Papers by Münever Demirdaş

Turkish Studies-Educational Studies, 2022
Çalışmada amaç, sosyal bilgiler dersiyle öğrenciye öğretilmesi hedeflenen değer unsurlarının Yûnu... more Çalışmada amaç, sosyal bilgiler dersiyle öğrenciye öğretilmesi hedeflenen değer unsurlarının Yûnus Emre’ye ait Risâletü'n-Nushiyye isimli eserde bulunma durumunu tespit ederek Risâletü'n-Nushiyye’nin değer eğitimindeki önem durumunu belirlemektir. Bu bakımdan çalışma, sonuçları itibariyle önem arz etmektedir. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımında gerçekleştirilen çalışmanın verilerin toplaması aşamasında doküman incelemesi yönteminden, verileri toplama aracı olarak da Risâletü'n-Nushiyye ile Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretim Programından yararlanılmıştır. Veri analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın güvenirlik katsayısının tespitinde Miles and Huberman formülü kullanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada Risâletü'n-Nushiyye’nin Sosyal Bilgiler Dersi Öğretim Programı kapsamındaki on sekiz değerden on iki tanesi olan adalet, bilimsellik, dayanışma, barış, çalışkanlık, eşitlik, duyarlılık, dürüstlük, özgürlük, saygı, sevgi ile yardımseverliği kapsadığı belirlenmiştir. Bahsi geçen bu değerlerin eserde yer verildiği dizeler tespit edilerek değerlerin içerdiği mesajlar hakkında yorum yapılmıştır. Tartışma, sonuç ve öneriler kısmında çalışmaya benzer diğer çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verilmiş, çalışmanın diğer çalışmalarla benzer ve farklı yönlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Ardından araştırmanın sonuçlarına değinilmiş ve yapılacak yeni araştırmalara ışık tutmak üzere araştırmacılara bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Çalışma, değerlere dair yapılmış olan mevcut çalışmalarla benzer değerlerin belirlenmesi bakımından uyum göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak Risâletü'n-Nushiyye adlı eser, değerler eğitimi unsurlarını içermesi yönünden zengin bir nitelik taşımaktadır ve sosyal bilgiler dersi eğitim-öğretiminde bu değerlerden yararlanılması değerler eğitimi açısından uygun olacaktır. Araştırmanın sosyal bilgiler eğitimi ve öğretimiyle ilgili yapılacak bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlaması temennimizdir.
The aim of the study is to determine the importance of the work in terms of value education by determining the presence of the value elements that are aimed to be taught with the social studies curriculum in Yûnus Emre's work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye. In this respect, the study is important in terms of its results. The study is in the qualitative research approach. In the study, which made use of document analysis, one of the data collection techniques, Risâletu'n-Nushiyye and Social Studies Curriculum was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis was used in data analysis. Miles and Huberman formula was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the study. In the study, it was determined that the Risâletu'n-Nushiyye covers the values of justice, peace, science, hard work, solidarity, sensitivity, honesty, equality, freedom, respect, love and benevolence, which are twelve of the eighteen values within the scope of Risâletu'n-Nushiyye's Social Studies Curriculum. The strings in which these values are included in the work were determined and comments were made about the messages contained in the values. In the discussion, conclusion and recommendations section, information about other studies similar to the study was given, and similar and different aspects of the study with other studies were mentioned. Then, the results of the research were mentioned and some suggestions were made to the researchers to shed light on new research to be done. The study is in agreement with the existing studies on values in terms of determining similar values. As a result, work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye has a rich quality in that it includes elements of values education and it would be appropriate to benefit from this work, which is rich in values in social studies lessons, in terms of values education.
Papers by Münever Demirdaş
The aim of the study is to determine the importance of the work in terms of value education by determining the presence of the value elements that are aimed to be taught with the social studies curriculum in Yûnus Emre's work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye. In this respect, the study is important in terms of its results. The study is in the qualitative research approach. In the study, which made use of document analysis, one of the data collection techniques, Risâletu'n-Nushiyye and Social Studies Curriculum was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis was used in data analysis. Miles and Huberman formula was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the study. In the study, it was determined that the Risâletu'n-Nushiyye covers the values of justice, peace, science, hard work, solidarity, sensitivity, honesty, equality, freedom, respect, love and benevolence, which are twelve of the eighteen values within the scope of Risâletu'n-Nushiyye's Social Studies Curriculum. The strings in which these values are included in the work were determined and comments were made about the messages contained in the values. In the discussion, conclusion and recommendations section, information about other studies similar to the study was given, and similar and different aspects of the study with other studies were mentioned. Then, the results of the research were mentioned and some suggestions were made to the researchers to shed light on new research to be done. The study is in agreement with the existing studies on values in terms of determining similar values. As a result, work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye has a rich quality in that it includes elements of values education and it would be appropriate to benefit from this work, which is rich in values in social studies lessons, in terms of values education.
The aim of the study is to determine the importance of the work in terms of value education by determining the presence of the value elements that are aimed to be taught with the social studies curriculum in Yûnus Emre's work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye. In this respect, the study is important in terms of its results. The study is in the qualitative research approach. In the study, which made use of document analysis, one of the data collection techniques, Risâletu'n-Nushiyye and Social Studies Curriculum was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis was used in data analysis. Miles and Huberman formula was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the study. In the study, it was determined that the Risâletu'n-Nushiyye covers the values of justice, peace, science, hard work, solidarity, sensitivity, honesty, equality, freedom, respect, love and benevolence, which are twelve of the eighteen values within the scope of Risâletu'n-Nushiyye's Social Studies Curriculum. The strings in which these values are included in the work were determined and comments were made about the messages contained in the values. In the discussion, conclusion and recommendations section, information about other studies similar to the study was given, and similar and different aspects of the study with other studies were mentioned. Then, the results of the research were mentioned and some suggestions were made to the researchers to shed light on new research to be done. The study is in agreement with the existing studies on values in terms of determining similar values. As a result, work called Risâletu'n-Nushiyye has a rich quality in that it includes elements of values education and it would be appropriate to benefit from this work, which is rich in values in social studies lessons, in terms of values education.