Papers by Müberra nur Yıldırım

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 19, 2022
Throughout the history of humankind, technology has always been significant for human beings as a... more Throughout the history of humankind, technology has always been significant for human beings as an aspect of materialistic culture that facilitates life. In today's world, where Industry 4.0 is experienced, objects are communicated with each other, and artificial intelligence is almost a part of life; many technological products are used, from smart cities, houses, and vehicles to household appliances. Therefore, It has become an essential element for human beings. However, this situation brings the problem of e-waste to the world's agenda due to the limited economic life of technological products and the fact that developing technology increases product variety and constantly encourages consumption. According to the report prepared by Global E-Waste Statistics Partnership in 2019, the total amount of ewaste in the world is more than 53.6 million metric tons, and only 17.5% can be recycled. In E-Atık Sorunsalının Türkiye'nin Çevre Politikaları Kapsamında Analizi| 261 TÜRKAV Kamu Yönetimi Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt 3, Sayı 4, Yaz/Haziran 2023 this context, technological products containing toxic substances such as mercury, cadmium, and lead are the primary motivators of the e-waste problem, in addition to the damage and complications these heavy metals will cause to human health. Furthermore, the pollution will create vital issues of resources such as air, soil, and water. Thus, it becomes clear how significant and strategic the problem is. This study examined what kind of policies have been developed and implemented for the e-waste problem in the world and Turkey. In addition to contributing to the literature, the research will raise awareness for developing environmental policies and environmental health protection nationally. The study aims to analyze and evaluate Turkey's e-waste policies in this context. In the study, the analysis of e-waste policies in Turkey is limited to the leading states in this regard. The study is based on the qualitative research method: Literature review, data, technical reports, and documents were obtained from national and international relevant institutions and organizations. Finally, the research was concluded to evaluate the findings that emerged from the analysis.
Papers by Müberra nur Yıldırım