Papers by Alfonso Londoño

Spanish Abstract: Historicamente el transporte aereo de pasajeros se ha caracterizado por ser una... more Spanish Abstract: Historicamente el transporte aereo de pasajeros se ha caracterizado por ser una actividad economica sujeta a una pesada regulacion estatal. En efecto, durante las primeras seis decadas de su prestacion en la mayorIa de los paises desarrollados los gobiernos aplicaron una estricta regulacion en todos los aspectos de la prestacion de servicio, una fuerte politica de subsidios y diferentes barreras de entrada de origen legal que restringian la competencia en el mercado. No obstante, a partir de los anos setentas el gobierno de Estados Unidos opto por desregular el mercado, liberalizando las tarifas y permitiendo al mercado actuar con mayor flexibilidad. La desregulacion le dio un papel importante al derecho de la competencia en relacion a la promocion y preservacion de la competencia en dicho mercado.En Colombia, la evolucion de la regulacion del sector aeronautico ha seguido una tendencia similar. Desde el ano 1992 hasta la expedicion de la Resolucion No. 3299 de 200...
The merger & acquisitions review is one of the most important aspects of the Competition Law. Thi... more The merger & acquisitions review is one of the most important aspects of the Competition Law. This tool allows the competition authority (when the review is ex ante as in the Colombian case) to hinder the transactions that unduly restrict competition or authorize them under certain conditions which guarantees the competition authority the preservation of free competition in the markets. The purpose of this document is to present the Colombian merger review regime, determine its nature, its structure, identify the different doctrinal positions adopted by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce and its evolution in the last years.
especialista en Derecho para el Desarrollo (d.l.c.), del International Development Law Institute ... more especialista en Derecho para el Desarrollo (d.l.c.), del International Development Law Institute (Roma) y magíster en Jurisprudencia Comparada (m.c.l.
Abstract: Antitrust Law can be described as the set of legal rules that regulate the current or p... more Abstract: Antitrust Law can be described as the set of legal rules that regulate the current or potential power of the companies on a certain market, on behalf of public interest. In practice, the Antitrust Law prohibits the execution of restrictive competition practices, the ...
Abstract: Antitrust Law can be described as the set of legal rules that regulate the current or p... more Abstract: Antitrust Law can be described as the set of legal rules that regulate the current or potential power of the companies on a certain market, on behalf of public interest. In practice, the Antitrust Law prohibits the execution of restrictive competition practices, the ...
Papers by Alfonso Londoño