The study investigates inclusivity practices and bullying management in a group of teachers. The ... more The study investigates inclusivity practices and bullying management in a group of teachers. The study involved 18 volunteer teachers from upper secondary school in Italy (12 of them were women). They ranged in age from 33 to 66 years of age (M = 44.53). A semi-structured interview was adopted to explore their knowledge on inclusivity within teaching interventions or programmes, and experiences about bullying management. Data were collected using online interviews through specific platform such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. The interviews were carried out between April 2020 and October 2020 in the participant’s native language. Using thematic analysis, we identified themes within individuals’ brief narratives. Analysis was inductive and involved line-by-line coding with codes deriving from brief narratives. Four major themes emerged: (1) Contact with the phenomenon of bullying (i.e., direct experience versus lack of experience); (2) Educational-didactic practices (i.e., lack of s...
It is critical to investigate the role of psychological and psychosocial factors involved in canc... more It is critical to investigate the role of psychological and psychosocial factors involved in cancer diagnosis, in order to improve prevention and treatment strategies. Two hundred and six Italian participants (healthy group, 118 adult volunteers, 53.4% female; target group, 88 patients with first-time cancer diagnosis, 55.7% female) completed questionnaires measuring maladaptive personality traits, alexithymia, and traumatic events. Controlling for gender, age, and education, results showed that higher age and lower education, together with higher exposure to traumatic events and increased levels of negative affectivity, were significant predictors of belonging to the target group. Our findings suggest the need of an early assessment of psychological functioning and traumatic history in cancer patients, in order to promote more effective prevention strategies and tailored treatment approaches.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between maladaptive personality traits and... more Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between maladaptive personality traits and Internet addiction symptoms among young adults. Even though the linkage between personality traits and problematic Internet use has already been investigated in several studies, the need exists to explore how dysfunctional variants of personality traits, as conceived in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders, are linked to the misuse of the Internet in young adults. Method: Three hundred forty-nine university students aged between 18 and 25 years old completed measures on Internet use, Internet addiction symptoms, and maladaptive personality traits. Results: Internet addiction scores were associated with all of the DSM-5 domains of maladaptive personality traits. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that negative affectivity, disinhibition, and psychoticism predicted Internet addiction symptoms. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that clinical i...
Aim: Research has extensively examined the relationship between defense mechanisms (DM) and perso... more Aim: Research has extensively examined the relationship between defense mechanisms (DM) and personality traits. However, no study to date has explored if specific defenses (alone or in combination) are able to predict dysfunctional variants of personality domains, as conceived in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between DMs and DSM-5 maladaptive personality domains among adults. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and twenty-eight adults aged between 18 and 64 years old completed measures on DMs and maladapive personality domains. Regression analyses were performed to determine which DMs predicted the maladaptive personality domains of negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism. Results: According to psychoanalytic literature, results showed that immature defenses positively predicted maladaptive personality domain scores, whereas mature defenses were generally related with bet...
Purpose of ReviewIn this study, we present a systematic review of empirical studies that have add... more Purpose of ReviewIn this study, we present a systematic review of empirical studies that have addressed the relationship between Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and personality in the last 10 years (2007–2016). A systematic search of scientific literature identified 27 peer-reviewed empirical studies that examined the relationship between IGD and personality dimensions.Recent FindingsThe findings of recent empirical studies suggest that IGD is linked to a wide range of personality traits, domains, and disorders.SummaryAlthough some personality factors such as high neuroticism, high impulsivity, and high aggressiveness emerged quite consistently as significant predictors of IGD across the studies, the overall result of this systematic review showed that different personality traits (more frequently, in combination) may play a pivotal role in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of IGD. Therefore, further research is needed to understand whether specific patterns of personality traits may predispose people to IGD.
The Dark Triad represents a collection of three socially aversive traits, namely Machiavellianism... more The Dark Triad represents a collection of three socially aversive traits, namely Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (DTDD) in a sample of 799 adults, and we explored the associations among Dark Triad traits, theory of mind, empathy, and alexithymia. The DTDD showed a good internal consistency and a bifactor structure including a three-factor non-hierarchical model and a global, second-order factor with all of the DTDD items loading on it. The DTDD traits were positively associated with alexithymia and negatively associated with theory of mind and empathy. Also, results of regression analyses showed that difficulty identifying feelings and a reduced emotional reactivity were significant predictors of the Dark Triad traits. Our findings support the validity and reliability of the Italian translation of the DTDD, and suggest that individuals with high levels of Dark Triad traits may have difficulties in understanding and processing their own rather than other people’s emotional states.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood experiences of emotio... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood experiences of emotional neglect, negative affectivity, and adult psychiatric symptoms. Two hundred fifty-two participants aged between 18 and 65 years old completed questionnaires on parental bonding, negative feelings, and current psychiatric symptoms. Correlational analyses showed that childhood emotional neglect, negative affectivity, and psychiatric symptoms were significantly and positively associated. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that female gender, younger age, and negative affectivity predicted the severity of psychiatric symptoms. A mediation analysis showed that scores on negative affectivity fully mediated the relationship between emotional neglect scores and psychiatric symptom scores. The study findings suggest one possible pathway for adult psychopathology. This has its early roots in childhood experiences of emotional neglect, and its actual triggers in negative feelings that are difficult to regulate for people who were emotionally neglected. Educational, clinical, and social implications of this developmental pathway are discussed.
Internet addiction (IA) symptoms were investigated in 358 late adolescents. • The relationship be... more Internet addiction (IA) symptoms were investigated in 358 late adolescents. • The relationship between trauma, alexithymia, and IA symptoms was explored. • Alexithymia partially mediated the association between trauma and IA symptoms. • Gender had differential effects on the relationship between trauma, alexithymia, and IA symptoms. • Tailored treatment plans for late adolescents suffering from IA are suggested.
Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2019
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between traumatic experiences, insecur... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between traumatic experiences, insecure attachment styles and psychiatric symptoms in adulthood. Self-report measures concerning trauma, attachment styles and psychopathology were administered to 59 adults (33.9% males, 66.1% females) ranging in age from 18 to 61 years old. Results showed that traumatic experiences were associated with insecure attachment styles and psychopathology, in particular concerning aggressive tendencies. Findings of the study suggest that the exploration of past experiences and current attachment relationships, in terms of interpersonal functioning, may be crucial for understanding aggressiveness.
Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and... more Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and interferes with work and interpersonal functioning. In this study, we investigated the nomological network of the MD construct and examined the psychometric properties of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) in an Italian sample. The MDS-16 is a self-report measure composed of 16 items designed to assess MD. Participants in this study were 468 individuals (333 volunteers, 56.8% female; 135 self-diagnosed maladaptive daydreamers, 78.5% female) between 18 and 56 years of age. MDS-16 scores showed good internal reliability. An exploratory factor analysis suggested a 2-factor solution (interference with life and sensory-motor retreat); this solution was consistent with theory, and all items loaded in the expected direction. MDS-16 scores were associated with global psychopathology, traumatic experiences, maladaptive personality features, alexithymia, dissociation, shame feelings, and anxious attachment styles. Furthermore, MDS-16 scores showed satisfactory incremental validity, and a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis suggested that a cutoff value of 51 best discriminates between cases and noncases of self-diagnosed MD. Results suggest that the scale is a suitable measure for assessing MD in Italian samples.
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, Jan 29, 2018
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's express... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significan...
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, Jan 29, 2018
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's express... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significan...
Aim: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects women'... more Aim: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects women's physical well-being and leads to great psychological distress. Indeed, women with PCOS show a compromised quality of life as well as impaired emotional well-being. The aim of the present study is to assess personality characteristics, body image, and alexithymia in women with PCOS. Materials and Methods: 59 women with PCOS and 38 healthy controls were administered the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Body Uneasiness Test, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Results: The PCOS group showed higher values of alexithymia and a higher body uneasiness. They also showed higher values on many Clinical, Content, and Supplementary scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Discussion: It seems that physical appearance and bodily function have a central place in the minds of women with PCOS, as well as in their relationships. However, it is a body they find it hard to feel and with which they mostly feel uncomfortable. Their approach to the outside world seems to be characterized by a certain degree of immaturity, anger, hostility, and distrust. Low 4 self-esteem also seems to be connected to a certain tendency toward introversion and withdrawal. This leads to problems in social, professional, and intimate relationships.
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's exp... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significant effects were also observed for alexithymia levels and health-related QoL, with the EWG showing a reduction in alexithymia levels (d = -.31) and an increase in the mental component of QoL (d = .31) compared to the CG. Our findings indicate that the Pennebaker's EWI is effective in reducing the negative impact of cancer diagnosis on patients' mental health.
The study investigates inclusivity practices and bullying management in a group of teachers. The ... more The study investigates inclusivity practices and bullying management in a group of teachers. The study involved 18 volunteer teachers from upper secondary school in Italy (12 of them were women). They ranged in age from 33 to 66 years of age (M = 44.53). A semi-structured interview was adopted to explore their knowledge on inclusivity within teaching interventions or programmes, and experiences about bullying management. Data were collected using online interviews through specific platform such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. The interviews were carried out between April 2020 and October 2020 in the participant’s native language. Using thematic analysis, we identified themes within individuals’ brief narratives. Analysis was inductive and involved line-by-line coding with codes deriving from brief narratives. Four major themes emerged: (1) Contact with the phenomenon of bullying (i.e., direct experience versus lack of experience); (2) Educational-didactic practices (i.e., lack of s...
It is critical to investigate the role of psychological and psychosocial factors involved in canc... more It is critical to investigate the role of psychological and psychosocial factors involved in cancer diagnosis, in order to improve prevention and treatment strategies. Two hundred and six Italian participants (healthy group, 118 adult volunteers, 53.4% female; target group, 88 patients with first-time cancer diagnosis, 55.7% female) completed questionnaires measuring maladaptive personality traits, alexithymia, and traumatic events. Controlling for gender, age, and education, results showed that higher age and lower education, together with higher exposure to traumatic events and increased levels of negative affectivity, were significant predictors of belonging to the target group. Our findings suggest the need of an early assessment of psychological functioning and traumatic history in cancer patients, in order to promote more effective prevention strategies and tailored treatment approaches.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between maladaptive personality traits and... more Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between maladaptive personality traits and Internet addiction symptoms among young adults. Even though the linkage between personality traits and problematic Internet use has already been investigated in several studies, the need exists to explore how dysfunctional variants of personality traits, as conceived in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders, are linked to the misuse of the Internet in young adults. Method: Three hundred forty-nine university students aged between 18 and 25 years old completed measures on Internet use, Internet addiction symptoms, and maladaptive personality traits. Results: Internet addiction scores were associated with all of the DSM-5 domains of maladaptive personality traits. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that negative affectivity, disinhibition, and psychoticism predicted Internet addiction symptoms. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that clinical i...
Aim: Research has extensively examined the relationship between defense mechanisms (DM) and perso... more Aim: Research has extensively examined the relationship between defense mechanisms (DM) and personality traits. However, no study to date has explored if specific defenses (alone or in combination) are able to predict dysfunctional variants of personality domains, as conceived in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between DMs and DSM-5 maladaptive personality domains among adults. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and twenty-eight adults aged between 18 and 64 years old completed measures on DMs and maladapive personality domains. Regression analyses were performed to determine which DMs predicted the maladaptive personality domains of negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism. Results: According to psychoanalytic literature, results showed that immature defenses positively predicted maladaptive personality domain scores, whereas mature defenses were generally related with bet...
Purpose of ReviewIn this study, we present a systematic review of empirical studies that have add... more Purpose of ReviewIn this study, we present a systematic review of empirical studies that have addressed the relationship between Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and personality in the last 10 years (2007–2016). A systematic search of scientific literature identified 27 peer-reviewed empirical studies that examined the relationship between IGD and personality dimensions.Recent FindingsThe findings of recent empirical studies suggest that IGD is linked to a wide range of personality traits, domains, and disorders.SummaryAlthough some personality factors such as high neuroticism, high impulsivity, and high aggressiveness emerged quite consistently as significant predictors of IGD across the studies, the overall result of this systematic review showed that different personality traits (more frequently, in combination) may play a pivotal role in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of IGD. Therefore, further research is needed to understand whether specific patterns of personality traits may predispose people to IGD.
The Dark Triad represents a collection of three socially aversive traits, namely Machiavellianism... more The Dark Triad represents a collection of three socially aversive traits, namely Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (DTDD) in a sample of 799 adults, and we explored the associations among Dark Triad traits, theory of mind, empathy, and alexithymia. The DTDD showed a good internal consistency and a bifactor structure including a three-factor non-hierarchical model and a global, second-order factor with all of the DTDD items loading on it. The DTDD traits were positively associated with alexithymia and negatively associated with theory of mind and empathy. Also, results of regression analyses showed that difficulty identifying feelings and a reduced emotional reactivity were significant predictors of the Dark Triad traits. Our findings support the validity and reliability of the Italian translation of the DTDD, and suggest that individuals with high levels of Dark Triad traits may have difficulties in understanding and processing their own rather than other people’s emotional states.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood experiences of emotio... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood experiences of emotional neglect, negative affectivity, and adult psychiatric symptoms. Two hundred fifty-two participants aged between 18 and 65 years old completed questionnaires on parental bonding, negative feelings, and current psychiatric symptoms. Correlational analyses showed that childhood emotional neglect, negative affectivity, and psychiatric symptoms were significantly and positively associated. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that female gender, younger age, and negative affectivity predicted the severity of psychiatric symptoms. A mediation analysis showed that scores on negative affectivity fully mediated the relationship between emotional neglect scores and psychiatric symptom scores. The study findings suggest one possible pathway for adult psychopathology. This has its early roots in childhood experiences of emotional neglect, and its actual triggers in negative feelings that are difficult to regulate for people who were emotionally neglected. Educational, clinical, and social implications of this developmental pathway are discussed.
Internet addiction (IA) symptoms were investigated in 358 late adolescents. • The relationship be... more Internet addiction (IA) symptoms were investigated in 358 late adolescents. • The relationship between trauma, alexithymia, and IA symptoms was explored. • Alexithymia partially mediated the association between trauma and IA symptoms. • Gender had differential effects on the relationship between trauma, alexithymia, and IA symptoms. • Tailored treatment plans for late adolescents suffering from IA are suggested.
Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2019
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between traumatic experiences, insecur... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between traumatic experiences, insecure attachment styles and psychiatric symptoms in adulthood. Self-report measures concerning trauma, attachment styles and psychopathology were administered to 59 adults (33.9% males, 66.1% females) ranging in age from 18 to 61 years old. Results showed that traumatic experiences were associated with insecure attachment styles and psychopathology, in particular concerning aggressive tendencies. Findings of the study suggest that the exploration of past experiences and current attachment relationships, in terms of interpersonal functioning, may be crucial for understanding aggressiveness.
Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and... more Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and interferes with work and interpersonal functioning. In this study, we investigated the nomological network of the MD construct and examined the psychometric properties of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) in an Italian sample. The MDS-16 is a self-report measure composed of 16 items designed to assess MD. Participants in this study were 468 individuals (333 volunteers, 56.8% female; 135 self-diagnosed maladaptive daydreamers, 78.5% female) between 18 and 56 years of age. MDS-16 scores showed good internal reliability. An exploratory factor analysis suggested a 2-factor solution (interference with life and sensory-motor retreat); this solution was consistent with theory, and all items loaded in the expected direction. MDS-16 scores were associated with global psychopathology, traumatic experiences, maladaptive personality features, alexithymia, dissociation, shame feelings, and anxious attachment styles. Furthermore, MDS-16 scores showed satisfactory incremental validity, and a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis suggested that a cutoff value of 51 best discriminates between cases and noncases of self-diagnosed MD. Results suggest that the scale is a suitable measure for assessing MD in Italian samples.
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, Jan 29, 2018
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's express... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significan...
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, Jan 29, 2018
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's express... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significan...
Aim: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects women'... more Aim: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects women's physical well-being and leads to great psychological distress. Indeed, women with PCOS show a compromised quality of life as well as impaired emotional well-being. The aim of the present study is to assess personality characteristics, body image, and alexithymia in women with PCOS. Materials and Methods: 59 women with PCOS and 38 healthy controls were administered the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Body Uneasiness Test, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Results: The PCOS group showed higher values of alexithymia and a higher body uneasiness. They also showed higher values on many Clinical, Content, and Supplementary scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Discussion: It seems that physical appearance and bodily function have a central place in the minds of women with PCOS, as well as in their relationships. However, it is a body they find it hard to feel and with which they mostly feel uncomfortable. Their approach to the outside world seems to be characterized by a certain degree of immaturity, anger, hostility, and distrust. Low 4 self-esteem also seems to be connected to a certain tendency toward introversion and withdrawal. This leads to problems in social, professional, and intimate relationships.
The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's exp... more The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to examine the efficacy of Pennebaker's expressive writing intervention (EWI) in improving the perceived quality of life (QoL) and in reducing psychiatric symptoms among patients who received a cancer diagnosis. Seventy-one consecutively recruited patients who received a cancer diagnosis for the first time in their life were randomized into two groups: an EWI group (EWG: n = 35) and a control group (CG n = 36). At the baseline, anamnestic information was collected for all patients, and the patients completed a series of self-reported measures assessing psychiatric symptoms, alexithymia, and health-related QoL. A modified Pennebaker's EWI adapted to cancer diagnosis was also administered to the EWG. Six months later, 32 patients (EWG: n = 17, CG: n = 15) participated in the follow-up and filled out the same questionnaires. The Pennebaker's EWI was effective in decreasing global psychopathology (d = -.55). Small but significant effects were also observed for alexithymia levels and health-related QoL, with the EWG showing a reduction in alexithymia levels (d = -.31) and an increase in the mental component of QoL (d = .31) compared to the CG. Our findings indicate that the Pennebaker's EWI is effective in reducing the negative impact of cancer diagnosis on patients' mental health.
Papers by Luana La Marca