Papers by Marcello Chedid

Knowledge Management in University-Software Industry Collaboration
IGI Global eBooks, 2022
The university-software industry collaboration relationship has been represented a key resource, ... more The university-software industry collaboration relationship has been represented a key resource, to the extent that together they can more easily promote technological development that underpins innovation solutions. Through a literature review, this chapter aims to explore the concepts and the facilitator or inhibitor factors associated with the collaboration relationships between university and software industry, taking knowledge management into account. This chapter is organized as follows. In the first section, the authors briefly introduce university, software industry, and knowledge management. The following section, based on the literature reviewed, provides a critical discussion of the university-software industry collaboration relationship, knowledge management in knowledge intensive organizations or community, and knowledge management in collaboration relationship between these two types of industries. Finally, in the rest of the sections, the authors point to future research directions and conclude.

Advances in knowledge acquisition, transfer and management book series, 2018
The advancement of the economy based on knowledge makes knowledge management critical for organiz... more The advancement of the economy based on knowledge makes knowledge management critical for organizations. The traditional knowledge management systems have presented some shortcomings on their implementation and management. Social media have demonstrated that are not just a buzzword and have been used increasingly by the organizations as a knowledge management component. This chapter was developed aiming at exploring and critically reviewing the literature of social media use in organizational context as a knowledge management component. The review suggests that, while traditional knowledge management systems are static and often act just as knowledge repositories, social media have the potential for supporting different knowledge management processes that will impact on the organizational culture by encouraging on participation, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Despite their recognized impact on knowledge management processes, some uncertainty remains amongst researchers and practitioners and is associated to the difficulty in understanding and measuring their real impact.

Advances in higher education and professional development book series, 2017
Knowledge management is defined by different authors as the process that enables the sharing, cap... more Knowledge management is defined by different authors as the process that enables the sharing, capture and application of knowledge from the individual to the group and further to organizational level. The organizational atomization observed in the academia imposes importance in paying attention to a culture that encourages knowledge management and also assigns equal importance to the cooperation and the work in team. However, due to the different levels of heterogeneity among and within these organizations there is not just one model that fits well. Through a literature review on the knowledge management in the academia, the purpose of this chapter is an exploratory study that identifies the main cultural challenges in the development and implementation of a knowledge management system in the academic context.
Developing a Framework to Map and Compare Iem Programmes Worldwide
EDULEARN Proceedings, 2019

Analyzing the Practices of Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Considering Faculty Members and Researchers: An Empirical Study
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019
Knowledge sharing and collaboration among university researchers and/or teachers are impacted by:... more Knowledge sharing and collaboration among university researchers and/or teachers are impacted by: (i) life cycles associated with technological innovations; (ii) economic and cultural globalization; (iii) the educational needs of an increasingly knowledge-driven society; and (iv) the training needs for highperforming professional activities. These factors constitute major opportunities for change in higher education institutions around the world and can be found in internal and/or external collaboration relationships. A collaboration relationship is expected to benefit the related members and teams (teachers, researchers, students and professionals), the communities/organizations that establish the relationship and, consequently, the surrounding society. Several studies reveal that collaboration can be strongly influenced by knowledge sharing. However, often universities evidence an individualistic culture where knowledge is related to the experience and the competence of each researcher and/or teacher. Thus, knowledge is frequently considered as property and as a differentiation factor of each individual. Additionally, the perception of little benefits and rewards in sharing knowledge within the institution lead to the existence of a real distance among the work of the referred actors, who focus their efforts towards individual objectives rather than in common goals. In this context, the individual characteristics tend to show a major impact on knowledge sharing. Considering the limited number of studies in the university’s context regarding knowledge sharing and collaboration practices, especially within Portuguese higher education institutions, the need to explore and deepen the understanding of these questions was identified. Taking this issue into account, this work aims at analyzing the practices of knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers and/or teachers at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire prepared taking into account the literature on the area. The sample consisted of teachers and researchers from University of Aveiro, Portugal, and the questionnaire was provided online. The data was collected anonymously and analyzed with the statistical software SPSS IBM 24. The results present some important facts that can help higher education institutions and their members to define and implement strategies and practices in order to promote higher levels of knowledge sharing and stronger collaboration relationships.publishe

Characterization of Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Practices in a Portuguese University: An Empirical Study
ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018
The mission of the university is closely related with knowledge management, where there are some ... more The mission of the university is closely related with knowledge management, where there are some key elements that facilitate this management, such as experience in the creation and development of knowledge and an organizational structure that tends to be horizontal. However, some studies indicate difficulties in establishing an organizational culture that focuses on knowledge management with contributions to the collaboration and knowledge sharing (Howell & Annansingh, 2013). According to Tian, Nakamori and Wierzbicki (2009), the universities evidence an individualistic culture where knowledge is related to the experience and the competence of each researcher and/or teacher. In this context, knowledge is frequently considered as property and as a differentiation factor of each individual. Consequently, the individual characteristics tend to show a major impact on knowledge sharing, which, according to some authors, is superior to that caused by the departmental and institutional characteristics (Geuna & Muscio, 2009). Despite many studies focused on knowledge sharing in organizations, the literature shows a limited number of empirical works on the subject in the universities context (Fullwood, Rowley, & Delbridge, 2013), concentrating some of them on institutions from Asian countries (Tohidinia & Mosakhani, 2010). Given that knowledge sharing is a behavior of individual initiative (Bock & Kim, 2001), and that teachers and researchers are key elements in the process of creating and sharing knowledge in the university, this study aims to analyze the behavior of the academic and scientific members of a Portuguese university related to the referred process. This study was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire prepared taking into account the literature on the area. The sample consisted of teachers and researchers from a Portuguese university and the questionnaire was provided online. The data was collected anonymously and analyzed with the statistical software SPSS IBM 24. The results of this work present relevant facts related to the knowledge sharing in the context of the university where the study was conducted. Today, universities are under intense pressure, motivated by the knowledge society and by the internationalization of institutions, where creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship emerge as essential elements of competition. This pressure, on the other hand, demands a positive attitude towards knowledge sharing from the universities in general and from their actors in particular. However, the analysis of the results obtained shows that in general, actions of knowledge sharing occur in an isolated way and concentrated in the internal environment of the institution. Therefore, it is important to establish mechanisms that promote and encourage the sharing of knowledge and, consequently, collaborative relationships.publishe

The University-Industry Collaboration
Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Modern Education Delivery, 2019
The collaboration between academia and industry—university-industry collaboration (UIC)—may occur... more The collaboration between academia and industry—university-industry collaboration (UIC)—may occur according to different formats (multiple types) and recently has increased based on the third mission of the universities. This relationship offers advantages to both entities, addressing global challenges to their mutual benefit as well as benefits to society. Nevertheless, this relationship is complex and often appears threatening to both the university and industry through value and goals conflicts. In order to achieve success in this relationship, it is important to understand the three drivers that are part of UIC (i.e., the motivation for collaboration, the channel of interaction and outcome, and benefits of collaboration). Their understanding allows one to mitigate barriers, overcome differences, create an environment of trust and commitment, and consequently, achieve success of the UIC. This chapter aims to address these three main drivers of this relationship based on literatur...

O atual ambiente que carateriza a indústria de software é extremamente dinâmico e, de certa forma... more O atual ambiente que carateriza a indústria de software é extremamente dinâmico e, de certa forma complexo demandando soluções de alto desempenho, desenvolvimento rápido e eficiência de custos. As relações de colaboração com as universidades representam um recurso fundamental de partilha de conhecimento, principalmente o tácito, na medida em que juntas mais facilmente podem promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico que está na base de soluções de inovação. O objetivo deste trabalho é conduzir um estudo empírico que identifique um conjunto de fatores facilitadores para uma relação de colaboração sustentável tendo como base a gestão do conhecimento. Um conjunto de entrevistas foi aplicado junto aos membros de uma universidade e de empresas pertencentes à indústria de software. Conclui-se que, de uma maneira geral, os entrevistados partilham a perceção de ainda haver algum trabalho a fazer na relação de colaboração, nomeadamente no que respeita à sua gestão e à criação de valor. Palavras-chave: conhecimento tácito; indústria de software; gestão do conhecimento; relação de colaboração; universidades

Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management, 2021
Universities suffer from the impact of (1) life cycles associated with technological innovations,... more Universities suffer from the impact of (1) life cycles associated with technological innovations, (2) the globalization of the economy and culture, (3) the educational needs of an increasingly knowledge-driven society, and (4) the training needs for high-performing professional activities. Solutions to these factors may be found in a positive attitude toward knowledge sharing and collaboration relationships. Collaboration has been considered a way to address the challenges of the 21st century, fostering the necessary innovation, growth, and productivity for all parties involved. Several studies reveal that collaboration can be strongly influenced by knowledge sharing. Collaboration relationships, besides the creation of new knowledge, may result in several outcomes and benefits for the university and society. This chapter aims to address and discuss the university challenges in the collaboration relationships with the industry based on the main results of some empirical studies deve...

The Role of Social Media Tools in the Knowledge Management in Organizational Context
Research Anthology on Strategies for Using Social Media as a Service and Tool in Business, 2021
The advancement of the economy based on knowledge makes knowledge management critical for organiz... more The advancement of the economy based on knowledge makes knowledge management critical for organizations. The traditional knowledge management systems have presented some shortcomings on their implementation and management. Social media have demonstrated that are not just a buzzword and have been used increasingly by the organizations as a knowledge management component. This chapter was developed aiming at exploring and critically reviewing the literature of social media use in organizational context as a knowledge management component. The review suggests that, while traditional knowledge management systems are static and often act just as knowledge repositories, social media have the potential for supporting different knowledge management processes that will impact on the organizational culture by encouraging on participation, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Despite their recognized impact on knowledge management processes, some uncertainty remains amongst researchers and pra...

Knowledge Management in University-Software Industry Collaboration
Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management, 2021
The university-software industry collaboration relationship has been represented a key resource, ... more The university-software industry collaboration relationship has been represented a key resource, to the extent that together they can more easily promote technological development that underpins innovation solutions. Through a literature review, this chapter aims to explore the concepts and the facilitator or inhibitor factors associated with the collaboration relationships between university and software industry, taking knowledge management into account. This chapter is organized as follows. In the first section, the authors briefly introduce university, software industry, and knowledge management. The following section, based on the literature reviewed, provides a critical discussion of the university-software industry collaboration relationship, knowledge management in knowledge intensive organizations or community, and knowledge management in collaboration relationship between these two types of industries. Finally, in the rest of the sections, the authors point to future resea...

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, 2018
The collaboration between academia and industry-university-industry collaboration (UIC)-may occur... more The collaboration between academia and industry-university-industry collaboration (UIC)-may occur according to different formats (multiple types) and recently has increased based on the third mission of the universities. This relationship offers advantages to both entities, addressing global challenges to their mutual benefit as well as benefits to society. Nevertheless, this relationship is complex and often appears threatening to both the university and industry through value and goals conflicts. In order to achieve success in this relationship, it is important to understand the three drivers that are part of UIC (i.e., the motivation for collaboration, the channel of interaction and outcome, and benefits of collaboration). Their understanding allows one to mitigate barriers, overcome differences, create an environment of trust and commitment, and consequently, achieve success of the UIC.

VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 2020
Purpose Higher education institutions (HEIs) are currently under pressure, driven by the knowledg... more Purpose Higher education institutions (HEIs) are currently under pressure, driven by the knowledge society and the internationalization of institutions. Therefore, a positive attitude toward knowledge sharing is required. Considering that the knowledge-sharing attitude is motivated and executed mainly at the individual level, this study aims to examine the relationship between individual factors and the attitude toward knowledge sharing among professors and researchers. Design/methodology/approach Data was obtained from 176 completed questionnaires collected through LimeSurvey system. The analysis is based on quantitative methods where descriptive and inferential statistics were used. This study investigated the individual factors that affect attitude toward knowledge sharing among professors and researchers of a HEI. Findings The results identified that intrinsic motivation was the factor that most positively affects knowledge-sharing attitude. Given that intrinsic motivation is an...

Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2020
The current environment that characterises the software industry is extremely dynamic and somewha... more The current environment that characterises the software industry is extremely dynamic and somewhat complex demanding high-performance solutions, rapid development, and costefficiency. Given this scenario, industry is forced to search for new partners, with the universityindustry collaboration representing a fundamental resource in promoting innovation and technological development. This study aims to obtain and analyse the perceptions and experiences of representatives of this industry and the university, in order to identify a set of factors that could enhance and/or be the source of a sustainable collaboration, based on knowledge management. In nutshell, the results show that motivations are associated with the immediate opportunities or needs of each of those directly involved in the collaboration take priority, without building a sustainable collaboration. This collaboration is generally conducted through informal communication channels, which makes it difficult to capture and disseminate knowledge to other members of each of the related organisations.

Journal of Information Science, 2019
Collaboration has been considered a way to address the challenges of the 21st century, fostering ... more Collaboration has been considered a way to address the challenges of the 21st century, fostering the necessary innovation, growth and productivity for all parties involved. Several studies reveal that collaboration can be strongly influenced by knowledge sharing. The literature suggests that this topic is quite relevant and that there is an evident lack of empirical studies that properly investigate the relationship between knowledge-sharing and collaborative behaviour in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In this context, the purpose of this work is to examine whether knowledge-sharing intention has a positive relationship with collaborative behaviour among professors and researchers in a public Portuguese HEI, taking into account other constructs that can have effect on the knowledge-sharing intention. In order to reach this objective, a conceptual research model was developed based on the theory of reasoned action. The empirical study was conducted based on a questionnaire, an...
Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development
Knowledge management is defined by different authors as the process that enables the sharing, cap... more Knowledge management is defined by different authors as the process that enables the sharing, capture and application of knowledge from the individual to the group and further to organizational level. The organizational atomization observed in the academia imposes importance in paying attention to a culture that encourages knowledge management and also assigns equal importance to the cooperation and the work in team. However, due to the different levels of heterogeneity among and within these organizations there is not just one model that fits well. Through a literature review on the knowledge management in the academia, the purpose of this chapter is an exploratory study that identifies the main cultural challenges in the development and implementation of a knowledge management system in the academic context.

Knowledge Management Initiatives and Strategies in Small and Medium Enterprises
Software development organization (SDO) is a kind of knowledge-intensive business and their large... more Software development organization (SDO) is a kind of knowledge-intensive business and their large majority is small and medium enterprise (SME) facing similar challenges of large ones. The diversity and complexity of the SDO environment makes knowledge the fundamental element in the software development process, which strengthens the importance of an effective knowledge management process. The software development process involves multidisciplinary teams, and the various working meetings that occur during a project are conducive to generate and share a lot of knowledge, in particular tacit knowledge. The use of a knowledge management process that enables to manage tacit knowledge will define the difference between a good SDO performance and the best SDO performance. This chapter aims to present an exploratory study based on literature review, with the aim of identifying the main challenge of knowledge management in the SDO context. The authors also aim to address some new research d...
The Industrial Engineers’ Essential Skills: Students, Teachers and Industry Professionals’ Perspectives
INTED Proceedings, 2018
Papers by Marcello Chedid