Práticas de gestão da inovação - Volume 2

2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Segmentation of medical image data is getting more and more important over the last years. The re... more Segmentation of medical image data is getting more and more important over the last years. The results are used for diagnosis, surgical planning or workspace definition of robot-assisted systems. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether manual or semi-automatic segmentation is adequate for ENT surgical workflow or whether fully automatic segmentation of paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity is needed. We present a comparison of manual and semi-automatic segmentation of paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity. Manual segmentation is performed by custom software whereas semi-automatic segmentation is realized by a commercial product (Amira). For this study we used a CT dataset of the paranasal sinuses which consists of 98 transversal slices, each 1.0 mm thick, with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels. For the analysis of both segmentation procedures we used volume, extension (width, length and height), segmentation time and 3D-reconstruction. The segmentation time was reduced from 960 minutes with manual to 215 minutes with semi-automatic segmentation. We found highest variances segmenting nasal cavity. For the paranasal sinuses manual and semi-automatic volume differences are not significant. Dependent on the segmentation accuracy both approaches deliver useful results and could be used for e.g. robot-assisted systems. Nevertheless both procedures are not useful for everyday surgical workflow, because they take too much time. Fully automatic and reproducible segmentation algorithms are needed for segmentation of paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity.

Face shield is a personal protective equipment required for healthcare professionals to decrease ... more Face shield is a personal protective equipment required for healthcare professionals to decrease the risk of contamination during the COVID-19. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most applied process of additive manufacturing due to its usability and low-cost. The injection molding (IM) is the fastest process for mass industrial production. The comparison between the FDM and IM process to produce plastic parts is well known, but this study is the first to perform a qualitative comparison of these processes for mass-production and distribution of face shields in a pandemic. The design of the face shield was developed in three prototyping cycles based on requirements of medical, Brazilian regulatory standards, manufacturing, and production. The FDM manufacturing of 35,000 face shields was carried out by a volunteer network using low-cost 3D printer and the IM manufacturing of 80,000 was carried out by partner companies. With the production of face shields through the FDM process, ...

XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
The electric wheelchair allows people with severe motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, to ... more The electric wheelchair allows people with severe motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, to be more independent, to have more quality of life and to be included in society. In the world 20 million people with motor disabilities do not have access to manual or electric wheelchair due to high costs of this technology. In Brazil, the Unified Health System does not grant electric wheelchairs for children under 12 years old and its costs about R$13,000.00. This is a relevant factor for these children that do not have access to formal education. The aim of this research was evaluate, through mechanical simulation by the finite element method, a low-cost child electric wheelchair built with PVC Pipes and Arduino. The evaluation indicates that the PVC material is suitable for the mechanical structure of an electric wheelchair. To avoid the wheelchair frame deformation, the loading mechanical limits was defined with a safety margin of 50% (141 kg for the PVC structure and 46 kg for the medium density fiberboard seat). Future modifications can be made, so that the wheelchair can withstand higher weight, such as adult. Furthermore, the results of this research can help future studies about smart electric wheelchair interfaces that require a low-cost wheelchair framework for tests.
Research on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
Artigo de congresso completo publicado nos Anais do 8º Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagens Médic... more Artigo de congresso completo publicado nos Anais do 8º Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagens Médicas (SIIM) e o 7º Simpósio de Processamento de Sinais (SPS) realizado na UFABC em 2017.
Extended abstract published on 8th World Congress of Biomechanics.

Introducao: Proteses de mao podem auxiliar o usuario na perda de tal membro visando sua autonomia... more Introducao: Proteses de mao podem auxiliar o usuario na perda de tal membro visando sua autonomia, independencia, qualidade de vida e inclusao social. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de uma protese de mao e complexo porque exige uma estrutura funcional com boa resistencia mecânica e baixo peso. Por esses motivos, atualmente, poucas sao as proteses de mao disponiveis com preco acessivel no mercado. Para criancas, as proteses convencionais trazem ainda limitacoes funcionais a medida que o corpo se desenvolve a protese nao se adapta mais ao coto . Objetivo: realizar modificacoes estruturais e avaliacoes de desempenho da funcao de garra em um prototipo de uma protese de mao mec â nica feita por impressao 3D . Meto dologia : A base desta pesquisa e uma protese mecânica de mao do projeto open source Robohand que e usada por criancas na Africa do Sul. A protese e feita por impressao 3D, tem baixo c usto, e leve e permite o usuario realizar diversas atividades como escrever, usar talher ou se...
A Produção do Conhecimento na Engenharia Biomédica, 2019
Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade s... more Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.

IFMBE Proceedings, 2018
Developmental hip dysplasia (DHD) is frequently encountered in the pediatric orthopedic practice.... more Developmental hip dysplasia (DHD) is frequently encountered in the pediatric orthopedic practice. DHD is characterized by dislocation of the femoral head in the acetabulum. In Brazil are diagnosed three times more cases than the world average (5–8 cases for 1,000 births). The lack of treatment leads to long-term morbidity, abnormal gait, chronic pain and arthritis. Early detection and treatment with a Pavlik harness results in improved outcomes. After 6 months of age, closed or open reduction with spica casting is required for 4 months to treat a persistent hip dislocation. Plaster is used for orthopedic immobilization due the low cost, moldability and good mechanical resistance. However, there are several risks and complications due to the use of spica cast in DHD treatment: Skin problems due to lack of adequate hygiene (itching, ulceration, dermatitis and infection), formation of pressure areas, plaster fracture (11% of cases) and fever. Digitization techniques have been explored ...
O objetivo deste relatorio e apresentar os resultados do projeto “Violencia de Estado no Brasil: ... more O objetivo deste relatorio e apresentar os resultados do projeto “Violencia de Estado no Brasil: um estudo dos Crimes de Maio de 2006 na perspectiva da antropologia forense e da justica de transicao”. A pesquisa analisou sessenta casos de pessoas assassinadas na regiao da Baixada Santista entre os dias 12 e 20 de maio de 2006, a fim de entender a dinâmica da violencia, o perfil das vitimas e analisar indicios de execucao sumaria. Dessa forma, esperamos que os resultados possam contribuir com o esclarecimento dos crimes e com a demanda de justica dos familiares das vitimas, e tambem colaborar com o debate sobre a violencia de Estado no Brasil e com a construcao de uma democracia real no pais, conforme estabelecido pelos pilares da justica de transicao.
Biomechanical evaluation of lumbar spinal stability after graded facetectomies.

IFMBE Proceedings, 2018
In the current years, many kinds of prostheses have been developed to replace parts with deformit... more In the current years, many kinds of prostheses have been developed to replace parts with deformity or absent from the human body. Facial prosthesis production methods have undergone little change in the last 40 years. Today, manual techniques are used to produce prostheses, which are usually cast in wax over a replica of the patient’s anatomy. Silicone is the most appropriate structural material used in the production of atrial prostheses due to its mechanical and chemical characteristics. Recently, new technologies, such as 3D scanning and additive manufacturing techniques are being applied in the production of auricular prostheses with better cost/quality relation when compared to the manual manufacturing process. In this research, four methods to acquire the structure of a human ear were investigated (photogrammetry, 3D scanning, 3D reconstruction of computed tomography images and parameterized 3D modeling) to produce auricular prosthesis molds by additive manufacture using the fused deposition modeling (FDM) technique. The best silicone ear prosthesis produced shows an excellent esthetic result with 0.1–3% of dimensional error. Mechanical analysis of the silicone (tensile strength and hardness tests) shows that the prostheses produced have excellent mechanical resistance that is not altered by the pigmentation process. The research demonstrates the feasibility of an accessible methodology to produce ear prostheses using free software, technologies and supplies available in the market.

2021 14th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), 2021
Transferring a bedridden patient is a complex procedure that requires many nurses and caregivers,... more Transferring a bedridden patient is a complex procedure that requires many nurses and caregivers, who can even suffer injuries. The automated transfer system is a device to lift a patient with reduced mobility used in hospital or home environments. It is a high-cost and inaccessible medical equipment for most public hospitals and people who need care at home. In this project, based on an initial prototype, the intention is to develop, evaluate, write a patent, and start certification of an automated transfer system with a fixed spindle linear actuator without a reduction system with a more affordable price. For this purpose, a structural study of the product was carried out, along with the selection of appropriate materials to ensure the lifting of a patient weighing up to 120 kg safely and easily, and field tests with home and hospital users. The expected result is a validated minimum viable product (MVP) that is at the beginning of its certification and patent registration.
A visão sistêmica e integrada das engenharias e sua integração com a sociedade, 2021

Face shields have been adopted worldwide as personal protective equipment for healthcare professi... more Face shields have been adopted worldwide as personal protective equipment for healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. This device provides a transparent facial physical barrier reducing the exposure to aerosol particles. The fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most applied process of additive manufacturing due to its usability and low-cost. The injection molding (IM) is the fastest process for mass production. This study is the first to perform a qualitative comparison between the use of FDM and IM processes for mass production and rapid distribution of face shields in a pandemic. The design of the face shield and tests were conducted in prototyping cycles based on requirements of medical, Brazilian standards, manufacturing, and production. The FDM face shields manufacturing was carried out by a volunteer network, and the IM manufacturing was carried out by companies. The volunteers produced 35,000 medical face shields through the FDM process with daily delivery to...

Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada, 2020
Background, a avaliação de cores é usada na indústria para garantir que as cores de uma imagem ou... more Background, a avaliação de cores é usada na indústria para garantir que as cores de uma imagem ou material sejam idênticas àquelas aprovadas durante o desenvolvimento e que a variação da cor final devido ao processo não seja perceptível para o consumidor. Este estudo teve como objetivo a investigação de abordagens e métodos para identificação e avaliação de cores. Uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada com base na seleção de 39 artigos publicados entre 2008 e 2018. Resultados, os resultados desta revisão sistemática devem incentivar o desenvolvimento de métodos de avaliação de cores, particularmente para a indústria direcionada ao consumidor final. Os resultados apontaram a necessidade de mais estudos voltados para a área industrial, particularmente com maior participação de profissionais na validação de novos métodos. Conclusões, este trabalho contribui com a pesquisa bibliográfica e sistemática da literatura e possibilita o mapeamento e o estado de conhecimento atual ...