The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, Sep 30, 2019
of Money Laundering Crimes The problem of money laundering or money laundering has been known sin... more of Money Laundering Crimes The problem of money laundering or money laundering has been known since 1930 in the United States, namely when the mafia bought a legitimate and official company as one of its strategies. The biggest investment was a laundry company called Laundromat, which was then famous in the United States. The clothes washing business is progressing, and various proceeds of crime proceeds, such as from other business branches, are invested in these clothes washing business, such as money from illegal liquor, gambling proceeds and prostitution proceeds. In the 1980s the proceeds of crime grew even more with the development of illicit businesses such as the narcotics and drug trade which reached billions of rupiah so that the term Narco dollar emerged, which came from illicit money from the narcotics trade. According to J.E Saetapy as quoted by Andrian Sutedi, Al capone, the biggest criminal in America in the past, laundered black money from his crime efforts by capturing the genius Meyer Lansky, a Polish. Lansky, an accountant, laundered Al Capone's crime money through a laundry business. Thus, the origin of the name money laundering appears. Then the term was popular in 1984, when Interpol investigated the bleaching of the United States mafia known as pizza connection, involving funds of around US $ 600 million, which were transferred to a number of banks in Switzerland and Italy. The method of money laundering is done by using pizza restaurants located in the United States as a means of business to trick these sources of funds. The method of money laundering or laundering is done by passing money obtained illegally through a series of complex financial transactions in order to make it difficult for various parties to know the origin of the money. Most people assume derivative transactions are the most preferred method because of their complexity and reach beyond the limits of jurisdiction. This complexity is then used by the roots of money laundering to carry out the process of money laundering. Money Laundering can be termed as money laundering, money bleaching, money smuggling or cleaning money from the proceeds of illicit (dirty) transactions. The word money laundering can be termed variously. There is a mention with dirty money, hot money, illegal money or illicit money. Black's Law Dictionary the term Money Laundering is:
The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze and understand the procedures and mechanisms th... more The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze and understand the procedures and mechanisms that are implemented in the implementation of good governance and good governance, the efforts undertaken by the government in improving the understanding of all components of stakeholders about good governance abd law enforcement against the civil servants who commit criminal acts. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from the field by conducting interviews and case studies with related parties. Secondary data obtained through library research or documentation.Through this research obtained thoughts, doctrines, opinions or conceptual thoughts from previous studies relating to the object of research research In conducting research used legal materials consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that the procedures and mechanisms that are implemented in t...
Pada masa sekarang, ada tantangan besar yang bisa menggulung siapa saja yang tidak cakap mengenda... more Pada masa sekarang, ada tantangan besar yang bisa menggulung siapa saja yang tidak cakap mengendalikannya, yakni informasi. Media informasi akan melengkapi ancaman tiga tantangan seperti tersebut di atas. Ciri adanya tantangan ini adalah makin tidak terbendungnya arus informasi seiring dengan makin mudah didapatnya teknologi informasi. Remaja bisa dengan mudah mengkonsumsi informasi tentang apapun. Perkembangan dunia teknologi khususnya komunikasi memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kualitas dari hubungan yang mereka jalin. Masyarakat lebih nyaman mengumpulkan teman-teman didunia maya daripada aktif pada kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi riil yang dapat memberikan kualitas hubungan pertemanan yang lebih kongkrit dan intents. Seperti facebook sebagai cotoh kasusnya. Banyak orang yang memiliki ratusan atau bahkan ribuan teman difacebook tapi di dunia nyata, mereka hanya memiliki beberapa orang teman dekat yang menemani keseharian mereka. Kekerasan yang dilakukan remaja dipengaruhi oleh taya...
Article 12 a PTPK Law only applies to State Employees and State Administrators. Article 12 a PTPK... more Article 12 a PTPK Law only applies to State Employees and State Administrators. Article 12 a PTPK Law basically regulates the actions of civil servants or state administrators that are contrary to their duties or obligations. The convict Sujendi Tarsono alias Ayen is not a Civil Servant or a State Administrator. The person concerned is as an entrepreneur as Director of PT Ada Mobil / Owner Ada Jadi Mobil. In connection with the description above, the possibility that occurs is the occurrence of errors in persona and Error in Objecto, meaning that the wrong person and the wrong object that was decided to convict Sujendi alias Ayen. In my opinion, the defendant SUJENDI TARSONO alias AYEN can be categorized as Also Participating in this case Telling Doing (Middelijk daders). Forcing to do is someone who wishes to do something criminal, but does not do it himself, but rather tells others to do it. The person who ordered it uses someone else (ie the person who was told) to realize his in...
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2021
Legal protection for children can be done as an effort to protect various freedoms and children's... more Legal protection for children can be done as an effort to protect various freedoms and children's rights. In this regard, an event and procedure are needed in the judicial system that can accommodate the settlement of cases, one of which is by using a restorative justice approach. One form of the restorative justice mechanism is dialogue which in Indonesian society is called deliberation for consensus. In Indonesia there are still many minors who ride two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheeled vehicles without a license. This of course violates Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. the legal consequence of a traffic accident which causes harm to others such as injuries and causes the death of a person is that there is a punishment for the maker or the cause of the accident and is accompanied by a civil suit for the material loss incurred.
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2019
In upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participat... more In upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participation in this case is intended to empower the community in order to realize law enforcement. Based on their rights, the community is expected to be more passionate about implementing optimal social control of law enforcement. This is important in order to save and normalize national life in accordance with the demands of reform, which requires the same vision, perception and mission of all state administrators including law enforcement. The similarity of vision, perception, and mission, must be in line with the demands of the people's conscience to carry out their duties and functions seriously, full of responsibility carried out effectively, efficiently, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. At present the existence of law as lawyers' law, namely law is identical with the law, the legal process must run according to the principles of rules and logic and the law is considered to be able to discipline the society. So that the law becomes an order, an order that is applied to and therefore humans must submit to the law's orders. Since modern law is increasingly based on the dimensions of form that makes it formal and procedural, then the difference between formal justice and justice according to the law has emerged since then. one party and substantial justice on the other. Justice does not only have a formal meaning, but also has a substantial meaning and ability to judge, human consciousness does not only postulate reciprocally in a formal sense, but instinctively it also provides an assessment that determines a conception of justice. With the existence of 2 (two) types of justice, in practice the law can be used to deviate substantial justice. The use of such law does not mean violating the law, but merely shows that the law can be used for other purposes besides achieving justice. This situation makes everything related to law as if justification can be found, even if for things that do not make sense. The law should be able to capture the aspirations of the people who grow and develop, not only present and not just a static norm that prioritizes certainty and order, but also norms that must be able to dynamize thinking and manipulate people's behavior in achieving their goals (law as a toll of social engineering). Law is also a renewal in society or a means of community renewal. The law used as a means of renewal can be either law or jurisprudence or a combination of both. However, so that the implementation so that the legislation which should aim as a means of renewal can run properly, it must be formed in accordance with good law, namely the law that lives in the community and reflects the values that live in the community. On the principle that the law is for humans and not vice versa and the law does not exist for itself, but for something wider, namely for human dignity, happiness, prosperity, and human glory. So, there is no engineering or partiality in enforcing the law. Because the purpose of the law is to create justice and prosperity for all the people. Basically, there is a phenomenal change regarding the law which is formulated with sentences from simple to complex and from compartmentalized to one unit. This is what he calls a holistic view in science (law). The holistic view provides a visionary awareness that something in a certain order has interrelated
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2019
1. Introduction I submit this analysis of law as my calling as a member of the community as well ... more 1. Introduction I submit this analysis of law as my calling as a member of the community as well as academics. I submit this analysis as a manifestation of the use of social rights of control in law enforcement in Indonesia, and in North Sumatra in particular. According to my understanding that in upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participation in this case is intended to empower the community in order to realize law enforcement. Based on their rights, the community is expected to be more passionate about implementing optimal social control of law enforcement. This is important in the context of the rescue and normalization of national life in accordance with the demands of reform, which requires the common vision, perception and mission of all state administrators including law enforcement. The similarity of vision, perception, and mission, must be in line with the demands of the people's conscience to carry out their duties and functions seriously, full of responsibility carried out effectively, efficiently, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. At present the existence of law as lawyers' law, namely law is identical to the law, the legal process must run according to the principles of rules and logic and the law is considered to be able to discipline the society. So that the law becomes an order, an order that is applied to and therefore humans must submit to the law's orders. Since modern law has relied more on the dimensions of the form that makes it formal and procedural, then the difference between formal justice and justice according to law in one party and substantial justice on the other. Justice does not only have a formal meaning, but also has a substantial meaning and ability to judge, human consciousness does not only postulate reciprocally in a formal sense, but instinctively it also provides an assessment that determines a conception of justice. With the existence of 2 (two) types of justice, in practice the law can be used to deviate substantial justice. The use of such law does not mean violating the law, but merely shows that the law can be used for other purposes besides achieving justice. This situation makes everything related to law as if justification can be found, even if for things that do not make sense. The law should be able to capture the aspirations of the people who grow and develop, not only present and not just
The origins of a person can only be proven by an authentic birth certificate, issued by the compe... more The origins of a person can only be proven by an authentic birth certificate, issued by the competent authorized official (Article 55 of Law No. 1 of 1974). Article 27 of Law No. 35 of 2014 on the amendment of Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, determines that (1) Identity of every child should be given since birth; (2) The identity referred to in paragraph (1) shall be recorded on the birth certificate, (3) Preparation of birth certificate is based on a letter from the person who witnessed and / or assist in the birth (4) In the case of children the process of birth is unknown, and the her whereabouts are unknown, the birth certificate for the child based on the information people find it. Marital status is to determine the status of children. Legitimate child born of a valid marriage, and if the child were born it was not for a valid marriage (Article 2 of Law No. 1 of 1971). In practice, it also raises a problem where that in fact there are people who embrace religion, whic...
Corruption is a crime that can be said at the position of nadir and has taken root, so that in it... more Corruption is a crime that can be said at the position of nadir and has taken root, so that in its eradication it requires seriousness and handling that is very strong. The role of the police, prosecutors and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) law enforcement officers really must be encouraged to handle and prosecute them. So that the formulation of the problem that can be raised is related to the related legal phenomena: 1) How are the legal loopholes that have led to the eradication of corruption in Indonesia ?, 2) What steps can be taken to suppress corruption in Indonesia? And 3) What is the role of law enforcement in dealing with corruption in Indonesia ?. This study uses a normative juridical approach to find legal norms and norms which are criminal law policies in formulating corruption eradication, using primary, secondary and tertiary data as data sources. The method of data collection in a normative juridical approach in this study uses library research tech...
Adam Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana bagian I, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002. Adami Chazaw... more Adam Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana bagian I, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002. Adami Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana II, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2007. Andi Hamzah, Pengantar Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta, 1987. Amir Ilyas, Asas-Asas Hukum Pidana, Rangkang Education Yogyakarta & PuKAP-Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2012. Badan Narkotika Nasional, Pedoman Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba bagi Remaja, Jakarta, BNN, 2004. BNN, Komunikasi Penyuluhan Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba, Jakarta: BNN, 2004. Bambang Purnomo, Asas Hukum Pidana, Jakarta, Ghalia Indonesia, 1993. Barda Nawawi Arief, Masalah Penegakan Hukum dan Kebijakan Hukum Pidana dalam Penanggulangan Kejahatan, Kencana, 2010. Barda Nawawi Arief, Tujuan dan Pedoman Pemidanaan, Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 2009. Barda Nawawi, Studi Hukum Dan Masyarakat, Bandung, 1985. Bibit S. Rianto, MM, Penyidikan dan Penuntutan yang Bersahabat dengan Anak, LCKI Jakarta 2006. Chainur Arrasji...
Gender adalah konstruksi sosial maupun kultural yang dilekatkan oleh masyarakat pada laki-laki da... more Gender adalah konstruksi sosial maupun kultural yang dilekatkan oleh masyarakat pada laki-laki dan perempuan. Misalnya perempuan lemah lembut, penyayang, sabar dan tekun. Sedangkan laki-laki tegas, berwibawa, tidak cengeng dan sebagainya. Pembedaan gender ini kemudian diperkuat pula dengan mitos dan pembagian kerja seksual yang berlaku bagi masing-masing jenis kelamin. Misalnya perempuan lebih sesuai untuk memilih jurusan sastra, sosial atau ekonomi sedangkan laki-laki lebih cocok masuk jurusan teknik. Perempuan lebih cocok menjadi sekretaris, laki-laki lebih cocok bekerja di lapangan (hutan, lepas pantai, dan lain-lain). Bila sebuah keluarga memiliki dana terbatas untuk menyekolahkan anak-anaknya, prioritas akan diberikan kepada anak laki-laki untuk melanjutkan sekolah. Anak perempuan diharapkan dapat menerima ini karena â€setinggi-tingginya perempuan sekolah, nantinya akan ke dapur juga.†Perbedaan-perbedaan gender dikarenakan banyak hal, di antaranya dibentuk, disosialisasikan...
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, Sep 30, 2019
of Money Laundering Crimes The problem of money laundering or money laundering has been known sin... more of Money Laundering Crimes The problem of money laundering or money laundering has been known since 1930 in the United States, namely when the mafia bought a legitimate and official company as one of its strategies. The biggest investment was a laundry company called Laundromat, which was then famous in the United States. The clothes washing business is progressing, and various proceeds of crime proceeds, such as from other business branches, are invested in these clothes washing business, such as money from illegal liquor, gambling proceeds and prostitution proceeds. In the 1980s the proceeds of crime grew even more with the development of illicit businesses such as the narcotics and drug trade which reached billions of rupiah so that the term Narco dollar emerged, which came from illicit money from the narcotics trade. According to J.E Saetapy as quoted by Andrian Sutedi, Al capone, the biggest criminal in America in the past, laundered black money from his crime efforts by capturing the genius Meyer Lansky, a Polish. Lansky, an accountant, laundered Al Capone's crime money through a laundry business. Thus, the origin of the name money laundering appears. Then the term was popular in 1984, when Interpol investigated the bleaching of the United States mafia known as pizza connection, involving funds of around US $ 600 million, which were transferred to a number of banks in Switzerland and Italy. The method of money laundering is done by using pizza restaurants located in the United States as a means of business to trick these sources of funds. The method of money laundering or laundering is done by passing money obtained illegally through a series of complex financial transactions in order to make it difficult for various parties to know the origin of the money. Most people assume derivative transactions are the most preferred method because of their complexity and reach beyond the limits of jurisdiction. This complexity is then used by the roots of money laundering to carry out the process of money laundering. Money Laundering can be termed as money laundering, money bleaching, money smuggling or cleaning money from the proceeds of illicit (dirty) transactions. The word money laundering can be termed variously. There is a mention with dirty money, hot money, illegal money or illicit money. Black's Law Dictionary the term Money Laundering is:
The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze and understand the procedures and mechanisms th... more The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze and understand the procedures and mechanisms that are implemented in the implementation of good governance and good governance, the efforts undertaken by the government in improving the understanding of all components of stakeholders about good governance abd law enforcement against the civil servants who commit criminal acts. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from the field by conducting interviews and case studies with related parties. Secondary data obtained through library research or documentation.Through this research obtained thoughts, doctrines, opinions or conceptual thoughts from previous studies relating to the object of research research In conducting research used legal materials consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that the procedures and mechanisms that are implemented in t...
Pada masa sekarang, ada tantangan besar yang bisa menggulung siapa saja yang tidak cakap mengenda... more Pada masa sekarang, ada tantangan besar yang bisa menggulung siapa saja yang tidak cakap mengendalikannya, yakni informasi. Media informasi akan melengkapi ancaman tiga tantangan seperti tersebut di atas. Ciri adanya tantangan ini adalah makin tidak terbendungnya arus informasi seiring dengan makin mudah didapatnya teknologi informasi. Remaja bisa dengan mudah mengkonsumsi informasi tentang apapun. Perkembangan dunia teknologi khususnya komunikasi memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kualitas dari hubungan yang mereka jalin. Masyarakat lebih nyaman mengumpulkan teman-teman didunia maya daripada aktif pada kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi riil yang dapat memberikan kualitas hubungan pertemanan yang lebih kongkrit dan intents. Seperti facebook sebagai cotoh kasusnya. Banyak orang yang memiliki ratusan atau bahkan ribuan teman difacebook tapi di dunia nyata, mereka hanya memiliki beberapa orang teman dekat yang menemani keseharian mereka. Kekerasan yang dilakukan remaja dipengaruhi oleh taya...
Article 12 a PTPK Law only applies to State Employees and State Administrators. Article 12 a PTPK... more Article 12 a PTPK Law only applies to State Employees and State Administrators. Article 12 a PTPK Law basically regulates the actions of civil servants or state administrators that are contrary to their duties or obligations. The convict Sujendi Tarsono alias Ayen is not a Civil Servant or a State Administrator. The person concerned is as an entrepreneur as Director of PT Ada Mobil / Owner Ada Jadi Mobil. In connection with the description above, the possibility that occurs is the occurrence of errors in persona and Error in Objecto, meaning that the wrong person and the wrong object that was decided to convict Sujendi alias Ayen. In my opinion, the defendant SUJENDI TARSONO alias AYEN can be categorized as Also Participating in this case Telling Doing (Middelijk daders). Forcing to do is someone who wishes to do something criminal, but does not do it himself, but rather tells others to do it. The person who ordered it uses someone else (ie the person who was told) to realize his in...
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2021
Legal protection for children can be done as an effort to protect various freedoms and children's... more Legal protection for children can be done as an effort to protect various freedoms and children's rights. In this regard, an event and procedure are needed in the judicial system that can accommodate the settlement of cases, one of which is by using a restorative justice approach. One form of the restorative justice mechanism is dialogue which in Indonesian society is called deliberation for consensus. In Indonesia there are still many minors who ride two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheeled vehicles without a license. This of course violates Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. the legal consequence of a traffic accident which causes harm to others such as injuries and causes the death of a person is that there is a punishment for the maker or the cause of the accident and is accompanied by a civil suit for the material loss incurred.
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2019
In upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participat... more In upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participation in this case is intended to empower the community in order to realize law enforcement. Based on their rights, the community is expected to be more passionate about implementing optimal social control of law enforcement. This is important in order to save and normalize national life in accordance with the demands of reform, which requires the same vision, perception and mission of all state administrators including law enforcement. The similarity of vision, perception, and mission, must be in line with the demands of the people's conscience to carry out their duties and functions seriously, full of responsibility carried out effectively, efficiently, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. At present the existence of law as lawyers' law, namely law is identical with the law, the legal process must run according to the principles of rules and logic and the law is considered to be able to discipline the society. So that the law becomes an order, an order that is applied to and therefore humans must submit to the law's orders. Since modern law is increasingly based on the dimensions of form that makes it formal and procedural, then the difference between formal justice and justice according to the law has emerged since then. one party and substantial justice on the other. Justice does not only have a formal meaning, but also has a substantial meaning and ability to judge, human consciousness does not only postulate reciprocally in a formal sense, but instinctively it also provides an assessment that determines a conception of justice. With the existence of 2 (two) types of justice, in practice the law can be used to deviate substantial justice. The use of such law does not mean violating the law, but merely shows that the law can be used for other purposes besides achieving justice. This situation makes everything related to law as if justification can be found, even if for things that do not make sense. The law should be able to capture the aspirations of the people who grow and develop, not only present and not just a static norm that prioritizes certainty and order, but also norms that must be able to dynamize thinking and manipulate people's behavior in achieving their goals (law as a toll of social engineering). Law is also a renewal in society or a means of community renewal. The law used as a means of renewal can be either law or jurisprudence or a combination of both. However, so that the implementation so that the legislation which should aim as a means of renewal can run properly, it must be formed in accordance with good law, namely the law that lives in the community and reflects the values that live in the community. On the principle that the law is for humans and not vice versa and the law does not exist for itself, but for something wider, namely for human dignity, happiness, prosperity, and human glory. So, there is no engineering or partiality in enforcing the law. Because the purpose of the law is to create justice and prosperity for all the people. Basically, there is a phenomenal change regarding the law which is formulated with sentences from simple to complex and from compartmentalized to one unit. This is what he calls a holistic view in science (law). The holistic view provides a visionary awareness that something in a certain order has interrelated
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2019
1. Introduction I submit this analysis of law as my calling as a member of the community as well ... more 1. Introduction I submit this analysis of law as my calling as a member of the community as well as academics. I submit this analysis as a manifestation of the use of social rights of control in law enforcement in Indonesia, and in North Sumatra in particular. According to my understanding that in upholding the right law, it is also influenced by public legal awareness. Community participation in this case is intended to empower the community in order to realize law enforcement. Based on their rights, the community is expected to be more passionate about implementing optimal social control of law enforcement. This is important in the context of the rescue and normalization of national life in accordance with the demands of reform, which requires the common vision, perception and mission of all state administrators including law enforcement. The similarity of vision, perception, and mission, must be in line with the demands of the people's conscience to carry out their duties and functions seriously, full of responsibility carried out effectively, efficiently, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. At present the existence of law as lawyers' law, namely law is identical to the law, the legal process must run according to the principles of rules and logic and the law is considered to be able to discipline the society. So that the law becomes an order, an order that is applied to and therefore humans must submit to the law's orders. Since modern law has relied more on the dimensions of the form that makes it formal and procedural, then the difference between formal justice and justice according to law in one party and substantial justice on the other. Justice does not only have a formal meaning, but also has a substantial meaning and ability to judge, human consciousness does not only postulate reciprocally in a formal sense, but instinctively it also provides an assessment that determines a conception of justice. With the existence of 2 (two) types of justice, in practice the law can be used to deviate substantial justice. The use of such law does not mean violating the law, but merely shows that the law can be used for other purposes besides achieving justice. This situation makes everything related to law as if justification can be found, even if for things that do not make sense. The law should be able to capture the aspirations of the people who grow and develop, not only present and not just
The origins of a person can only be proven by an authentic birth certificate, issued by the compe... more The origins of a person can only be proven by an authentic birth certificate, issued by the competent authorized official (Article 55 of Law No. 1 of 1974). Article 27 of Law No. 35 of 2014 on the amendment of Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, determines that (1) Identity of every child should be given since birth; (2) The identity referred to in paragraph (1) shall be recorded on the birth certificate, (3) Preparation of birth certificate is based on a letter from the person who witnessed and / or assist in the birth (4) In the case of children the process of birth is unknown, and the her whereabouts are unknown, the birth certificate for the child based on the information people find it. Marital status is to determine the status of children. Legitimate child born of a valid marriage, and if the child were born it was not for a valid marriage (Article 2 of Law No. 1 of 1971). In practice, it also raises a problem where that in fact there are people who embrace religion, whic...
Corruption is a crime that can be said at the position of nadir and has taken root, so that in it... more Corruption is a crime that can be said at the position of nadir and has taken root, so that in its eradication it requires seriousness and handling that is very strong. The role of the police, prosecutors and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) law enforcement officers really must be encouraged to handle and prosecute them. So that the formulation of the problem that can be raised is related to the related legal phenomena: 1) How are the legal loopholes that have led to the eradication of corruption in Indonesia ?, 2) What steps can be taken to suppress corruption in Indonesia? And 3) What is the role of law enforcement in dealing with corruption in Indonesia ?. This study uses a normative juridical approach to find legal norms and norms which are criminal law policies in formulating corruption eradication, using primary, secondary and tertiary data as data sources. The method of data collection in a normative juridical approach in this study uses library research tech...
Adam Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana bagian I, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002. Adami Chazaw... more Adam Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana bagian I, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002. Adami Chazawi, Pelajaran Hukum Pidana II, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2007. Andi Hamzah, Pengantar Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta, 1987. Amir Ilyas, Asas-Asas Hukum Pidana, Rangkang Education Yogyakarta & PuKAP-Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2012. Badan Narkotika Nasional, Pedoman Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba bagi Remaja, Jakarta, BNN, 2004. BNN, Komunikasi Penyuluhan Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba, Jakarta: BNN, 2004. Bambang Purnomo, Asas Hukum Pidana, Jakarta, Ghalia Indonesia, 1993. Barda Nawawi Arief, Masalah Penegakan Hukum dan Kebijakan Hukum Pidana dalam Penanggulangan Kejahatan, Kencana, 2010. Barda Nawawi Arief, Tujuan dan Pedoman Pemidanaan, Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 2009. Barda Nawawi, Studi Hukum Dan Masyarakat, Bandung, 1985. Bibit S. Rianto, MM, Penyidikan dan Penuntutan yang Bersahabat dengan Anak, LCKI Jakarta 2006. Chainur Arrasji...
Gender adalah konstruksi sosial maupun kultural yang dilekatkan oleh masyarakat pada laki-laki da... more Gender adalah konstruksi sosial maupun kultural yang dilekatkan oleh masyarakat pada laki-laki dan perempuan. Misalnya perempuan lemah lembut, penyayang, sabar dan tekun. Sedangkan laki-laki tegas, berwibawa, tidak cengeng dan sebagainya. Pembedaan gender ini kemudian diperkuat pula dengan mitos dan pembagian kerja seksual yang berlaku bagi masing-masing jenis kelamin. Misalnya perempuan lebih sesuai untuk memilih jurusan sastra, sosial atau ekonomi sedangkan laki-laki lebih cocok masuk jurusan teknik. Perempuan lebih cocok menjadi sekretaris, laki-laki lebih cocok bekerja di lapangan (hutan, lepas pantai, dan lain-lain). Bila sebuah keluarga memiliki dana terbatas untuk menyekolahkan anak-anaknya, prioritas akan diberikan kepada anak laki-laki untuk melanjutkan sekolah. Anak perempuan diharapkan dapat menerima ini karena â€setinggi-tingginya perempuan sekolah, nantinya akan ke dapur juga.†Perbedaan-perbedaan gender dikarenakan banyak hal, di antaranya dibentuk, disosialisasikan...