Idealogy Journal
This research aims to explore the correlation between interactive learning methods and students’ ... more This research aims to explore the correlation between interactive learning methods and students’ intellectual emotions conducted on the subject VCS 105 (An appreciation of art and design history), a compulsory subject for the first-semester Diploma of Creative art. This subject requires deep understanding, memorizing art history, facts, and characters of art globally throughout the ages. The biggest problem in teaching and learning in the new norm is attracting attention from students along with the rapid development of technology. As an educator, we need to creatively change the teaching method from traditional method to Online based education. The interactive learning method is proposed as an effective approach to gain a short-term attention span among students. Finally, the researcher can evaluate students' perceptions of learning in class as well as their level of acceptance of the knowledge that has been delivered. In this study, online game-based interactive learning has b...

Idealogy Journal
Disposal of cooking oil waste into public places has adverse effects on the environment such as c... more Disposal of cooking oil waste into public places has adverse effects on the environment such as clogged drains, polluted rivers, and soil damaged by the loss of mineral resources. Clogged drains cause pest breeding, while contaminated water sources have an impact on the destruction of aquatic life. Despite various efforts, the issue of pollution continues to occur in line with uncontrolled development as well as increasing population growth. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of the implementation of creative activities on environmental preservation. The study uses qualitative methodology as its main research approach. Researchers collect information through key data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and fieldwork. Secondary methods are derived from data sources such as books, journals, and magazines. The results of this study found that the creative activities implemented became one of the solutions in the effort to reduce the disposal of cooki...

Pelajar dalam bidang Seni Halus di Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, Perak khasnya yang mengambil j... more Pelajar dalam bidang Seni Halus di Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, Perak khasnya yang mengambil jurusan seni catan akan menggunakan turpentin dalam proses penghasilan karya catan mereka, terutama sekali yang menggunakan cat minyak. Dengan penggunaan turpentin yang banyak ini telah mendatangkan masalah ekosistem di sekitar fakulti iaitu pencemaran air. Di mana sisa buangan turpentin ini telah dibuang ke saluran perpaipan dan disalurkan ke tasik Al-Burunni FSSR, UiTM Perak sekaligus menyebabkan kemusnahan hidupan akuatik di situ. Oleh itu, reka bentuk inovasi yang diberi nama Turpentine Filter Machine (TFM) ini diciptakan sebagai alat atau mesin penapis yang sesuai digunakan oleh pelajar Seni Halus untuk menapissemula sisa buangan turpentin untuk dikitar semula. Prototaip yang dihasilkan menggunakan kaedah penapisan ini memerlukan bahan-bahan mekanisme yang mudah didapati di sekitar Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, Perak. Hasil kajian yang dilakukan ke atas pelajar seni catanmembuktikan bahawa penggunaan alat dan teknologi ini dapat mengurangkan sisa buangan turpentin dan juga dapat menjimatkan serta mengurangkan kos pembelian turpentin. Sekaligus ianya juga dapat menyelamatkan hidupan akuatik yang terjejas di Tasik Al-Burunni FSSR, UiTM Perak.

HITeL Teaching & Learning Innovation, 2022
There is no denying that to become a successful student is a challenging journey. According to Ca... more There is no denying that to become a successful student is a challenging journey. According to Cambridge online dictionary 2022, home is a place where you live, especially with your family, or the place where a person feels they belong. As an educator we can help students to make their dreams come true, so that they can bring home their success with pride. With the Theme "Coming back home". QuizWhizzer educational game application is website-based applications that provide easy means in the learning process to attract attention from students along with the rapid development of technology. This innovation is created to overcome the challenges between human, culture and technology. Nowadays, teaching becomes a big challenge when facing a revolution of education 4.0 to 5.0. This innovation is based on the subject VCS 105 (An appreciation of art and design history), a compulsory subject for the first semester Diploma of Creative art. The revolution of the culture of learning and thinking is not just from the cultural and societal point of view, but also having a revolution on the culture of study in class from the conventional lecturebased method. The first problem of Lecture based systems is the short-term attention span. Based on experience, the average attention span is not more than 30 minutes, say some disconcerting studies, which is not exactly conducive to most classes. Others posit the number might hover between 5 to 15 minutes. Such a limited attention span benefits from the very same variances that promote enhanced engagement, for obvious reasons. Some other reason is that this subject has too many terms and theories to study. So, it is a big challenge for lectures to create an interesting atmosphere to deliver a good topic and fact in class. But not every lecturer excels in public speaking, and some are biased. Besides, a lecture-based method also has minimal student feedback especially through google meet class. Quizwhizzer is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in educational institutions. The focus of this activity is the use in making interactive games, developing the social skills, and relationships among group members. Through this innovation, researchers combine the technology of QR code and after that creating origami techniques to produce a creative craft. At the same time students use their basic theory of principle and element of art into a product design skill and psychomotor. An indicator of success is obtained when more than 85% of participants can answer the question correctly. Then, the fastest group who can create an airplane craft reach the destination (planet earth) counted as the winner. Overall, the idea to combine Quizwhizzer with origami technique can be a great tool for lecturer and students for three reasons which are easily differentiate reviews for your students, incorporate collaboration and teamwork into your classes and students can apply their knowledge into skills and practice.

Kupas Seni, 2022
Seni arca tuangan logam merupakan salah satu kursus yang penting dalam Diploma Seni Halus. Berdas... more Seni arca tuangan logam merupakan salah satu kursus yang penting dalam Diploma Seni Halus. Berdasarkan pengalaman penulis, penghasilan acuan atau 'piece mould' yang diajar dalam kursus ini tidak mempunyai sukatan khusus dan menggunakan teknik kovensional turun menurun iaitu 'island formula' yang tidak melibatkan sistem sukatan yang tepat diantara air dan 'plaster of paris (POP)'. Hal ini telah menyebabkan kerugian kos bagi air dan POP apabila sukatan yang tidak sekata telah mengakibatkan 'piece mould' yang terhasil kurang ketahanannya. Berdasarkan situasi diatas, kertas kerja ini bertujuan menghasilkan sukatan paling efektif diantara air dan POP dalam penghasilan piece mould bagi kursus arca tuangan logam. Dengan menggunakan kaedah eksperimentasi didalam bengkel arca tuangan logam, penyelidik telah menjalankan sebanyak 6 kali uji kaji penghasilan piece mould melalui sukatan POP yang berbeza didalam bancuhan 100 ml air. Bancuhan uji kaji ini adalah berdasarkan nisbah diantara 100 ml air dengan 115 gram, 120 gram, 125 gram, 130 gram, 135 gram, dan 140 gram POP. Hasil daripada eksperimen yang dijalankan, sukatan yang paling efektif dalam menghasilkan piece mould untuk model arca tuangan lilin adalah bancuhan 100 ml air dengan 125 gram POP. Sukatan yang efektif ini dapat mengelakkan pembaziran bahan POP dan air dalam menghasilkan piece mould dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus arca tuangan logam ini. Oleh kerana skop kertas kerja ini adalah mengeksplorasi sukatan efektif dalam menghasilkan piece mould, terdapat cadangan untuk penyelidik lain menjalankan penyelidikan bagi sukatan yang efektif dalam penghasilan investment mould yang memiliki ketahanan yang baik melalui jumlah sukatan, jenis bahan campuran, dan tempoh masa pembakaran yang sesuai.

Kupas Seni, 2022
Nowadays, teaching becomes a big challenge when facing a revolution of education 4.0 to 5.0. This... more Nowadays, teaching becomes a big challenge when facing a revolution of education 4.0 to 5.0. This research conducted on the subject VCS 105 (An appreciation of art and design history), a compulsory subject for the first semester Diploma of Creative art. When the pandemic Covid-19 hit the world, the teaching and learning also changed drastically from traditional method to Online based education. The biggest problem in teaching and learning in the new norm is to attract attention from students along with the rapid development of technology. Secondly is less feedback and responds from students. Thirdly, this subject requires deeply understanding, memorize history, facts, and characters of art globally throughout the ages. The revolution of the culture of learning and thinking is not just from the cultural and societal point of view, but also having a revolution on the culture of study in class from the conventional lecturebased method. Gamification proposed as an effective approach to gain a short-term attention span among students. The researcher used the Quiz Whizzer online application as a main pillar in this study. Quiz Whizzer is website-based applications as an online educational game that provide easy means in the learning process. Furthermore, Quiz Whizzer is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in educational institutions. The focus of this activity is the use in making interactive games, developing the social skills, and relationships among group members. This gamification creatively combines the technology of QR code and after that creating origami techniques to produce a paper airplane as a creative craft. At the same time students use their basic theory of principle and element of art into a product design skill and psychomotor. An indicator of success is obtained when more than 85% of participants can answer the question correctly. Then, the fastest group who can create an airplane craft reach the destination (planet earth) counted as the winner. Overall, the idea to combine Quiz whizzer with origami technique is a great tool for lecturer and students for three reasons which are easily differentiate reviews for your students, incorporate collaboration and teamwork into your classes and students can apply their knowledge into skills and practice.

Kupas Seni, 2022
Masjid merupakan tempat ibadat umat islam yang berada di serata pelusuk dunia, masjid juga tempat... more Masjid merupakan tempat ibadat umat islam yang berada di serata pelusuk dunia, masjid juga tempat melakukan aktiviti ibadah untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah SWT. Kajian ini mengkaji pengaruh budaya dalam seni reka masjid di negera asia berdekatan menggunakan kaedah deskriptif kualitatif dan dianalisis tentang perbandingan masjid yang terpilih. Fokusnya lebih tertumpu terhadap perbandingan terhadap motif, mimbar dan mihrab masjid di negara asia terpilih seperti Masjid Besar Shah Alam, Masjid Panglima Kinta, Ipoh dan Masjid Tonson Thailand menggunakan teori semiotika. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa faktor tempatan berdasarkan gaya hidup tempatan, pembangunan bandar, dasar tempatan, kepercayaan tempatan, budaya tempatan, faktor luaran seperti dasar luar, dasar komersial negara, dan dasar luar negara menyebabkan terdapat perbezaan dari motif yang terdapat pada seni bina di masjid. Sejarah penubuhan masjid di suatu kawasan juga mempengaruhi penghasilan seni bina masjid yang berbeza. Antaranya melalui aktiviti perdagangan dari negara luar seperti penganut Hindu-Buddha dan kristian telah memberi pengaruh terhadap penghasilan motif pada seni bina masjid. Penggunaan motif pada seni bina masjid membawa makna simbolik, iaitu berdasarkan ciri budaya dan cara hidup yang sangat berkaitan dengan jiwa penduduk setempat serta membawa manifestasi seni dan Islam. Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa manifestasi perhiasan tradisional memang memainkan peranan penting bukan sahaja dalam menyebarkan makna simbolik tetapi juga mewakili sejarah, kepercayaan, dan latar belakang orang Melayu tempatan.

Idealogy Journal, 2023
This research aims to explore the correlation between interactive learning methods and students' ... more This research aims to explore the correlation between interactive learning methods and students' intellectual emotions conducted on the subject VCS 105 (An appreciation of art and design history), a compulsory subject for the first-semester Diploma of Creative art. This subject requires deep understanding, memorizing art history, facts, and characters of art globally throughout the ages. The biggest problem in teaching and learning in the new norm is attracting attention from students along with the rapid development of technology. As an educator, we need to creatively change the teaching method from traditional method to Online based education. The interactive learning method is proposed as an effective approach to gain a short-term attention span among students. Finally, the researcher can evaluate students' perceptions of learning in class as well as their level of acceptance of the knowledge that has been delivered. In this study, online game-based interactive learning has been specially designed creatively to obtain the extent of the effectiveness of teaching and learning. The researcher used the Quiz Whizzer online application as a main pillar of this study. Quiz Whizzer is a website-based application as an online educational game that provides easy means in the learning process. Furthermore, Quiz Whizzer is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in educational institutions. The focus of this activity is the use of making interactive games, developing social skills, and relationships among group members. This gamification creatively combines the technology of QR codes to solve the puzzle online. The implementation of interactive learning, not only develops the interpersonal relations between students but also demonstrates their active participation in class. The findings of this study demonstrated that these students have a positive attitude toward learning. For instance, they believe that applying interactive learning such as online games in a subject will improve their knowledge. Most importantly, the result of this study revealed the effectiveness of interactive learning in relation to the intellectual emotion of students.

Kupas Seni, 2022
Street paintings known for mural paintings are usually produced for the purpose of beautifying wa... more Street paintings known for mural paintings are usually produced for the purpose of beautifying walls in empty alleys and public roads. The mural painting is basically intended to fill the void as well as add value to the surrounding aesthetics and also to be a platform for information on history and storytelling. For example, a mural painting in the town of Batu Gajah, which is an open area and is used as a car park, surrounded by old buildings whose condition looks dilapidated and shabby. The objective of this study is to visualize the design ideas used in conveying the historical information of the early establishment in the heritage town of Batu Gajah. Looking at the current situation of the younger generation which is more inclined towards gadget activities that are electronic in nature and reduce physical outdoor activities. At once reduced their knowledge of the early history of the founding of the heritage city. The method of study used in this study was to use a qualitative method. Researchers obtain information through primary data methods such as interviews and observations and use secondary methods derived from data sources such as books, journals, newspapers, magazines and websites. The results show that the mural painting is not only a wall decorator that covers the blemishes, but also one of the media in disseminating information on the history of the administration of Batu Gajah. The mural is expected to convey accurate historical information to the target, especially the younger generation, to be able to evaluate mural paintings and add aesthetic value. Not only that, but also to increase the attractiveness of the local community in making the most of the public facilities provided.

Idealogy, 2023
Disposal of cooking oil waste into public places has adverse effects on the environment such as c... more Disposal of cooking oil waste into public places has adverse effects on the environment such as clogged drains, polluted rivers, and soil damaged by the loss of mineral resources. Clogged drains cause pest breeding, while contaminated water sources have an impact on the destruction of aquatic life. Despite various efforts, the issue of pollution continues to occur in line with uncontrolled development as well as increasing population growth. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of the implementation of creative activities on environmental preservation. The study uses qualitative methodology as its main research approach. Researchers collect information through key data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and fieldwork. Secondary methods are derived from data sources such as books, journals, and magazines. The results of this study found that the creative activities implemented became one of the solutions in the effort to reduce the disposal of cooking oil waste by taking a recycling and reuse approach. In fact, this activity can also make room for the locals to learn how to recycle cooking oil waste into a useful ingredient. Therefore, this study should be continued by intensifying creative activities to increase public knowledge and awareness of the potential of cooking oil waste to reduce environmental pollution, especially water pollution. This action matches the government's call for the success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which focuses on the 12th goal of Responsible Consumption and Production.
Jurnal Gendang Alam (GA), Jun 30, 2022

Faculty of Art and Design, 2021
This paper discusses and explores the Malayness concepts of Mastura Abdul Rahman's paintings. In ... more This paper discusses and explores the Malayness concepts of Mastura Abdul Rahman's paintings. In Malaysia, we had problems with the lack of national women's artists studying Malay's concepts due to time constraints and lack of reference sources. The research study was based on a collection of paintings selected from 1987 to 2015. This research focused mainly on the structures and composition in Malay's concepts of Mastura Abdul Rahman arts' works and documentation of the content of the Malays identities and social-cultural aspects. She applied Malay's concepts in the painting to beautify it by using Malay's design, architectures, and motives. The researcher used the six principles used by Zakaria Ali in describing Mastura Abdul Rahman's arts' works based on Malay's concepts, which consist of subtlety, usefulness, unity, symbol, contrast, and meaning. The researcher obtained information through the primary data methods such as interviews and observation, where the interview sessions were held with the painter Mastura Abdul Rahman. Information from the curators and secondary methods was derived from data sources such as books, journals, newspaper clippings, and magazines. Furthermore, every artwork that was analyzed had intellectual on the Malays' concepts because every object in the artworks had a role and implicit meanings about the Malayness. Her art works has aesthetic values and very intellectual in highlighting messages in applying the concept of tradition, culture and religion. However, her art works should be documented for general reference purposes. Especially for the younger generations to expose and help them to improve understanding, communication capabilities, stimulate critical thinking and intellectualism to the society.
![Research paper thumbnail of Recycling from SI+SA exhibition in the context of visual arts / Hairulnisak Merman … [et al.]](
Faculty of Art and Design, 2021
This study was conducted to discuss and identify the potential of discarded recycled materials fr... more This study was conducted to discuss and identify the potential of discarded recycled materials from the daily use of society in Malaysia and turns them to produce creative artworks. The study was conducted based on the observations of the artworks exhibited during the SI+SA Exhibition at the Shah Alam Gallery, Selangor. This research focuses on the creation process, form and value of the creative artworks originating from recycled materials. The art study approach, where the foundations are derived from a qualitative approach that emphasizes descriptive and holistic explanatory systems, has been used and linked through a conceptual framework developed by the relevant concepts as the frame of its analysis. Data was collected through primary methods such as interviews and observations and secondary sources such as books, journals, newspaper clippings and magazines. The results show that the works from the SI+SA Exhibition attempted to convey a message to address humanitarian problems such as responsibility, behaviour, awareness and sacrifice. The structure of the message conveys content that represents the meaning of the values of health, hygiene and creativity that ultimately encourages the community to play their respective roles in addressing the issue of waste management and recycling on a global scale. It is hoped that this research can show that using recycled materials as an alternative to producing creative artwork is a practical approach. Indirectly, raising awareness about recycling is no longer an option but rather an obligation to all levels of society to be cultured in daily life to ensure the environment's future is secure.
UiTM Perak Press, 2021
Development In Years (DIY) 2021 adalah sebuah pameran yang menghimpunkan kesinambungan proses pen... more Development In Years (DIY) 2021 adalah sebuah pameran yang menghimpunkan kesinambungan proses penciptaan sesebuah karya seni melalui permasalahan atau isu yang wujud dalam lingkungan persekitaran kehidupan. Ia adalah sebuah himpunan pembangunan kerja seni yang memakan telah belanjutan selama beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Sebagai suatu kefahaman kepada pelajar, peminat, penghayat atau pengujung seni; pameran ini sengaja dikurasikan mengikut struktur proses perkembangan dan pembangunan kerja seni yang menitikberatkan proses secara bertahap.
Chetakan Perak - Sejarah, Budaya & Social, 2022
Alam mimpi sebagai panduan dalam kehidupan telah diguna pakai dari zaman Nabi dan para sahabat la... more Alam mimpi sebagai panduan dalam kehidupan telah diguna pakai dari zaman Nabi dan para sahabat lagi. Ianya berlaku ketika Tuhan memberitahu kepada manusia tentang sesuatu perkara yang wajar dilaksanakan ataupun peringatan tanda amaran. Ia boleh dilihat bagaimana cara Nabi Yusuf mentafsir mimpi untuk Raja Mesir pada waktu itu. Menerusi tafsiran mimpi oleh Nabi Yusuf, masyarakat di bawah pimpinan Raja Mesir dinasihatkan agar mengasingkan sedikit hasil dan rezeki yang diperoleh untuk simpanan masa akan datang. Ianya memberikan maksud bahawa masyarakat ketika itu digalakkan untuk bekerja bersungguh-sungguh, berbelanja secara sederhana dan mengumpul simpanan untuk keperluan di masa akan datang.
Conference Presentations by HAIRULNISAK MERMAN

International Virtual Conference on Creative Technology and Visual Arts 2021 (IVCCTVA 2021), 2021
Sebuah karya seni visual bukan hanya sekadar paparan gambaran visual yang memiliki aspek-aspek ke... more Sebuah karya seni visual bukan hanya sekadar paparan gambaran visual yang memiliki aspek-aspek keindahan semata-mata. Akan tetapi, ia juga merupakan alat atau medium komunikasi bukan lisan yang dihasilkan oleh artis untuk menyampaikan sesuatu berupa mesej kepada orang lain. Kajian ini cuba mendekati, memahami dan menjelaskan mesej simbolik dari sebuah karya seni visual bertajuk Wira yang diciptakan oleh Haris Abadi Abd Rahim ketika Malaysia sedang berhadapan dengan fenomena Covid-19 mencakupi aspek struktur, isi pesan dan fungsi dari mesejnya. Pendekatan kajian seni di mana asas-asasnya bersumber dari pendekatan kualitatif yang menekankan pada sistem penjelasan yang bersifat deskriptif dan holistik digunakan sekaligus dihubungkan melalui kerangka konseptual yang telah dibangun oleh konsep-konsep relevan sebagai bingkai atau acuan analisisnya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa karya digital bertajuk Wira ini cuba mengungkapkan pesan perjuangan dan pengorbanan dari perspektif tugas dan tanggungjawab yang telah dijalankan oleh para wira-wira bangsa di barisan hadapan ketika wabak pandemik Covid-19 melanda negara ini. Struktur pesannya yang terdiri dari tanda dan simbol yang dipinjam dari objek ikonik berupa tugu negara diolah kembali sedemikian rupa untuk merepresentasikan dan juga menyimbolkan perjuangan, pengorbanan, kerja keras, solidariti dan juga tragedi yang melanda sekelompok manusia yang
bertarung nyawa menyelamatkan bangsa ini dari ancaman wabak pandemik itu. Dari aspek fungsi pula, secara informatif ia menyampaikan maklumat tentang tentang sisi-sisi kehidupan manusia yang berada jauh di barisan hadapan ketika masyarakat pada umumnya dikerah untuk tinggal di rumah.
Secara persuasif pula, ia bukan sahaja merangsang daya empati tetapi juga mendorong dan mengajak masyarakat supaya prihatin dan cuba memainkan peranannya masing-masing dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik yang sedang terjadi.

1st International e-Conference on Green and Safe Cities 2022 (IeGRESAFE), 2022
Removing used cooking oil into drains and public places has a detrimental effect on the environme... more Removing used cooking oil into drains and public places has a detrimental effect on the environment, such as clogged drains, polluted rivers, and soil being damaged by the loss of mineral resources. Clogged drains cause pest inbreeding, while contaminated water sources have an effect on the destruction of aquatic life. This issue is one of the primary sources of pollution in the Seri Iskandar area. This study was conducted to explore and identify the potential of used cooking oil through art activities for the Seri Iskandar community, especially children. This study used a qualitative methodology as its primary research approach. Researchers gather information through primary data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and fieldwork. Secondary methods are derived from data sources such as books, journals, and magazines. The findings revealed that used cooking oil can not only be recycled and used to make candles and biodiesels, but it can also be used as an ingredient in the creation of creative artworks. This art activity also helps children learn the fundamentals of art skills such as mixing materials, shaping, and carving. Children are also taught the value of environmental stewardship through the adoption of a sustainable lifestyle. As a result, this study has the potential to increase the public's knowledge and awareness of the potential of used cooking oil to be used as a creative artwork. Furthermore, this study has significant implications for the local community's awareness of the development of environmental sustainability to ensure a better quality of life in the future.
Conference Presentations by HAIRULNISAK MERMAN
bertarung nyawa menyelamatkan bangsa ini dari ancaman wabak pandemik itu. Dari aspek fungsi pula, secara informatif ia menyampaikan maklumat tentang tentang sisi-sisi kehidupan manusia yang berada jauh di barisan hadapan ketika masyarakat pada umumnya dikerah untuk tinggal di rumah.
Secara persuasif pula, ia bukan sahaja merangsang daya empati tetapi juga mendorong dan mengajak masyarakat supaya prihatin dan cuba memainkan peranannya masing-masing dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik yang sedang terjadi.
bertarung nyawa menyelamatkan bangsa ini dari ancaman wabak pandemik itu. Dari aspek fungsi pula, secara informatif ia menyampaikan maklumat tentang tentang sisi-sisi kehidupan manusia yang berada jauh di barisan hadapan ketika masyarakat pada umumnya dikerah untuk tinggal di rumah.
Secara persuasif pula, ia bukan sahaja merangsang daya empati tetapi juga mendorong dan mengajak masyarakat supaya prihatin dan cuba memainkan peranannya masing-masing dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik yang sedang terjadi.