Papers by Luísa Escher Furtado
FURTADO, Luisa Escher. Passos e espacos: violencia conjugal e ingestao de bebida alcoolica. 2010.... more FURTADO, Luisa Escher. Passos e espacos: violencia conjugal e ingestao de bebida alcoolica. 2010. 110f. Dissertacao (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceara, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pos-graduacao em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2010.

L’analyse de l'arrimage de l'alcoolisme a la construction du sujet et la maniere dont le ... more L’analyse de l'arrimage de l'alcoolisme a la construction du sujet et la maniere dont le diagnostic alcoolique peut produire des effets sur l’identite, nous a amene a elaborer trois hypotheses : l'etiquette 'alcoolique' peut avoir des effets dans le processus de production de la subjectivite; les effets subjectifs de la nomination sont liees aux usages que le nom« alcoolique » a dans de differents contextes historiques ; l'identification comme alcoolique est marquee par une recherche d’alliance du sujet a un reseau social plutot que par le sentiment d'identite subjectif d'uniformite et de continuite de ce que designe le diagnostic d'alcoolisme. La recherche de terrain dans des Centres d’addictologie et des Associations a abouti a la realisation de cinq entretiens. L'identite alcoolique peut constituer des processus d'appartenance pour qui a une vie marquee par la migration; de resistance au productivisme, pour qui a du travailler a l’armee...

This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made ... more This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made eight visits to the Women Protection Police Station of Fortaleza (DDM). We studied how the people (bodies) who go to this Police Station are placed as if they presented “identities” which outline their ways of life. We used observations, notes, photography, and talks, mapping the composition of the spaces: how they are constituted, to whom they are destined, and why. We realized that the diversity in the DDM is ordered into the duality female/male. The way in which the bodies are positioned creates borders between women (whom the Police Station must protect) and men (against whom the women should be protected). This reflects in the way that movable ornaments are placed and in the authorizations and prohibitions regarding the circulation in the rooms. Thus, there is, at the DDM, an organization of humans and non-humans in heteronormative positions. There is also a resistance against that,...

Gerais, 2010
This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made ... more This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made eight visits to theWomen Protection Police Station of Fortaleza (DDM). We studied how the people (bodies) who go to this PoliceStation are placed as if they presented "identities" which outline their ways of life. We used observations, notes,photography, and talks, mapping the composition of the spaces: how they are constituted, to whom they aredestined, and why. We realized that the diversity in the DDM is ordered into the duality female/male. The way inwhich the bodies are positioned creates borders between women (whom the Police Station must protect) and men(against whom the women should be protected). This reflects in the way that movable ornaments are placed and inthe authorizations and prohibitions regarding the circulation in the rooms. Thus, there is, at the DDM, anorganization of humans and non-humans in heteronormative positions. There is also a resistance against tha...

This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made ... more This study has arisen from a research on spousal violence and alcohol drinking. In 2009, we made eight visits to the Women Protection Police Station of Fortaleza (DDM). We studied how the people (bodies) who go to this Police Station are placed as if they presented “identities” which outline their ways of life. We used observations, notes, photography, and talks, mapping the composition of the spaces: how they are constituted, to whom they are destined, and why. We realized that the diversity in the DDM is ordered into the duality female/male. The way in which the bodies are positioned creates borders between women (whom the Police Station must protect) and men (against whom the women should be protected). This reflects in the way that movable ornaments are placed and in the authorizations and prohibitions regarding the circulation in the rooms. Thus, there is, at the DDM, an organization of humans and non-humans in heteronormative positions. There is also a resistance against that,...

Fractal : Revista de Psicologia, Apr 1, 2011
Este estudo teórico tem como objetivo discutir a produção do modo de conduzir a si mesmo em discu... more Este estudo teórico tem como objetivo discutir a produção do modo de conduzir a si mesmo em discursos científicos e midiáticos, com base no pensamento de Michel Foucault acerca do sujeito, do discurso e do corpo. Ciência e mídia são problematizadas na relação saber-poder, atuando por meio de discursos na produção de regimes de verdade. Os discursos científicos não traduzem verdades sobre a natureza das coisas, nem são apenas um reprodutor das lutas de classe e/ ou dos conflitos psíquicos. Eles são materialidades produtoras de modos de viver, de corpos e de sujeitos. Também os discursos midiáticos não são valorizados apenas por mediar informações entre produtores e espectadores. A mídia produz e faz circular discursos incitando o sujeito a se confessar, a produzir um saber sobre si mesmo. Por fim, ciência e mídia são estratégias de poder-saber que conjuntamente atuam nos corpos e implicam modos de conduzir-se a si mesmo.
Papers by Luísa Escher Furtado