SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Detailed description of the equations This section includes detailed de... more SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Detailed description of the equations This section includes detailed description of the newly added equations of the extended GODIVA model (equations 15 to 25), as well as the equations modified from the original GODIVA model (equations 13 and 14). Detailed descriptions of the equations of the original GODIVA model are given elsewhere (Bohland, Bullock, & Guenther, 2010). The list of the equations of the original GODIVA model can be found in Appendix A of the Supplementary material, and the main variables they use are given in Appendix B of the Supplementary material. Each section below details and discusses the equations that correspond to a specific brain region of the BG-vPMC loop, except for the last section that concerns with sound/syllable repetitions. Most equations have the form of shunting equations (Grossberg, 1973): the A parameter indicates the strength of the cell's spontaneous decay of activity; the B parameter controls how high the excitatory input can bring the cell activity; and the C parameter indicates the strength of the inhibitory input to the cell, if such input exists. Exceptions are the equations for cells representing spontaneously-firing neurons (e.g., pallidal cells). Because the activities of these cells should not decay below the level fixed by B, their equations are missing a spontaneous decay term (and the A parameter). Furthermore, some equations are missing the C parameter despite having an inhibitory term; in these equations, the C parameter is assumed to equal 1. The variables used by the equations of the BG-vPMC loop are given in Appendix C of the Supplementary material.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Detailed description of the equations This section includes detailed de... more SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Detailed description of the equations This section includes detailed description of the newly added equations of the extended GODIVA model (equations 15 to 25), as well as the equations modified from the original GODIVA model (equations 13 and 14). Detailed descriptions of the equations of the original GODIVA model are given elsewhere (Bohland, Bullock, & Guenther, 2010). The list of the equations of the original GODIVA model can be found in Appendix A of the Supplementary material, and the main variables they use are given in Appendix B of the Supplementary material. Each section below details and discusses the equations that correspond to a specific brain region of the BG-vPMC loop, except for the last section that concerns with sound/syllable repetitions. Most equations have the form of shunting equations (Grossberg, 1973): the A parameter indicates the strength of the cell's spontaneous decay of activity; the B parameter controls how high the excitatory input can bring the cell activity; and the C parameter indicates the strength of the inhibitory input to the cell, if such input exists. Exceptions are the equations for cells representing spontaneously-firing neurons (e.g., pallidal cells). Because the activities of these cells should not decay below the level fixed by B, their equations are missing a spontaneous decay term (and the A parameter). Furthermore, some equations are missing the C parameter despite having an inhibitory term; in these equations, the C parameter is assumed to equal 1. The variables used by the equations of the BG-vPMC loop are given in Appendix C of the Supplementary material.
Papers by Ludo Max