Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Jun 29, 2018
As an important candidate gravity theory alternative to dark energy, a class of f (R) modified gr... more As an important candidate gravity theory alternative to dark energy, a class of f (R) modified gravity, which introduces a perturbation of the Ricci scalar R in the Einstein-Hilbert action, has been extensively applied to cosmology to explain the acceleration of the universe. In this paper, we focus on the recently-released VLBI observations of the compact structure in intermediate-luminosity quasars combined with the angular-diameterdistance measurements from galaxy clusters, which consists of 145 data points performing as individual cosmological standard rulers in the redshift range 0.023 ≤ z ≤ 2.80, to investigate observational constraints on two viable models in f (R) theories within the Palatini formalism: f 1 (R) = R − a R b and f 2 (R) = R − aR R+ab. We also combine the individual standard ruler data with the observations of CMB and BAO, which provides stringent constraints. Furthermore, two model diagnostics, Om(z) and statefinder, are also applied to distinguish the two f (R) models and ΛCDM model. Our results show that (1) The quasars sample performs very well to place constraints on the two f (R) cosmologies, which indicates its potential to act as a powerful complementary probe to other cosmological standard rulers. (2) The ΛCDM model, which corresponds to b = 0 in the two f (R) cosmologies is still included within 1σ range. However, there still exists some possibility that ΛCDM may not the best cosmological model preferred by the current high-redshift observations. (3) Given the current standard ruler data, the information criteria indicate that the cosmological constant model is still the best one, while the f 1 (R) model gets the smallest observational support. (4) The f 2 (R) model, which evolves quite different from f 1 (R) model at early times, still significantly deviates from both f 1 (R) and ΛCDM model at the present time.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Oct 30, 2014
Gravitational wave (GW) experiments are entering their advanced stage which should soon open a ne... more Gravitational wave (GW) experiments are entering their advanced stage which should soon open a new observational window on the Universe. Looking into this future, the Einstein Telescope (ET) was designed to have a fantastic sensitivity improving significantly over the advanced GW detectors. One of the most important astrophysical GW sources supposed to be detected by the ET in large numbers are double compact objects (DCO) and some of such events should be gravitationally lensed by intervening galaxies. We explore the prospects of observing gravitationally lensed inspiral DCO events in the ET. This analysis is a significant extension of our previous paper Piórkowska et al. [6]. We are using the intrinsic merger rates of the whole class of DCO (NS-NS,BH-NS,BH-BH)located at different redshifts as calculated by Dominik et al. [5] by using StarTrack population synthesis evolutionary code. We discuss in details predictions from each evolutionary scenario. Our general conclusion is that ET would register about 50 − 100 strongly lensed inspiral events per year. Only the scenario in which nascent BHs receive strong kick gives the predictions of a few events per year. Such lensed events would be dominated by the BH-BH merging binary systems. Our results suggest that during a few years of successful operation ET will provide a considerable catalog of strongly lensed events.
The assumptions of large-scale homogeneity and isotropy underly the familiar Friedmann-Lemaître-R... more The assumptions of large-scale homogeneity and isotropy underly the familiar Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric that appears to be an accurate description of our Universe. In this paper, we propose a new strategy of testing the validity of the FLRW metric, based on the galactic-scale lensing systems where strongly lensed gravitational waves and their electromagnetic counterparts can be simultaneously detected. Each strong lensing system creates opportunity to infer the curvature parameter of the Universe. Consequently, combined analysis of many such systems will provide a modelindependent tool to test the validity of the FLRW metric. Our study demonstrates that the third-generation ground based GW detectors, like the Einstein Telescope (ET) and space-based detectors, like the Big Bang Observer (BBO), are promising concerning determination of the curvature parameter or possible detection of deviation from the FLRW metric. Such accurate measurements of the FLRW metric can become a milestone in precision GW cosmology.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In order to estimate cosmic curvature from cosmological probes like standard candles, one has to ... more In order to estimate cosmic curvature from cosmological probes like standard candles, one has to measure the luminosity distance D L (z), its derivative with respect to redshift D L (z) and the expansion rate H (z) at the same redshift. In this paper, we study how such idea could be implemented with future generation of space-based DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO), in combination with cosmic chronometers providing cosmology-independent H (z) data. Our results show that for the Hubble diagram of simulated DECIGO data acting as a new type of standard siren, it would be able to constrain cosmic curvature with the precision of ΔΩ k = 0.09 with the currently available sample of 31 measurements of Hubble parameters. In the framework of the third generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors, the spatial curvature is constrained to be ΔΩ k = 0.13 for Einstein Telescope (ET). More interestingly, compared to other approaches aiming for model-independent estimations of spatial curvature, our analysis also achieve the reconstruction of the evolution of Ω k (z), in the framework of a model-independent method of Gaussian processes (GP) without assuming a specific form. Therefore, one can expect that the newly emerged gravitational wave astronomy can become useful in local measurements of cosmic curvature using distant sources.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jun 1, 2018
In this paper, we propose a new parametrization for Om(z) diagnostics and show how the most recen... more In this paper, we propose a new parametrization for Om(z) diagnostics and show how the most recent and significantly improved observations concerning the H(z) and SN Ia measurements can be used to probe the consistency or tension between the ΛCDM model and observations. Our results demonstrate that H 0 plays a very important role in the consistency test of ΛCDM with H(z) data. Adopting the Hubble constant priors from Planck 2013 and Riess, one finds considerable tension between the current H(z) data and ΛCDM model and confirms the conclusions obtained previously by others. However, with the Hubble constant prior taken from WMAP9, the discrepancy between H(z) data and ΛCDM disappears, i.e., the current H(z) observations still support the cosmological constant scenario. This conclusion is also supported by the results derived from the Joint Lightcurve Analysis (JLA) SN Ia sample. The best-fit Hubble constant from the combination of H(z)+JLA (H 0 = 68.81 +1.50 −1.49 km s −1 Mpc −1) is very consistent with results derived both by Planck 2013 and WMAP9, but is significantly different from the recent local measurement by Riess.
The two-point diagnostics Om(z i , z j) and Omh 2 (z i , z j) have been introduced as an interest... more The two-point diagnostics Om(z i , z j) and Omh 2 (z i , z j) have been introduced as an interesting tool for testing the validity of the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. Recently, Sahni et al. combined two independent measurements of H(z) from baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) data with the value of the Hubble constant H 0 , and used the second of these diagnostics to test the ΛCDM (a constant equation-of-state parameter for dark energy) model. Their result indicated a considerable tension between observations and predictions of the ΛCDM model. Since reliable data concerning the expansion rates of the universe at different redshifts H(z) are crucial for the successful application of this method, we investigate both two-point diagnostics on the most comprehensive set of N = 36 measurements of H(z) from BAOs and the differential ages (DAs) of passively evolving galaxies. We discuss the uncertainties of the two-point diagnostics and find that they are strongly non-Gaussian and follow the patterns deeply rooted in their very construction. Therefore we propose that non-parametric median statistics is the most appropriate way of treating this problem. Our results support the claims that ΛCDM is in tension with H(z) data according to the twopoint diagnostics developed by Shafieloo, Sahni, and Starobinsky. However, other alternatives to the ΛCDM model, such as the wCDM or Chevalier-Polarski-Linder models, perform even worse. We also note that there are serious systematic differences between the BAO and DA methods that ought to be better understood before H(z) measurements can compete with other probes methods.
It is well known that time delays due to strong lensing offer the opportunity of a one-step measu... more It is well known that time delays due to strong lensing offer the opportunity of a one-step measurement of the Hubble constant H 0 that is independent of the cosmic distance ladder. In this paper, we go further and propose a cosmological model-independent approach to simultaneously determine the Hubble constant and cosmic curvature with measurements of the time delay due to strong lensing, without any prior assumptions regarding the content of the universe. The data we use comprise the recent compilation of six well studied strongly lensed quasars, while the cosmic chronometer data are utilized to reconstruct distances via cosmographic parameters. In the framework of third-order Taylor expansion and (2, 1) order Padé approximation for cosmographic analysis, our results provide model-independent estimations of the Hubble constant H 0 = 72.24 − 2.52 + 2.73 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 and H 0 = 72.45 − 2.02 + 1.95 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 , which are well consistent with that derived from the local distance ladder by the SH0ES collaboration. The measured cosmic curvature Ω k = 0.062 − 0.078 + 0.117 and Ω k = 0.069 − 0.103 + 0.116 shows that zero spatial curvature is supported by the current observations of time delays due to strong lensing and cosmic chronometers. Imposing the prior of spatial flatness leads to more precise (at 1.6% level) determinations of the Hubble constant H 0 = 70.47 − 1.15 + 1.14 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 and H 0 = 71.66 − 1.57 + 1.15 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 , values located between the results from Planck and the SH0ES collaboration. If a prior of local (SH0ES) H 0 measurement is adopted, the constraint on curvature parameter can be further improved to Ω k = 0.123 − 0.046 + 0.060 and Ω k = 0.101 − 0.072 + 0.090 , supporting no significant deviation from a flat universe. Finally, we also discuss the effectiveness of the Padé approximation in reconstructing the cosmic expansion history for redshifts up to z ∼ 2.3, considering its better performance in the Bayes information criterion.
In a recent paper Abramowicz and Kluźniak [1] have discussed the problem of epicyclic oscillation... more In a recent paper Abramowicz and Kluźniak [1] have discussed the problem of epicyclic oscillations in Newton's and Einstein's dynamics and have shown that Newton's dynamics in a properly curved three-dimensional space is identical to testbody dynamics in the three-dimensional optical geometry of Schwarzschild spacetime. One of the main results of this paper was the proof that different behaviour of radial epicyclic frequency and Keplerian frequency in Newtonian and General Relativistic regimes had purely geometric origin contrary to claims that nonlinearity of Einstein's theory was responsible for this effect. In this paper we obtain the same result from another perspective: by representing these two distinct problems (Newtonian and Einstein's test body motion in central gravitational field) in a uniform way-as a geodesic motion. The solution of geodesic deviation equation reproduces the well known results concerning epicyclic frequencies and clearly demonstrates geometric origin of the difference between Newtonian and Einstein's problems.
The cold dark matter scenario of hierarchical large-scale structure formation predicts the existe... more The cold dark matter scenario of hierarchical large-scale structure formation predicts the existence of abundant subhalos around large galaxies. However, the number of observed dwarf galaxies is far from this theoretical prediction, suggesting that most of the subhalos could be dark or quite faint. Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool to probe the mass distribution directly irrespective of whether it is visible or dark. Time delay anomalies in strongly lensed quasar systems are complementary to flux ratio anomalies in probing dark matter substructure in galaxies. Here we propose that lensed gravitational waves detected by the third-generation ground detectors with quite accurate time delay measurements could be a much better tool for this study than conventional techniques. Combined with good quality images of lensed host galaxies identified by the electromagnetic counterpart measurements, lensed GW signals could make the systematic errors caused by dark matter substructures detectable at several percent levels, depending on their mass functions, internal distribution of subhalos and lensing system configuration.
We propose a new model-independent measurement strategy for the propagation speed of gravitationa... more We propose a new model-independent measurement strategy for the propagation speed of gravitational waves (GWs) based on strongly lensed GWs and their electromagnetic (EM) counterparts. This can be done in a two-fold way: by comparing arrival times of GWs and EM counterparts and by comparing the time delays between images seen in GWs and EM counterparts. The lensed GW-EM event is perhaps the best way to identify an EM counterpart. Conceptually this method does not rely on any specific theory of massive gravitons or modified gravity. Its differential setting (i.e. measuring the difference between time delays in GW and EM domains) - makes it robust against lens modeling details (photons and GWs travel in the same lensing potential) and against internal time delays between GW and EM emission acts. It requires, however, that the theory of gravity is metric and predicts gravitational lensing similar as General Relativity. We expect that such test will become possible in the era of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors, when about 10 lensed GW events would be observed each year. The power of this method is mainly limited by timing accuracy of the EM counterpart, which for kilonova is around $10^4$ sec. This uncertainty can be suppressed by a factor of $\sim 10^{10}$, if strongly lensed transients of much shorter-duration associated with the GW event can be identified. Candidates for such short transients include short gamma-ray burst and fast radio bursts.
The coherent nature of gravitational wave emanating from a compact binary system makes it possibl... more The coherent nature of gravitational wave emanating from a compact binary system makes it possible to detect some interference patterns in two (or more) signals registered simultaneously by the detector. Gravitational lensing effect can be used to bend trajectories of gravitational waves, which might reach the detector at the same time. Once this happens, a beat pattern may form, and can be used to obtain the luminosity distance of the source, the lens mass, and cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant. Crucial question is how many such kind of events could be detected. In this work, we study this issue for the future space-borne detectors: DECIGO and its downscale version, B-DECIGO. It is found out that there can be a few tens to a few hundreds of lensed gravitational wave events with the beat pattern observed by DECIGO and B-DECIGO per year, depending on the evolution scenario leading to the formation of double compact objects. In particular, black hole-black hole binaries are dominating population of lensed sources in which beat patterns may reveal. However, DECIGO could also register a considerable amount of lensed signals from binary neutron stars, which might be accompanied by electromagnetic counterparts. Our results suggest that, in the future, lensed gravitational wave signal with the beat pattern could play an important role in cosmology and astrophysics.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Feb 25, 2021
The redshift distribution of galactic-scale lensing systems provides a laboratory to probe the ve... more The redshift distribution of galactic-scale lensing systems provides a laboratory to probe the velocity dispersion function (VDF) of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and measure the evolution of ETGs at redshift z ∼ 1. Through the statistical analysis of the currently largest sample of ETG gravitational lenses, we conclude that the VDF inferred solely from strong lensing systems is well consistent with the measurements of SDSS DR5 data in the local Universe. In particular, our results strongly indicate a decline in the number density of lenses by a factor of two and a 20 per cent increase in the characteristic velocity dispersion for the ETG population at z ∼ 1. Such VDF evolution is in perfect agreement with the CDM paradigm (i.e. the hierarchical build-up of mass structures over cosmic time) and different from 'stellar mass-downsizing' evolutions obtained by many galaxy surveys. Meanwhile, we also quantitatively discuss the evolution of the VDF shape in a more complex evolution model, which reveals its strong correlation with the number density and velocity dispersion of ETGs. Finally, we evaluate if future missions such as LSST can be sensitive enough to place the most stringent constraints on the redshift evolution of ETGs, based on the redshift distribution of available gravitational lenses.
In this paper, by using the recently compiled set of 120 intermediate-luminosity quasars (ILQSO) ... more In this paper, by using the recently compiled set of 120 intermediate-luminosity quasars (ILQSO) observed in a single-frequency VLBI survey, we propose an improved model-independent method to probe cosmic curvature parameter Ω k and make the first measurement of the cosmic curvature referring to a distant past, with redshifts up to z ∼ 3.0. Compared with other methods, the proposed one involving the quasar data achieves constraints with higher precision in this redshift range. More importantly, our results indicate that the measured Ω k is in good agreement with zero cosmic curvature, implying that there is no significant deviation from a flat Universe. Finally, we investigate the possibility of testing Ω k with a much higher accuracy using quasars observed in the future VLBI surveys. It is shown that our method could provide a reliable and tight constraint on the prior Ω k and one can expect the zero cosmic curvature to be established at the precision of ∆Ω k ∼ 10 −2 with 250 well-observed radio quasars.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Jun 29, 2018
As an important candidate gravity theory alternative to dark energy, a class of f (R) modified gr... more As an important candidate gravity theory alternative to dark energy, a class of f (R) modified gravity, which introduces a perturbation of the Ricci scalar R in the Einstein-Hilbert action, has been extensively applied to cosmology to explain the acceleration of the universe. In this paper, we focus on the recently-released VLBI observations of the compact structure in intermediate-luminosity quasars combined with the angular-diameterdistance measurements from galaxy clusters, which consists of 145 data points performing as individual cosmological standard rulers in the redshift range 0.023 ≤ z ≤ 2.80, to investigate observational constraints on two viable models in f (R) theories within the Palatini formalism: f 1 (R) = R − a R b and f 2 (R) = R − aR R+ab. We also combine the individual standard ruler data with the observations of CMB and BAO, which provides stringent constraints. Furthermore, two model diagnostics, Om(z) and statefinder, are also applied to distinguish the two f (R) models and ΛCDM model. Our results show that (1) The quasars sample performs very well to place constraints on the two f (R) cosmologies, which indicates its potential to act as a powerful complementary probe to other cosmological standard rulers. (2) The ΛCDM model, which corresponds to b = 0 in the two f (R) cosmologies is still included within 1σ range. However, there still exists some possibility that ΛCDM may not the best cosmological model preferred by the current high-redshift observations. (3) Given the current standard ruler data, the information criteria indicate that the cosmological constant model is still the best one, while the f 1 (R) model gets the smallest observational support. (4) The f 2 (R) model, which evolves quite different from f 1 (R) model at early times, still significantly deviates from both f 1 (R) and ΛCDM model at the present time.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Oct 30, 2014
Gravitational wave (GW) experiments are entering their advanced stage which should soon open a ne... more Gravitational wave (GW) experiments are entering their advanced stage which should soon open a new observational window on the Universe. Looking into this future, the Einstein Telescope (ET) was designed to have a fantastic sensitivity improving significantly over the advanced GW detectors. One of the most important astrophysical GW sources supposed to be detected by the ET in large numbers are double compact objects (DCO) and some of such events should be gravitationally lensed by intervening galaxies. We explore the prospects of observing gravitationally lensed inspiral DCO events in the ET. This analysis is a significant extension of our previous paper Piórkowska et al. [6]. We are using the intrinsic merger rates of the whole class of DCO (NS-NS,BH-NS,BH-BH)located at different redshifts as calculated by Dominik et al. [5] by using StarTrack population synthesis evolutionary code. We discuss in details predictions from each evolutionary scenario. Our general conclusion is that ET would register about 50 − 100 strongly lensed inspiral events per year. Only the scenario in which nascent BHs receive strong kick gives the predictions of a few events per year. Such lensed events would be dominated by the BH-BH merging binary systems. Our results suggest that during a few years of successful operation ET will provide a considerable catalog of strongly lensed events.
The assumptions of large-scale homogeneity and isotropy underly the familiar Friedmann-Lemaître-R... more The assumptions of large-scale homogeneity and isotropy underly the familiar Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric that appears to be an accurate description of our Universe. In this paper, we propose a new strategy of testing the validity of the FLRW metric, based on the galactic-scale lensing systems where strongly lensed gravitational waves and their electromagnetic counterparts can be simultaneously detected. Each strong lensing system creates opportunity to infer the curvature parameter of the Universe. Consequently, combined analysis of many such systems will provide a modelindependent tool to test the validity of the FLRW metric. Our study demonstrates that the third-generation ground based GW detectors, like the Einstein Telescope (ET) and space-based detectors, like the Big Bang Observer (BBO), are promising concerning determination of the curvature parameter or possible detection of deviation from the FLRW metric. Such accurate measurements of the FLRW metric can become a milestone in precision GW cosmology.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In order to estimate cosmic curvature from cosmological probes like standard candles, one has to ... more In order to estimate cosmic curvature from cosmological probes like standard candles, one has to measure the luminosity distance D L (z), its derivative with respect to redshift D L (z) and the expansion rate H (z) at the same redshift. In this paper, we study how such idea could be implemented with future generation of space-based DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO), in combination with cosmic chronometers providing cosmology-independent H (z) data. Our results show that for the Hubble diagram of simulated DECIGO data acting as a new type of standard siren, it would be able to constrain cosmic curvature with the precision of ΔΩ k = 0.09 with the currently available sample of 31 measurements of Hubble parameters. In the framework of the third generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors, the spatial curvature is constrained to be ΔΩ k = 0.13 for Einstein Telescope (ET). More interestingly, compared to other approaches aiming for model-independent estimations of spatial curvature, our analysis also achieve the reconstruction of the evolution of Ω k (z), in the framework of a model-independent method of Gaussian processes (GP) without assuming a specific form. Therefore, one can expect that the newly emerged gravitational wave astronomy can become useful in local measurements of cosmic curvature using distant sources.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jun 1, 2018
In this paper, we propose a new parametrization for Om(z) diagnostics and show how the most recen... more In this paper, we propose a new parametrization for Om(z) diagnostics and show how the most recent and significantly improved observations concerning the H(z) and SN Ia measurements can be used to probe the consistency or tension between the ΛCDM model and observations. Our results demonstrate that H 0 plays a very important role in the consistency test of ΛCDM with H(z) data. Adopting the Hubble constant priors from Planck 2013 and Riess, one finds considerable tension between the current H(z) data and ΛCDM model and confirms the conclusions obtained previously by others. However, with the Hubble constant prior taken from WMAP9, the discrepancy between H(z) data and ΛCDM disappears, i.e., the current H(z) observations still support the cosmological constant scenario. This conclusion is also supported by the results derived from the Joint Lightcurve Analysis (JLA) SN Ia sample. The best-fit Hubble constant from the combination of H(z)+JLA (H 0 = 68.81 +1.50 −1.49 km s −1 Mpc −1) is very consistent with results derived both by Planck 2013 and WMAP9, but is significantly different from the recent local measurement by Riess.
The two-point diagnostics Om(z i , z j) and Omh 2 (z i , z j) have been introduced as an interest... more The two-point diagnostics Om(z i , z j) and Omh 2 (z i , z j) have been introduced as an interesting tool for testing the validity of the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. Recently, Sahni et al. combined two independent measurements of H(z) from baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) data with the value of the Hubble constant H 0 , and used the second of these diagnostics to test the ΛCDM (a constant equation-of-state parameter for dark energy) model. Their result indicated a considerable tension between observations and predictions of the ΛCDM model. Since reliable data concerning the expansion rates of the universe at different redshifts H(z) are crucial for the successful application of this method, we investigate both two-point diagnostics on the most comprehensive set of N = 36 measurements of H(z) from BAOs and the differential ages (DAs) of passively evolving galaxies. We discuss the uncertainties of the two-point diagnostics and find that they are strongly non-Gaussian and follow the patterns deeply rooted in their very construction. Therefore we propose that non-parametric median statistics is the most appropriate way of treating this problem. Our results support the claims that ΛCDM is in tension with H(z) data according to the twopoint diagnostics developed by Shafieloo, Sahni, and Starobinsky. However, other alternatives to the ΛCDM model, such as the wCDM or Chevalier-Polarski-Linder models, perform even worse. We also note that there are serious systematic differences between the BAO and DA methods that ought to be better understood before H(z) measurements can compete with other probes methods.
It is well known that time delays due to strong lensing offer the opportunity of a one-step measu... more It is well known that time delays due to strong lensing offer the opportunity of a one-step measurement of the Hubble constant H 0 that is independent of the cosmic distance ladder. In this paper, we go further and propose a cosmological model-independent approach to simultaneously determine the Hubble constant and cosmic curvature with measurements of the time delay due to strong lensing, without any prior assumptions regarding the content of the universe. The data we use comprise the recent compilation of six well studied strongly lensed quasars, while the cosmic chronometer data are utilized to reconstruct distances via cosmographic parameters. In the framework of third-order Taylor expansion and (2, 1) order Padé approximation for cosmographic analysis, our results provide model-independent estimations of the Hubble constant H 0 = 72.24 − 2.52 + 2.73 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 and H 0 = 72.45 − 2.02 + 1.95 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 , which are well consistent with that derived from the local distance ladder by the SH0ES collaboration. The measured cosmic curvature Ω k = 0.062 − 0.078 + 0.117 and Ω k = 0.069 − 0.103 + 0.116 shows that zero spatial curvature is supported by the current observations of time delays due to strong lensing and cosmic chronometers. Imposing the prior of spatial flatness leads to more precise (at 1.6% level) determinations of the Hubble constant H 0 = 70.47 − 1.15 + 1.14 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 and H 0 = 71.66 − 1.57 + 1.15 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 , values located between the results from Planck and the SH0ES collaboration. If a prior of local (SH0ES) H 0 measurement is adopted, the constraint on curvature parameter can be further improved to Ω k = 0.123 − 0.046 + 0.060 and Ω k = 0.101 − 0.072 + 0.090 , supporting no significant deviation from a flat universe. Finally, we also discuss the effectiveness of the Padé approximation in reconstructing the cosmic expansion history for redshifts up to z ∼ 2.3, considering its better performance in the Bayes information criterion.
In a recent paper Abramowicz and Kluźniak [1] have discussed the problem of epicyclic oscillation... more In a recent paper Abramowicz and Kluźniak [1] have discussed the problem of epicyclic oscillations in Newton's and Einstein's dynamics and have shown that Newton's dynamics in a properly curved three-dimensional space is identical to testbody dynamics in the three-dimensional optical geometry of Schwarzschild spacetime. One of the main results of this paper was the proof that different behaviour of radial epicyclic frequency and Keplerian frequency in Newtonian and General Relativistic regimes had purely geometric origin contrary to claims that nonlinearity of Einstein's theory was responsible for this effect. In this paper we obtain the same result from another perspective: by representing these two distinct problems (Newtonian and Einstein's test body motion in central gravitational field) in a uniform way-as a geodesic motion. The solution of geodesic deviation equation reproduces the well known results concerning epicyclic frequencies and clearly demonstrates geometric origin of the difference between Newtonian and Einstein's problems.
The cold dark matter scenario of hierarchical large-scale structure formation predicts the existe... more The cold dark matter scenario of hierarchical large-scale structure formation predicts the existence of abundant subhalos around large galaxies. However, the number of observed dwarf galaxies is far from this theoretical prediction, suggesting that most of the subhalos could be dark or quite faint. Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool to probe the mass distribution directly irrespective of whether it is visible or dark. Time delay anomalies in strongly lensed quasar systems are complementary to flux ratio anomalies in probing dark matter substructure in galaxies. Here we propose that lensed gravitational waves detected by the third-generation ground detectors with quite accurate time delay measurements could be a much better tool for this study than conventional techniques. Combined with good quality images of lensed host galaxies identified by the electromagnetic counterpart measurements, lensed GW signals could make the systematic errors caused by dark matter substructures detectable at several percent levels, depending on their mass functions, internal distribution of subhalos and lensing system configuration.
We propose a new model-independent measurement strategy for the propagation speed of gravitationa... more We propose a new model-independent measurement strategy for the propagation speed of gravitational waves (GWs) based on strongly lensed GWs and their electromagnetic (EM) counterparts. This can be done in a two-fold way: by comparing arrival times of GWs and EM counterparts and by comparing the time delays between images seen in GWs and EM counterparts. The lensed GW-EM event is perhaps the best way to identify an EM counterpart. Conceptually this method does not rely on any specific theory of massive gravitons or modified gravity. Its differential setting (i.e. measuring the difference between time delays in GW and EM domains) - makes it robust against lens modeling details (photons and GWs travel in the same lensing potential) and against internal time delays between GW and EM emission acts. It requires, however, that the theory of gravity is metric and predicts gravitational lensing similar as General Relativity. We expect that such test will become possible in the era of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors, when about 10 lensed GW events would be observed each year. The power of this method is mainly limited by timing accuracy of the EM counterpart, which for kilonova is around $10^4$ sec. This uncertainty can be suppressed by a factor of $\sim 10^{10}$, if strongly lensed transients of much shorter-duration associated with the GW event can be identified. Candidates for such short transients include short gamma-ray burst and fast radio bursts.
The coherent nature of gravitational wave emanating from a compact binary system makes it possibl... more The coherent nature of gravitational wave emanating from a compact binary system makes it possible to detect some interference patterns in two (or more) signals registered simultaneously by the detector. Gravitational lensing effect can be used to bend trajectories of gravitational waves, which might reach the detector at the same time. Once this happens, a beat pattern may form, and can be used to obtain the luminosity distance of the source, the lens mass, and cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant. Crucial question is how many such kind of events could be detected. In this work, we study this issue for the future space-borne detectors: DECIGO and its downscale version, B-DECIGO. It is found out that there can be a few tens to a few hundreds of lensed gravitational wave events with the beat pattern observed by DECIGO and B-DECIGO per year, depending on the evolution scenario leading to the formation of double compact objects. In particular, black hole-black hole binaries are dominating population of lensed sources in which beat patterns may reveal. However, DECIGO could also register a considerable amount of lensed signals from binary neutron stars, which might be accompanied by electromagnetic counterparts. Our results suggest that, in the future, lensed gravitational wave signal with the beat pattern could play an important role in cosmology and astrophysics.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Feb 25, 2021
The redshift distribution of galactic-scale lensing systems provides a laboratory to probe the ve... more The redshift distribution of galactic-scale lensing systems provides a laboratory to probe the velocity dispersion function (VDF) of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and measure the evolution of ETGs at redshift z ∼ 1. Through the statistical analysis of the currently largest sample of ETG gravitational lenses, we conclude that the VDF inferred solely from strong lensing systems is well consistent with the measurements of SDSS DR5 data in the local Universe. In particular, our results strongly indicate a decline in the number density of lenses by a factor of two and a 20 per cent increase in the characteristic velocity dispersion for the ETG population at z ∼ 1. Such VDF evolution is in perfect agreement with the CDM paradigm (i.e. the hierarchical build-up of mass structures over cosmic time) and different from 'stellar mass-downsizing' evolutions obtained by many galaxy surveys. Meanwhile, we also quantitatively discuss the evolution of the VDF shape in a more complex evolution model, which reveals its strong correlation with the number density and velocity dispersion of ETGs. Finally, we evaluate if future missions such as LSST can be sensitive enough to place the most stringent constraints on the redshift evolution of ETGs, based on the redshift distribution of available gravitational lenses.
In this paper, by using the recently compiled set of 120 intermediate-luminosity quasars (ILQSO) ... more In this paper, by using the recently compiled set of 120 intermediate-luminosity quasars (ILQSO) observed in a single-frequency VLBI survey, we propose an improved model-independent method to probe cosmic curvature parameter Ω k and make the first measurement of the cosmic curvature referring to a distant past, with redshifts up to z ∼ 3.0. Compared with other methods, the proposed one involving the quasar data achieves constraints with higher precision in this redshift range. More importantly, our results indicate that the measured Ω k is in good agreement with zero cosmic curvature, implying that there is no significant deviation from a flat Universe. Finally, we investigate the possibility of testing Ω k with a much higher accuracy using quasars observed in the future VLBI surveys. It is shown that our method could provide a reliable and tight constraint on the prior Ω k and one can expect the zero cosmic curvature to be established at the precision of ∆Ω k ∼ 10 −2 with 250 well-observed radio quasars.
Papers by Marek Biesiada