Papers by Lasse Mårtensson
It is my hope that the published contributions will show what kind of JSrelated research is still... more It is my hope that the published contributions will show what kind of JSrelated research is still needed to fill in the gaps in our knowledge about this saga and its textual, literary, historical and archaeological context, and that it will moreover provide an interdisciplinary perspective in order to identify potential opportunities for further research on Jómsvíkinga saga.
Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 2008, 2008
AndrAs Mortensen, Faereyinga saga som historisk kilde: En vurdering af sagaens ophavssituation og... more AndrAs Mortensen, Faereyinga saga som historisk kilde: En vurdering af sagaens ophavssituation og politiske miljø. .. .. .. .. .. . guðMundur ÓLAfsson og Lise gjedssø BerteLsen, Det henrettede par i dobbeltgravhøjene i Kópavogur syd for Reykjavík i Ísland. . huBert seeLow, Sjö plánetur í ljóðmaelum: Ein isländisches Gedicht über die Planetenkinder. Mit einem Exkurs: Kritische Anmer kungen zur Laienastrologie und Laienphilologie. .. .. .. . MAtteo tArsi, Instances of loanword/native word textual variation in the manuscript transmission of Egils saga Skallagrímssonar
The subject of this dissertation is the Icelandic manuscript AM 557 4to, dated to the 15th centur... more The subject of this dissertation is the Icelandic manuscript AM 557 4to, dated to the 15th century. This volume is mainly known for being one of the main sources to Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu and Eir ...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020
Logo and Seal serves the purpose of authenticating and referring to the source of a document. Thi... more Logo and Seal serves the purpose of authenticating and referring to the source of a document. This strategy was also prevalent in the medieval period. Different algorithm exists for detection of logo and seal in document images. A close look into the present state-of-the-art methods reveals that those methods were focused toward detection of logo and seal in contemporary document images. However, such methods are likely to underperform while dealing with historical documents. This is due to the fact that historical documents are attributed with additional challenges like extra noise, bleed-through effect, blurred foreground elements and low contrast. The proposed method frames the problem of the logo and seals detection in an object detection framework. Using a deep-learning technique it counters earlier mentioned problems and evades the need for any pre-processing stage like layout analysis and/or binarization in the system pipeline. The experiments were conducted on historical images from 12th to the 16th century and the results obtained were very encouraging for detecting logo in historical document images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt on logo detection in historical document images using an object-detection based approach. Keywords: Logo detection • Logo detection in historical document image • Historical document image analysis • Deep learning for logo and seal detection • YOLOv3 logo detection
A framework for interactive visualization of script characteristics, as present in the form of ha... more A framework for interactive visualization of script characteristics, as present in the form of handwritten letters, is proposed in this work. The basic idea behind this investigation is to lay the foundations for creating a comprehensive atlas over letter forms extracted from a large collection of handwritten documents, with minimal human guidance. The visualization of the results is based on the atlas metaphor and uses the t-SNE visualization method for creating island-like clusters that can be investigated using the proposed visualization framework. By changing a scale parameter one can investigate the dataset on different levels, i.e different sizes of the clusters.
Digital paleografi och den medeltida skriften i Sverige : En introduktion samt en applikation
Papers by Lasse Mårtensson