Papers by Mohamed Belhamra

The expansion of the palm groves of the southeasterly oases of the Ziban (Biskra, Algeria), from ... more The expansion of the palm groves of the southeasterly oases of the Ziban (Biskra, Algeria), from 2 to 4 million palms of it spaces in the last decade seems to have permitted a fast colonization by the Colombidae. During five and half months in 2008, from the end of March until the end of August, we led the observations and a regular follow-up in order to surround the main parameters of the nest building and reproduction among the doves Streptopelia decaocto and S. turtur. We followed the activity of two samples of reference, composed of N1=21 nests of S decaocto and N2=30 nests of S. turtur. The nests were constructed by two varieties of date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera): Mech degla and Deglet nour. The respective mean heights of the nests for S. decaocto were HST1 = 6, 11± 1,006 m (N=14) and HST2 = 4, 57± 1,12m (N=7). While, the mean heights of S. turtur were HSB1 = 5, 28± 1,15m (N=16) and HSB2 = 4, 04 ± 1,29m, (N=14). The global breeding success for the two species of doves was homogeneous enough; it oscillated between 0, 50 for S. decaocto and 0, 56 for S. turtur. It was in the same way for the rates of daily survivals (ŝT = 0, 9424 S. decaocto and ŝB = 0, 9511 for S. turtur).

Cahiers Agricultures
Biskra est célèbre pour ses dattes qui représentent la principale production agricole. Au milieu ... more Biskra est célèbre pour ses dattes qui représentent la principale production agricole. Au milieu des années 1980, des serres sont apparues en marge des oasis, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles dynamiques agraires. Ces dynamiques sont portées par des arrangements entre différents acteurs qui mettent en commun leurs facteurs de production. L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser les fondements constitutifs de ces dynamiques agricoles. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé le fonctionnement des exploitations agricoles, à partir de 77 enquêtes réalisées dans la commune d’El Ghrouss. Nous montrons que le boom agricole dans la région est porté par deux principales logiques d’acteurs ayant deux ambitions distinctes : celles des propriétaires visant à investir à moyen terme dans la phœniciculture, et celles de locataires maraîchers associés à des métayers visant une ascension socioprofessionnelle. La culture sous serre et les arrangements entre acteurs autour du maraîchage sont les moteurs de l’exp...

RESUME Le suivi de l'Avifaune des Ziban durant 05 années successives de 2006 à 2010 et pendant le... more RESUME Le suivi de l'Avifaune des Ziban durant 05 années successives de 2006 à 2010 et pendant les mois, a permis d'inventorier 136 espèces réparties en 18 ordres et 44 familles. L'ordre des passeriformes est le plus diversifié, il est composé 63 espèces rangées dans 14 familles Les Turdidés et les Sylviidés viennent en tête avec 18 et 13 espèces. Du point de vue statut phénologique, l'avifaune des Ziban compte 47 espèces nicheuses sédentaires, 56 visiteuses de passage, 19 espèces hivernantes, 13 espèces migratrices nicheuses et une espèce nicheuse accidentelle. Le statut biogéographique est dominé par les éléments paléarctiques (42 espèces), il est suivi par les espèces éthiopiennes (17 espèces). Par contre, l'avifaune strictement méditerranéenne est représentée par seulement 07 espèces. La transition entre le domaine méditerranéen et le saharien de la région de Biskra est confirmé par la présence de 11 espèces sahariennes sur les 24 espèces notées en Algérie. ABSTRACT Monitoring of Ziban's Avifauna during 05 years (January 2006 to September 2010) has allowed inventorying of 136 species divided into 18 orders and 44 families. Passerines are the most diverse with 14 families represented by 63 species. The families most represented are Turdidae and warblers, formed respectively by 18 and 13 species. Phenological point of view the Ziban avifauna with 47 resident breeding species, 56 visitors passing, 19 watering visitor, 13 migratory breeding species and 01 accidentally breeding species. Biogeographic status is dominated by Palaearctic's species (42 species), followed by Ethiopian species including 17 species. For cons, the strictly Mediterranean avifauna is represented by only 07 species. The transition area between the Mediterranean and the Saharan region is confirmed by the presence of 11 desert species on 24 species recorded in Algeria.

Journal of insect science (Online), 2015
An inventory was carried out at five stations in the oasis of Ziban, an oasis that is characteriz... more An inventory was carried out at five stations in the oasis of Ziban, an oasis that is characterized by its high-quality dates, in order to study the relationships between the oasis ecosystem and its insect fauna. Specimens were sampled using pitfall traps containing ethylene glycol as a preservative. In total, 115 arthropod species were collected during 5 months of survey. These species belonged to 61 families, 17 orders, and 4 classes (12 orders from Insecta, 3 from Arachnida, 1 from Chilopoda, and 1 from Malocostraca). The most represented insect orders were Coleoptera (44.42%), Hymenoptera (20.86%), and Lepidoptera (7.87%). Represented in the collections were phytophagous, omnivorous, and predator/parasite species. Given the large number of species collected, and the largely unknown relationships existing between the various ecological groups, this study is a first step in the description of the oasis entomofauna.

Zoology and Ecology, Oct 1, 2014
The ecology (phenology and diurnal eco-ethology) of the ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca was studie... more The ecology (phenology and diurnal eco-ethology) of the ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca was studied during three seasons of its wintering (2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 2012/2013) in Garaet Hadj Tahar (a Ramsar site since 2001 with an area of 120 ha, complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja, Skikda, Northeast of Algeria). The maximum number of ferruginous ducks recorded there in December 2012 was 605 individuals. This figure includes the total number of these birds in two populations living at the site: the first one is a nesting sedentary population consisting of about 20 pairs, and the second one, more numerous, frequents the center of this wetland only in wintering seasons. The study of the rhythm of diurnal activities showed that sleeping is the dominant activity of ferruginous ducks accounting for 42.5% of their time budget. It is followed by activities of swimming (20.6%), feeding (19.3%), cleaning (9.3%), and finally, flying (7.7%). Parading constitutes a very small proportion of the time-activity budget of ducks and was not observed until the end of the wintering season. Also, the current study has revealed the role of this wetland in diurnal recovery of ferruginous ducks.

Zoology and Ecology, 2014
The ecology (phenology and diurnal eco-ethology) of the ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca was studie... more The ecology (phenology and diurnal eco-ethology) of the ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca was studied during three seasons of its wintering (2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 2012/2013) in Garaet Hadj Tahar (a Ramsar site since 2001 with an area of 120 ha, complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja, Skikda, Northeast of Algeria). The maximum number of ferruginous ducks recorded there in December 2012 was 605 individuals. This figure includes the total number of these birds in two populations living at the site: the first one is a nesting sedentary population consisting of about 20 pairs, and the second one, more numerous, frequents the center of this wetland only in wintering seasons. The study of the rhythm of diurnal activities showed that sleeping is the dominant activity of ferruginous ducks accounting for 42.5% of their time budget. It is followed by activities of swimming (20.6%), feeding (19.3%), cleaning (9.3%), and finally, flying (7.7%). Parading constitutes a very small proportion of the time-activity budget of ducks and was not observed until the end of the wintering season. Also, the current study has revealed the role of this wetland in diurnal recovery of ferruginous ducks.

Zoology and Ecology, 2015
An ecological study of the Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata in the wetlands of the Guerbes-Sanhadj... more An ecological study of the Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata in the wetlands of the Guerbes-Sanhadja eco-complex (Skikda, north-eastern Algeria) which was performed during wintering season (from September 2012 to March 2013) showed that the species was regularly wintering in these ecosystems during the seven months of observation. The highest numbers were recorded during December 2012 (1943 individuals) at Garaet Hadj-Taher, although this wetland was the last to be colonized if we compare it to other wetlands. Garaet Hadj-Taher hosted more than half of the wintering population of the Northern Shoveler in the Guerbes-Sanhadja eco-complex. Sleeping activity (diurnal resting) dominated over other diurnal behaviours of this Anatidea at Garaet Hadj-Taher by representing almost two-thirds of total results (63.74%). This activity was observed among gathered individuals in the centre of this wetland. The second place was taken by swimming (15.10%) followed by preening (10.49%), feeding (7.03%) and finally flying (3.64%), showing the results of diurnal counting for the Northern Shoveler in Garaet Hadj-Taher and all other wetlands in the Guerbes-Sanhadja complex.
Courrier Du Savoir, Mar 17, 2015
A total of 327 colonies of fungi were isolated from three chotts located in the Northeast of Alge... more A total of 327 colonies of fungi were isolated from three chotts located in the Northeast of Algerian Sahara (Chott Merouane, Melghir and Tighdidine). Twenty eight species representing thirteen genera were recorded in Chott Merouane, twenty two species representing eleven genera were isolated from Chott Melghir and twenty five species corresponding to eleven genera were recorded in Chott Tighdidine. The most common genera were Aspergillus, Penicillium and Cladosporium. Statistical analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between fungal population and number of edaphic factors, especially organic carbon and nitrogen contents. Fungal population showed negative correlation with chloride and sodium. The most species isolated in this study were melanized fungi.
Monitoring of Ziban’s Avifauna during 05 years (January 2006 to September 2010) has allowed inven... more Monitoring of Ziban’s Avifauna during 05 years (January 2006 to September 2010) has allowed inventorying of 136 species divided into 18 orders and 44 families. Passerines are the most diverse with 14 families represented by 63 species. The families most represented are Turdidae and warblers, formed respectively by 18 and 13 species. Phenological point of view the Ziban avifauna with 47 resident breeding species, 56 visitors passing, 19 watering visitor, 13 migratory breeding species and 01accidentally breeding species. Biogeographic status is dominated by Palaearctic’s species (42 species), followed by Ethiopian species including 17 species. For cons, the strictly Mediterranean avifauna is represented by only 07 species. The transition area between the Mediterranean and the Saharan region is confirmed by the presence of 11 desert species on 24 species recorded in Algeria.

Cahiers Agricultures
Biskra est célèbre pour ses dattes qui représentent la principale production agricole. Au milieu ... more Biskra est célèbre pour ses dattes qui représentent la principale production agricole. Au milieu des années 1980, des serres sont apparues en marge des oasis, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles dynamiques agraires. Ces dynamiques sont portées par des arrangements entre différents acteurs qui mettent en commun leurs facteurs de production. L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser les fondements constitutifs de ces dynamiques agricoles. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé le fonctionnement des exploitations agricoles, à partir de 77 enquêtes réalisées dans la commune d’El Ghrouss. Nous montrons que le boom agricole dans la région est porté par deux principales logiques d’acteurs ayant deux ambitions distinctes : celles des propriétaires visant à investir à moyen terme dans la phœniciculture, et celles de locataires maraîchers associés à des métayers visant une ascension socioprofessionnelle. La culture sous serre et les arrangements entre acteurs autour du maraîchage sont les moteurs de l’exp...

Journal of Plant Research, 2013
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the role of intervessel contacts in determining ... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the role of intervessel contacts in determining the patterns of hydraulic integration both within and between xylem sectors. The degree of intervessel contacts and the lateral exchange capability within and between sectors were examined and correlated in different xeric shrubs. A dye injection method was used to detect the connections between vessels; an apoplastic dye was sucked through a known number of vessels and its distribution in the xylem network was followed. Hydraulic techniques were used to measure axial and tangential conductivity both within and between xylem sectors. The intra- and inter-sector integration indexes were then determined as the ratio of tangential to axial conductance. Species differed significantly in the degree of intervessel contacts, intra- and inter-sector integration index. In all cases, hydraulic integration was observed to be higher within sector than between sectors. From the correlation analyses, the intervessel contacts showed a very weak relationship with inter-sector integration index and a strong positive relationship with intra-sector integration index. Results suggested that (1) the factors affecting patterns of lateral flow within xylem sectors might be relatively different from those between sectors. (2) The degree of intervessel contacts was a major determinant of hydraulic integration within the same xylem sector. (3) Intervessel connectivity alone was a poor predictor of hydraulic integration between different sectors, implying a significant contribution of other anatomical, physiological and environmental factors in determining the patterns of integrated-sectored transport within woody stems.

Industrial Crops and Products, 2012
Antioxidants are the chemical substances that reduce or prevent oxidation. The present study aime... more Antioxidants are the chemical substances that reduce or prevent oxidation. The present study aimed to assess in vitro and ex vivo antioxidant activities of four acetonic extracts Tunisian halophytes (Suaeda fruticosa, Suaeda pruinosa, Suaeda mollis and Suaeda maritima). Various experimental models were used for characterization of antioxidant activities of shoot extracts. Eventually, the promising specie was subjected to phenolic identification using RP-HPLC. The analyzed shoot extracts exhibited that antioxidant activities varied considerably as function of species. The highest DPPH • scavenging ability was found in S. mollis with the lowest IC 50 value (2.5 g/ml), followed by S. pruinosa, S. fruticosa and S. maritima. The same tendency was observed with ferric reducing power. Concerning -carotene bleaching assays and total antioxidant activity, results showed that S. fruticosa exhibited the highest antioxidant ability against the inhibition of -carotene bleaching, and a better total antioxidant capacity. Moreover antioxidant capacities using ORAC method and a cell based-assay showed that S. mollis, S. fruticosa, and S. pruinosa exhibit statistically similar antioxidant activity. The identification of phenolic compounds in S. mollis extract using RP-HPLC revealed that 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and rutin hydrate were the major molecules. These results suggested that Suaeda species showed a variability of their antioxidant activities.
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014
Papers by Mohamed Belhamra