Papers by Muhammad Fikhi akbar
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of internal and external factors on bank l... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of internal and external factors on bank lending. Internal factors in this study are CAR, DPK, LDR, and NPL. Meanwhile, the external factors used are GDP and JIBOR. The sample used is PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The data used in this study was obtained from the quarterly financial statements of bank BRI in the 2017-2021 period and analyzed using the least square method. This study found that the DPK and LDR variables partially had a positive and significant effect on lending, the CAR, NPL, and JIBOR variables did not have a significant effect on lending, and the GDP variables had a negative effect on lending. In contrast, simultaneously the CAR, DPK, LDR, NPL, GDP, and JIBOR variables significantly affected the distribution of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

Jurnal Teknik dan Sistem Komputer
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan rangkaian yang akan membantu tan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan rangkaian yang akan membantu tanaman silangan secara otomatis menyuburkan dan memantau pH tanah. Saat menerapkan pupuk dengan menyiram, terkadang mengalir ke penanam sayuran. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, kehadiran sensor dan mikrokontroler telah memudahkan penggunaan modul RTC (real-time clock) sebagai pengontrol sistem untuk membuat perangkat aplikasi irigasi dan pupuk otomatis yang bergantung pada waktu. Sensor yang digunakan adalah sensor pH monitoring yang menampilkan pH tanah pada layar LCD. Pompa air yang digunakan untuk menyiram air dan pupuk beroperasi sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan oleh modul RTC. Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 diperlukan agar program ini berfungsi sebagaimana dimaksud. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memprogram alat ini untuk melakukan irigasi pupuk berdasarkan instruksi yang ditentukan. Menggunakan pembacaan dari sensor pH tanah, petani dapat menentukan apakah tanah dalam kondisi baik untuk ta...

Qaumiyyah: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara
The article entitled review of Fiqh Siyasah on the performance of the village head in empowering ... more The article entitled review of Fiqh Siyasah on the performance of the village head in empowering the community in Konamukan Village, Bunobogu District, Buol Regency. This paper aims to determine the performance of the Konamukan Village Head in empowering the community and his review of siyasah fiqh. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and data verification. As well as checking the validity of the data used are trust, dependence, certainty and triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the village head's performance in community empowerment, especially in development in Konamukan Village, is quite good, although there are still obstacles in community development. This can be seen from the quality of work, the implementation of the physical program which reaches 80 percent. Regarding timeliness, the performa...

Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation
This study aims to determine the role of the public prosecutor in the application of PERJA Number... more This study aims to determine the role of the public prosecutor in the application of PERJA Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice against criminal cases of theft and to determine the role of the prosecutor in the future in implementing Restorative Justice against criminal acts of theft whose losses have been recovered exceeding Rp 2,500,000,- (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand). This type of research is empirical juridical legal research, where the data is obtained from the field and described following the actual reality. The results of the study show that (1) cases that were settled based on PERJA Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice must prioritize a peace agreement between the two parties by taking into account three main elements, namely the suspect is the first time to commit a crime, a crime only threatened with imprisonment of not more than 5 (five) years, and the loss of a crime no...

Power plant in Indonesia is still dominated by thermal plant from diesel fuel, gas and coal which... more Power plant in Indonesia is still dominated by thermal plant from diesel fuel, gas and coal which cannot be renewed. The renewable energy potential in Indonesia is highly able to develop such as photovoltaic, wind turbine and micro hydro plant. Hybrid power plant system is a method of combining two or more plants in order to obtain the synergy which give a positive impact in technical (reliability supply system) and economic advantage. The main purpose of this research is to construct a controlling system of hybrid plant renewable energy to maintain the load supply by utilizing microcontroller ATMega2560 as the central of the control. The finding of this research is hybrid system which has constructed is well function with battery voltage value equal to 10 Volt as relay parameter to switch one power plant to another.

Asikular ferit ialah fase yang biasanya terbentuk pada pengelasan baja karbon rendah. Penelitian ... more Asikular ferit ialah fase yang biasanya terbentuk pada pengelasan baja karbon rendah. Penelitian ini digunakan baja karbon rendah ASTM A516 grade 55 yang dalam industi untuk pressure vessel dan boiler. Dilakukan pengelasan dengan variasi arus dengan besar 110A, 125A, 140A, 155A dan 170A. Selanjutnya diberikan perlakuan tempering yang digunakan adalah tanpa perlakuan dan dengan perlakuan 600oC. Heat input tinggi membuat terbentuknya asikular ferit yang dominan pada HAZ. Tempering mengakibatkan terbentuknya ferit halus. Pada weld metal pembentukan asikular ferit lebih sedikit ketika dibandingkan HAZ dikarenakan unsur paduan pada weld metal yaitu Mn dan Ni. Kenaikan heat input menyebabkan kenaikan kekerasan pada benda kerja baik itu HAZ ataupun weld metal. Tempering dapat menurunkan kekerasan dari benda kerja sekitar 10-20 VHN. Heat input tinggi menyebabkan semakin tingginya tegangan impact. Penggunaan tempering dapat menaikkan tegangan impact. Pada pengujian bending seluruh parameter ...

Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions
In the era of digital economic development, blockchain and crypto asset innovations have gained w... more In the era of digital economic development, blockchain and crypto asset innovations have gained wide acceptance and skyrocketing worldwide demand. Behind the emergence of popular crypto assets, the mechanism of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is used to issue this new form of currency. An ICO is highly favoured because of its efficiency, minimum underwriting requirements, high profits, and liquidity. Without exception, the hype accompanying ICOs has also influenced the Indonesian public. There remains, however, very minimal protection for investors who participate in ICOs that are being held in Indonesia. There are many disadvantages to an ICO, including high risks for investors, its vulnerability to fraud or crime, and the lack of regulation regarding the mechanism of ICOs. Furthermore, ICOs are very much intertwined with the development of decentralised finance (DeFi), one of the latest crypto-related financial innovations. DeFi likewise poses various risks and threats to the tradi...

Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung
KKN Tematik Covid-19 merupakan program KKN yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan kondisi... more KKN Tematik Covid-19 merupakan program KKN yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan kondisi pandemi saat ini dimana mahasiswa dapat membantu masyarakat di daerah bersangkutan dengan upaya mencegah serta memutuskan penyebaran Covid-19 ini. Kelurahan kacang pedang, satu dari kelurahan yang berada di kecamatan Gerunggang Kota Pangkal Pinang, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Secara umum kelurahan Kacang Pedang memiliki luas wilayah yaitu 188,42 ha yang terdiri atas 3 Rukun Warga (RW) dam 10 Rukun Tetangga (RT). Total jumlah penduduk sebanyak 7.832 dengan jumlah penduduk laki-laki yaitu 3.968 dan penduduk perempuan yaitu 3.864. Desa Rias berjarak ± 10 Km dari Ibukota Kabupaten Bangka Selatan dengan potensi unggulan terbesar dari persawahan dengan luas 3.071 Ha dari luas total Desa Rias yaitu 5.000 Ha. Desa Rias dengan masyarakat yang berasal dari berbagai suku seperi Jawa, Sunda, Bugis, dan asli Melayu menjadikan Desa Rias hidup berdampingan dengan berbagai suku dan Budaya. Desa...

Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat masyarakat indonesia semakin sadar untuk menjaga kesehatan dan daya taha... more Pandemi Covid-19 membuat masyarakat indonesia semakin sadar untuk menjaga kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh, dan kemudian melakukan PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) yang dapat menjadikan perubahan pola hidup di masyarakat untuk mengonsumsi produk yang banyak dicari oleh masyarakat adalah jamu. Jamu sendiri memang dipercaya berkhasiat untuk menguatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh hingga mengurangi peradangan dan kadar lemak tubuh. Menjaga imunitas tubuh sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi diri kita sendiri. Hal tersebut didukung dengan adanya pemanfaatan TOGA yang telah dibudidayakan oleh warga BTN Batara Graha. Meskipun mereka mempunyai lahan yang kurang luas tetapi mereka tetap bisa membudidayakan tanaman TOGA ini. Manfaat TOGA sangatlah banyak, salah satunya adalah bisa dijadikan jamu dan rimpang-rimpang yang terdiri dari kunyit, jahe, sereh dan temulawak. Dalam memasuki masa new normal sangat baik jika kita meminum jamu karena dapat meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dan menjadi salah satu cara untuk...

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age, is ass... more Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age, is associated with a poor and unhealthy diet. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a high sucrose and cholic acid (HSCA) diet in the presence of PCOS-like phenotypes. Female Wistar rats were divided into HSCA and normal diet groups for four weeks, each with twenty rats. Body weight was assessed before and after the study. Blood and fecal samples were obtained to measure HOMA-IR and testosterone level (ELISA) and Enterobacteriaceae isolates grown on MacConkey Agar. Obtained ovarian tissues were H&E-stained. HSCA rats demonstrated a reduction in Enterobacteriaceae colonies (median 4.75 × 105 vs. 2.47 × 104/CFU, p < 0.001) and an elevated HOMA-IR (mean 2.94 ± 1.30 vs. 4.92 ± 0.51, p < 0.001), as well as an increase in testosterone level (median 0.65 vs. 3.00 ng/mL, p < 0.001), despite no statistical differences in the change in body weight (mean −2.31 ± 14.42 vs. −3.45 ± 9.32, p...

Qaumiyyah: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara
In research conducted in Kab. Morowali with the theme of Siyasah Syar'iyah Review on Optimizi... more In research conducted in Kab. Morowali with the theme of Siyasah Syar'iyah Review on Optimizing the Role of the Bahodopi District Election Committee in increasing participation in the 2020 Governor and Deputy Governor Elections shows that public participation in the regional head election in Morowali Regency, Bahodopi District is not optimal, even far from expectations, because many people are more choose not to participate in the election of regional heads in this case the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor. Several factors caused the suboptimal participation of the community in the 2020 regional head elections, including: first, the number of people who consider regional head elections unimportant and have no effect on people's welfare. Second, there are many people who have lost trust in local government so that they think that the regional head election does not have an impact on their lives. Third, many people are busy in their work. Fourth, due to the COVID-1...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Jan 15, 2022
XYZ merupakan UKM yang bergerak dibidang industri tekstil. Produk-produk yang dihasilkan ialah be... more XYZ merupakan UKM yang bergerak dibidang industri tekstil. Produk-produk yang dihasilkan ialah berbagai macam jenis model pakaian ready to wear untuk dewasa dan anak serta design dapat menyesuaikan dengan permintaan konsumen. Bentuk transaksi bisnis XYZ merupakan Bisnis to Bisnis (B2B), seperti Ramayana, Matahari, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sistem kompensasi dan mengevaluasi jabatan, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang digunakan sebagai dasar penetapan gaji, dan membuat struktur gaji yang ideal untuk diimplementasikan pada UKM Konveksi XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis dengan metode tumpang tindih (overlapping). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa XYZ belum memiliki kompensasi yang ideal. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi dasar dari penetapan gaji adalah education, experience, kepemimpinan kelompok, percaya diri, kerjasama, peduli terhadap ketelitian & keakuratan, pemikiran analitis, fleksibilitas, orientasi pelayanan pelanggan, serta planning atau coordinating. Dengan metode overlapping, hasil diperoleh sistem kompensasi XYZ ideal untuk diterapkan.

IEEE Access
Insulation has been widely used to protect metal substrates in various industries such as turbine... more Insulation has been widely used to protect metal substrates in various industries such as turbine blades and oil and gas pipelines. Due to aging and cyclic processes, delamination between the metal component and insulation could grow. Such defects represent a critical problem that may result in catastrophic failure of the asset. Therefore, detecting and evaluating delaminated areas is mandatory for providing urgent maintenance solutions before the failure occurrence. In this paper, microwave nondestructive technique (NDT) is proposed for delamination detection and thickness estimation under dielectric insulation. In microwave NDT, the electromagnetic waves are induced into the dielectric material's surface using a ridge waveguide. The complex reflection coefficients are acquired using a vector network analyzer for further analysis in the time domain. Next, a time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technique-based inverse discrete Fourier transform is used to evaluate the complex reflection coefficients in terms of delamination's size and thickness estimation. The delamination evaluation is performed by measuring the maximum peak's time-step variations instead of the magnitude reduction in conventional TDR techniques in terms of the defect and defect-free reflections. Next, a comparison is made between implementing the proposed technique using a ridge waveguide and a regular rectangular waveguide. The results prove the superiority of using the ridge waveguide for delamination evaluation in terms of sizing and thickness with a minimum error rate of 5% and 7.87%, respectively. These novel results of ridge waveguide due to its small aperture and relatively wide bandwidth. The microwave NDT technique reported here could provide a predictive maintenance tool for many industries to minimize the maintenance effort and cost.

Publika, Jul 27, 2018
Dana Desa sepenuhnya di tujukan untuk memfasilitasi pembangunan dan pemeberdayaan desa sesuai yan... more Dana Desa sepenuhnya di tujukan untuk memfasilitasi pembangunan dan pemeberdayaan desa sesuai yang diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang dan ketetapan yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Dana Desa digunakan untuk membiayai pembangunan Desa guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, peningkatan kualitas hidup, serta penanggulangan kemiskinan. Walaupun demikian masih terdapat ketidakmerataan pembangunan di desa, khususnya di Desa Seppong dimana prasarana pendidikan dan kesehatan lebih lengkap di bandingkan prasarana ekonomi, terutama akses jalan yang masih rusak, padahal jalan merupakan hal fatal, jika jalan rusak maka akan menghambat aksessibilitas masyarakat desa bahkan bisa menghambat laju perkembangan ekonomi, Selain itu akses air bersih masih sulit untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, masyarakat masih harus mengandalkan sumur dan sungai yang ada didesa tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses Implementasi Kebijakan Dana Desa di Desa Seppong Kecamatan Tammerodo Sendana Kabupaten Majene, dianalisis menggunakan model Implementasi Donald Van Metter dan Carl Van Horn dengan 6 variabel yaitu ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber daya, karakteristik agen pelaksana, sikap/kecenderungan para pelaksana, komunikasi, dan lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan politik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan dan desa di desa Seppong masih belum berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat bahwa pembangunan dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan tidak jalan berdampingan dengan bidang ekonomi yang sangat tertinggal, kebutuhan dasar seperti air masih susah, jalan rusak, hal ini juga disebabkan karena kurangnya sumber daya finansial yang menyebabkan program pembangunan terhambat, hal ini disebabkan karena desa tidak mempunyai penghasilan sendiri yang dapat menopang penyelenggaran pemerintahan desa. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Dana Desa, Pembangunan Infrastruktur Abstrak The Village Fund is entirely aimed at facilitating the development and empowerment of the village as mandated by the Law and provisions stipulated by the Government of Indonesia. Village funds are used to finance village development in order to improve the welfare of the community, improve the quality of life, and reduce poverty. Nevertheless, there are still inequality in development in the village, especially in Seppong Village where education and health infrastructure is more complete than economic infrastructure, especially access roads that are still damaged, even though the road is fatal, if the road is damaged it will hamper the accessibility of the village community and even hamper the rate of economic development, In addition to clean water access is still difficult for everyday needs, people still have to rely on wells and rivers that exist in the village. This study aims to find out how the Village Fund Policy Implementation process in Seppong Village, Tammerodo Sendana District, Majene Regency, was analyzed using Donald Van Metter and Carl Van Horn Implementation models with 6 variables, policy measures and objectives, resources, implementing agent characteristics, attitudes / tendencies implementers, communications, and the economic, social and political environment. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of policies and villages in Seppong village is still not going well. This can be seen that the development in the education and health sectors does not go hand in hand with the economically disadvantaged sectors, basic needs such as water are still difficult, roads are damaged, this is also due to lack of financial resources that cause development programs to be hampered, this is because the village have no own income which can sustain the administation of the village.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2021
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

IEEE Access, 2021
Microwave Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques for dielectric coatings are vital processes in... more Microwave Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques for dielectric coatings are vital processes in many industrial applications due to their superior defect detection capabilities over traditional NDT methods. However, the limited bandwidth and post-processing complexities of these techniques cause them to fall short of accurately estimating the delamination thickness in such structures. In this paper, a novel low-complexity signal processing method is proposed to estimate the delamination thickness in metal-backed dielectric coatings using bandwidth-limited Open-Ended Rectangular Waveguide (OERW) probes. Here, Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) process is used to convert the measured complex reflection coefficients at the surface of the coating to the time domain. Next, the amplitude of a specific time step is used to accurately estimate the delamination thickness without extra time-consuming processing. Using a 3 mm-thick macor samples with machined defects, the proposed technique is validated by correctly estimating delamination thickness down to 0.4 mm using an OERW probe with 13.5 GHz bandwidth. Hence, this technique overcomes the challenge of the OERW's limited bandwidth, which highly affects the possibility of tracking shifting in the peak reflection in the time domain. Moreover, the proposed method does not add to the complexity of the NDT process, which makes it suitable for in-situ real time applications. Hence, following this approach would be of great importance to numerous industries, where accurate thickness estimation of minute delamination in coatings is essential to avoid system failure.

Global Economics Review, 2020
This study empirically investigated the mediating role that education plays to channelize Public ... more This study empirically investigated the mediating role that education plays to channelize Public Spending towards Poverty alleviation in Asian economies. To capture the direct and indirect link between the main explained variable poverty and explanatory variable Public Spending, a relatively new methodology known as Moderated Mediation, has been adopted. For empirical analysis, Seemingly Unrelated Regression technique (SUR) was employed. Results revealed an inverse and significant relationship between Public Spending and Poverty in direct as well as indirect way. The direct impact of public spending on Poverty alleviation programs expressed a strong impact on poverty reduction. The indirect impact that public spending has on poverty through education found inverse and highly significant. The high rate of population growth, unemployment and high inflation cause poverty in sampled Asian economies. Suitable policies need to be adopted in order to cope with poverty in the aforementioned...
This research examines the effect of financial decision (debt policy, dividend policy and inves... more This research examines the effect of financial decision (debt policy, dividend policy and investment) and ownership structure (insider ownership and institutional ownership) to firm value. This study used 96 firm-year samples of firms listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2002 until 2006. Data are analyzed using multivariate regression method. The result of this research indicated that the debt policy, dividend policy, insider ownership are not significantly affect to the firm value. The effect of investment to firm value is positively significant but institutional ownweship is negatively significant.
Papers by Muhammad Fikhi akbar