Papers by Michael Reiterer
European Foreign Affairs Review, Feb 1, 2001
Routledge eBooks, Feb 25, 2021
Revue suisse de droit international et the droit europeen = Schweizerische zeitschrift fur internationales und europaischees recht, 2011
Journal of European Union Studies, 2020

Europeans can be proud as they look back on fi fty years of peaceful integration. Nowadays many p... more Europeans can be proud as they look back on fi fty years of peaceful integration. Nowadays many people worldwide see the European Union as a model of how states and their citizens can work together in peace and freedom. However, this achievement does not automatically mean that the EU has the ability to deal with the problems of the future in a rapidly changing world. The European Union must continue developing its unity in diversity dynamically, be it with regard to energy issues, the euro, climate change or new types of confl ict. Indeed, self-assertion and solidarity are key to the debates shaping our future. "Europe in Dialogue" wishes to make a contribution to these open debates. The analyses in this series subject political concepts, processes and institutions to critical scrutiny and suggest ways of reforming internal and external European policymaking so that it is fi t for the future. However, "Europe in Dialogue" is not merely trying to encourage an intra-European debate and makes a point of including authors from non-EU states. Looking at an issue from different angle or from afar creates a shift in perspective which, in turn, renders Europe's development more meaningful as it engages in critical dialogue with other societies.

Over the course of several decades the relationship between Japan and the EU has transformed from... more Over the course of several decades the relationship between Japan and the EU has transformed from one focused on economics and trade into one that is a more comprehensive and 'strategic partnership'. This has been built on the EU and Japan sharing common values, principles and interests. It has also grown as a result of globalisation and the new security challenges that both have had to face, although the return of geopolitics could shift relations back towards traditional security. This policy brief focuses on the political and security aspects of the EU-Japan relationship. Given Europe's links to East Asia, the EU has a stake in East Asia's security in much the same way as East Asia has a stake in the security of Europe. This policy brief therefore asks whether Japan is a genuine partner for the EU in managing relations with the broader region of East Asia and whether Japan regards the EU to be a genuine strategic partner.

神戸法學雜誌 / Kobe law journal, Mar 1, 2016
The headlines news of rising China, ensuing great power competition with the US, ASEAN's strife t... more The headlines news of rising China, ensuing great power competition with the US, ASEAN's strife to maintain a 'central' role and Japan's eagerness to regain a stronger role formerly held -all these developments pose the question of the role and relevance of the EU in the Asia-Pacific. As the largest economy world-wide on aggregate there is the expectation for the EU to play a commensurate role in international politics and to master the serious challenges it is facing. which is currently updated and further developed. Featuring a 'comprehensive' approach the High Representative/Vice President strives to integrate foreign, trade and development policies, engage in crisis management and pursue the ever evolving area of non-traditional security threats. Given the interdependence of Asia and Europe the EU and Asia are important stake-holders in each other's security. The paper outlines the EU's objectives in Asia in the bi-(free trade and political framework agreements) and multilateral context (ASEAN, ARF, ASEM, NAPCI ) . Increased public diplomacy activities should help to translate these activities into a better perception of the EU in Asia -often known to the expert but not to the respective publics and policy-makers. The EU has engaged in recent years in a process of dynamic consolidation of its relationship with Asia and the Pacific -no need for another pivot, but rather for raising visibility and presenting a comprehensive approach to Asia, beyond trade and economics.
European Foreign Affairs Review, Aug 1, 2009
. The Mediterranean remains a crucial area for the EU. Among other things, it is the Union’s gate... more . The Mediterranean remains a crucial area for the EU. Among other things, it is the Union’s gateway to the crucial oil of the Gulf states, therefore political stability in the region is vital. This paper looks at EU attempts to forge a relationship with the Mediterranean through particularly the ENP. It concludes with the realisation that it reamins a ‘region under construction’, and offers some insights gained from an analysis of successful interregionalism offered by the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) process, and highlights some common as well as diverging features between these two forms of cooperation.
EU Studies in Japan, 2008
Springer eBooks, Oct 24, 2022
Die österreichische Außenpolitik gegenüber Asien ist bilateral bestimmt, mit Fokus auf China; Ver... more Die österreichische Außenpolitik gegenüber Asien ist bilateral bestimmt, mit Fokus auf China; Veranstaltungen und Schwerpunkte ergeben sich aus Anlässen (Besuchen, Jubiläen). Mit dem Beitritt zur Europäischen Union (EU), die im Unterschied zu Österreich auf Grundsatzpapiere und Strategien setzt, orientiert sich Österreich an der EU. Anders die Wirtschaft, die sich der Bedeutung Asiens bewusst ist und ministeriell sowie durch die Wirtschaftskammer Österreich eine Asienstrategie verfolgt. Kultur, Tourismus, Nachhaltigkeit könnten in einem Gesamtkonzept eine wichtigere Rolle spielen. Eine klare strategische Ausrichtung würde Österreich als Gesprächspartner innerhalb der EU und gegenüber asiatischen Partnern aufwerten.
Papers by Michael Reiterer