Papers by Luiz Eduardo Santos
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2008

The present experiment deals with forage plant introduction in 7 localities of Sao Paulo State, B... more The present experiment deals with forage plant introduction in 7 localities of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Each experiment has 6 legumes and 6 grasses in plots with and without fertilization. It was studied the factors: establishment, frost sensibility, and the first cutting yield. According lo this the best plants for each place were: 1. Anhembi: Legumes - Galactia striata and Desmodium intortum cv. Green leaf; Grasses - Panicum maximum var. trichoglume cv. Petrie, Panicum maximum cv. Gatton panic, and Setaria ariceps cv. Kazungula e Hypanhenia rufa and Melinis minutiflora (without fertilization); 2. Brotas: Legumes - Galactia striata and Calopogonium mucunoides; Grasses - Brachiaria decumbens cv. Australiana, Melinis minutiflora, Panicum maximum var. trichoglurne cv. Petrie, and Panicum maximum cv. Gatton panic; 3. Colina: Legumes - Calopogonium mucunoides and Galactia striata; Grasses - Hyparrhenia rufa, Secaria anceps cv. Kazungula and Paninum maximum cv. Gatton panic; 4. Itapetininga: Legumes - Desmodium intortum cv. Green leal and Glycine wigh tii cv. Cooper; Grasses - Secaria anceps cv. Kazunguga, Paspalum guenoarum, and Secaria anceps cv. Nandi; 5. Mirassol: Legumes - Macroptilium atropurpureum, Calopogonium mucunoides, and Centrosema pubesnens. Grasses - Rachiaria decubens. Panicum maximum cv. Gatton panic and Safaria anceps cv. Kazungula; 6. Pindamonhangaba: Legumes - Stylosanthes guyanensis cv. IR 11022 and Galactia striata; Grasses - Paspalum guenoarum and Panicum maximum. 7. Sao Luis do Paraitinga: Legumes - Srylosanthes guyanensis cv. RI 1022, Glycine wightii cv. Tinaroo and Desmodium intortum cv. Green leaf; Grasses - Panicum maximum var. trichoglume cv. Petrie and Paspalum guenoas’vm; 8. Sertaozinho: Legumes . Galactia seriata, Glycine wghtii cv. Cianova and Macrotyloma axillare; Grasses - Panicum maximum cv. Wurth, Cynodon nlemfuensis (without fertilization), Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula and Panicum maximum var. trichoglume cv. Petrie.
Boletim de Industria Animal, Oct 18, 1985

Boletim de indústria animal, 1992
The behavior (frequency of animais grazing) and physiological profiles of anglonubians, alpine x ... more The behavior (frequency of animais grazing) and physiological profiles of anglonubians, alpine x anglonubians and saanen x anglonubians kids were studied during the summer (january/ february) and winter (june/july) on two different places with different weather conditions (Itapetininga and Nova Odessa in the State of Sao Paulo). The breed didn’t affect the frequency distribution (FD) taken every 30 minutes of animals grazing, from 7:30am to 6:30pm. Places, season and grass availability were significative (P 0.05) for rectal temperature (RT) and respiratory rate (RR). At 2:00pm also at rest, the RT and RR were higher (P < 0.01) for the saanen crossbred, when compared to the other breeds and also, higher (P <0.01) for the anglonubians when compared to the alpine crossbred. Places and season affected (P <0.01) RT and RR independently of the time of the day. The hematological data were not influenced by breed, places and season, and showed the species standard profile.
Ciencia Rural, Aug 1, 2001
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2013
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2008

The grazing trial was conducted from February, 1981 to April, 1986, at the county of Itapetininga... more The grazing trial was conducted from February, 1981 to April, 1986, at the county of Itapetininga, ni the South of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, comparing the behaviour of four tropical mixed pastures under three grazing pressures (low, medium and high). The management system used was the continuous grazing one with variable stocking rates during the different parts of year. Each kind of mixed pasture was composed by three paddocks of different sizes (0.63, 0.83 and 1.25 ha) which were maintained with the same number of animals during each time. The data were analized by co-variance comparing regression lines, utilizing only one replication. It was studied seasonal variations of botanical composition as well as the crude protein contents of each species in the mixtures. The standard mixture was green panic plus perennial soybean which showed a mean of 8.44% CP and 34.76% FB. In the comparison between the standard. mixture with the other ones studied the kazungula setaria plus Galactia striata mixture showed high dry matter amount under grazing (P < 0.01) although the CP content was lower. The mixture guinea grass plus Desmodium uncinatum and rhodes grass plus Tinaroo soybean did not differ statistically from the standard mixture in neither of the parameters studied. The mixture rhodes plus Tinaroo soybean showed a good balance grass/legume and are suited to be used in the Shouth part of the State of Sao Paulo.
Boletim de Industria Animal, Feb 26, 1995

Ideal lambs were weaned at 9 (A), 12 (B) or 15 (C) weeks of age. Every weaning age was consisted ... more Ideal lambs were weaned at 9 (A), 12 (B) or 15 (C) weeks of age. Every weaning age was consisted of 4 treatments: ewe and lamb with supplementary feeding (A 1 , B 1 , C 1 ); only ewe with supplementary feeding (A 2 , B 2 , C 2 ); only lamb with supplementary feeding (A 3 , B 3 , C 3 ) and withoul supplementary feeding (A 4 , B 4 , C 4 ). Corriedale lamb were weaned at 12 (B) or 15 (C) weeks age. Every weaning age was consisted of 2 treatments only for ewes with (B 2 , C 2 ) or without (B 4 , C 4 ) supplementary feeding. The animals grazed on Digitaria decumbens Stent . grass composed of 5.3% CP and were supplemented a feeding composed of 17.3% CP that was offered 500g/ewe/day and 250g/lamb/day. No sex differences were observed at the 21 th week of age. No differences were observed for Corriedale breed weaned at 12 or 15 weeks but for Ideal breed, weaned at 9, 12 or l5weeks of age, were observed differences (P < 0.01). Supplementary feeding differences were observed (P < 0.01) for Ideal and Corriedale lambs. No significant interactions were observed among treatments. No differences were observed for Iamb mortality form weaning age to 21 weeks of age. Fleece weight differences influenced by weaning age (P < 0.05) and supplementary feeding (P < 0.01) were observed for Ideal ewes but not for Corriedale ewes.
Boletim de indústria animal, 1992
In this study it was measured the rectal temperature, respiration rate, and hematological values ... more In this study it was measured the rectal temperature, respiration rate, and hematological values in three breeds of sheep at two different climate conditions (Cwa and Cfa). The observations were taken at two times (8:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.), after a resting period of the animals, during summer and winter periods of 1986 and 1987. All the breeds studied had normal values of rectal temperature, respiration rate and hematological values, showing adequate acclimation capacity at the two regions. Santa Ines, a woolness sheep breed showed lower variations of rectal temperature and respiration rate than Polwarth and Corriedale breeds. The hematological values did not change in any of the situations studied.

The present experiment was carried out in the field at Posto de Ovinos e Caprinos do Instituto de... more The present experiment was carried out in the field at Posto de Ovinos e Caprinos do Instituto de Zootecnia. in itapetininga, of Sao Paulo, BraziI. It was evaluated the potencial supply of nitrogen through perenniaI soybean (Glycine wightii Verde.), galaxia (Galactia striata Jacq.). green leaf desmodium (Desmodium intortum cv. Green Leaf Urb.) to Setaria anceps Stapf ex Massey cv. Nandi. Theses species were fertilized with three levels of nitrogen (0, 150 and 300kg per hectare per year) and each one of the legumes was also mixed with the grass. Setaria mixed with perennial soybean, with galaxia and with desmodium showed dry matter yields equivalent to a fertilization of 124. 117 and 105kg of nitrogen/hectare/year on the grass alone. The forage production of the grass alone increased up to 300kg N per year, with increases in dry matter yield (D.M.) of 23.35kg of D.M./kg of applied N and 32% rate of nitrogen recovery. The forage legumes increased the protein contents of mixed Setaria grass compared with Setaria grass alone not fertilized with mineral N. The apparent nitrogen transfer of perennial soybean, galaxia and desmodium to the mixed setaria was 32, 38 and 32.5kg of N/hectare/year, respectively.
Growth of 20 native of wooless breed lambs, 24 native of wooless breed lambs x suffolk and 20 Suf... more Growth of 20 native of wooless breed lambs, 24 native of wooless breed lambs x suffolk and 20 Suffolk were studied and the ewe with lambs stayed on Digitaria decumbens Stent pasture at 10 head/ha rate. The ewe received 500g/head/day of supplement with 17% crude protein from birth until weaning (126 days) and the lambs received 250g/head/day from 42 until 147 days. Lamb weights at birth, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105, l26 and 147 days were, respectively, 2.6 ±0,1; 4.8 ±0.3; 6.8±0.5; 8,8±0.6; 10.5±0.7; 12.4±0.8; 14.1±0.9 and 15.5 ± 0.8 for native of woolless breed lambs; 3.3±0.1; 7.3 ±0.3; 10.7 ±0,5: 13.1 ±0.6: 15.5 ± 0.7; 17.6 ± 0.8; 18.9 ± 0.9, and 20.3 ± 0.8 for native of woolless breed lambs x suffolk, and 3.7 ± 0.1; 81 ±0.3; 11.9 ± 0.5; 15.2 ±0,6; 17.6 ±0.7; 201 ±0.8:21.8±0.9 and 23.6 ± 0.8 for suffolk lambs.

The objective of this study was find out the expansion to ponder the Ideal race lambs and Suffolk... more The objective of this study was find out the expansion to ponder the Ideal race lambs and Suffolk since the birth until the weaning in 126 days of life. The experience comprehend the lambs born in 1976 to 1978. 395 Ideal race lambs, 184 male and 211 female and 97 Suffolk race lambs. 53 male and 44 female, were utilized. All lambs were simple lochia product. The lambs stayed in lactation over pastures of Digitaria decumbens Stent. The ewes received 300g/head/dey of triturated corn. The weight was effected 21 days each ove. The weight was ajusted by the method on minimum aquare showing in the born 3.5; 3.8; 3.5 and 3,6kg and in the weaning 16.7; 17.6; 18.2 and 19.8kg respectively to the Ideal lambs male and female and Suffolk mala and female. Very significant differences occurred between age and sex, the two breeds the interaction sex x year was significant for the Ideal, but didn’t for the Suffolk breed.

Boletim de indústria animal, Apr 14, 2008
RESUMO: Avaliou-se o desempenho de 36 borregas da raça Santa Inês, com cerca de 18 meses de idade... more RESUMO: Avaliou-se o desempenho de 36 borregas da raça Santa Inês, com cerca de 18 meses de idade, alimentadas com cana-de-açúcar picada (75%) e silagem de milho (25%) com acesso a mistura sem uréia ou com uréia (10 ou 15%) na sua composição, em substituição ao farelo de soja. O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos ao acaso e as variáveis submetidas a análise de regressão com os níveis crescentes de inclusão de uréia na mistura. Os animais consumiram em média 188g/dia da mistura múltipla. O aumento da inclusão de uréia na mistura não causou modificação (P>0,05) no ganho de peso dos animais (141g/dia), na ingestão de MS (2,31% do peso vivo) e na conversão alimentar (6,53kg de MS/kg de ganho de peso vivo). Os teores de uréia plasmática aumentaram significativamente (Y=21,29 + 5,14X, R 2 =36,6; P<0,001) com o aumento da inclusão de uréia na mistura mineral. Os resultados indicam que o aumento da inclusão de uréia na mistura múltipla em substituição à proteína da soja não altera o desempenho dos animais, mas eleva o seu teor plasmático. Palavras-chave: consumo, conversão alimentar, ganho de peso, ovinos.
Boletim de indústria animal, 1998
Nine Alpine castrated males goats averaging 34.7 kg, were kept in digestibility cages and allocat... more Nine Alpine castrated males goats averaging 34.7 kg, were kept in digestibility cages and allocated into two blocks. The animals remained 28 days in hay (700g/day) and concentrate (200g/day) diets without or with 5.2 or 10.4 g/day of dicalcium phosphate (FBIC). Feces outputs were measured on the seven last days to determine the apparent digestibility coefficient (DC) of nutrients. The increase in FBIC ingestion led to a linear increase (P<0.05) in the plasmatic P and in OMDC and DMDC, and did not change the salivary P neither CPDC, CFDC, NDFDC and TDN. The increase in the DC of some nutrients due to the increase in FBIC intake lead to the conclusion that levels of Ca and P in the not supplemented diet was insufficient for microbial activity in the rumen.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
The mating of ewes every eight months during four years (06 mating periods) was studied. 61 Ideal... more The mating of ewes every eight months during four years (06 mating periods) was studied. 61 Ideal ewes provided 207 lambs (0.85 lamb/ewe/year), 27 Corriedale ewes produced 94 lambs (0.87 lamb/ewe/year) and 28 Suffolk ewes provided 101 lambs (0.90 lamb/ewe/year). From the 402 total lambs born, 133 of them (33.1%) came from January, 97 (24.1%) from September and 172 (42.8%) from May matings. Lamb death rate, from birth to weaning (70 days), was 12.0% for those born in winter (mating in January), 16.5% for those born in summer (mating in September) and 11.6% for those born in spring (mating in May). The ewe’s weight at mating and parturition was not influenced by the mating period, whereas mating period influenced (P < 0.05) the ewe's weight at weaning. The lamb’s weight at birth was influenced (P < 0.05) by the birth period. The weight at weaning was not affected by the birth period.

Boletim de indústria animal, 1997
Live weight components, dressing percentage, proportion of carcass cuts (hindside, foreside and r... more Live weight components, dressing percentage, proportion of carcass cuts (hindside, foreside and ribs) and constituents (muscle, fat and bones) were evaluated in 32 Saanen kids slaughtered on different live-weights (8,4 - 28,0 kg) and age from 60 to 130 days. As slaughter-weight increased, hot and cold dressing percentage had a linear increase; head, legs, visceras, kidneys, liver and heart percentage had a linear decrease and skin, blood, kidney fat and fuil and empty gastro-intestinal system percentage did not change. The proportion of ribs increased, hindside decreased, and foreside proportion did not change. The increase in slaughter-weight led to an increase in the percentage of muscle and fat, and a decrease in bones. It was also observed an increase in loin eye area, as well, in carcass measures (internal and external length, thorax depth and leg length). Dairy kids must be reared to produce heavier carcass.

Two grazing systems were studied in Alpine and Saanen goats during summer and winter. A lot of go... more Two grazing systems were studied in Alpine and Saanen goats during summer and winter. A lot of goats had, during 60 days in the summer and 60 days in the winter, free access to pastures while another lot was withdrawn, daily, at 5 p.m. and released at 10 a.m. in the next day. The respiratory frequency at sun or shade, after resting 60m. was not influenced by free or not free management. Rectal temperature at sun was greater (P< 0.05) in the free management goats. Regarding to the grazing habit, it was observed that in the summer the lot of free grazing animals was already grazing at 7a.m., remaining grazing during the day,with an average of 415.8 minutes of daily grazing. The lot released at 10 a.m. started immediately grazing, maintaining an equal osccillating behaviour, sometimes with a high number of goats grazing and sometimes with less animals grazing, with an average of 336.8 minutes of daily grazing. ln the winter, the grazing behaviour presented less oscillation than in the summer, in the two lots, The free animals began grazing only after 8 a.m., although a higher number of animals maintained the grazing attitude, with an animal average of 464.8 minutes daily, while the lot released at l0 a.m. began grazing immediately, maintaining this activity in a constant manner, with a total average of 407.0 minutes of daily grazing. The smaller time at pasture did not cause weight loss. Goats from the free management reached high levels of helminthiasis more rapidly than the animals from the grazing restriction sistem. But after 56 days from the vermifugation both groups had similar levels of parasitic infestation.
Papers by Luiz Eduardo Santos