methods enable university teachers to develop the above mentioned students’ personal qualities and to extend theoretical knowledge of a certain area of study. They create conditions in which a university teacher and student enter a relationshi...

The New Educational Review, 2015
The article reports on empirical research into the differences in child-rearing practices between... more The article reports on empirical research into the differences in child-rearing practices between present-day families and families living at the turn of the 21st century. The concept of child-rearing practices is addressed from the point of view of social theories of learning and socio-cognitive theories which constituted the basis for the research discussed. Results show that a portion of practices significantly differs in each group, and a portion remains unchanged. The biggest difference concerns 'deferment of gratification' as a factor for the development of many social skills. In the present-day family group this childrearing effect has largely disappeared. Child-rearing practices are an essential factor in the activation of educational processes understood here as mechanisms of development. This claim derives from W. Mischela's (1973) social learning theory as well as K.Busseya and A. Bandura's (1999) socio-cognitive theory. Both theories focus on modelling as one of the main mechanisms responsible for learning behaviour considered as a socio-cultural standard. Accordingly, one can view child-rearing practices in general from two perspectives: from the point of view of formal development mechanisms, or in terms of the influential content triggering these mechanisms. Formal mechanisms of development should be seen as relatively constant and unchanging. Following the conventions adopted by neo-behavioural cognitive theories we can talk about learning through observation, direct learning, indirect experience or modelling (Bussey, Bandura 1999, p. 686). These processes, however, are realized through concrete content hidden in stereotypes, social reinforcement, social pressures, the stratification and segregation of the sexes, social sanctions, etc. (Chomczyńska-Miliszkiewicz 2002, p. 91). While the mechanisms of development,
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2018
This paper tests the hypothesis that teachers' assessments of their students' achievements are ba... more This paper tests the hypothesis that teachers' assessments of their students' achievements are based on stereotyped preconceptions of how biological sex relates to the ethics of care and the ethics of justice. The study was conducted in an experimental design. The data was analysed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for two variables: the sex of the pupil teachers worked with, and teachers' reactions in terms of ethical orientation to the male and female pupils' achievements. The results confirmed the hypothesis that during maths lessons teachers planning activities for their female pupils more often rely on the ethics of care than the ethics of justice.
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2016
The article presents studies accompanying the construction of tools used in the measurement of ed... more The article presents studies accompanying the construction of tools used in the measurement of educational efficacy in Poland and Slovakia. The Slovak tool is an adaptation of its Polish version. The authors compare psychometric properties of both tools, reveal the details of their construction and analyse the results of comparative tests within demographic variables. The research is based on Albert Bandura's social-cognitive theory and show an example of application of his ideas concerned with micro-analytical tests in pedagogy.

Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2017
The presented article focuses on examining selected forms of educational process at universities ... more The presented article focuses on examining selected forms of educational process at universities and the subsequent acting of the inquired university students regarding the participation in deciding processes in society. It is therefore necessary to analyze if the discussion related to the events on the Slovak political scene carried out during lectures and seminars at universities constituted the influence of scholarly environment on forming the voter judgment on Parliamentary Election in Slovakia of the inquired university students. It is necessary to search and examine these connections through a theoretical definition of the given issue and subsequent empirical analysis of the asked exploratory question. The theoretical part characterizes the basic notions related to the educational process, aimed at the method of university teaching and with an emphasis on the ways of realisation and the course of university education. Within the empirical part it is possible to determine the focus of the discussion carried out at lectures and seminars at universities according to the respondents' opinions. The created outline of the focus of educational process at university allows for drawing out the conditionality of the school's impact on voting decisions of the inquired university students in the Parliamentary Election in Slovakia which took place on 5 th March 2016. Data were obtained through a questionnaire prepared in advance. Data collected in April 2016 were consequently processed by the statistics software SPSS 20 and interpreted based on the results of univariant, bivariant and multivariant analysis. The respondents were 200 students studying at universities in Slovakia.
The New Educational Review, 2016
Th e article provides an empirical analysis of a relationship between ethical orientations and ed... more Th e article provides an empirical analysis of a relationship between ethical orientations and educational self-effi cacy. Ethical orientations are defi ned in the theoretical system of K. Gilligan, whereas self-effi cacy is viewed through the social-cognitive theory. Th e results of the analysis of variance demonstrate the existence of statistically signifi cant diff erences in self-effi cacy between teachers who prefer the ethics of justice and those who prefer the ethics of care, in favour of the former. However, the Eta coeffi cient shows that the relationship strength is not very large. In conclusion of the result interpretation we explain what our research explicates and what lies beyond its capacity.

Journal of Education Culture and Society
Aim. The main aim of the study is a presentation of the results of a quasi-experiment related to ... more Aim. The main aim of the study is a presentation of the results of a quasi-experiment related to using a serious game in the preparation phase of supervised teaching practice as well as during its completion. Methods. The main method of the study is a quasi-experiment with the factor rotation technique. The method comprised two phases with two unequal groups of surveyed university students. In the first phase, the experimental influence was investigated in the first group and the second group served as the control group (to compare the results). In the second phase, the groups were switched around in the quasi-experiment; the control group became the experimental group and vice versa. Results. The presented study has a theoretical-empirical character. In the theoretical part, the characteristics of quasi-experiment and its use are briefly discussed. In the empirical part, the quasi-experiment is applied to the educational reality of future teachers. Supervised practice teaching i...

Journal of Education Culture and Society
Aim. The main aim of presented study is the exploration of university students´ reflection on cho... more Aim. The main aim of presented study is the exploration of university students´ reflection on chosen characteristics of national populism in Slovakia. Methods. For the main method of the study, a quantitative approach has been used. Students studying at universities in the Slovak Republic have been addressed via a questionnaire prepared in advance. Recorded answers of sixty-seven university students studying in the Slovak Republic have been analysed via first-degree data sorting. Results. The study has a theoretical-empirical character. In the theoretical part, there is a brief characteristic of national populism and characteristics of national-populistic tactics and strategies in Slovakia. In the empirical part, the analysis of surveyed university students´ opinions shows that most addressed university students studying at Slovak universities have not expressed a negative view of presenting the interests of the Slovak nation by political representatives. Conclusion. The addressed u...

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2021
The submitted study is of theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part defines given key... more The submitted study is of theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part defines given key terms related to the issue of supervised teaching practice for future teachers. In addition to a brief characterisation of supervised teaching practice, attention is paid to the position and importance of information and communication technologies in the life of young people today. There is a brief definition of virtual reality and the attention of the study is focused on its using by young people, especially university students. The empirical part contains partial results of our own empirical study executed via a quantitative analysis of data acquired through online questionnaires, in which students of teaching answered questions related to using virtual reality during their supervised teaching practice. The acquired data were analysed by a statistical software called SPSS 20. The interpretation of results related to the given issue is based on the results of univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analyses. Multivariate data analyses was realized by correspondence analyses and the most important results of our research are illustrated in the graph of correspondence analyses-correspondence map. The main goal of the study is to emphasize the possibilities and methods of utilising virtual reality in supervised teaching practice for university students-future teachers.
Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok, 2019
Papers by Mariana Sirotova