M. R. Ishak
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The University of Manchester
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Papers by M. R. Ishak
and is regarded as an industrial crop in Malaysia for various applications.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of orientation on the
tensile and flexural strengths, Charpy impact test, and morphological
properties of kenaf fibre-reinforced poly vinyl butyral (PVB) composites.
Laminates of 40% fibre weight fraction were manufactured using the hot
press manufacturing technique at 0°/90° and 45°/−45° orientations, and
eight specimens were prepared for each test. The mechanical properties
of the composites were variably affected by the fibre orientation angle.
The results showed that the composites at 0o/90o had the highest tensile
strength, flexural strength, and flexural modulus, while the elongation at
break was almost the same. Additionally, tests were carried out on the
composites to determine their impact energy and impact strength. The
results revealed that impact properties were affected in markedly
different ways by different orientations. The composite at 45°/−45°
offered better impact properties than the composites at 0°/90°. In
addition, scanning electron microscopy for impact specimens was
employed to demonstrate the different failures in the fracture surfaces.
and is regarded as an industrial crop in Malaysia for various applications.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of orientation on the
tensile and flexural strengths, Charpy impact test, and morphological
properties of kenaf fibre-reinforced poly vinyl butyral (PVB) composites.
Laminates of 40% fibre weight fraction were manufactured using the hot
press manufacturing technique at 0°/90° and 45°/−45° orientations, and
eight specimens were prepared for each test. The mechanical properties
of the composites were variably affected by the fibre orientation angle.
The results showed that the composites at 0o/90o had the highest tensile
strength, flexural strength, and flexural modulus, while the elongation at
break was almost the same. Additionally, tests were carried out on the
composites to determine their impact energy and impact strength. The
results revealed that impact properties were affected in markedly
different ways by different orientations. The composite at 45°/−45°
offered better impact properties than the composites at 0°/90°. In
addition, scanning electron microscopy for impact specimens was
employed to demonstrate the different failures in the fracture surfaces.