Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje, Jun 30, 2022
The objective of this article is to enhance bargaining competences of managers negotiating with C... more The objective of this article is to enhance bargaining competences of managers negotiating with Chinese partners. It was achieved first by evaluating general characteristics of cross-cultural negotiations, followed by specifics of negotiating with the Chinese partners. Based on the mistakes managers do in negotiating with Chinese partners, special attention was directed to: prevailing values, communication specifics, dualism in negotiating with foreigners (yingyang), the importance of keeping up one's respect, relationships (guanxi) and differences in terms of time, organization of the meetings, and finally, their view on contracts. Mastering such specifics and avoiding too frequently rooted stereotypes are preconditions for success on the Chinese market
Teorija in praksa, 2011
Na podlagi empiricne in teoreticne analize trendov globalnih migracij clanek proucuje razmerja me... more Na podlagi empiricne in teoreticne analize trendov globalnih migracij clanek proucuje razmerja med migracijami, globalizacijo in aktualno ekonomsko krizo. Ceprav je globalizacija mobilnosti dela najmanj razvit del globalizacije, kaže, da lahko - ob ustreznem okvirju - pomeni resitev za stevilne probleme, povezane z zaostajanjem razvoja in globalizacijo na sploh. Okrepljena globalna mobilnost dela lahko pospesi razvoj manj razvitih držav in odgovori na izzive staranja in nizke rodnosti, s katerimi se soocajo razvite države. Z vec politicnega prostora za globalizacijske teme razvitih držav in držav v razvoju ter na podlagi ustreznega migracijskega režima lahko liberalizacija svetovnega trga dela prispeva k pozitivnim razvojnim ucinkom za migrante, države imigracije in emigracije ter tako okrepi koristi nasproti stroskom globalizacije.
Croatian International Relations Review, Aug 10, 2015

List of Tables - List of Figures - Notes on the Editors - Notes on the Other Contributors - Forew... more List of Tables - List of Figures - Notes on the Editors - Notes on the Other Contributors - Foreword P.J.Buckley - PART 1: CONTEXTUAL AND THEMATIC ASPECTS - Foreign Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: an Overview P.Artisien, M.Rojec & M.Svetlicic - The Prospects for Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern Europe J.H.Dunning - Some Contextual and Thematic Aspects of East-West Industrial Cooperation, with Special Reference to Yugoslav Multinationals P.Artisien & C.H.McMillan - Joint Ventures in Eastern Europe and the Dynamics of Reciprocal Flows in East- West Direct Investments: Some New Perspectives P.Gutman - PART 2: EMPIRICAL COUNTRY STUDIES - Foreign Investment in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Growth, Operations and Problems Y.Adjubei - Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary D.G.Young - Foreign Direct Investment in Poland: 1986-1990 Z.Bochniarz & W.Jermakowicz - Foreign Direct Investment in the Newly-Independent Republic of Slovenia: Experiences and Policy Options M.Rojec & M.Svetlicic - Joint Venture Laws in Eastern Europe: A Comparative Assessment W.Jermakowicz & C.Drazek - PART 3: CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS - The European Community and Investment in Central and Eastern Europe J.Pinder - Appendix: The Practicalities of Establishing a Joint Venture in the Commonwealth of Independent States W.Crisp - Bibliography - Index

Clanek odpira vprasanje delovanja gospodarske diplomacije Slovenije in Srbije skozi oci njenih iz... more Clanek odpira vprasanje delovanja gospodarske diplomacije Slovenije in Srbije skozi oci njenih izvajalcev – tj. gospodarskih predstavnikov v tujini. Namen clanka je ugotoviti, katere so kljucne težave novo nastale gospodarske diplomacije v obeh državah s primerjalnega vidika. Empiricno temelji na anketi med tistimi, ki imajo naloge in dolžnosti v okviru državne gospodarske diplomacije in s pomocjo katere bodo respondenti samoocenili lastno delovanje ter prednosti in pomanjkljivosti gospodarske diplomacije svoje/domace države. Ugotovitve: Prvic, Slovenija in Srbija sta v zadnjih 20 letih prehodili dokaj razlicno pot, toda njune znacilnosti v razvoju gospodarske diplomacije so dokaj podobne. Drugic, samoocena izvajalcev gospodarske diplomacije je pokazala, da je glavna težava v obeh državah predvsem strukturna razdrobljenost gospodarske diplomacije. Tretjic, trenutni nastavki razvoja gospodarske diplomacije so kakovostni in bi veljalo na njih graditi v prihodnje, ne pa jih spreminjati z vsako spremembo politicne oblasti v državi, saj se s tem rusi ucinkovitost gospodarske diplomacije, ki je tako vedno postavljena od zacetka.
Routledge eBooks, Nov 22, 2017
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2019
All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the B... more All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bank of Finland.
Teorija in praksa, Jul 14, 2022
Although the new international economic order (NIEO) has mostly been assessed as a failure, its i... more Although the new international economic order (NIEO) has mostly been assessed as a failure, its ideas still seem relevant in today's crisis environment. The new context clearly shows that the existing liberal international order is ineffective and calls for deep changes like in the times of the developing countries' fight for the NIEO. The article considers whether its principles remain of relevance today, which ones have been amended and which should be newly introduced, all based on NIEO-related lessons. Dilemmas between international law or a rules-based order as a framework for global governance and whether the proposed new inclusive global economic order is to be based on values (and if so, which) are evaluated.
Routledge eBooks, Nov 22, 2017