Aprender uma língua estrangeira, seja ela qual for, é uma tarefa árdua que exige dedicação, esfor... more Aprender uma língua estrangeira, seja ela qual for, é uma tarefa árdua que exige dedicação, esforço e perseverança. No entanto, muitas vezes este estímulo e dedicação não parecem colher frutos e a sensação de incapacidade de se exprimir na língua estrangeira deixa-nos desmotivados e desapontados. Por isso, é importante identificarmos quais são os fatores cognitivos, sociais, biológicos ou afetivos que propiciam e auxiliam a aprendizagem. Existem várias características do aprendente que facilitam a aquisição de uma língua estrangeira. Inteligência, aptidão, personalidade, motivação e idade são, provavelmente, as mais relevantes.
Numa das suas reconhecidas citações, o filósofo e matemático inglês Bertrand Russell afirmou que ... more Numa das suas reconhecidas citações, o filósofo e matemático inglês Bertrand Russell afirmou que não importa o quão eloquentemente um cão possa latir, ele nunca será capaz de relatar que os seus pais eram pobres mas honestos. Muitos outros filósofos, na sua incessante busca pela essência humana, ou seja, aquilo que nos distingue dos outros animais, julgam ter encontrado a resposta na nossa capacidade de aprender e utilizar uma língua para nos comunicarmos.
This handbook is an important companion for future users of the ENRICH CPD Course, including, but... more This handbook is an important companion for future users of the ENRICH CPD Course, including, but not limited to: (a) pre- or in-service English language teachers who may wish to engage with the CPD materials and activities at their own pace; (b) teacher educators who would like to employ the CPD materials and activities with their own trainees; (c ) researchers in the fields which ENRICH revolves around (e.g., English as a Lingua Franca, multilingualism, English language pedagogy) who may be interested in finding out whether, and how, information gathered through ENRICH could inform their research studies; and (d) members of educational policy- making organisations and institutions which may want to explore the relevance of ENRICH to their own professional endeavours. It is divided into five main chapters where the ENRICH project is firstly introduced, followed by an explanation of the needs analysis for the development of the CPD Course, a rationale for the target audience, a detailed description of each of the CPD Course sections, and a final reflection on the evaluation of the Course and lessons learnt.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The term “New Englishes” attempts to cover the large number of varieties of English, far from uni... more The term “New Englishes” attempts to cover the large number of varieties of English, far from uniform among themselves in their features and use and different from the historically and culturally established British and American standards. Over the past years, these New Englishes have been more acknowledged in the foreign language class. Linguists have called attention to the importance of increasing the learner’s linguistic awareness by covering topics of “linguistic variation and varieties of many types: national, regional, social, functional, international” (Gnutzmann 167). This paper aims at discussing the advantages and possibilities of teaching native and non-native English varieties in the foreign language class. It presents some data included in a Foreign Language and Translation course which attempted to integrate linguistics and translation by analysing the features of African American Vernacular English, Singapore English, Indian English and Australian English in terms of...
This study seeks to show how Portuguese students and teachers view learning and using English tod... more This study seeks to show how Portuguese students and teachers view learning and using English today and how their attitudes can influence or be influenced by ELT policies and practices. It made use of two semi-structured questionnaires, one for students (N=247) and another for teachers (N=26). The subjects were part of four educational institutions – two universities and two polytechnic institutes. The methodology used in the analysis of attitudes toward the English language should be diversified, integrating several means of data collection and focusing on the identification of central aspects related to learning and teaching the language such as native and non-native varieties and cultures, native and non-native speakers’ use of English, learner’s goal, ownership of English, intelligibility of English, native and non-native teachers and motivation to learn English. Essentially, subjects displayed positive attitudes toward learning and using English as a Lingua Franca. Furthermore,...
This study attempts to examine to what extent the concepts of Intercultural Communicative Compete... more This study attempts to examine to what extent the concepts of Intercultural Communicative Competence and English as a Lingua Franca are theoretically and practically formulated in some of the most recently implemented European and Portuguese English language teaching documents and, if so, how they are framed to be put into practice in the English language classroom. Overall, the documents analyzed—the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001), the CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors (2018), both published by the Council of Europe, and the Essential Learnings (2018), introduced by the Portuguese Ministry of Education—display traditional approaches to the development of intercultural (communicative) competence in the English language classroom failing to truly and consistently represent the current role of English as an international lingua franca.
Aprender uma língua estrangeira, seja ela qual for, é uma tarefa árdua que exige dedicação, esfor... more Aprender uma língua estrangeira, seja ela qual for, é uma tarefa árdua que exige dedicação, esforço e perseverança. No entanto, muitas vezes este estímulo e dedicação não parecem colher frutos e a sensação de incapacidade de se exprimir na língua estrangeira deixa-nos desmotivados e desapontados. Por isso, é importante identificarmos quais são os fatores cognitivos, sociais, biológicos ou afetivos que propiciam e auxiliam a aprendizagem. Existem várias características do aprendente que facilitam a aquisição de uma língua estrangeira. Inteligência, aptidão, personalidade, motivação e idade são, provavelmente, as mais relevantes.
Numa das suas reconhecidas citações, o filósofo e matemático inglês Bertrand Russell afirmou que ... more Numa das suas reconhecidas citações, o filósofo e matemático inglês Bertrand Russell afirmou que não importa o quão eloquentemente um cão possa latir, ele nunca será capaz de relatar que os seus pais eram pobres mas honestos. Muitos outros filósofos, na sua incessante busca pela essência humana, ou seja, aquilo que nos distingue dos outros animais, julgam ter encontrado a resposta na nossa capacidade de aprender e utilizar uma língua para nos comunicarmos.
This handbook is an important companion for future users of the ENRICH CPD Course, including, but... more This handbook is an important companion for future users of the ENRICH CPD Course, including, but not limited to: (a) pre- or in-service English language teachers who may wish to engage with the CPD materials and activities at their own pace; (b) teacher educators who would like to employ the CPD materials and activities with their own trainees; (c ) researchers in the fields which ENRICH revolves around (e.g., English as a Lingua Franca, multilingualism, English language pedagogy) who may be interested in finding out whether, and how, information gathered through ENRICH could inform their research studies; and (d) members of educational policy- making organisations and institutions which may want to explore the relevance of ENRICH to their own professional endeavours. It is divided into five main chapters where the ENRICH project is firstly introduced, followed by an explanation of the needs analysis for the development of the CPD Course, a rationale for the target audience, a detailed description of each of the CPD Course sections, and a final reflection on the evaluation of the Course and lessons learnt.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The term “New Englishes” attempts to cover the large number of varieties of English, far from uni... more The term “New Englishes” attempts to cover the large number of varieties of English, far from uniform among themselves in their features and use and different from the historically and culturally established British and American standards. Over the past years, these New Englishes have been more acknowledged in the foreign language class. Linguists have called attention to the importance of increasing the learner’s linguistic awareness by covering topics of “linguistic variation and varieties of many types: national, regional, social, functional, international” (Gnutzmann 167). This paper aims at discussing the advantages and possibilities of teaching native and non-native English varieties in the foreign language class. It presents some data included in a Foreign Language and Translation course which attempted to integrate linguistics and translation by analysing the features of African American Vernacular English, Singapore English, Indian English and Australian English in terms of...
This study seeks to show how Portuguese students and teachers view learning and using English tod... more This study seeks to show how Portuguese students and teachers view learning and using English today and how their attitudes can influence or be influenced by ELT policies and practices. It made use of two semi-structured questionnaires, one for students (N=247) and another for teachers (N=26). The subjects were part of four educational institutions – two universities and two polytechnic institutes. The methodology used in the analysis of attitudes toward the English language should be diversified, integrating several means of data collection and focusing on the identification of central aspects related to learning and teaching the language such as native and non-native varieties and cultures, native and non-native speakers’ use of English, learner’s goal, ownership of English, intelligibility of English, native and non-native teachers and motivation to learn English. Essentially, subjects displayed positive attitudes toward learning and using English as a Lingua Franca. Furthermore,...
This study attempts to examine to what extent the concepts of Intercultural Communicative Compete... more This study attempts to examine to what extent the concepts of Intercultural Communicative Competence and English as a Lingua Franca are theoretically and practically formulated in some of the most recently implemented European and Portuguese English language teaching documents and, if so, how they are framed to be put into practice in the English language classroom. Overall, the documents analyzed—the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001), the CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors (2018), both published by the Council of Europe, and the Essential Learnings (2018), introduced by the Portuguese Ministry of Education—display traditional approaches to the development of intercultural (communicative) competence in the English language classroom failing to truly and consistently represent the current role of English as an international lingua franca.
Papers by Luís Guerra