Papers by M. Chairil Akbar Setiawan
IJIR (Indonesian Journal of International Relations), Feb 12, 2024

Korupsi merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Article 8... more Korupsi merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Article 8 UNTOC tentang Criminalization of Corruption. Selain itu, korupsi menjadi masalah krusial yang belum bisa teratasi dengan baik di Indonesia. Tingkat korupsi di Indonesia telah mencapai level sistemik dan berdampak besar di berbagai bidang. Salah satu permasalahan yang terdapat dalam percepatan penanganan pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia adalah para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang kerap kali melarikan diri ke luar negeri untuk menghindari proses hukum. Upaya untuk menangkap pelaku korupsi yang melarikan diri dan menjalankan proses hukum tetap dilakukan oleh Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah ekstradisi. Lazimnya ekstradisi dilakukan dengan prosedur formal atau didasari perjanjian ekstradisi antara kedua negara. Salah satu kasus pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang melarikan diri ke luar negeri dan berhasil diekstradisi melalui prosedur non formal adalah Maria Pauline Lumowa. Maria Pauline Lumowa adalah pelaku pembobolan Bank BNI Cabang Kebayoran Baru Tahun 2003 dan mengakibatkan kerugian sebesar 1,7 triliun rupiah. Maria Pauline Lumowa berhasil ditangkap di Bandara Nikola Tesla, Serbia tahun 2019 lalu. Walaupun Indonesia dan Serbia belum memiliki perjanjian ekstradisi, namun ekstradisi tetap dapat dilakukan dan berhasil. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai diplomasi Indonesia sehingga Indonesia dapat berhasil mengekstradisi Maria Pauline Lumowa setelah 17 tahun masa pelariannya.

Journal of Political Issues, Jul 31, 2020
This article seeks to explain the change in US foreign policy in the economy under Donald Trump's... more This article seeks to explain the change in US foreign policy in the economy under Donald Trump's administration since 2017. The analysis will be based on the relationship between Identity Politics and Protectionist policies pursued by Trump. Trump's economic policy orientation shows a significant shift compared to some previous governments. The author will use a Qualitative method with the Explanatory analysis model. Protectionism approach becomes Trump's main platform, which is manifested in rejection of the framework of cooperation in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), renegotiation of economic agreements with Canada and Mexico,or the recent tension of having Trade War against China since 2018. Nationalism sentiment, vigilance on the part of foreigners, or the reification of the identity of the United States are considered to be the main elements that have caused Trump to turn away from the global regime of Neoliberalism. The author wants to examine the relationship between Identity Politics and Trump's economic-political platform. The rise of Identity Politics is not a main cause toward Protectionism in the United States. Trump merely harnessed the failure of neoliberal policies from previous administrations by using the rhetoric of nationalism and identity politic. Abstrak Artikel ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan perubahan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada bidang ekonomi dibawah pemerintahan Donald Trump sejak 2017. Analisa akan dilandaskan pada relasi antara Politik Identitas dengan kebijakan Proteksionis yang ditempuh Trump. Orientasi Kebijakan ekonomi Trump menunjukan pergeseran cukup signifikan dibandingkan beberapa pemerintahan sebelumnya. Penulis akan menggunakan metode Kualitatif dengan model analisa Eksplanatoris. Pendekatan Proteksionisme menjadi platform utama Trump, yang termanifetasi pada penolakan atas kerangka kerjasama Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), renegosiasi kesepakatan ekonomi dengan Kanada dan Meksiko, hingga Perang Dagang terhadap Cina sejak 2018 lalu. Sentiment Nasionalisme, kewaspadaan pada pihak asing, atau reifikasi identitas Amerika Serikat dianggap sebagai unsur utama yang menyebabkan Trump berpaling dari dari rezim global Neoliberalisme. Penulis hendak menguji relasi antara Politik Identitas dengan Platform ekonomi-politik kebijakan Trump tersebut.. Kebangkitan isu Politik Identitas bukanlah penyebab utama yang melahirkan Proteksionisme. Trump hanya memanfaatkan kegagalan kebijakan neoliberal dari pemerintah-pemerintah sebelumnya dengan menggunakan retorika nasionalisme dan politik identitas.

Mandala, Dec 30, 2020
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN... more Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian. RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of this study is that ASEAN cannot be separated from the concept of soft regionalism in which it has been running, and still sees all changes through static point of view. ASEAN needs to make new breakthroughs in realizing comprehensive cooperation in the region.

The Southeast Asian region with a high level of internet users makes it easy for people to find H... more The Southeast Asian region with a high level of internet users makes it easy for people to find Hoaks. ASEAN officials agreed to conduct regional collaboration to eradicate fake news, the impact that would be caused through the ASEAN Frameworks to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Fakenenews. Hoaxes are one of the main problems in elections in various countries, one of which is in Indonesia during the 2019 preelection. This study aims to analyze the efforts made by the Indonesian government based on the ASEAN Frameworks to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Faknenews in dealing with the spread of fake news or hoaxes that increased in the pre-election in 2019. The author uses 3 frameworks of thought in this research, namely Regional Cooperation, The Role of The Government and Hoaxes. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Literature study, literature review and interviews were conducted as data collection techniques. The results of the study stated that the efforts of the ASEAN Frameworks to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Fake news in eradicating fake news in the 2019 pre-election in Indonesia through the Communications and Information Technology were carried out by blocking websites that spread hoaxes, using the

Journal of Political Issues
Berkat pengaruhnya yang besar terhadap konsumen di seluruh dunia, fast fashion mungkin adalah ist... more Berkat pengaruhnya yang besar terhadap konsumen di seluruh dunia, fast fashion mungkin adalah istilah yang sangat akrab bagi banyak orang. Meskipun populer, fast fashion juga dikenal sebagai model bisnis yang memiliki rantai pasokan yang sangat rumit. Karena proses rantai pasokan yang kompleks itu, mereka diketahui melakukan praktik yang tidak etis terhadap para pekerjanya dan juga lingkungan. Sayangnya, sebagai satu negara pemasok fast fashion terbesar di dunia, Bangladesh tampaknya tidak keberatan dengan sifat destruktif fast fashion dan menutup mata terhadap dampak yang diciptakan oleh industry tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang bagaimana dinamika offshore outsourcing dalam rantai pasokan fast fashion menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan Bangladesh melalui sektor pakaian jadi dan bagaimana pemerintah terlibat dalam kasus ini di bawah pengaruh neoliberal menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasilnya, pe...

JISIP UNJA (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Universitas Jambi)
Korupsi merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Article 8... more Korupsi merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Article 8 UNTOC tentang Criminalization of Corruption. Selain itu, korupsi menjadi masalah krusial yang belum bisa teratasi dengan baik di Indonesia. Tingkat korupsi di Indonesia telah mencapai level sistemik dan berdampak besar di berbagai bidang. Salah satu permasalahan yang terdapat dalam percepatan penanganan pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia adalah para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang kerap kali melarikan diri ke luar negeri untuk menghindari proses hukum. Upaya untuk menangkap pelaku korupsi yang melarikan diri dan menjalankan proses hukum tetap dilakukan oleh Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah ekstradisi. Lazimnya ekstradisi dilakukan dengan prosedur formal atau didasari perjanjian ekstradisi antara kedua negara. Salah satu kasus pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang melarikan diri ke luar negeri dan berhasil diekstradisi melalui prosedur non formal adalah Mari...

JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT (Kajian Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah)
In dealing with the conflict in Papua, the Indonesian government has made various efforts, one of... more In dealing with the conflict in Papua, the Indonesian government has made various efforts, one of which is changing the status of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which was originally defined as an armed criminal group, then changed to a terrorist group. The focus of this research is the change in the status of the OPM to the terrorist organization. This research is analytical with an explanatory approach that explains the reasons behind the policy taken by the Indonesian government to change the status of OPM to a terrorist organization. In collecting data to build arguments in this study using a literature study approach, where data is obtained from various literature sources such as books, journals, documents or reports, and also from internet sources that are considered relevant. The findings of this study can be illustrated that the Indonesian government's policy to change the status of the OPM to a terrorist organization has been motivated by several reasons, including: O...

Sriwijaya Journal of International Relations
Nowadays fake news is a new challenge for all countries because of the impact it has. Especially ... more Nowadays fake news is a new challenge for all countries because of the impact it has. Especially in the Southeast Asia Region with a high level of internet users, it is easy for people to find hoaxes. In order to overcome fake news, ASEAN officials agreed to carry out regional collaboration to eradicate fake news the impact that would be caused through the ASEAN Frameworks to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Fakenenews. Hoaxes are one of the main problems in elections in various countries, one of which is in Indonesia during the 2019 pre-election. This study aims to analyze the efforts made by the Indonesian government based on the ASEAN Frameworks to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Faknenews in dealing with the spread of fake news or hoaxes that increased in the pre-election in 2019. The author uses 3 frameworks of thought in this research, namely Regional Cooperation, The Role of The Government and Hoaxes. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive analysis method....

Journal of Human Security, 2021
The present study discusses the role of NGOs in the efforts of the Indonesian Humanitarian Allian... more The present study discusses the role of NGOs in the efforts of the Indonesian Humanitarian Alliance for Myanmar (AKIM: Aliansi Kemanusian Indonesia Untuk Myanmar) to handle the humanitarian crisis experienced by Ethnic Rohingya groups in Myanmar in 2017. This phenomenon in Myanmar began to draw a lot of attention when the AKIM was able to contribute to the cause even though state actors and IGO attempts were blocked by the Myanmar government. In this case, NGOs were able to play a role outside the traditional structure of modern international relations that was inaccessible to state or international organizations (IGOs) or state governments. This phenomenon indicates that NGOs have more access to attempts to settle the humanitarian crisis being experienced by the ethnic Rohingya groups in Myanmar. This is notable because the Myanmar government has blocked the aid of other countries and IGOs and has denied the assistance offered by the United Nations. The qualitative method was used in this study, employing a case study model to observe the effects that occurred. During data collection researchers, used study documents, and then the data was processed through interpretive analytical techniques to draw conclusions and formulate a model for the study.

Journal of Political Issues, 2022
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, bencana dapat menjadi ancaman besar baik di bidang ekonomi, sosial, polit... more Tidak dapat dipungkiri, bencana dapat menjadi ancaman besar baik di bidang ekonomi, sosial, politik, dan lain-lain bagi wilayah terdampak. Berawal dari berbagai bencana besar yang terjadi salah satunya Tsunami di Aceh tahun 2004, lahirlah sebuah kerangka kerjasama antar negara yang berisi strategi dan pendekatan sistematis untuk mengurangi kerentanan dan risiko bahaya yang bernama Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) yang diadopsi di tahun 2005-2015. Karena keberhasilannya di beberapa hal, berbagai negara sepakat untuk melanjutkan kerjasama ini yang bernama Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) yang diadopsi di tahun 2015-2030. Filipina sebagai negara yang rentan akan bencana seperti angin topan karena berlokasi di Cincin Api Pasifik turut serta dalam meratifikasi kerjasama tersebut secara sukarela. Salah satu bentuk komitmen dari Filipina adalah melaksanakan program Build Back Better dan melaksanakan kolaborasi baik dengan aktor nasional maupun internasional. Melalui pene...

Jurnal Mandala Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, 2020
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN... more Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian. RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of t...

Journal of Political Issues, 2020
Artikel ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan perubahan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada bidan... more Artikel ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan perubahan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada bidang ekonomi dibawah pemerintahan Donald Trump sejak 2017. Analisa akan dilandaskan pada relasi antara Politik Identitas dengan kebijakan Proteksionis yang ditempuh Trump. Orientasi Kebijakan ekonomi Trump menunjukan pergeseran cukup signifikan dibandingkan beberapa pemerintahan sebelumnya. Penulis akan menggunakan metode Kualitatif dengan model analisa Eksplanatoris. Pendekatan Proteksionisme menjadi platform utama Trump, yang termanifetasi pada penolakan atas kerangka kerjasama Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), renegosiasi kesepakatan ekonomi dengan Kanada dan Meksiko, hingga Perang Dagang terhadap Cina sejak 2018 lalu. Sentiment Nasionalisme, kewaspadaan pada pihak asing, atau reifikasi identitas Amerika Serikat dianggap sebagai unsur utama yang menyebabkan Trump berpaling dari dari rezim global Neoliberalisme. Penulis hendak menguji relasi antara Politik Identitas dengan Platform ekonomi...

The development of the Digital Economy in the last decade has become increasingly prominent and s... more The development of the Digital Economy in the last decade has become increasingly prominent and significant. The dynamics and transactions of the Digital Economy span from the corporate to household levels, from local to global scales. The use of advanced information technology in the internet field paved the way for the Digital Economy, especially in the financial or financial realm. This reality is directly correlated with the current of financialization of contemporary capitalism which has strengthened as one of the main features of Neoliberal capitalism since the 1980s.This study seeks to analyze the operation of the Digital Economy in the financial sector such as Venture Capital or Financial Technology within the framework of Political-Economy, particularly through the study of International Political Economy. The author believes that the birth and development of the Digital Economy can be understood in two aspects, namely, first, it is directly correlated with the financializa...
Papers by M. Chairil Akbar Setiawan