Trigeminal neuralgia is a quite common classic neuralgia and commonest cause of facial pain after... more Trigeminal neuralgia is a quite common classic neuralgia and commonest cause of facial pain after 50. It is known to have the worst possible pain in the world; previously it was termed as suicidal pain. The incidence of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is 4.3 per 100,000 persons per year, with a slightly higher incidence for women (5.9/100,000) compared with men (3.4/100,000). It is almost exclusively unilateral neuropathic pain. The pain is located in the distribution of trigeminal nerve. The burst of pain can occur spontaneously or from a stimulus in the specific area of the face known as trigger zone. Sometimes it is difficult to identify the trigger zone. Patient usually avoid touching, brushing or chewing to avoid stimulation of trigger zone. Pain may occur daily for week, months and then cease, sometimes for months to years this is called remission period. Evidence suggests that pain occurs because of pressure on the trigeminal nerve root at the entry zone into the pontine region of ...
Trigeminal neuralgia is a quite common classic neuralgia and commonest cause of facial pain after... more Trigeminal neuralgia is a quite common classic neuralgia and commonest cause of facial pain after 50. It is known to have the worst possible pain in the world; previously it was termed as suicidal pain. The incidence of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is 4.3 per 100,000 persons per year, with a slightly higher incidence for women (5.9/100,000) compared with men (3.4/100,000). It is almost exclusively unilateral neuropathic pain. The pain is located in the distribution of trigeminal nerve. The burst of pain can occur spontaneously or from a stimulus in the specific area of the face known as trigger zone. Sometimes it is difficult to identify the trigger zone. Patient usually avoid touching, brushing or chewing to avoid stimulation of trigger zone. Pain may occur daily for week, months and then cease, sometimes for months to years this is called remission period. Evidence suggests that pain occurs because of pressure on the trigeminal nerve root at the entry zone into the pontine region of ...
Papers by Lutfur Rahaman