Papers by Luis Felipe Dias Lopes

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2015
Objective: To relate stress and coping in the labor environment of Federal Universities nursing t... more Objective: To relate stress and coping in the labor environment of Federal Universities nursing teachers in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytic and quantitative study, conducted with 108 teachers from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. For data collection, there were used: Form with personal/occupational data; Stress Scale at Work, Inventory Coping Strategies. Data were analyzed through the inferential statistics. The project of this investigation was approved by the CEP/UFSM, under protocol number CAAE: 0380.0.243.000-10. Results: There was predominance of teachers with low stress (93.52%). The Social Support was the highest average Coping factor (X = 1.98, SD = 0.53). There was a significant negative association of low intensity between stress and factors of Acceptance of Responsibility and Escape-avoidance. There was no significant correlation between low stress and coping strategies focused on the problem. Conclusions: The teachers had low stress and found the use of coping strategies focused on emotions. The results are opposed to the hypothesis of this study that teachers with low stress would use coping strategies focused on problem. Programs aiming to enhance the use of coping strategies, especially those focused on emotion, should be developed to reduce the stress levels of nursing teachers.
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Jul 19, 2022

International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management, 2021
Avaliar o comportamento financeiro de jovens universitários de regiões distintas do Brasil. Desig... more Avaliar o comportamento financeiro de jovens universitários de regiões distintas do Brasil. DesignMetodologiaAbordagem: Este estudo trata de uma pesquisa survey de caráter descritiva, quantitativa e comparativa, as amostras foram formadas por estudantes universitários de cidades fora de sede e que frequentam cursos de graduação nas Universidades Federais de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS e do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, utilizou-se de quatro dimensões da Escala de significado do dinheiro de Schwartz (1992), 'conflito', 'sofrimento', 'prazer' e 'poder'. Foram recebidas 510 respostas, sendo 256 do RS e 254 do RN aplicando-se técnicas de correlação e análise de correspondência nas respostas mais relevantes. Resultados: A partir das análises dos dados observou-se que os estudantes que gastam mais do ganham precisam de mais dinheiro e raramente ou nunca poupam o que ganham, já os que sempre poupam, já tinham responsabilidade para controlar seu dinheiro e gastam menos e os que não tem preocupação com seus gastos poupam algumas vezes e gastam igual o que ganham. Os estudantes que gastam mais sofrem mais e tem mais conflito e os que gastam menos se sentem com menos prazer e empoderamento. OriginalidadeValor: Esta pesquisa permitiu comparar realidades distintas de dois estados Brasileiros quanto ao prazer e o sofrimento que o dinheiro remete no dia-a-dia da vida acadêmica dos estudantes universitários.
IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2023
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management, 2021

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, Apr 25, 2017
Objective: The stressful college environment may cause Burnout Syndrome in nursing students, but ... more Objective: The stressful college environment may cause Burnout Syndrome in nursing students, but few of them present stress resistance and do not show Burnout signs. Investigations that simultaneously assess these groups are limited. So, we assessed the impact of nursing students' profile (biosocial and academic features) on the occurrence of Burnout Syndrome and Hardiness Personality. Methods: Cross-sectional, analytic and quantitative study. We applied a biosocial and academic form, the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Hardiness Scale in 570 Brazilian nursing students. Logistic and linear regression analysis were used to assess the impact of biosocial and academic features on Burnout and Hardiness. The Ethics Research Committee at the University approved this project under protocol No. 0380.0.243.000-10. Results: Interest of keeping enrolled in course, sedentary lifestyle, semester and number of disciplines taken by students significantly contributed to increase the Burnout scores. Age, absence of children, living with family, dissatisfaction with nursing course and the unemployment significantly increased Hardiness scores. The variable "academic load" contributed to both phenomena. Conclusions: While biosocial features strength the hardy components in nursing students, protecting them from negative stress outcomes, nursing training characteristics seem negatively impact on student's health. Thus, identifying the factors that contribute to stress resistance and those that may increase the risk of Burnout, will support interventions that to promote Hardy personality and prevent Burnout in academic environment.

World journal of entrepreneurship, management and sustainable development, Jun 25, 2020
Purpose-Design thinking (DT) is still a relatively new methodology in the context of entrepreneur... more Purpose-Design thinking (DT) is still a relatively new methodology in the context of entrepreneurial education, which presents itself as an important tool for the development of entrepreneurial skills when inserted into the educational system. This research aimed to analyze studies about DT related to the entrepreneurial mindset in international journals over a period of ten years (2009-2019). Entrepreneurial education has been a constant in academic debates as well as practices and methodologies to apply this education, and such context has moved educational institutions to adopt practices and initiatives focused on the theme. Design/methodology/approach-The tool used in the present study was the bibliometric database of the Web of Science through the words "Design Thinking" (DT) and "Entrepreneurial Education". The research is characterized as descriptive and quantitative, and 146 publications were investigated in the period from 2009 to 2019, in the respective database. Findings-The study also highlighted the new generation of young students forcing a change in education with an approach centered on the individual. Speech does not prevail in the teachers but in the students, and the teacher educator starts to collaborate for this new educational demand with didactics relevant to the world in this way preparing these young people and delivering society to critical, proactive and participatory individuals. Originality/value-In the course of the study, we observed practices and examples of schools and universities that have adapted ways to allow new interactions in the school environment by promoting and encouraging innovative education.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 2008
Environmental Quality Management, Jul 7, 2021
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
Revista Electronic@ Educare, Nov 15, 2022
Cierre de edición el 01 de Enero del 2023] Teacher Actions: The Influence on Entrepreneurial Beha... more Cierre de edición el 01 de Enero del 2023] Teacher Actions: The Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics of Students Las acciones del profesorado: La influencia en las características de comportamiento emprendedor de sus estudiantes Ações do professor: a influência nas características comportamentais empreendedoras dos estudantes

The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The entrepreneurial and innovative behavior of the small rural producer has been considered a way... more The entrepreneurial and innovative behavior of the small rural producer has been considered a way of boosting the sector and advancing research in rural studies. Given this scenario, analyzing the relationship between the entrepreneurial behavior of the small family farmer and innovation is an unexplored challenge in the literature. In order to shed light on this relationship, we conducted a systematic literature review by analyzing 100 of the most prominent articles published in the last decade (2010–2021) to answer how international scientific production is characterized and analyze the relationship between the entrepreneurial spirit of the family farmer and innovation. Our findings revealed expressive intermediaries that address the aforementioned correlation, expressing the centrality and intensity of the relationship between the terms of the formed textual corpus. By structuring and detailing the intellectual contribution of this study, it is possible to advance the knowledge o...
SN Business & Economics

Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa
Pós-graduandos relatam dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades e a difícil coloca... more Pós-graduandos relatam dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades e a difícil colocação no mercado de trabalho. Diante disso e tendo em vista o período pandêmico vivenciado, objetivou-se analisar a relação entre a adaptabilidade de carreira e os sintomas de ansiedade desencadeados em estudantes de pós-graduação. Para tanto, realizou-se um levantamento de dados com pós-graduandos de diferentes universidades brasileiras, adotando-se a Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira e os Inventários Ansiedade-Traço e Ansiedade-Estado. A amostra alcançou 709 respondentes. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e modelagem de equações estruturais. Como resultados, para a adaptabilidade de carreira verificou-se que os pós-graduandos apresentam altas razões para preocupação, controle, curiosidade e confiança. Ainda, encontrou-se que mais de 80% dos estudantes sofrem com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão. O modelo estrutural evidenciou relação entre as escalas pesqui...

Research, Society and Development
Há pouca compreensão sobre o comportamento dos produtores rurais, além da falta de evidências emp... more Há pouca compreensão sobre o comportamento dos produtores rurais, além da falta de evidências empíricas sobre fatores que influenciam a disposição e a capacidade dos produtores rurais para expandirem seus negócios (CELE, 2020). Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o comportamento inovador dos agricultores familiares do Estado RS. Utilizou-se a escala de comportamento inovador, a partir da criação de um modelo estrutural parcial baseado na escala original proposta por Jong & Hartog (2008). A partir das dimensões de liderança participativa, contatos externos e resultados inovadores realizou-se a criação de um modelo estrutural parcial baseado em variâncias (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling – PLS-SEM) e o modelo foi avaliado por meio da consistência interna, validades convergente e discriminante e avaliação do modelo estrutural e preditiva do modelo. A pesquisa abrangeu feirantes da agricultura familiar do Estado no qual 174 questionários foram coletados e...

Environmental Quality Management
The objective of the present study is to evaluate, determine, and apply alternatives for improvin... more The objective of the present study is to evaluate, determine, and apply alternatives for improving the quality of the process and the product, with an emphasis on sustainable practices, using an integrated multi‐criteria method. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted at a chain of bakeries, aiming to highlight bottlenecks in the production process and in the product. With the support of a literature review, four criteria and seven alternatives were defined to overcome these bottlenecks and, at the same time, contribute to the sustainability of the organization. For data analysis, six decision makers were interviewed and, following their evaluations, an integrated method based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS was created. The fuzzy AHP was adopted to establish the importance of the criteria, while the fuzzy TOPSIS was used to evaluate and classify the alternatives developed to bypass the bottlenecks. The results revealed that of the criteria, Criterion “Cr1 – Quality” was prioritiz...
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education
Research, Society and Development, Mar 22, 2022
Validação de um instrumento para mensurar a satisfação no contexto da educação a distância brasil... more Validação de um instrumento para mensurar a satisfação no contexto da educação a distância brasileira Validation of an instrument to measure satisfaction in the context of Brazilian distance education Validación de un instrumento para medir la satisfacción en el contexto de la educación a distancia brasileña

Brazilian Journal of Development
O transtorno de ansiedade (TA) trata-se de umas das principais doenças de ordem comportamental e ... more O transtorno de ansiedade (TA) trata-se de umas das principais doenças de ordem comportamental e mental existentes no Brasil. O TA no Brasil acomete sua população em torno de 9,3% assumindo posição de destaque em comparação com os demais países do mundo. Quando o TA está relacionado a estudantes universitários ocorre um salto significativo, passando para uma faixa de 80 a90%. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a produção científica sobre TA dos últimos 10 anos no período de 2010-2019. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliométrica da literatura nos bancos de dados Web of Science (WoS) e Scopus, entre os meses de janeiro a fevereiro de 2020 resultando respectivamente na seleção de 13.176 e 55.570 publicações. As publicações foram analisadas em função do ano, área, autor, fonte, país, tema e hot topics. Dentre os resultados obtidos, verificou-se em ambas as bases analisadas que o ano de 2019 foi de destaque, o país que mais publica é o EUA e quanto os hot topics de TA foram a an...

Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 2016
This study was aimed at investigating the association between the stress levels of nursing studen... more This study was aimed at investigating the association between the stress levels of nursing students and their sociodemographic and academic characteristics. This quantitative, analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted in four Brazilian higher education Institutions. Data were collected from April 2011 to March 2012, using a sociodemographic and academic tool form for the students and the Assessment of Stress Among Nursing Students. 705 students participated and the results showed a predominance of medium stress levels, followed by high stress levels. Statistically significant differences were found for stress and age group, institution type (public/private), work activity, satisfaction with the course and if the student had ever thought of dropping out of the course. This study showed that education is assessed as a stressor and that there is an association between the nursing students' characteristics and the stress level.
Papers by Luis Felipe Dias Lopes