Papers by Márcia Travassos
Northeast Network Nursing Journal, Aug 4, 2016
Objetivo: avaliar os fatores prognósticos da reposição volêmica em pacientes com trauma por lesõe... more Objetivo: avaliar os fatores prognósticos da reposição volêmica em pacientes com trauma por lesões penetrantes. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectiva cujos dados foram obtidos através da análise de prontuários de 544 pacientes que deram entrada no serviço de emergência, vítimas de traumatismo penetrante. Resultados: dentre as vítimas, 282 (51,9%) sofreram ferimento por arma branca, 262 (48,2%) ferimento por arma de fogo, 486 (89,3%) eram do sexo masculino, com idade entre 14 e 30 anos 382 (70,2%). A maioria que recebeu fluído maior que 2000ml, pressão arterial sistólica ≤90mmHg e pressão arterial média ≤65mmHg, apresentou mais mortalidade, com valor de p<0,05, p<0,002 e p<0,003, respectivamente. Conclusão: a reposição volêmica limitada pode auxiliar no bom prognóstico do paciente vítima de trauma penetrante.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, May 16, 2019
Aim: To identify in the scientific productions of the national and international literature the p... more Aim: To identify in the scientific productions of the national and international literature the perceptions and factors associated with hypertension in indigenous populations. Methods: Integrative literature review, carried out in the LILACS, PUBMED and Web of Science databases, in November and December 2017, with a 10-year time cut. Results: Ten articles were identified in accordance with the established criteria. Of these, six were published in Portuguese; and seven are cross-sectional studies. The prevalence of hypertension among the different ethnic groups ranged from 2.8% to 46.2% and the main risk factors associated with hypertension among natives were behavioral and socioeconomic. It was observed that the perception and belief about the onset of hypertension is related to the change in diet, access to industrialized foods and the difficulty of coping with the disease. Conclusion: Current trends related to blood pressure levels point to the need for comprehensive indigenous care in the health-disease process

TRAVASSOS, M.C.P.T. Comparative Analysis of the Systemic Arterial Pressure by means of three Diff... more TRAVASSOS, M.C.P.T. Comparative Analysis of the Systemic Arterial Pressure by means of three Different Apparatus. 2018. 86 fls. Dissertation (Master). Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) in association with the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), 2018. Introduction: Measurement of blood pressure is a common practice in clinical evaluation, independent of the specialty of care, recommended by the Brazilian Society of Hypertension in any and all health evaluations through validated and calibrated equipment. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there are differences in systemic blood pressure values obtained by digital arm and pulse pressure devices when compared to the mercury column blood pressure device. Method: This is a cross-sectional, almost experimental, study carried out with servers of the rectory of two public universities. The simple random sample consisted of 223 individuals, aged 18 years or older, whose arm circumference measures between 18 to 36 cm and that of the wrist between 13.5 to 21.4 cm. For each participant, five blood pressure measurements were performed: three measurements with a mercury column sphygmomanometer, one with the digital arm and one with the digital pulse apparatus, according to the technique established by the VII Brazilian Hypertension Guidelines and the manufacturer of digital devices. Data collection took place between January and March of 2018, performed by a research team duly trained and blind to each other in relation to readings of BP measurement. The data were organized in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 and the statistical analyzes were done using the Minitab 17 program. Initially descriptive analyzes were carried out using the absolute (n) and relative frequency (%) for the categorical variables. In the analysis of the quantitative data, the mean and the standard deviation (Dp) were calculated for the variables that presented normal distribution through the Shapiro-Wilk test. In the rejected hypotheses of normality the median, quartiles (Q1 and Q3) and the interquartile range, which is the difference between Q3 (75%) and Q1 (25%), were calculated. The non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis was applied in the comparison of medians. In order to evaluate the relationship between the quantitative variables that did not present a normal distribution, the Spearman correlation coefficient was applied and the t-student test was applied to verify the correlation hypothesis equal to zero. For the analysis of the limits of agreement between the values of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic arterial (DBP), determined by the different methods of blood pressure measurement, the Bland * Teste de Kuskal-Wallis *p = 0,002 *p < 0,001 *p < 0,001 *p < 0,001 *p < 0,001 *p < 0,001

Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde
Objetivo: identificar os elementos centrais e periféricos da estrutura das representações sociais... more Objetivo: identificar os elementos centrais e periféricos da estrutura das representações sociais do HIV/AIDS entre profissionais de saúde de diferentes categorias de escolaridade. Método: estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, apoiado pela teoria das representações sociais na vertente estrutural. Pesquisa desenvolvida com 58 profissionais de saúde de diferentes escolaridades, nível superior e médio, em cinco serviços na cidade de Manaus, AM, por meio da aplicação da técnica de associação livre e hierarquização de palavras ao termo indutor “HIV/AIDS”. Os dados obtidos foram processados no software EVOC e a análise estrutural das representações. Resultados: ao se comparar as estruturas representacionais dos dois grupos de profissionais, verificou-se nos dois o predomínio de uma dimensão negativa presente no núcleo central e em alguns elementos periféricos de traços igualmente negativos com a presença de elementos positivos, principalmente fora do núcleo central. Ver...

Objective: To identify the central and peripheral elements of the structure of social representat... more Objective: To identify the central and peripheral elements of the structure of social representations of HIV/AIDS in health professionals from different categories of education. Method: a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, supported by the theory of social representations in the structural aspect. It was developed with 58 health professionals from different education levels, higher and middle-level, in five services in the city of Manaus, AM, through the application of the technique of free association and hierarchization of words to the inductive term “HIV/AIDS”. The data obtained were processed using the EVOC software and the structural analysis of the representations. Results: when comparing the representational structures of the two groups of professionals, there was a predominance of a negative dimension present in the central nucleus and some peripheral elements with equally negative features with the presence of positive elements, mainly outside the ce...

Introducao: A medida da pressao arterial e uma pratica comum na avaliacao clinica, independente d... more Introducao: A medida da pressao arterial e uma pratica comum na avaliacao clinica, independente da especialidade de atendimento, recomendada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensao em toda e qualquer avaliacao de saude por meio de equipamentos validados e calibrados. O objetivo desse estudo esta focado em analisar se ha diferencas dos valores da pressao arterial sistemica, obtidos por meio de aparelhos de pressao digital de braco e de pulso, quando comparados ao aparelho de pressao arterial de coluna de mercurio. Metodo: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, quase experimental, realizado com servidores da reitoria de duas universidades publicas. A amostra aleatoria simples foi composta por 223 individuos, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, cuja circunferencia de braco mede entre 18 a 36 cm e a do pulso entre 13,5 a 21,4 cm. Para cada participante foram realizadas cinco medidas da pressao arterial, sendo tres medidas com esfigmomanometro coluna de mercurio, uma com o aparelho digit...

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 2019
Objetivo: Identificar nas producoes cientificas da literatura nacional e internacional as percepc... more Objetivo: Identificar nas producoes cientificas da literatura nacional e internacional as percepcoes e fatores associados a hipertensao em populacoes indigenas. Metodos: Revisao integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED e Web of Science, nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2017, com um recorte temporal de dez anos. Resultados: Foram identificados dez artigos em conformidade com os criterios estabelecidos. Desses, seis foram publicados em portugues; e sete sao estudos transversais. A prevalencia da hipertensao entre os diferentes grupos etnicos variou de 2,8% a 46,2% e os principais fatores de risco associados a hipertensao entre indigenas foram o comportamental e o socioeconomico. Observou-se que a percepcao e crenca sobre o surgimento da hipertensao relaciona-se a mudanca na alimentacao, ao acesso a alimentos industrializados e a dificuldade de enfretamento da doenca. Conclusao: As tendencias atuais relacionadas aos niveis pressoricos apontam a necessid...

Cogitare Enfermagem, 2021
Objetivo: identificar o perfil de pressão arterial elevada em servidores públicos. Método: estudo... more Objetivo: identificar o perfil de pressão arterial elevada em servidores públicos. Método: estudo de prevalência, realizado com 223 servidores das Pró-Reitorias de duas universidades públicas de Manaus. A coleta consistiu em entrevista para levantamento das condições sociodemográficas, estilo de vida e medida da pressão arterial sistêmica,durante o período de janeiro a março de 2018. Foi aplicado teste Qui-quadrado e considerada significância de 5%. Resultados: o percentual de participantes com pressão arterial elevada foi de 5,4%. As comorbidades mais autorreferidas foram hipertensão [41,7% (p=0,002)], diabetes mellitus [25% (p=0,001)] e obesidade [58,3% (p=0,0001)]. A maioria dos participantes informou não praticar atividade física regularmente. Considerações finais: os resultados deste estudo poderão contribuir como subsídios para a implementação de ações preventivas, controle de agravos e ações que garantam o tratamento eficaz nos indivíduos com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica, s...
Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2016
Objective: to evaluate the prognostic factors of volume replacement in patients with trauma due t... more Objective: to evaluate the prognostic factors of volume replacement in patients with trauma due to penetrating injuries. Methods: retrospective cohort study whose data were obtained by analyzing medical records of 544 patients who were admitted to the emergency unit, victims of penetrating trauma. Results: among the victims, 282 (51.9%) suffered stab wound, 262 (48.2%) injury by firearms, 486 (89.3%) were male, 382 (70.2%) were aged between 14 and 30 years. Most who received volume greater than 2000ml, systolic blood pressure ≤90mmHg and mean arterial pressure ≤65mmHg presented more mortality, with p <0.05, p <0.002 and p <0.003, respectively. Conclusion: the limited volume replacement can help in the good prognosis of victims of penetrating trauma.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 2019
Aim: To identify in the scientific productions of the national and international literature the p... more Aim: To identify in the scientific productions of the national and international literature the perceptions and factors associated with hypertension in indigenous populations. Methods: Integrative literature review, carried out in the LILACS, PUBMED and Web of Science databases, in November and December 2017, with a 10-year time cut. Results: Ten articles were identified in accordance with the established criteria. Of these, six were published in Portuguese; and seven are cross-sectional studies. The prevalence of hypertension among the different ethnic groups ranged from 2.8% to 46.2% and the main risk factors associated with hypertension among natives were behavioral and socioeconomic. It was observed that the perception and belief about the onset of hypertension is related to the change in diet, access to industrialized foods and the difficulty of coping with the disease. Conclusion: Current trends related to blood pressure levels point to the need for comprehensive indigenous ca...
Papers by Márcia Travassos