Papers by Ludovic Kollmann
Phytotaxa, May 26, 2020
Begonia margaretiana, a new species of Begonia sect. Pritzelia from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil ... more Begonia margaretiana, a new species of Begonia sect. Pritzelia from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil is described. Begonia margaretiana is morphologically similar to Begonia paulensis, with which it is compared. The new species grow in hygrophilous Atlantic Forest in the south of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Description, comparisons with a morphologically similar species, etymology, taxonomic comments, illustrations, a map, and the conservation status of the new species are provided.
Phytotaxa, Mar 29, 2022
Begonia castrosouzae, a new species from southern São Paulo state, Brazil is described. Begonia c... more Begonia castrosouzae, a new species from southern São Paulo state, Brazil is described. Begonia castrosouzae is morphologically similar to Begonia magdalenensis, with which it is compared. The new species grows in hygrophilous Atlantic Forest in São Paulo. Description, comparisons with morphologically similar species, etymology, taxonomic comments, illustrations, a map and the conservation status of the new species are provided.
Phytotaxa, Nov 2, 2020
As a result of a taxonomic study on Begoniaceae from Brazil, nine new synonyms are proposed and t... more As a result of a taxonomic study on Begoniaceae from Brazil, nine new synonyms are proposed and two species are restored from synonymy. Eleven names are lectotypified and two are neotypified.
Phytotaxa, Dec 7, 2018
Begonia langenbergiana, a new species of Begonia from São Paulo State, Brazil is described. Begon... more Begonia langenbergiana, a new species of Begonia from São Paulo State, Brazil is described. Begonia langenbergiana is morphologically similar to Begonia itaguassuensis with which it is compared. The new species grows in hygrophilous Atlantic Forest in the south of São Paulo State, Brazil. A description, comparisons with morphologically similar species, etymology, taxonomic comments, illustrations, a map and the conservation status of the new species are provided.
Phytotaxa, Mar 26, 2020
Begonia vasconselosiana, a new species of Begonia from Minas Gerais state, Brazil is described. B... more Begonia vasconselosiana, a new species of Begonia from Minas Gerais state, Brazil is described. Begonia vasconselosiana is morphologically similar to Begonia lealii Brade with which it is compared. The new species grows in campos rupestres in Atlantic Forest, east of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Description, diagnosis, etymology, taxonomic comments, illustrations, and conservation status of the new species are provided.
Phytotaxa, May 17, 2019
Two new species of Begonia from Bahia state, Brazil are described as Begonia micheliniana and Beg... more Two new species of Begonia from Bahia state, Brazil are described as Begonia micheliniana and Begonia charlesjarosiana. Begonia micheliniana is morphologically similar to Begonia polygonifolia and Begonia fagifolia. Begonia charlesjarosiana is morphologically similar to Begonia angularis. The new species grow in hygrophilous Atlantic Forest of Bahia state. Description, comparisons with morphologically similar species, etymology, taxonomic comments, illustrations, map and conservation statuses of the new species are also provided.

Edinburgh Journal of Botany, Mar 22, 2018
Descriptions of two sister species, Begonia wollnyi Herzog and Begonia arrogans Irmsch., are prov... more Descriptions of two sister species, Begonia wollnyi Herzog and Begonia arrogans Irmsch., are provided and their distributions mapped and discussed. Begonia wollnyi is newly recorded from Peru and Argentina. Begonia parodiana L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub. is newly synonymised with B. wollnyi. Begonia arrogans Irmsch. and two existing synonyms of B. wollnyi Herzog, Begonia acrensis Irmsch. and Begonia williamsii Rusby…
Novon, Feb 21, 2019
During a floristic survey of Araceae species in the Atlantic Forest, Espírito Santo State, southe... more During a floristic survey of Araceae species in the Atlantic Forest, Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil, we found an unknown species of Anthurium Schott with cordate leaf bases. Here, we describe and illustrate this new species, A. marcusianum Theófilo, L. Kollmann & Sakur., and also provide comments on its ecology, distribution, and conservation status.

Phytotaxa, Jul 1, 2021
Begonia piranga (Begoniaceae) is a new narrowly endemic species from the campos rupestres of Serr... more Begonia piranga (Begoniaceae) is a new narrowly endemic species from the campos rupestres of Serra do Padre Ângelo, a quartzitic massif in Conselheiro Pena, eastern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Description, diagnosis, taxonomic comments, detailed illustrations, field photographs, and a provisional IUCN Red List Assessment are provided. The new species is considered Critically Endangered due to its restricted occurrence in high elevation rock outcrops, small population size, and decline in the quality of the habitat. Begonia vasconcelosiana, another Critically Endangered species, is also newly reported here for Serra do Padre Ângelo. These discoveries add to the increasing list of novelties from Serra do Padre Ângelo, reinforcing the urge for conservation actions to protect the endemic flora of this Serra and other areas of campos rupestres in eastern Minas Gerais state.

Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, Oct 24, 2016
In this study, we evaluated the floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in seasonal semidecid... more In this study, we evaluated the floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in seasonal semideciduous forest fragments of the Itapemirim River basin, Southern State of Espírito Santo, in order to verify its similarity to other semideciduous forests studied in Brazil. Excursions were conducted every fortnight between June 2008 and May 2009, and epiphytes were collected and recorded (55 species, 34 genera and six families). Orchidaceae (21 species) was the richest family, whereas the genera presenting the greatest richness were Tillandsia (seven), Rhipsalis (four), Aechmea, Epidendrum and Peperomia (three species each). The category the most representative was characteristics holoepiphytes (84%). The riparian forests were the most important environments for the epiphytic flora. Similarity analysis and PCA supported four groups, where the study area appears disjointed from the others, supporting the hypothesis that geographical proximity, elevation and climate have a strong effect on the floristic composition, conditioning the formation of distinct floras. Detailed surveys on the floristic composition and structure of this community are important for the elaboration of studies on coherent environmental impacts, since epiphytes are typical in tropical rainforests, and they are an important floristic, structural and functional component of these ecosystems.
Phytotaxa, Jun 7, 2013
From 1990 to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 new Brome... more From 1990 to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 new Bromeliaceae species. This publication rate is considered to be a useful indicator of floristic richness and also reveals the huge gaps in our knowledge of species that make up Brazilian biomes and the importance of taxonomy as a basic tool to assess biodiversity and conservation. The goal of modern taxonomists is in a race against time ordained by an unprecedented rate of global biodiversity loss, and therefore collaboration is vital to successfully close these gaps. This paper is the result of a broad cooperative research effort undertaken specifically to provide basic data on the identity of new components of Brazilian biological diversity. The authors describe and illustrate 22 new Bromeliaceae species from three subfamilies:
Darwiniana, Sep 3, 2020
The true identity of Mandevilla luetzelburgii (Apocynaceae) is clarified and the new M. bullata, ... more The true identity of Mandevilla luetzelburgii (Apocynaceae) is clarified and the new M. bullata, largely misidentified as the former species, is described. Drawings for both species are given and a key for morphologically related species is provided. A lectotype is selected for Dipladenia luetzelburgii Ross & Markgr. Mandevilla bullata is assessed as Endangered (EN) and M. luetzelburgii as Critically Endangered (CR), according to IUCN criteria.
Systematic Botany, Dec 12, 2022
The authors describe, discuss, and illustrate three epilithic new species of Stigmatodon, S. ilha... more The authors describe, discuss, and illustrate three epilithic new species of Stigmatodon, S. ilhanus, S. itamarajuensis, and S. viridibracteatus, restricted to vertical rock walls in inselbergs located in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo, Brazil, and propose a new combination, transferring the endemic Vriesea vexata from rupestrian fields in Minas Gerais state to Stigmatodon. The stigma morphology of Stigmatodon, which is one of the most important distinctive features of this genus, is reevaluated and illustrated, with the recognition of two new types, the convolute-blade type III (stigmadontoid type) and the tubo-laciniate type II. These new stigma types suggest a morphological bridge between the typical tubo-laciniate type I and the convolute-blade types I and II and represent a relevant progress in understanding the morphological boundaries of Stigmatodon.
Systematic Botany, 2021
— The Atlantic Forest is the most species rich vegetation in Brazil and holds several phytophysio... more — The Atlantic Forest is the most species rich vegetation in Brazil and holds several phytophysiognomies, including the vegetation on inselbergs, which is a very stressful xeric environment that selects for very specialized biota. Cololobus is an endemic genus from Atlantic Forest inselbergs of eastern Brazil, and Cololobus ruschianus is a new species based on morphological evidence, differing from other species of the genus by its morphological traits in petioles, subinvolucral bracts, and outer involucral bracts. Cololobus ruschianus occurs in Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo State, Brazil and would likely be considered Critically Endangered (CR), based on the criteria of the IUCN red list.
Plant Ecology and Evolution, 2015
Phytotaxa, 2011
We here propose Aechmea subintegerrima as a new combination for Ronnbergia brasiliensis, a taxon ... more We here propose Aechmea subintegerrima as a new combination for Ronnbergia brasiliensis, a taxon belonging to the Aechmea lingulata complex. Additionally, we describe and illustrate 14 new Bromeliaceae species from the Brazilian states of Bahia,
FIGURE 8. A–B. Orthophytum rafaelii (Leme 8152). A. Habit. B. Inflorescence. C–D. Vriesea minutif... more FIGURE 8. A–B. Orthophytum rafaelii (Leme 8152). A. Habit. B. Inflorescence. C–D. Vriesea minutiflora (Leme 7063). C. Habit. D. Floral detail.
FIGURE 11. A–F. Vriesea nubicola (Leme 8033). A. Leaf blade apex. B. Flower. C. Floral bract. D. ... more FIGURE 11. A–F. Vriesea nubicola (Leme 8033). A. Leaf blade apex. B. Flower. C. Floral bract. D. Sepal. E. Petal. F. Anther. G–K. Vriesea pulchra (Kollmann 11976). G. Leaf blade apex. H. Flower. I. Sepal. J. Petal. K. Floral bract.
Papers by Ludovic Kollmann