Papers by Monika Bronkowska

Oxidative stress (OS) in the foetal and neonatal periods leads to many disorders in newborns and ... more Oxidative stress (OS) in the foetal and neonatal periods leads to many disorders in newborns and in later life. The nutritional status of pregnant women is considered to be one of the key factors that triggers OS. We investigated the relationship between the concentration of selected mineral elements in the blood of pregnant women and the concentration of 3′nitrotyrosine (3′NT) as a marker of OS in the umbilical cord blood of newborns. The study group consisted of 57 pregnant women and their newborn children. The concentrations of magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in maternal serum (MS) were measured by the flame atomic absorption/emission spectrometry (FAAS/FAES) method. The concentration of 3′NT in umbilical cord serum (UCS) of newborns was determined by the ELISA method. A positive correlation between MS Fe and UCS 3′NT in male newborns was shown (rho = 0.392, p = 0.053). Significantly higher UCS 3′NT was demonstrated in newborns, especially males...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Physical activity and healthy diets are determinants of the health of convicts who are deprived o... more Physical activity and healthy diets are determinants of the health of convicts who are deprived of freedom. However, little research has focused on these two aspects concurrently. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between the level of prisoners’ physical activity and their dietary habits, diet quality, and nutritional knowledge. The cross-sectional study was conducted with 226 prisoners. The inclusion criteria included male sex, age 18–65 years, and consent for the research. We excluded the subjects who met any of the following conditions: female sex, unwillingness to participate, and dangerous prisoner status. The KomPAN questionnaire was used to assess the prisoners’ eating habits, diet quality, and level of nutrition knowledge. The “Last 7d” short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to assess the prisoners’ level of physical activity. A significant correlation between the prisoners’ age and their levels of physical activit...

Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2020
Background. The lifestyle of young boys has impact on the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Objec... more Background. The lifestyle of young boys has impact on the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of atherosclerosis risk factors determined by overweight and obesity and lifestyle, i.e.: eating habits, low physical activity and smoking cigarettes, on blood lipid profile of boys at the age of 16 to 18. Material and Methods. The study covered 369 boys from secondary schools. They were evaluated for the supply of dietary constituents with atherogenic and protective actions, for nutritional status acc. to Cole’s criteria, the level of physical activity, and smoking cigarettes. Lipid metabolism was determined based on criteria recommended by the American National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP). Logistic regression analysis was conducted and risk odds ratio [OR] was determined. Results. Analyses showed the boys to be characterized by overweight (10.8%) and obesity (2.7%), and by inappropriate concentration of total cholesterol (2...
Celem pracy była ocena wpływu preparatu skrobi opornej RS4 dodawanego do diet o zróżnicowanej zaw... more Celem pracy była ocena wpływu preparatu skrobi opornej RS4 dodawanego do diet o zróżnicowanej zawartości białka i wapnia na wybrane wskaźniki biochemiczne krwi szczurów rasy Wistar. W surowicy krwi za pomocą testów biochemicznych fi rmy BioSystems oznaczono zawartość glukozy, cholesterolu całkowitego, cholesterolu HDL i LDL oraz triglicerydów. Stwierdzono istotny statystycznie wpływ podawania w paszy preparatu skrobi opornej RS4 na obniżenie poziomu triglicerydów w surowicy krwi zwierząt. Największy spadek zawartości triglicerydów (o ok. 54%) stwierdzono w grupach III+RS4 i IV+RS4.

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2010
The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of RS4 resistant starch in high-fat diets on t... more The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of RS4 resistant starch in high-fat diets on the apparent absorption of magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe) in Wistar rats. The animals (4 groups of males, n=32) were fed 4 types of diets: a control diet with 15% addition of soybean oil (K 1 ) and a control diet with 15% addition of lard and cholesterol (K 2 ) as well as 2 respective experimental groups with 10% addition of RS4 resistant starch (K 1S and K 2S ). After a 3-week adaptive period, the animals were transferred into metabolic cages. Feed intake was measured and samples of faeces were collected within the 3 subsequent days. Diets and faeces were determined for contents of Mg and Fe with the method of atomic absorption spectrometry. The absorption of Mg and Fe in rats was calculated based on a difference between their contents in ingested diets and excreted faeces. An increase was observed in the apparent absorption of magnesium and iron by ca. 8% and 17.5%, respectively, in the g...

Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, 2015
BACKGROUND It is believed that buckwheat can be used as a functional food ingredient in the preve... more BACKGROUND It is believed that buckwheat can be used as a functional food ingredient in the prevention and treatment of diet-related diseases, e.g., atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, constipation and cancers. The use of buckwheat protein preparations in the diet for experimental animals had a significant effect on the reduction of cholesterol level in their blood serum, liver and gall bladder, and additionally inhibited the formation of gall stones as a result of changes in cholesterol metabolism. Buckwheat protein extracts have additionally been shown to reduce the level of LDL and VLDL fractions. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different products from ground buckwheat nuts (flour, meal and bran) and bread with their addition applied in balanced diets on selected biochemical blood markers in Wistar rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was conducted with 64 male Wistar rats. Animals received a semi-synthetic diet AIN 93M with 20% addition of buck...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Today, the time spent actively is increasingly being replaced by screen-based media, although in ... more Today, the time spent actively is increasingly being replaced by screen-based media, although in some teenagers, a high level of physical activity (PA) and longer time spent in front of a screen (screen time, ST) may coexist as a mixed behavioral pattern. This study aimed to examine the association of the pattern created as activity (low/high ST with high PA) and inactivity patterns (low/high ST with low PA) with overweight, central obesity, and muscle strength in Polish teenagers taking into consideration socioeconomic and demographic factors. Cross-sectional data were collected from elementary school children (n = 1567), aged 11–13 years. Height, weight, waist circumference, and handgrip strength were measured. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as the overweight measure, and the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) was calculated as the central obesity measure. Data on ST, PA, socioeconomic status, demographics, and nutrition knowledge were collected by a questionnaire. Activity–inacti...

Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2020
Background. The aim of this study was to determine the consumption of specific food groups by peo... more Background. The aim of this study was to determine the consumption of specific food groups by people with HIV and to determine the quality of their diets. Objectives. To assess the relationship between selected eating habits and lifestyles of people infected with HIV. The research was conducted at the HIV/AIDS Preventative and Therapeutic Clinic of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Therapy Center at Wrocław Health Center (SPZOZ Wrocław), Poland. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2019 among 31 patients of a counselling center in Wrocław. To determine the frequency of food consumption and eating habits, the KomPAN ® questionnaire, prepared by employees of the Polish Academy of Sciences, was used. Results. All study participants were characterized by a small degree of unhealthy features in their diets; 87% of the respondents also demonstrated a small degree of healthy features in their diets, although the responses they gave showed that they assessed their nutritional knowledge and diet highly. Consumption of sweet snacks and adding salt to cooked meals were prevalent. The respondents took part in moderate physical activity and rarely consumed highly processed fast food products, though they ate fish and legumes-an important part of the diet-with similar frequency. Conclusions. More attention should be given to the nutritional issues of patients treated for HIV, and emphasis should be placed on promoting healthy eating habits among this population. In the scientific literature, few such studies are available that address issues related to the diet of HIV-infected people.

Background Scientific literature provides more and more information on compounds supporting fat m... more Background Scientific literature provides more and more information on compounds supporting fat metabolism. More research is needed to fully characterize the effects of compounds that increase concentration triglycerides. The aim of our study was to test the influence of caffeine and genistein consumption on triglyceride status in athletes.Methods Fourteen Polish adult sub-elite soccer players (23.1 ± 2.1 years; 179.6 ± 8.5 cm; 74.1 ± 8.5 kg; 12.4 ± 3.8% body fat) were accepted for research. The athletes for this randomized, double-blind study were joining fasted. After consuming a standardized milk meal, participants took caffeine (400 mg), genistein (120 mg), or placebo (400 mg of vitamin C). Athletes ate the compound if it saw a sequentially increase and decrease in triglyceride concentration after eating the test meal. Participants had their glucose levels measured every 15 minutes with a glucometer (Accu-Chek Active) and their triglyceride levels with CardioChek PA. The subject...

Nutrients, 2019
The aim of the study was to assess the reproducibility of a short-form, multicomponent dietary qu... more The aim of the study was to assess the reproducibility of a short-form, multicomponent dietary questionnaire (SF-FFQ4PolishChildren) in Polish children and adolescents. The study involved 437 children (6–10 years old) and 630 adolescents (11–15 years old) from rural and urban areas of Poland. The self-administered questionnaire was related to nutrition knowledge, dietary habits, active/sedentary lifestyle, self-reported weight and height, and socioeconomic data. The questionnaire was completed with a two-week interval—twice by parents for their children (test and retest for children), twice by adolescents themselves (adolescent’s test and retest) and once by adolescents’ parents (parent’s test). The strength of agreement measured using the kappa statistic was interpreted as follows: 0–0.20 slight, 0.21–0.40 fair, 0.41–0.60 moderate, 0.61–0.80 good, and 0.81–1.00 excellent. Regarding the frequency of consumption of food items and meals, kappa statistics were 0.46–0.81 (the lowest: fr...

Nutrients, 2019
The sustainability of education focused on improving the dietary and lifestyle behaviours of teen... more The sustainability of education focused on improving the dietary and lifestyle behaviours of teenagers has not been extensively studied. The aim of this study was to determine the sustainability of diet-related and lifestyle-related school-based education on sedentary and active lifestyle, diet quality and body composition of Polish pre-teenagers in a medium-term follow-up study. An education-based intervention study was carried out on 464 students aged 11–12 years (educated/control group: 319/145). Anthropometric measurements were taken and body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratios (WHtR) were calculated, both at the baseline and after nine months. Dietary data from a short-form food frequency questionnaire (SF-FFQ4PolishChildren) were collected. Two measures of lifestyle (screen time, physical activity) and two diet quality scores (pro-healthy, pHDI, and non-healthy, nHDI) were established. After nine months, in the educated group (vs. control) a significantly higher increa...

Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2018
Background. The knowledge about nutrition of the marathoners is insufficient. An insightful and p... more Background. The knowledge about nutrition of the marathoners is insufficient. An insightful and personalized approach to the diet of long-distance athletes, including the consumption of important nutrients such as dietary fiber, is needed to improve the efficiency of their performance. Objective. Estimation of the frequency of consumption of food products as a source of dietary fiber by people preparing for the marathon. Material and Methods. The frequency of intake of selected dietary fiber sources by women (n=105) and men (n=87) aged 19 to 73 years, who compete in marathons. The Block questionnaire was used to assess the intake of fiber sources (whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, potatoes and legumes). Fiber consumption was expressed on a dot scale. Results. Adequate dietary fiber intake was found in 44% of the marathon runners, but insufficient one-in 50% of the respondents. Diets of about 6% of the subjects were poor in dietary fiber. Lower dietary fiber intake was demonstrated in both men and women in the pre-marathon period, and was due to the recommended dietary fiber intake during this period. Conclusion. The study showed an insufficient intake of dietary fiber in all-day rations of most of the surveyed marathon runners. A statistically significantly lower dietary intake of marathoners (both women and men) was demonstrated before the marathon compared to the post-long distance period.

Nutrients, 2018
The aim of the study was to evaluate the reproducibility of the Dietary Habits and Nutrition Beli... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the reproducibility of the Dietary Habits and Nutrition Beliefs Questionnaire (KomPAN) in Polish adolescents and adults, including the assessment of indexes developed based on the questionnaire. In total, the study involved 954 subjects aged 15–65 (53.9% females). Interviews using the interviewer-administered questionnaire (IA-Q) in healthy subjects (n 299) and the self-administered questionnaire (SA-Q) in healthy subjects (n 517) and outpatients (n 138) were conducted and repeated after two weeks. Considering the consumption frequency of 33 food items, the cross-classification (test-retest) agreement of classification into the same category obtained for IA-Q in healthy subjects ranged from 72.2% (fruit juices) to 91.6% (energy drinks); the kappa statistic was >0.60 for all food items. For SA-Q conducted in healthy subjects the cross-classification agreement ranged from 63.8% (vegetable oils, margarines, mixes of butter and margarines) to 84.7...

Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2015
Arsenic is widely distributed in the environment. The main routes of absorption of inorganic arse... more Arsenic is widely distributed in the environment. The main routes of absorption of inorganic arsenic compounds are the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. Arsenates both (III) and (V) are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in 55-95%, while the organic arsenic compounds in 75-85%. Arsenic poisoning leads to damage the activities and morphological changes in the stomach and intestines, causing the occurrence of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Arsenic compounds may also be the cause of the development of certain cancers (lung, skin and liver). The first changes caused by arsenic poisoning usually remain unnoticed. Arsenic affects haematological and both lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. It also causes changes in the organs involved in metabolism, so biochemical parameters or enzymes activity are therefore a good indicator of poisoning changes. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of protein and fat content in diet on selected biochemical blood parameters in rats....
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2009
The aim of this study was to assess lycopene intake in daily food rations of women (n = 725) from... more The aim of this study was to assess lycopene intake in daily food rations of women (n = 725) from the Lower Silesia region. The data on the lycopene intake were collected using 24-hour recall and diet history questionnaire. The intake of lycopene was not too low. The average lycopene contents in the daily food rations of 725 women from Lower Silesia region was 7.5 mg. The highest lycopene intake was found in the food daily rations of women with BMI > 30. In examined group of women low knowledge on the importance of the role of lycopene in health was noticed. Educational interventions are required to inform women and to increase lycopene intake among them.

Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2015
Youth nutrition and their nutritional status are conditioned by many factors, some of the main on... more Youth nutrition and their nutritional status are conditioned by many factors, some of the main ones being: economic, social, climatic, cultural, and psychological factors as well as nutritional knowledge. With the growing problem of overweight and obesity among children and young people, the incidence of the metabolic syndrome is also increasing. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of demographic, sociological and psychological factors on the incidence of obesity among 17-18-year-old adolescents from Wroclaw and vicinity as a major risk factor for the development of the metabolic syndrome. The study was conducted in three upper-secondary schools in Wroclaw, Poland. In the surveyed group (17-18 years old, n = 269) girls accounted for 59.5% and boys constituted 40.5%. Majority of young people were Wroclaw citizens (72.9%). Centile charts elaborated by the Children's Memorial Health Institute were adopted for the evaluation of anthropometric parameters. Evaluation of the ...

Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2014
Since arsenic compounds have an affinity to thiol groups their greatest amounts can then be found... more Since arsenic compounds have an affinity to thiol groups their greatest amounts can then be found in the tissues containing sulphur-rich proteins, like beta-keratin in skin, hair and nails. Accumulation of arsenic also depends on the macronutrient content in daily food ration. The deficiency and excess of both the protein and fat may contribute to a higher content of arsenic in the organism, including hair in human or fur in animals. Hair and fur is a good indicator of population exposure to many toxic substances, including arsenic. The degree of arsenic accumulation may depend on the diet and nutritional status. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of protein and fat in diet on the accumulation of arsenic in rats' fur. A total number of 70 male Buffalo rats (body weight 200 - 220 g, age - 6 weeks) were divided into 10 groups. Rats were housed in plastic cages (4 per cage) in a 12h light/dark cycle for 6 weeks. The diets of different protein and fat contents ware ad...
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2008
The aim of paper was to assess the folic acid and cobalamine women (n = 960). The information abo... more The aim of paper was to assess the folic acid and cobalamine women (n = 960). The information about vitamins intake were collected using 24-hour recall and diet history questionnaire. The intake of vitamins folic acid and cobalamine was too low. The mean folic acid content in the diets of 100 women from Lower Silesia was 221.5 mcg and complied in 79% recommended level. The mean cobalamine content in the diets of 100 women from Lower Silesia was 2.9 mcg and complied in 97% recommended level. In examined group low knowledge about importance role of folic acid and cobalamine in health was noticed. Educational interventions are required to inform women and to increase its intake among them.

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 2014
Introduction. In the human body iron occurs at a level of 3-5 g, 60-70% of which are in haemoglob... more Introduction. In the human body iron occurs at a level of 3-5 g, 60-70% of which are in haemoglobin, ca. 10% in myoglobin, and ca. 3% are accumulated in enzymes of cellular respiration or enzymes degrading toxic hydrogen peroxide. The other part of iron is accumulated in the liver, spleen, kidneys and bone marrow. The dietary deficiency of iron appears at its insufficient level in a diet and at impaired absorption of iron ions present in food products by a body. Groups at an especially high risk of iron deficiencies include, among others, menstruating girls in the pubescence period and women with heavy and irregular menstruations, as well as vegetarians and patients with chronic enteritis. Objective. To evaluate the intake of iron and nutrients that affect its bioavailability from daily food rations of girls. Materials and method. The study comprised 159 girls aged 17-18, students of high schools in the city of Wroclaw, southwestern Poland. The study was conducted between November 2010-May 2011. The girls were divided into 3 subgroups according to the BMI score. Their ' diets were analyzed by the method of a direct interview 24 hours before the test. The interview was repeated seven times. Results. The presented study demonstrates that the intake of iron from food rations of almost all the girls surveyed was below the requirements defined for this age group. Statistically significant differences were noted in the intake of energy and nutrients among the three distinguished subgroups of girls. Conclusions. Food rations of the surveyed girls were characterized by a low energetic value, compared to dietary allowances, which resulted in deficiencies of nutrients increasing iron bioavailability.
Http Aleph18 Bibl Up Wroc Pl F Func Direct Local_Base Arw01 Doc_Number 000086763, 2012
HDL-cholesterol (mg-dl) HDL-cholesterol 47,0±10,6 a 39
Papers by Monika Bronkowska