Papers by Martin Mainberger
Archaologische Ausgrabungen in Baden Wurttemberg, 2006
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Jan 30, 2020
Journal of Wetland Archaeology
The article is a preliminary report on a rescue excavation carried out by the Regierungspräsidium... more The article is a preliminary report on a rescue excavation carried out by the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege inside the marina of Sipplingen, Lake Constance, in winter 2005. The excavation became imperative when in the eastern parts of the marina submerged archaeological evidence was in danger of total destruction. 36 square meters were excavated by a team of archaeological
Archaologische Ausgrabungen in Baden Wurttemberg, 2004
Archaologie Der Schweiz, 2009
... In: Berichte zu Ufer-und Moorsiedlungen Südwestdeutschlands II. Stuttgart 1985, 9-42, W. Oste... more ... In: Berichte zu Ufer-und Moorsiedlungen Südwestdeutschlands II. Stuttgart 1985, 9-42, W. Ostendorp et al,, Auswirkung des globalen Klimawandels auf den Bodensee. Schriften des Vereins für die Geschichte des Bo-densees und seiner Umgebung 125, 2007, 139-244. ...

Das Weltklima unterliegt zeitgenössisch einem durchgreifenden Wandel, wie er in dieser Geschwindi... more Das Weltklima unterliegt zeitgenössisch einem durchgreifenden Wandel, wie er in dieser Geschwindigkeit und in diesem Ausmaß seit mindestens tausend Jahren nicht festgestellt werden konnte (Mann et al. 1999; IDAG 2005; IPCC, 2007). Im vergangenen Jahrhundert stieg die mittlere Temperatur der Erde um etwa 0,7 °C an und sie dürfte in den nächsten Jahrzehnten mit einer Rate von 0,2 °C/10 Jahre weiter steigen (Brohan et al. 2006). Eine wesentliche Ursache wird in der globalen Zunahme von Treibhausgasen,vornehmlich des Kohlendioxids (CO2) gesehen, dessen Konzentrationen von rd. 280 ppm (vorindustrieller Referenzwert um 1750) auf nunmehr 380 ppm gestiegen ist. Verantwortlich hierfür sind vor allemmenschliche Aktivitäten, z. B. die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger, die Abholzung der Wälder und der Landnutzungswandel (IPCC 2001). Von großer Bedeutung sind die Veränderungen im globalen Wasserhaushalt, insbesondere die Zunahme der Wasserdampfsättigung in der Atmosphäre (Soden et al.2005, Arn...
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 2009
In 2004 the remains of a logboat were discovered in Degersee, a small lake near Lake Constance, s... more In 2004 the remains of a logboat were discovered in Degersee, a small lake near Lake Constance, southern Germany. Dating to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, it is an important find from a period with scarce archaeological evidence and only a few previously-known logboats. The vessel was situated in lake sediment and documented in situ. Our investigations can be linked to palaeo-environmental studies carried out at Degersee and adjacent lakes, and to palaeo-climatic research in the northern Alpine region. After investigation by underwater archaeologists the boat was moved to a sheltered place in deeper water.© 2008 The Author

Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2009
Mooring areas are a common form of berthing in many of Germany’s inland waters for the growing nu... more Mooring areas are a common form of berthing in many of Germany’s inland waters for the growing number of sporting boats. A circular swinging zone around the anchor zone is formed, in which the submerged macrophyte vegetation is destroyed to a large extent, and the sediment surface is eroded. We investigated the effects of two types of buoy (conventional and so-called hook-buoys) in comparison with undisturbed reference sites nearby. The aim of the study was to identify possible harmful consequences of mooring sites to lake littoral habitats in Lake Constance-Untersee, and to provide information to managers to aid them in the formulation of mooring management plans with the least ecological impact. The study focused on submerged vegetation, surface sediments and macro-invertebrate colonisation. In the swinging circle of conventional buoys (87 m2) we observed a significant sediment matter erosion of 0.9 tonnes and a reduction of organic matter amount by 4.5% of the undisturbed reference. The vegetation free area increased by 122%, and the phytomass (mainly Chara div. spp.) was reduced by 14.6% per berth. The psammophilous macro-invertebrate numbers were not significantly affected (−3%) in contrast to the phytophilous taxa which were reduced by 12.7% per berth. The mayfly larvae were the most negatively affected taxon. Oligochaetes profited from the clearing of the sediment surface in the swinging circles. The ecological effects of the hook-buoys were more minor, mainly due to the smaller swinging circle (6 m2). We concluded that the detrimental effects of mooring can be significantly reduced by mooring systems, e. g. the hook-buoy system as it was used in this study, which reduce the area disturbed and cleared by the anchor chain. We argue that these results can be generalised to mooring areas with soft bottom and dense macrophyte vegetation in Lake Constance and other large lakes.
Papers by Martin Mainberger