Papers by Manuel Calvo Trias

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Iron Age archaeology in Europe and the Mediterranean often faces significant difficulties to esta... more Iron Age archaeology in Europe and the Mediterranean often faces significant difficulties to establish precise chronological frameworks by means of radiocarbon dating due to the so-called Hallstatt Plateau. This problem worsens in those archaeological sites excavated decades ago with a lack of stratigraphic control of the objects recovered. The archaeological studies carried out in Iron Age funerary contexts from Mallorca (Balearic Islands) are greatly affected by these two distorting factors. Therefore, it has been difficult to establish an accurate chronology for the origin and abandonment of certain individualization practices, such as the use of wooden coffins in collective necropolises. The goal of this paper is to overcome these limitations and to define the most reliable chronological framework for this funerary phenomenon by applying a multi-proxy approach. Thus, the chronological information provided by the detailed typological study of the material culture associated with the wooden coffins was connected to the results obtained from an extensive series of new radiocarbon dating of the wooden coffins. In addition, a wiggle-matching analysis (different 14 C dates for the same wooden object corresponding to individual tree-rings) was also conducted in some wooden coffins in order to enhance the precision of the radiocarbon dates. Accordingly, the direct and indirect chronological information show that the use of wooden coffins in Mallorca started around 800-750 cal BC and was abandoned at c. 350-300 cal BC.

Trabajos de Prehistoria
Se presenta el estudio de los objetos metálicos hallados en Cova des Pas (900-800 cal AC), una ne... more Se presenta el estudio de los objetos metálicos hallados en Cova des Pas (900-800 cal AC), una necrópolis situada en el barranco de Trebaluger (Ferreries, Menorca), excavada entre los años 2005 y 2006 por un equipo formado por miembros de la Universitat de les Illes Balears y la Universitat de Barcelona. El conjunto está compuesto por objetos de bronce y pequeñas anillas de estaño, un elemento alóctono en las Islas Baleares. Se describen las piezas metálicas en sus respectivos contextos arqueológicos, atendiendo a los aspectos tecnológicos que aportan información para caracterizar las producciones metalúrgicas de esta cronología en Menorca. A partir de los resultados de las analíticas de composición elemental y de isótopos de plomo, se argumenta la relación de la mayoría de los bronces con depósitos minerales de Menorca. No obstante, confrontando dichos datos con los publicados actualmente, se deduce que dos piezas de bronce muestran concordancia con minerales cupríferos de Cerdeña ...

The present paper represents a study of handmade ceramics from different Late Bronze Age to Late ... more The present paper represents a study of handmade ceramics from different Late Bronze Age to Late Iron Age (1100-50 BC) archaeological sites located in Majorca (Spain), combining petrography, X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy. The analysis of the ceramic samples focused on the establishment of specific chaînes opératoires. As such, this analysis represents a useful tool for assessing different technological traditions of pottery production throughout prehistory. This theoretical and methodological approach, in agreement with the historical context, has permitted the interpretation of significant social and technical practices related to pottery production. As the data suggest, the preparation of pottery pastes underwent great changes during the periods under consideration, and especially between the sherds from the different archaeological sites studied. The changes may have occurred in response to new dynamics in the social organisation of pottery production, knowledge transmission systems, and learning contexts in the investigated area.
Treballs Del Museu Arqueologic D Eivissa E Formentera Trabajos Del Museo Arqueologico De Ibiza Y Formentera, 2014

African Archaeological Review, 2016
View this paper on-line in This article deals with the myriad determinants in... more View this paper on-line in This article deals with the myriad determinants involved in pottery distribution in northeast Ghana, considered from a theoretical perspective that integrates the materiality of vessels and the social, political and historical context where both communities and pottery operate in their daily practice. Hence, we develop a comprehensive research strategy that combines emic and etic views covering the multiple dimensions of pottery life history. In this sense, production units, technical traditions and the characteristics of the redistributive centres, as well as the strategies for pottery acquisition, are studied. Special attention is paid to quite varied aspects such as the physical properties of vessels and their performance characteristics, the reputation of both vessels and potters according to the consumers and the mobility and connectivity patterns found in the study area. On the other hand, interpretations regarding the historical and sociopolitical context of the region are emphasised, as well as the interethnic relationships amongst groups inhabiting the area.
Mayurqa Revista Del Departament De Ciencies Historiques I Teoria De Les Arts, 1999
El projccii ii'iiivisiip:ici6 co<Iiiigil pcls \eciyiiih 13. Siilvh. M <';ilvo, I<. I'L'icz... more El projccii ii'iiivisiip:ici6 co<Iiiigil pcls \eciyiiih 13. Siilvh. M <';ilvo, I<. I'L'icz, i iiviiliii pcl doclor Vfitoi Giiciiiio coin ii dii-ccioi-< l i l I.;ihoi.;il<ri.i d i I'iihiati>iiii. Des <le I'iiirci < i i l i>ii,,icclc Iiciii ~uinpi;ii sii~ih cl siil~ort <i'~i?ilircsis covii Ilotcl Ciil;i Milr\iil, cl siipeimeiciil üigiintc i Fblogiiifiia H C I I ! I ,~I S '~~~.
Tribuna D Arqueologia, 2002

Mayurqa, 2005
RESUMEN: En este artículo intentaremos hacer una aproximación a aquellos aspectos que pudieron in... more RESUMEN: En este artículo intentaremos hacer una aproximación a aquellos aspectos que pudieron influir en la elección del lugar donde debía construirse el turriforme escalonado de Son Ferrer. Para ello se analizan dos tipos de variables. Un primer grupo se relaciona con la concepción del espacio de las comunidades talayóticas, la percepción mental de la idea de territorio y espacio así como la estructuración, organización y jerarquización que estas comunidades hacen del territorio que controlan y del que obtienen gran parte de sus recursos económicos. Estas variables son las que condicionan la elección del lugar de construcción del turriforme escalonado. El segundo grupo de factores condicionantes estaría compuesto por aquellos aspectos, ya mucho más concretos y prácticos, que determinan la elección exacta del lugar, más allá de aquellos elementos más genéricos y globales que condicionan la elección de la zona.
The Prehistory of Iberia Debating Early Social Stratification and the State 2013 Isbn 978 0 415 88592 8 Pags 170 202, 2013
Mayurqa Revista Del Departament De Ciencies Historiques I Teoria De Les Arts, 1999
Papers by Manuel Calvo Trias