Papers by Mona Flognfeldt

Moving English Language Teaching Forward
Language educators in today’s classrooms face the complex responsibility of teaching English to p... more Language educators in today’s classrooms face the complex responsibility of teaching English to prepare students for a variety of requirements in the field of education and work. At the same time, they need to empower students to make use of their English resources to communicate as effectively as possible with speakers in local and global contexts where English is used as a contact language, i.e., English as a lingua franca (ELF), by people who do not speak and understand each other’s primary languages. The concept of ELF is regarded in diverse ways in various educational settings, and often it is described negatively in comparison with the norms of native-speaker English. However, this deficiency orientation is not conducive to the development of confident language users, which is an aim clearly outlined in the revised national English subject curriculum in Norway. This chapter proposes a post-deficiency approach to the teaching and learning of English, calling for a change of att...

Language Assessment Quarterly
The increasing representation of young language-minority students in school settings around the w... more The increasing representation of young language-minority students in school settings around the world and recent insights into multilingualism as a potential reggsource for language learning and development call for a critical study of theoretical and practical implications for the field of language teaching and assessment. Relatively little attention has been devoted to exploring the assessment of very young students' language proficiency in the context of multilingualism. The current study explores the role of multilingualism in language assessment in the Norwegian school context. The study is based on teachers' perceptions and practices as regards the way centrally and locally mandated language assessment is carried out in EFL and Norwegian (language arts) in a multilingual elementary school in Norway. The results of the study identify factors that impact on the enactment of language assessment at the beginner level and the assumptions underlying these practices. The paper contributes to our understanding of issues of validity and social consequences in connection with assessment in a multilingual education environment.

Acta Didactica Norge, 2016
Denne artikkelen presenterer en studie av den type læring praktiserende engelsklærere i norsk gru... more Denne artikkelen presenterer en studie av den type læring praktiserende engelsklærere i norsk grunnskole selv rapporterer etter et års videreutdanningsstudium i engelsk. Et pedagogisk utviklingsprosjekt på egen skole inngikk som en sentral del av studiet. Studien gir et innblikk i hvilke aspekter ved skolefaget engelsk som erfarne lærere definerer som hovedutfordringer i undervisningen og utbyttet de har hatt av prosjektene sine. Artikkelen bygger på data fra den kritiske refleksjonen som lærerne gir uttrykk for mot slutten av prosjektene sine. På bakgrunn av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av prosjektrapportene identifiseres vesentlige felles språkdidaktiske elementer i lærernes konseptualisering av sin egen rolle og egne prioriteringer overfor elevenes læring. Denne typen lærerforskning kan få viktige følger for opplæringen i studiefaget engelsk i lærerutdanningen. Relevante forestillinger blant praktiserende lærere kan kanaliseres tilbake til lærerutdanningen for på den måten å medie...
... for learning o Skills development (reading, speaking, writing, integrating ICT skills, numera... more ... for learning o Skills development (reading, speaking, writing, integrating ICT skills, numeracy in ... the students themselves through their journals and contact conferences, my own study of other ... The New English Language Curriculum Standards (for Junior and Senior High School ...
Perspectives on Educational Practice Around the World
Perspectives on Educational Practice Around the World
Papers by Mona Flognfeldt