Papers by Mónica Vargas Salcedo

Inclusión & Desarrollo, Dec 13, 2019
This work aims to analyze the incidence of communication in Corporate Social Responsibility pract... more This work aims to analyze the incidence of communication in Corporate Social Responsibility practices-RSE-on financial performance and corporate transparency. Methodology: In a matrix prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GRI index, the data of four (4) companies from the total sample of 192 companies belonging to the Pacific Alliance were reviewed, for Chile the industrial and financial sectors and in Colombia the mining sectors Then it was verified if the information required in the GRI standard corresponded to what these companies reported in their reports, for this the sustainability reports of 2016 were reviewed. Results: Studies and research in Latin America on sustainability reports are not as varied and recent, we could say that this academic research is one of the most recent and its focus was the 192 companies integrated into the Pacific Alliance. Conclusion: This analysis allows us to conclude that CSR communication has a positive effect on financial performance and corporate transparency, since more and more interest groups are concerned about knowing the impact of companies in the places where they carry out their operations. The results of the statistical analysis showed that the companies that chose to prepare their reports exhaustively are more audited than the companies that received an essential level of reporting. Comprehensive reports have greater financial performance.
Papers by Mónica Vargas Salcedo