Papers by Mehmet Ali Çorlu
Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education, 2018
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
In this study a mathematical model and its computer simulation, to obtain the eigenvalues and the... more In this study a mathematical model and its computer simulation, to obtain the eigenvalues and the eigenfunction of the system described by potential function, were given.
Bazi milli farkliliklar disinda Avrupa'da iki ayri okul tipi gorulmektedir. Bunlardan biri &q... more Bazi milli farkliliklar disinda Avrupa'da iki ayri okul tipi gorulmektedir. Bunlardan biri "paralel", digeri "ardisik" veya "ortak amacli" okul tipi seklindedir.
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 2016
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, 2000
Meslek formasyonu veya mesleki kimlik kavrami kisilere gore degismekle birlikte ortak ozelliklerl... more Meslek formasyonu veya mesleki kimlik kavrami kisilere gore degismekle birlikte ortak ozelliklerle Ģekillenmekte ve cok boyutlu bir nitelik gostermektedir(Bennett-1999). Mesleki formasyon olusumunda tatmin, baglilik, ornek olma. ornek alma, gelecek beklentisi, etkileme, etkilenme, ileri hedeflere ulasma umidi, kariyer beklentisi, kahramanlik, idealizm onemli katkilar saglamaktadir(Bennett-1999).

Problem solving requires a set of cognitive operations that is mainly reasoning. Solution can be ... more Problem solving requires a set of cognitive operations that is mainly reasoning. Solution can be obtained by applying these cognitive processes using necessery strategies in compliance with the desired end or goal (Arık, 1987). Reasoning can be defined as a process of deriving new information from the knowledge given explicitly guided by a rule (Kurtz,Gentre&Gunn, 1999). So, it can be said that the results or judgements of each step in solution are obtained through reasoning by using the previously acquired judgements and physics rules, and these derivation processes can be represented by graphical tools. An analysis of reasoning process in problem solving leads the educational studies in the area of teaching problem solving and diagnosing the source of students’ failures, because a student’s success in solving physics problems depends on reasoning processes that can be executed successfully. These methods of analysis can also be utilized in the field of artificial intelligence enri...
Bu calismanin amaci ogretmen adaylarinin yenilikcilik algilarini arastirmaktir. Calismaya fen bil... more Bu calismanin amaci ogretmen adaylarinin yenilikcilik algilarini arastirmaktir. Calismaya fen bilimleri, matematik ve sosyal bilimler ogretmenligi alanlarindan 189 ogretmen adayi katilmistir. Veri toplama araclari Biriysel Yenlikcilik Olcegi’nin Turkce versiyonu ve ailesel etkenler envanteridir. Regresyon analizi veri analizi yontemi olarak kullanilmistir. Analizin ikinci dongusu sonucunda yenilikcilik algisinin en guclu yordayicisi olarak tecrubeye aciklik degiskeni ortaya cikmistir.
The aim of this study is to investigate the innovation perceptions of engineering and teacher can... more The aim of this study is to investigate the innovation perceptions of engineering and teacher candidates. The data collection tools are the Turkish version of the Individual Innovativeness Scale (IIS), and the Domestic Factors Inventory. Three factor ANOVA is the main data analysis technique. Results indicate that family attitude has a statistically significantly influence on innovativeness perceptions.
Bu arastirmada, ogrenciler tarafindan tasarlanan problemlerin degerlendirilmesine yonelik bir ana... more Bu arastirmada, ogrenciler tarafindan tasarlanan problemlerin degerlendirilmesine yonelik bir analitik rubrik gelistirilmistir. Rubrik, 2008–2009 egitim-ogretim yilinda, universite birinci sinif temel fizik dersinde gelistirilmistir.Problem tasarlama rubriginin boyutlarini ve bu boyutlara ait olcutleri belirlemek amaciyla, ogrenci calisma kagitlari, sinif ici tartisma sonuclari ve ilgili alanyazin taramasindan elde edilen bulgular kullanilmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda alti boyut elde edilmistir. Bu boyutlar; problemin anlasilirligi, probleminfizik ilkeleriyle uyumu, problemin yapisi, sorulan soru sayisi, problemin turu veproblemin cozulebilirligidir. Guvenilirlik calismasi kapsaminda, iki farkli puanlayici Pearson Korelasyon Katsayisi r =0,86; ayni puanlayici Pearson KorelasyonKatsayisi r =0,92 olarak bulunmustur

The purpose of the study is to examine contribution of the experimental course materials and cour... more The purpose of the study is to examine contribution of the experimental course materials and course activities produced from video records of physics experiments carried out in an elevator cab on learning efficiency in physics course. Quantitative research methods comprise the study pattern. The study was carried out in two different schools. Experimental group consists of 27 students, while control group consists of 46 students. In the study, data was collected by applying “Demographic Questionnaire, Virtual Experimental Questioning, Motion Experiments and Activities in Elevator and Diagnostic Concept Test in Elevator (DCTE) (Coskun, 2010). The obtained data were interpreted after making t-test, reliability, effect size, one way ANOVA analyses. Learning efficiency of the course was interpreted by calculating according to Hake’s definition of learning gain. Reliability value of data obtained from DCTE is in 0.76; and significant differences were found in control and experimental gro...

The aim of this study was by using students’ self-assessments to identify the learning efficiency... more The aim of this study was by using students’ self-assessments to identify the learning efficiency of introductory (mechanics and waves) physics course connecting physics to students’ everyday life. Physics, an important science subject, is one of the most difficult courses for students, mainly because its presentation is theoretical, mathematical and abstract without everyday applications and examples. Moreover, connections to students’ everyday life are crucial for learner’s mental construction of the information they learn and for achieving meaningful learning. The findings of this study are significant in evaluating the learning efficiency of the physics course, which was presented by connection to students’ everyday life. The sample consisted of a total of 92 first year undergraduates at Marmara University Technical Education Faculty, 82 of which were male and 10 were female. Data was collected by a likert type scale which was prepared in line with the post-then-pre test method ...
Bu calismanin amaci ogretmen adaylarinin yenilikcilik algilarini arastirmaktir. Calismaya fen bil... more Bu calismanin amaci ogretmen adaylarinin yenilikcilik algilarini arastirmaktir. Calismaya fen bilimleri, matematik ve sosyal bilimler ogretmenligi alanlarindan 189 ogretmen adayi katilmistir. Veri toplama araclari Biriysel Yenlikcilik Olcegi’nin Turkce versiyonu ve ailesel etkenler envanteridir. Regresyon analizi veri analizi yontemi olarak kullanilmistir. Analizin ikinci dongusu sonucunda yenilikcilik algisinin en guclu yordayicisi olarak tecrubeye aciklik degiskeni ortaya cikmistir.
The aim of this study is to investigate the innovation perceptions of teacher candidates in the a... more The aim of this study is to investigate the innovation perceptions of teacher candidates in the areas of mathematics, science and social sciences. The data collection tools are the Turkish versions of the Individual Innovativeness Scale (IIS) and Big5 Scale for personality characteristics. Multivariate linear regression is the main data analysis technique. Results indicate that 47% of the variation in the IIS is explained by the independent variables.
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2000
Meslek formasyonu veya mesleki kimlik kavrami kisilere gore degismekle birlikte ortak ozelliklerl... more Meslek formasyonu veya mesleki kimlik kavrami kisilere gore degismekle birlikte ortak ozelliklerle Ģekillenmekte ve cok boyutlu bir nitelik gostermektedir(Bennett-1999). Mesleki formasyon olusumunda tatmin, baglilik, ornek olma. ornek alma, gelecek beklentisi, etkileme, etkilenme, ileri hedeflere ulasma umidi, kariyer beklentisi, kahramanlik, idealizm onemli katkilar saglamaktadir(Bennett-1999).

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 2016
New approaches to instruction are needed in all educational levels in order to develop the skills... more New approaches to instruction are needed in all educational levels in order to develop the skills suited to the twenty-first century (i.e., inquiry, problem solving, innovation, entrepreneurship, technological communication, experimental design, and investigativeness). This research evaluated the outcomes of an approach aiming to develop such skills based on students’ assessments of themselves and their peers with regard to investigative projects and course grades. The study is chiefly based on a quantitative paradigm with a multi-method approach. Data were primarily collected using a form to evaluate scientific investigation skills and learning gains; students’ project reports and examination papers were the other data sources, which were evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results revealed a low-to-moderate level of improvement in skills. In addition, the authors discovered that students were overestimating their gains, and that peer-evaluations seemed to function better than self-evaluations.
Papers by Mehmet Ali Çorlu