Este informe surge para dar respuesta al reto que se abre dentro del movimiento de acceso abierto... more Este informe surge para dar respuesta al reto que se abre dentro del movimiento de acceso abierto sobre cómo incluir los datos de investigación junto a las publicaciones científicas dentro de los repositorios. Contribuye de esta forma a la mejor aplicación de la Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación, en lo que se refiere al artículo 37 de difusión en abierto. Tiene por objetivo ayudar a la normalización de la gestión de los datos en los repositorios con el fin de facilitar su preservación, acceso y distribución. En su contenido se reflejan todos los aspectos importantes que intervienen en la gestión de los datos, desde su definición, tipos de datos, actores implicados, buenas prácticas para la gestión y un panorama general de la situación en España. La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), en colaboración con Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN) de la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE), gestion...
Complutense Library. The digital collections in open access
El patrimonio bibliográfico y la producción científica de la UCM en la Colección Digital Complutense

LIBER Quarterly, 2011
In the mid-1990s, the Library of the Complutense of Madrid (UCM) applied the growing body of new ... more In the mid-1990s, the Library of the Complutense of Madrid (UCM) applied the growing body of new technologies to a pioneering project: the digitization of a valuable collection of biomedical books. The result of the project was the Dioscorides Digital Library. Up to 2006, however, the pace of digitization was very slow, resulting in only 3,000 books and 50,000 digitized engravings. In September 2006, the Complutense University and Google signed a partnership agreement for the purpose of carrying out large-scale digitization of our public domain collections. The Complutense University Library is participating in this mass-digitization project with the following goals: To improve the discovery of the cultural heritage of Complutense and increase the number of potential readers; To fulfil its public service mission; To preserve and protect the original books; To enhance students’ and faculty research. By early 2011, the Complutense Library had digitized roughly 120,000 out-of- copyrigh...
Informe preliminar para la conservación y reutilización de los datos científicos en España
FECYT has prepared this document to reflect the relevant aspects involved in the management of re... more FECYT has prepared this document to reflect the relevant aspects involved in the management of research data in scientific repositories, from its definition, types, actors, examples of good practices to manage, plus overview of the situation in Spain.
Resumen. La firma del acuerdo entre la Universidad Complutense y Google en 2006 ha permitido inic... more Resumen. La firma del acuerdo entre la Universidad Complutense y Google en 2006 ha permitido iniciar un proyecto de digitalización masiva de las colecciones libres de derechos de autor que custodia la Biblioteca Complutense. Desde 2008, miles de obras de dominio público pueden consultarse libre y gratuitamente en Internet, desde Google Búsqueda de Libros y desde 2009 desde el Catálogo de la Biblioteca. El documento describe las fases del proyecto de digitalización y enumera las actividades que se han desarrollado durante este proceso.

Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries, Oct 10, 2011
In the mid-1990s, the Library of the Complutense of Madrid (UCM) applied the growing body of new ... more In the mid-1990s, the Library of the Complutense of Madrid (UCM) applied the growing body of new technologies to a pioneering project: the digitization of a valuable collection of biomedical books. The result of the project was the Dioscorides Digital Library. Up to 2006, however, the pace of digitization was very slow, resulting in only 3,000 books and 50,000 digitized engravings. In September 2006, the Complutense University and Google signed a partnership agreement for the purpose of carrying out large-scale digitization of our public domain collections. The Complutense University Library is participating in this massdigitization project with the following goals: In addition, and complementing the above, the digital content of the Complutense University Library will be aggregated to Europeana during 2011 and 2012.
IIn the mid-1990’s, the Complutense Library applied the growing body of new technologies to launc... more IIn the mid-1990’s, the Complutense Library applied the growing body of new technologies to launch, in partnership with the Foundation for the Health Sciences and GlaxoSmithKline Laboratories, a pioneering project: the digitization of a biomedicine valuable collection. The project resulted in the Dioscorides Digital Library. Nevertheless, by 2006, results were rather limited and the digitization rate was very slow. Currently, Dioscorides Digital Library offers free access to 3,000 books from the 14th to the 18th centuries and approximately 50,000 engravings. In September 2006 the Complutense University of Madrid and Google signed a partnership agreement intended to large-scale digitization of our collections in the public domain.