Papers by M Ezzedien Rabie
Saudi medical journal, 2004
Traditionally, mandatory exploration was the rule for managing penetrating abdominal trauma, but ... more Traditionally, mandatory exploration was the rule for managing penetrating abdominal trauma, but this has begun to change in the recent era. The change first affected stab injuries, in which the conservative approach in appropriate cases has gained wide spread acceptance. Relatively recently, the management of gunshot injuries to the abdomen has been similarly affected, and several reports appeared describing the success of such treatment in selected cases.
Saudi medical journal, 2004
Hemophiliacs are subjected to develop episodes of spontaneous bleeding at different sites of the ... more Hemophiliacs are subjected to develop episodes of spontaneous bleeding at different sites of the body, primarily the knees. On occasions, such episodes affect the abdomen. The picture engendered in such cases may mimic that of an abdominal emergency requiring surgical intervention. Such ill advised and unwarranted intervention may end with the patient's death. With the proper employment of radiology, the correct diagnosis may be reached and consequently, conservative treatment, in which factor VIII plays the major role, instituted. Here, we describe the clinical course of 2 patients with hemophilia A who suffered bleeding in the abdomen and were treated conservatively with a successful outcome.

International Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2015
Background. Mucocele of the appendix is a rare condition, the pathological classification and man... more Background. Mucocele of the appendix is a rare condition, the pathological classification and management strategy of which have not been standardized yet. Aim. To report on our management of appendiceal mucocele, highlighting the pitfalls and possible means for avoiding them. Materials and Methods. Our registries were reviewed to retrieve cases of appendiceal mucocele, encountered in the period from July 2008 to May 2013. Results. We had 9 cases, three males and sex females, with a median age of 62 years. Abdominal ultrasound (US) and computerized axial tomography scan (CT) suspected the diagnosis in only one case each. Open appendectomy was done in two cases of mucinous cystadenoma with no further surgery performed, despite the positive margin in one. Laparoscopic appendectomy was done in three cases: mucinous cystadenoma in one case which needed no further surgery, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma with pseudomyxoma peritonei in another, and low grade mucinous tumour in a third case, and all needed subsequent right hemicolectomy. Exploratory laparotomy was done in three cases: of these, synchronous right hemicolectomy was done in one case of mucinous cystadenoma/?mucinous tumour of uncertain malignant potential; in the other two cases, appendectomy only was done for mucinous hyperplasia with carcinoid tumour of the appendix in one case and mucinous cystadenoma/?mucinous tumour of uncertain malignant potential in another. The 9th case was discovered upon laparoscopy for cholecystectomy; when pseudomyxoma peritonei arising from an appendiceal mucocele was found, laparoscopic appendectomy with peritoneal biopsy was then performed instead. Histopathologic diagnostic uncertainty was present in two cases of mucinous cystadenoma where mucinous tumour of uncertain malignant potential was an alternative possibility. Perioperative colonoscopy was performed in only one case and our follow-up programme was defective, with the longest period being 180 days. Conclusion. Mucocele of the appendix should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cystic lesions in the right lower abdomen. Owing to its rarity, it continues to intrigue the surgeon as well as the radiologist and pathologist alike. For mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, right hemicolectomy is usually needed, whereas for hyperplasia and cystadenoma, appendectomy usually suffices if the resection margins are free. For mucinous tumours of uncertain malignant potential and low grade mucinous tumours as well as pseudomyxoma peritonei, the decision is not as simple. As for laparoscopic surgery, no solid proof exists with or against its safety.

JOP : Journal of the pancreas, 2010
Pancreatic heterotopia is a rare pathologic entity, previously reported in the stomach, duodenum ... more Pancreatic heterotopia is a rare pathologic entity, previously reported in the stomach, duodenum and jejunum. It is mostly asymptomatic and rarely gives rise to complications. Localization of pancreatic heterotopia in the gallbladder is extremely rare and can be associated with cholecystitis or cholecystolithiasis. We herein describe a case of a 39-year-old man who presented with biliary type pain with ultrasonographic evidence of a gallbladder polyp. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed with uneventful recovery. Pathologic examination of the gallbladder detected a heterotopic focus of pancreatic tissue in its wall, associated with chronic cholecystitis with no gallstones. Pancreatic heterotopia of the gallbladder is a very rare entity with unknown clinical significance. Awareness of this condition may facilitate its recognition which may shed more light on its clinical significance.

World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2008
Trichobezoar is a rare intriguing disorder in which swallowed hairs accumulates in the stomach. B... more Trichobezoar is a rare intriguing disorder in which swallowed hairs accumulates in the stomach. Being indigestible and slippery, it could not be propulsed and becomes entrapped within the stomach. Large amounts can thus accumulate over the years forming a hair ball. Rapunzel syndrome is a variant where hair accumulation reaches the small gut and beyond in some cases. Although the syndrome has been known for many years, only 24 cases have been reported in the literature and the discovery of a new case is always surprising. In this report, we present two cases discovered within a period of three months. One of them was pregnant and had small bowel intussusception and perforation, a very rare combination. We hereby add two more cases to the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first report on two cases of Rapunzel syndrome, the diagnosis of which demands a high index of suspicion.

Surgical Practice, 2005
Gallstone ileus affects primarily elderly women. In many instances, no history of previous biliar... more Gallstone ileus affects primarily elderly women. In many instances, no history of previous biliary disease is discernible. Although it has been known since the 17th century, gallstone ileus continues to present in such an intriguing way that, more often than not, the diagnosis is made intraoperatively. A 68-year-old woman, presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. She had a slightly distended and mildly tender abdomen, and the bowel sounds were normal. There was an irreducible, slightly tender right femoral hernia. Plain X-rays of the abdomen were normal and an ultrasound showed a contracted fibrotic gall bladder with small stones. Laparoscopy failed to detect an obstructing gallstone, which was discovered in a second laparotomy. Cholecystectomy and fistula closure were carried out in the same sitting. A retrospective review of a preoperative Gastrografin study showed clear radiological evidence of the condition. Gallstone ileus tends to be forgotten as a cause of bowel obstruction or abdominal pain in elderly women. With this in mind, careful interpretation of a Gastrografin study might provide the diagnosis preoperatively. In relatively fit patients, cholecystectomy and fistula closure could be safely added to the emergency enterolithotomy.
Chinese Journal of Cancer, 2014
Pancreatic pseudocysts are the most common cystic lesions of the pancreas and may complicate acut... more Pancreatic pseudocysts are the most common cystic lesions of the pancreas and may complicate acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, or pancreatic trauma. While the majority of acute pseudocysts resolve spontaneously, few may require drainage. On the other hand, pancreatic cystic tumors, which usually require extirpation, may disguise as pseudocysts. Hence, the distinction between the two entities is crucial for a successful outcome. We conducted this study to highlight the fundamental differences between pancreatic pseudocysts and cystic tumors so that relevant management plans can be devised.
Acta Parasitologica, 2008
The spleen is a rare location for hydatid cysts with the larvae reaching the site after escaping ... more The spleen is a rare location for hydatid cysts with the larvae reaching the site after escaping the hepatic and pulmonary filters. For most surgeons, splenectomy is the primary treatment in such cases which aims at eradicating the disease while decreasing the chances of recurrence by removing the intact cyst. While this is true, the risks of other two parasitic infections are increased, namely malaria and babesiosis. In the case presented here, the spleen was preserved after extirpating the cyst to keep the patient's immunity against malaria, which is endemic in our region.
Papers by M Ezzedien Rabie