Papers by Maurizio Rebaudengo, 2024
Italian premiere of "Things I know to be true" by Andrew Bovell
Storia del teatro moderno e contemporaneo. Vol. I, 2000
A study on the new profession generated by the success and diffusion of opera in XVIIth century: ... more A study on the new profession generated by the success and diffusion of opera in XVIIth century: the librettist., 2024
È andata in scena al Gran Teatre del Liceu di Barcellona è andata in scena Orgia del compositore ... more È andata in scena al Gran Teatre del Liceu di Barcellona è andata in scena Orgia del compositore Héctor Parra su libretto di Calixto Bieito, che ne cura anche la regia.
Atti del convegno internazionale "L'italianistica nel terzo millennio: le nuove sfide nelle ricerche linguistiche, letterarie e cultural"i, 2021
This paper demonstrates how "Senso", the film by Luchino Visconti, can be considered as an aesthe... more This paper demonstrates how "Senso", the film by Luchino Visconti, can be considered as an aesthetic crossing point of different topics, that can enrich courses of Italian Studies.
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, 1996
An intertextual analysys of Vittorio Alfieri's 'tramelogedia' "Abele", demonstrating its relation... more An intertextual analysys of Vittorio Alfieri's 'tramelogedia' "Abele", demonstrating its relationship with G, B, Andreini's "L''Adamo", Torquato Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata" and John Milton's "Paradise Lost" (read in Paolo Rolli's translation).
Umberto Eco's Alternative. The Politics of Culture and The Ambiguities of Interpretation, 1998
An essay on Umberto Eco's journalistic writings before his global success with "The name of the r... more An essay on Umberto Eco's journalistic writings before his global success with "The name of the rose"..
Narrativa, 2020
Il saggio propone una riflessione sulla Lehman Trilogy di Stefano Massini e sul romanzo/ ballata ... more Il saggio propone una riflessione sulla Lehman Trilogy di Stefano Massini e sul romanzo/ ballata che l’ha seguita – Qualcosa sui Lehman – spingendosi fino a riflettere sulla pandemia che ha travolto il mondo intero nel 2020 e criticando in particolare la speranza di un ritorno alla normalità. La crisi finanziaria, cominciata col tracollo della celebre banca americana di cui Massini ricostruisce la genesi come fosse un mito moderno, diventa una sorta di prologo alla crisi sanitaria che il mondo sta attraversando ed è interpretabile come una concreta rappresentazione degli orizzonti economici globali e globalizzati., 2024
A review of Alberto Mattioli's last book "Destra maldestra" on the cultural disaster of the Itali... more A review of Alberto Mattioli's last book "Destra maldestra" on the cultural disaster of the Italian right wing, currently governing the country., 2024
Last staging of Euripides' tragedy in Turin by Leonardo Lidi., 2024
Première of Pirandello's "La vita che ti diedi" staged by Stéphane Braunschweig in Turin.
ORC | Observatoire du Récit Criminel - Osservatorio del Racconto Criminale, 2024
Esaminare la rappresentazione della malavita organizzata nelle arti performative, in particolare ... more Esaminare la rappresentazione della malavita organizzata nelle arti performative, in particolare nell'opera lirica., 2024
A review of Giovanni Testori's "La Maria Brasca" staged by Andrée Ruth Shammah., 2024
Recensione prima nazionale del dramma di Jon Fosse.
A review of the Italian premiere of "The Girl... more Recensione prima nazionale del dramma di Jon Fosse.
A review of the Italian premiere of "The Girl on the Sofa" by 2023 Nobel laureate Jon Fosse.

The dissertation is an attempt to systematize Carlo Emilio Gadda\u27s descriptive ability and the... more The dissertation is an attempt to systematize Carlo Emilio Gadda\u27s descriptive ability and the focuses of his narrative landscape, their symbolical meanings in an intertextual context. Starting from the meaning of the word landscape itself for the Italian language and specifically for Gadda-- landscape as broadly and metaphorically meant by Jean-Pierre Richard--the thesis displays the places and the objects in which such a landscape is articulated, and their meanings: the seas and the shores, as forms of the light; the mountains, as forms of the ascent and of the abyss; the rivers and the lakes, as forms building history by accumulation of layers; the gardens, as forms of time; the representations of the sacred, as moments of the philology unsuccessfully attempting to retrieve an origin; the architecture and the buildings, inside of which a particular attention is dedicated to the living rooms, as social places par excellence; the photographs and the bodies portrayed in them as forms of the death; the mythology and, in specific, Hermes, as the pagan god connecting the human world to another dimension., 2024
A new staging of Peter Weiss' "The Investigation", 2024
Aldo Moros's tragedy in a fabulous stage version., 2024
Review of Shakespeare's Othello by the Hungarian stage director Kriszta Székely, 2023
Review Nanni Moretti's first experience on stage: "Diari d'amore" by Natalia Ginzburg, 2022
Tremolardellamarina _ Amar che a nullo amato mai perdona, 2023
Papers by Maurizio Rebaudengo
A review of the Italian premiere of "The Girl on the Sofa" by 2023 Nobel laureate Jon Fosse.
A review of the Italian premiere of "The Girl on the Sofa" by 2023 Nobel laureate Jon Fosse.