Papers by Luis humberto Arias angulo
Revista De Ensenanza Universitaria, 2001
La Universidad En La Formacion De Profesorado Una Formacion a Debate Congreso Nacional De Educacion Burgos 17 Al 20 De Octubre 2002 Isbn 84 95211 52 1 Pags 169 192, 2002
La Formacion Practica De Los Profesores Actas Del Ii Symposium Sobre Practicas Escolares 25 27 Septiembre 1989 Poio 1990 Isbn 84 86728 45 2 Pags 53 84, 1990
Avances En El Estudio Del Pensamiento De Los Profesores Actas De La Reunion Cientifica Sobre Avances En El Estudio Del Pensamiento De Los Profesores Celebrada En Sevilla Mayo 26 28 De 1988 1988 Isbn 84 7405 417 6 Pags 169 180, 1988
Innovacion Pedagogica Y Politicas Educativas Xi Congreso Nacional De Pedagogia Vol 1 1996 Isbn 8484993744 Pags 17 42, 1996
Intermediate and narrow-band photoelectric observations obtained at Biruni and Villanova Observat... more Intermediate and narrow-band photoelectric observations obtained at Biruni and Villanova Observatories from 1977 to the present, when combined with previous data, strongly suggest that light increases of about 0.5 mag occur at 6 year intervals. Possible explanations are considered. 1.
Boletin De La Real Sociedad Geografica, 1977
Actas De Las Jornadas De Estudio Sobre El Centro Educativo Nuevas Perspectivas Organizativas 1991 Pags 291 314, 1991
Conocimientos Capacidades Y Destrezas Estudiantiles 2005 Isbn 84 368 1986 1 Pags 129 170, 2005

Genetic relationships among 19 rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties released in Venezuela during the ... more Genetic relationships among 19 rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties released in Venezuela during the last 26 years were studied using pedigree and microsatellite molecular markers (SSR) analysis. Co-ancestry values among parents used in crosses that originated these cultivars varied between 0 and 24%, with an average of 9%. In turn, the coefficient of parentage between cultivar pairs ranged from 7.45% to 56.65%, with an average of 20.09%. Cluster analysis using the coefficient of parentage as a measure of similarity indicated that Venezuelan varieties can be grouped into eight distinctive sets. It was found that 29 out of 44 SSR markers were polymorphic, originating 84 polymorphic fragments. Alleles generated by each primer showed between 2 and 6 bands, with average of 3.1. Multiple correspondence anal- yses showed that three eigenvalues explained 59% of variance allowing grouping of the studied varieties in six discrete sets. It was observed that molecular analysis is more precise and ...

In the coal mining zone in the department of Cesar (Colombia), the programs MM5, CALMET and CALPU... more In the coal mining zone in the department of Cesar (Colombia), the programs MM5, CALMET and CALPUFF were used to simulate the PM10 contribution of the mining projects PLJ, Norcarbón and Hatillo. The objective was to compare results of CALPUFF dispersion model with the registers of monitoring of the zone and to evaluate this dispersion model in two different topographic sites. El Hatillo mining area is located a few kilometres from the village of La Loma, where topographically flat area; the other areas (projects PLJ and Norcarbón) are located in the low mountain zone of the Perijá, near to the La Jagua of Ibirico village. For the introduction of the variable emission in the CALPUFF model, it was considered data as provided in the study of the Monterrey Institute of Technology (Huertas et al., 2012). Although the CALPUFF model is mostly recommended for long distances scenarios, there are exceptions for short distances scenarios, where the model is reliable to measure the behaviour of...
Hablar del desarrollo pedagógico del profesorado universitario está de plena actualidad. La reali... more Hablar del desarrollo pedagógico del profesorado universitario está de plena actualidad. La realidad evaluativa de los programas formativos, al mismo tiempo que la reforma y convergencia de las titulaciones a un espacio
Papers by Luis humberto Arias angulo