Papers by Muhammad Tasiu Dansabo

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Jan 3, 2019
Over the years Nigeria has been engulfed in series of conflicts resulting in deaths of thousands ... more Over the years Nigeria has been engulfed in series of conflicts resulting in deaths of thousands of lives and lost in property. Notable among these conflicts in recent times include the clashes between the Hausa-Kataf in Kaduna State, the Tiv and Jukun conflict in Wukari, the Ife/Modekeke, the Chamba and Kuteb in Taraba State etc. Most of these conflicts are rooted in discriminatory practices between indigene and settlers-the issues around which these violent conflicts occurred relate to citizenship rights. Scholars argued that the problem started since the imposition of colonial rule. However, little is done to examine postcolonial policies put in place by various governments to address the problem of citizenship crisis in Nigeria. The federal character is one of such policies. The background to the adoption of the federal character doctrine in Nigeria could be traced partly to the inability of Nigerian leaders to evolve an effective means of holding the units together towards a national goal. Against this backdrop the paper seeks to critically appraise the Federal character doctrine in either prompting or mitigating ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria.

The paper examined the socio-economic effects of renewable energy on rural community of Danjawa v... more The paper examined the socio-economic effects of renewable energy on rural community of Danjawa village of Sokoto state, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was administered to forty-five randomly selected heads of households and in-depth interview was conducted for twelve women in the village. The results show improvement in education, access to water, commerce and health. Restriction on use of high voltage electrical appliances like refrigerator, heater etc is one of the constraints of the project. However, all the respondents indicated their willingness to contribute resources for the sustenance of the project. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that the project management should ask the villagers to contribute certain amount of money either weekly, monthly or annually for the sustenance of the project, the project management should also improve the capacity of wind and solar photovoltaic plant so that the beneficiaries can make use of other electrical appliances li...

The study aim to show the gradual acceptance of buying water in the open market across Nigeria. T... more The study aim to show the gradual acceptance of buying water in the open market across Nigeria. The commoditization of water is most manifest in the boom of packaged water, especially the ones in sachets popularly called ‘pure water’. The initial position of the government was to ignore the industry as part of the informal economy. After considerable concerns were raised on public health grounds that water merchants were selling ‘pure gutter’ instead of ‘pure water’, the government, through the National Agency for Food and Drugs Control (NAFDAC) intervened to regulate standards. Proprietors of packaged water are expected to apply for licenses which can only be issued after inspection of their facility by NAFDAC officials. Consumers are advised to patronize only packaged water with NAFDAC number, which is supposed to come with a certification of quality. The paper also examined the socio-economic implications of “pure water” sale, taken cognisance of the policies and reforms on water...

DOI: 10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.9 Abstract: Since independence in 1960 from British colonial rule, ... more DOI: 10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.9 Abstract: Since independence in 1960 from British colonial rule, the various leadership of Nigeria have adopted various developmental strategies with view to reduce or to some extent do away with poverty but it could not, due to the complex nature of the country‟s poverty which can be termed as chronic. This is because poverty in Nigeria is persistent. It is estimated that up to 70% of Nigerians are living below poverty line. Nigeria has been branded by the international community as the second most corrupt nation in the World. For three consecutive years, 2000, 2001 and 2002, it has maintained that unenviable position. The rating came up as a consequence of several failed attempts by the administration to wipe out corruption and poverty or reduce them to a tolerable level in the polity. It is absolutely frustrating when one realizes the immense potentials in Nigeria. Sixteen years is enough time for any administration to sort out the fundamental prob...

European journal of social sciences, 2019
There is no doubt that Nigeria under Obasanjo's administration is engulfed in a web of chroni... more There is no doubt that Nigeria under Obasanjo's administration is engulfed in a web of chronic poverty, which affects its performance in the development arena. The country has all it takes to develop but unfortunately it could not due to the complex nature of the country's social problems. The country is endowed with vast agricultural and natural resources, and has a relatively important industrial sector (48% of the GDP in 2001), as compared to other West African or Sub-Saharan countries (less than 30%). The recent Human Development index has placed Nigeria among the 20 poorest countries in the World. It is estimated that up to 70% of Nigerians are living below poverty line. Nigeria has been branded by the international community as the second most corrupt nation in the World. For three consecutive years, 2000, 2001 and 2002, it has maintained that unenviable position. The rating came up as a consequence of several failed attempts by the Obasanjo’s administration to wipe ou...

DOI: 10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.7 Abstract: Over the years, Poverty alleviation programs and polici... more DOI: 10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.7 Abstract: Over the years, Poverty alleviation programs and policies have evolved, including a succession of policies and plans by Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and International Donor Agencies. The Nigerian Government at different times introduced policies and plans with a view to addressing the problem of poverty but the problem still persists. In spite of these various efforts as intensified by both internal and external systems, of poverty has become not only more complicated but almost impossible due largely to a number of challenges notable among which are both individual and institutional. This amplifies that the efforts have proven too inadequate to reduce poverty, hence persistence of the scourge in the country. Using poverty indicators such as literacy level, access to safe water, nutrition, infant and maternal mortality, and the number of people living on less than $1 a day, Nigeria is found to rank among the 25 poorest nations ...

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2013
There is no doubt that various scholarly studies were carried out on Development in Nigeria; ther... more There is no doubt that various scholarly studies were carried out on Development in Nigeria; there are still gaps to be filled. This is due to the fact that scholars tend to generally concentrate on the study of aspects of Development and the history of poverty in Nigeria. The paper therefore provided in sight on the gaps left on touched by scholars with a view to proffering space for this work in previous works. Specifically, the paper seeks to give a critical appraisal of theories of development with particular reference to Nigeria. To achieve this, the paper is divided into sections on introduction/ conceptual clarification of the key concept (development), highlights on the types of development. Discussion in this section leads to the spine of the paper which is a critical appraisal of development theories where theories such as (the Functionalist, Marxist, Modernization, Dependency and World system) were critically appraised. The paper is premised on the three fundamental questions asked by Seer in an attempt to assess the level of development of a nation. The questions are: what happened to poverty, what happened to unemployment, what happened to inequality? If these variables are on the decline from high level, then beyond doubt there has been a period of development of the country concerned. But if one or two of these central indicators are going worse, it will be strange to call the result as development even if the national income has developed like in the case of Nigeria. Considering the level of poverty and unemployment and the wide gap between the rich and the poor, one can argue that this assertion is very relevant in an attempt to establish a link between these problems and the level of development in the country. The final section of the paper draw conclusion where attempt was made at suggesting two perspectives as framework for analyzing the developmental plight of Nigeria.

Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences
This paper is an attempt to critically examine global energy geopolitics and the factors associat... more This paper is an attempt to critically examine global energy geopolitics and the factors associated with persistent and resilient conflicts in Nigeria, Niger Delta. Adopting the critical international political economy approach, the paper argues that most of the strategies aimed at restoring lasting peace and development in the oil producing communities of the Niger Delta are largely an incentive for insurgency, a reward for crime and a vicious cycle, aimed at benefiting the political elite without any real development for those that actually need it in the oil-rich region. If development intervention program of the state and multinational companies must work, it has to go beyond just huge revenue allocation or the symptomatic action of pacifying militants and take a holistic approach using the examples of countries like Norway, United Arab Emirate and Kuwait. The Niger Delta oil producing communities should look beyond continuous agitation for increasing revenue allocation, to incl...

The Nigerian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2015
The study assessed the developmental impact of poverty eradication programmes in Sokoto state wit... more The study assessed the developmental impact of poverty eradication programmes in Sokoto state with particular reference to three poverty eradication programmes notably, National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), Sokoto State Poverty Reduction Agency (SPORA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) project. This is with a view to investigating the degree to which the said programmes have had developmental implications vis-à-vis the target population. Using survey methods expressed in the utility of a total of 1888 household questionnaires that were personally administered, which covered the household survey; and interview (in-depth) guides designed for the key informants’ interviews in addition to focused group discussions, the study collected useful research information. Results from analysis of collected data showed that developmental impact of poverty eradication programmes proves insignificant at 0.324 which is greater than 0.05. This is due largely to the fact that chronic p...

There is no doubt that various scholarly studies were carried out on Development in Nigeria; ther... more There is no doubt that various scholarly studies were carried out on Development in Nigeria; there are still gaps to be filled. This is due to the fact that scholars tend to generally concentrate on the study of aspects of Development and the history of poverty in Nigeria. The paper therefore provided in sight on the gaps left on touched by scholars with a view to proffering space for this work in previous works. Specifically, the paper seeks to give a critical appraisal of theories of development with particular reference to Nigeria. To achieve this, the paper is divided into sections on introduction / conceptual clarification of the key concept (development), highlights on the types of development. Discussion in this section leads to the spine of the paper which is a critical appraisal of development theories where theories such as (the Functionalist, Marxist, Modernization, Dependency and World system) were critically appraised. The paper is premised on the three fundamental ques...

International Studies in Philosophy, 1975
The debate on the scientific status of the Social Sciences and their bid to achieve objectivity i... more The debate on the scientific status of the Social Sciences and their bid to achieve objectivity in their inquiries is an unending debate within and outside the Social Science family. The positivists are of the opinion that objectivity in Social Science is achievable and that scientific methods can be used in Social Science inquiry, just the same or similar way(s) the natural scientists do their scientific endeavor. To the positivists ‘value-free Social Science’ is possible. This position is however criticized even within the Social Sciences, let alone in the scientific world. All these debates centered on whether or not the Social Scientists are truly scientific in their quest for knowledge. No matter the outcome of the debate what is obvious is that there is a philosophical problem with scientific objectivity in general. Based on a historical review of the development of certain scientific theories, in his book, ‘the Structure of scientific revolutions’, a scientist and a historian Thomas Kuhn raised some philosophical objections to claims of the possibility of scientific understanding being truly objective. Against this backdrop, the paper seeks to unravel the varied theoretical debates on the subject.
Papers by Muhammad Tasiu Dansabo