Papers by Luisa Fernanda Mesa Franco

Se analiza el papel de las anormalidades del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-adrenales (HHA) en el estré... more Se analiza el papel de las anormalidades del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-adrenales (HHA) en el estrés sostenido y la depresión. Además se pone en evidencia que algunos problemas hasta hace poco considerados puramente endocrino-metabólicos como el síndrome de Cushing (SC) (clínico o subclínico) y la obesidad, principalmente cuando hace parte del síndrome metabólico (SM), pueden tener una base etiológica común, como evento primario, comorbilidad o disparador en individuos con susceptibilidad genética a los estados de estrés crónico maladaptativo. Se describen algunas acciones lesivas del hipercortisolismo severo y/o sostenido en algunas áreas cerebrales y la posibilidad de producir alteraciones permanentes en algunos circuitos neuronales. Por último se explora, de acuerdo con algunas evidencias clínicas, el papel terapéutico potencial de fármacos antiglucocorticoides en el manejo de la depresión refractaria y el papel que pueden jugar la intervención psiquiátrica temprana y el tratamient...

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2021
Objective To describe adaptations in the provision of rehabilitation services proposed by scienti... more Objective To describe adaptations in the provision of rehabilitation services proposed by scientific and professional rehabilitation organizations to avoid interruptions to patients’ rehabilitation process and delays in starting rehabilitation in patients with COVID-19. Methods A narrative review approach was used to identify the recommendations of scientific and professional organizations in the area of rehabilitation. A systematic search was performed in the main data bases in 78 international and regional web portals of rehabilitation organizations. A total of 21 publications from these organizations were identified and selected. Results The results are presented in 4 categories: adequacy of inpatient services, including acute care services and intensive care unit for patients with and without COVID-19; adequacy of outpatient services, including home-based rehabilitation and tele- rehabilitation; recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and regulatory standards and positions during the COVID-19 pandemic expressed by organizations for protecting the rights of health workers and patients. Conclusion Health systems around the world are rapidly learning from actions aimed at the reorganization of rehabilitation services for patients who are in the process of recovery from acute or chronic conditions, and the rapid response to the rehabilitation of survivors of COVID-19, as well as from efforts in the prevention of contagion of those providing the services. LAY ABSTRACT In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which developed very rapidly worldwide, rehabilitation services were forced to modify and adapt the way they provide and deliver services. These measures were proposed and adopted across a wide range of countries, the changes proposed included the following measures: critical patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection should be cared for by a multidisciplinary team providing early mobilization, respiratory, outpatient, and long-term care rehabilitation interventions. Home- based and community rehabilitation can be delivered through different strategies, such as telerehabilitation or direct care. The use of measures to prevent and protect against transmission of COVID-19 are necessary for all patients in rehabilitation care.
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. The objectives are as follows:•... more This is a protocol for a Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. The objectives are as follows:• To identify factors that influence the organisation and delivery of home-based and telerehabilitation for people needing rehabilitation.• To identify factors that may influence the organisation and delivery of and home- based rehabilitation and telerehabilitation in pandemic contexts, such as COVID-19.

Revista Colombiana de Médicina Física y Rehabilitación, 2020
La pandemia por Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) ha profundizado las desigualdades preexistentes de la... more La pandemia por Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) ha profundizado las desigualdades preexistentes de las personas con discapacidad. Los afectados por Covid-19 se encuentran entre los grupos más vulnerables al ser uno de los grupos más excluidos de la sociedad. El objetivo del presente estudio esidentificarlas declaracionesyrecomendaciones que las organizacionessupranacionales han emitido para garantizar los derechos de las personas con discapacidad en la actual pandemia. Se realizó una búsqueda amplia y sistemática; fueron consultadas 20 organizaciones y analizados 58 documentos en esta síntesis rápida. Los documentos encontrados fueron asignados en cuatro categorías dependiendo de su enfoque principal: principio de igualdad y no discriminación (25,8%), derecho al respeto de la dignidad inherente (10,3%), derecho a la accesibilidad (36,2%) y derecho a la salud (27,6%). Las organizaciones supranacionales hacen un llamado a los gobiernos a garantizar la protección y promoción de los derecho...
Papers by Luisa Fernanda Mesa Franco