This research used descriptive qualitative method. The purpose was find out the students' ability... more This research used descriptive qualitative method. The purpose was find out the students' ability in pronouncing tongue twister. The data instruments was distributed in a kind of oral test which required the second semester students to pronounce the sentences in tongue twister at the English Education Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek.. The data collection technique used was by asking the students to pronounce the text given by using tongue twister. They recorded their tongue twister pronunciation. The test delivered was based on the relevant literature review and the authors' observation during their teaching the material of Pronunciation to their students.From the results,, it was concluded that the students'ability in pronouncing tongue twister was considered less because they had limited knowledge and less practice. The findings of the research were then expected to give some points of view for lecturers, escpecially those who teach pronunciation to have various teaching techniques to get their students' attention to learn and practice more about pronunciation. The lecturers can also use interesting auido visual teaching media so that the students know how to pronounce words, phrases or sentences like native speakers do.
This study was conducted to improve the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentence... more This study was conducted to improve the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences by aplying the tense key matching technique. This was a kind of Classroom Action Research. The subject of the study was the second semester students of the English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek in academic year 2019/2020. The total number of the students were 10. The objectives of the study was to improve the second semester students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences by applying the Tense Key Matching Technique at English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. The study was divided into two cycles in which each cycle has four phases (planning, acting, observing and reflecting). Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in this study. Through the result of the study, it shows that there is significant improvement on the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences. The mean score of the pre-test in cycle I was 60.7 and the post-test in the same cycle was 74.7. After the technique was applied during the process of teaching and learning, the mean score was higher (84.7).
This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students inter... more This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students interested in English speech and English teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative study where the data for the research were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all students of the fourth semester at English Study Program of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, Riau. The technique used to collect the data was done by asking the students to watch a video of a speech and then answer the questionnaire given. The questionnaire was set based on relevant literature review and also focused on condition of the students based on daily observation done by the writer during his teaching Public Speaking subject to the students. After collecting the data, the writer sorted the data by summarizing and choosing the specific category, displaying and verifying the data analysis and making the conclusion from the finding data. The findings of this research are hoped to give another point of view to English lecturers to realize certain parts of teaching that actually can make it more interesting for the students. The result of this study shows that Story Telling and Body Language performed by a speaker or a lecturer are among the most interesting aspects that make them interested in an English speech or teaching. Beside, this study also reveals that lack of Pauses and Visual Aids performed by the lecturers make their teaching become less interesting.
This article aimed to figure out: (1) The students' learning styles of Class X Nurul Falah Airmol... more This article aimed to figure out: (1) The students' learning styles of Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU, (2) Teacher's teaching methods at Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU, (3) The appropriateness between the teacher's teaching methods and the students' learning styles. The research design used in this paper was quantitative descriptive method. The variables were the students' learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), the teacher's teaching method (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). The subjects of the paper were all the students of Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU which consists of 70 students. The questionares were used to gather the data. The data were then analized by using Likert Scale to find out the appropriateness of the teaching method applied with the students' learning styles that gave effect to the students' learning outcomes.
The purposes of the research are to (1) introduce the method of "The Tense Key Matching" which is... more The purposes of the research are to (1) introduce the method of "The Tense Key Matching" which is used to create English sentences easily to the Class X students of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau, (2) find out if "The Key Tense Matching" is usable to be applied in Class X of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau to help the students face difficulties in creating English sentences so that they can master the four language skills in the future, and (3) know if the effectiveness of "The Key Tense Matching" to the students'ability in creating English sentences will give the effect on their English learning outcomes or not. This is a quasi experimental research which uses the pre-test and post-test design. The sample consist of two group: experimental class (given treatment of the tense key matching method) and controlled class (taught through conventional method). The subject of the research is the Class X students of MAs Nurul Falah Airmolek. The data is gathered through the techinqes of observation, test, documentation, and interview. Ttest is used to analysed the data. The result of the test shows that the tense key matching method is more effective than he conventional method when it is applied in teaching English grammar (t = 8.547 and p ˂ 0.000).
Being a teacheris not really easy. There are steps he must take into account to create successful... more Being a teacheris not really easy. There are steps he must take into account to create successful teaching process. During the teaching process, the teacher focusesnot only on preparing and delivering teaching materials, but also on how to organize the students do the class activities individually or groups. However, the teacher also needs to have inner competencies to make his teaching successful. These competencies cover his ability in understanding the truth of learning, knowing the learning principles, getting ideas of the truth of teaching, and finding out his students' character. Improving his inner competencies of teaching continuously will lead him to create smooth teaching process It will of course give big influences for the success of teaching and learning. The teacher can be a better and wiser person while facing difficulties in conducting teaching duties. Meanwhile, he can bring his students achieve better in learning. Keywords-Inner competencies, the truth of learning, the learning principles, the truth of teaching, and knowing the students' character.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa dalam m... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa dalam mendeskripsikan tempat berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 24 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Deskriptif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuis dan pertanyaan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Peneliti memperoleh skor hasil kuis sebesar 66,5%. Itu dikategorikan cukup baik. Dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa berdasarkan indikator berbicara dalam daftar periksa observasi adalah siswa masih malu, kurangnya kosakata dan tata bahasa, kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kata dan kesulitan dalam mengembangkan ide saat berbicara. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa berasal dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Dari faktor internal adalah Kesiapan belajar sebesar 40%, minat dan bakat sebesar 73%, fisiologis sebesar 46% dan kecerdasan sebesar 88. Dari faktor eksternal yaitu metode pengajaran dan kurikulum. Metode pengajaran adalah 26% dan kurikulum adalah 31%.
A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability... more A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability plays a very important role in assessing the learning evaluation. Teacher is also supposed to know its purpose so that he can find out its functions and which kind of assessment will be designed or developed for his students. In addition, this is useful to give the teacher knowledge about his students' achievement and how to increase it.
The method used to conduct this research was the descriptive qualitative method. The sample of th... more The method used to conduct this research was the descriptive qualitative method. The sample of the research was the fourth-semester students of the English Education Department which consisted of 24 students. The aim of this research is to know their ability in using pronouns. To collect the data, a written form of the test was used and it was divided into two categories (multiple choice and essay). The students were then asked to do the test of pronouns of a subject, object, adjective possessive, possessive and reflexive. The design of the test was based on the relevant literature review and the authors’ observation when the teaching and learning process about pronouns took place. After the analysis of the data, the average score obtained from the student's test was 6.4 which belonged to the fair good category. The result of the test showed 23 students (96%) whose abilities were in the middle category, 1 student (4%) whose ability was in the low category, and 0 students (0%) ...
This study aims to investigate the errors committed by students in using punctuation, capitalizat... more This study aims to investigate the errors committed by students in using punctuation, capitalization and spelling in writing business letter. This is descriptive study. The sample of this study was the students of English for Professional Business and Communication Program Academic Year 2021/2022. The finding of the research showed that the common errors committed by students in writing business letter from the highest to the lowest occurrence were spelling, punctuation and capitalization. The errors occur because of omission, addition, misformation and misordering.
A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. It aimed to find out the students’ ab... more A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. It aimed to find out the students’ ability in understanding Past Simple. The instrument of the research to gather the data was in the form of written test which was delivered to the the second semester students. They are asked to do the test of verbal sentence, nominal sentence and irregular or regular verb use. The test was designed based on the relevant literature review and the authors’ observation during the teaching learning process which took time especially when the material of the Past Simple was explained. For the test as a whole, there were only 3 students (12.5%) who had high category level of Past Simple understanding. Meanwhile, 10 students’ ability in understanding Past Simple (41.7%) was in the middle category. There were 11 students (45.83%) whose ability belonged to the low category. In short, the students’ ability in understanding Past Simple was still low. The research findings give some points of view fo...
BHAKTI NAGORI (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)
Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh semua orang tidak terkecuali masyarakat ya... more Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh semua orang tidak terkecuali masyarakat yang ada di Desa Titian Resak. Banyaknya sampah yang ada disekitar lingkungan masyarakat Desa Titian Resak menyebabkan perlu adanya perhatian lebih. Seperti yang diketahui sampah plastik merupakan salah satu limbah anorganik, dimana dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk penguraiannya. Selain itu pencemaran lingkungan akibat banyaknya sampah plastik menyebabkan aktivitas masyarakat terganggu. Minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan pengelolaan sampah menjadi barang yang bermanfaat menyebabkan sampah-sampah yang ada dibiarkan begitu saja. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan menciptakan kreativitas masyarakat dalam mengolah sampah plastic. Terlebih dengan diolahnya sampah menjadi barang yang bermanfaat, masyarakat dapat menjadikannya sebagai usaha. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini masyarakat dapat mengetahui, menambah pengetahuannya, serta meningkatkan kete...
The objective of this research is to know the factors that influence the students’ difficulties i... more The objective of this research is to know the factors that influence the students’ difficulties in describing places based on internal and external factors. The subject of this research consists 24 students. The method used in this study was Descriptive Analysis. The data of this research were gathered through quiz and interview questions. The techniques of data analysis used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The researcher obtained the score of the quiz result were 66,5%. It was categorized fair good. And the factor that influence the students’ difficulties based on indicator of speaking in observation checklist were students still embarrassed, lack of vocabulary and grammar, difficulties in pronouncing word and difficulties in developing ideas while speaking. The factors that influence the students’ difficulties comes from the internal factors and external factors. From internal factors were Readiness to learn which is 40%, interest and talent is 73%, physiological...
Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give e... more Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give effects to the success of language learners. The learning styles comes from personality variables. Take for example; psychology, cognitive make up, socio-culture background and educational experience. Learning strategies relates to the behaviour or thought of learners to enhance their own learning. The functions of learning strategies is to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The combination of language learning styles and strategies will create more independent and autonomous learners.
Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give e... more Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give effects to the success of language learners. The learning styles comes from personality variables. Take for example; psychology, cognitive make up, socio-culture background and educational experience. Learning strategies relates to the behaviour or thought of learners to enhance their own learning. The functions of learning strategies is to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The combination of language learning styles and strategies will create more independent and autonomous learners.
A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability... more A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability plays a very important role in assessing the learning evaluation. Teacher is also supposed to know its purpose so that he can find out its functions and which kind of assessment will be designed or developed for his students. In addition, this is useful to give the teacher knowledge about his students’ achievement and how to increase it.
Abstract: This study was conducted to improve the students’ ability in constructing If conditiona... more Abstract: This study was conducted to improve the students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences by aplying the tense key matching technique. This was a kind of Classroom Action Research. The subject of the study was the second semester students of the English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek in academic year 2019/2020. The total number of the students were 10. The objectives of the study was to improve the second semester students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences by applying the Tense Key Matching Technique at English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. The study was devided into two cycles in which each cycle has four phases (planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in this study. Through the result of the study, it shows that there is significant improvement on the students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences. The mean score of the pre-test in cycle I was 60.7 and t...
This research uses descriptive method which tries to find out the students’ ability in pronouncin... more This research uses descriptive method which tries to find out the students’ ability in pronouncing tongue twister. T he data for the research were gathered by delivering a kind of oral test which required the second semester students to pronounce the sentences in tongue twister at the English Education Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. When the data have been analised for the research finding, the authors concluded that the students’ability in pronouncing tongue twister is considered less because they have limited knowledge and less practice. The findings of the research are then expected to give some points of view for lecturers, escpecially those who teach Pronunciation to have various teaching techniques to get their students’ attention to learn and practice more about Pronunciation. The lecturers can also use interesting auido visual teaching media so that the students know how to pronounce words, phrases or sentences like native speakers do. Key Words: Pronunciation, T...
Abstract: This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the stud... more Abstract: This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students interested in English speech and English teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative study where the data for the research were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all students of the fourth semester at English Study Program of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis – Riau. The technique used to collect the data was done by asking the students to watch a video of a speech and then answer the questionnaire given. The questionnaire was set based on relevant literature review and also focused on condition of the students based on daily observation done by the writer during his teaching Public Speaking subject to the students. After collecting the data, the writer sorted the data by summarizing and choosing the specific category, displaying and verifying the data analysis and making the conclusion from the finding data. The findings of this research are hoped to ...
A teacher has resposibilities in building the students’ character, morality and intellectual capa... more A teacher has resposibilities in building the students’ character, morality and intellectual capability. What he does for the students will give great effect for the future of a nation. A teacher needs to do self-continuous improvementin teaching because he is the one who is responsible to transfer knowledge and value. In performing his teaching task, he needs to understand his students’ personality to ease him find out the precise methods, strategies, approaches and models of teaching applied during teaching and learning process takes time. Understanding the students’ personality in learning will lead the teacher to be successful in teaching because he knows what to do with different students who have different ability. It is a must for a teacher to make someone who knows nothing become the one who knows many things and know how to solve any problem.The teacher will also do his best to apply various methods of teaching in order that he can attract the students’ attention to learn m...
This research used descriptive qualitative method. The purpose was find out the students' ability... more This research used descriptive qualitative method. The purpose was find out the students' ability in pronouncing tongue twister. The data instruments was distributed in a kind of oral test which required the second semester students to pronounce the sentences in tongue twister at the English Education Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek.. The data collection technique used was by asking the students to pronounce the text given by using tongue twister. They recorded their tongue twister pronunciation. The test delivered was based on the relevant literature review and the authors' observation during their teaching the material of Pronunciation to their students.From the results,, it was concluded that the students'ability in pronouncing tongue twister was considered less because they had limited knowledge and less practice. The findings of the research were then expected to give some points of view for lecturers, escpecially those who teach pronunciation to have various teaching techniques to get their students' attention to learn and practice more about pronunciation. The lecturers can also use interesting auido visual teaching media so that the students know how to pronounce words, phrases or sentences like native speakers do.
This study was conducted to improve the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentence... more This study was conducted to improve the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences by aplying the tense key matching technique. This was a kind of Classroom Action Research. The subject of the study was the second semester students of the English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek in academic year 2019/2020. The total number of the students were 10. The objectives of the study was to improve the second semester students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences by applying the Tense Key Matching Technique at English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. The study was divided into two cycles in which each cycle has four phases (planning, acting, observing and reflecting). Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in this study. Through the result of the study, it shows that there is significant improvement on the students' ability in constructing If conditional sentences. The mean score of the pre-test in cycle I was 60.7 and the post-test in the same cycle was 74.7. After the technique was applied during the process of teaching and learning, the mean score was higher (84.7).
This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students inter... more This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students interested in English speech and English teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative study where the data for the research were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all students of the fourth semester at English Study Program of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, Riau. The technique used to collect the data was done by asking the students to watch a video of a speech and then answer the questionnaire given. The questionnaire was set based on relevant literature review and also focused on condition of the students based on daily observation done by the writer during his teaching Public Speaking subject to the students. After collecting the data, the writer sorted the data by summarizing and choosing the specific category, displaying and verifying the data analysis and making the conclusion from the finding data. The findings of this research are hoped to give another point of view to English lecturers to realize certain parts of teaching that actually can make it more interesting for the students. The result of this study shows that Story Telling and Body Language performed by a speaker or a lecturer are among the most interesting aspects that make them interested in an English speech or teaching. Beside, this study also reveals that lack of Pauses and Visual Aids performed by the lecturers make their teaching become less interesting.
This article aimed to figure out: (1) The students' learning styles of Class X Nurul Falah Airmol... more This article aimed to figure out: (1) The students' learning styles of Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU, (2) Teacher's teaching methods at Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU, (3) The appropriateness between the teacher's teaching methods and the students' learning styles. The research design used in this paper was quantitative descriptive method. The variables were the students' learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), the teacher's teaching method (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). The subjects of the paper were all the students of Class X Nurul Falah Airmolek, INHU which consists of 70 students. The questionares were used to gather the data. The data were then analized by using Likert Scale to find out the appropriateness of the teaching method applied with the students' learning styles that gave effect to the students' learning outcomes.
The purposes of the research are to (1) introduce the method of "The Tense Key Matching" which is... more The purposes of the research are to (1) introduce the method of "The Tense Key Matching" which is used to create English sentences easily to the Class X students of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau, (2) find out if "The Key Tense Matching" is usable to be applied in Class X of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau to help the students face difficulties in creating English sentences so that they can master the four language skills in the future, and (3) know if the effectiveness of "The Key Tense Matching" to the students'ability in creating English sentences will give the effect on their English learning outcomes or not. This is a quasi experimental research which uses the pre-test and post-test design. The sample consist of two group: experimental class (given treatment of the tense key matching method) and controlled class (taught through conventional method). The subject of the research is the Class X students of MAs Nurul Falah Airmolek. The data is gathered through the techinqes of observation, test, documentation, and interview. Ttest is used to analysed the data. The result of the test shows that the tense key matching method is more effective than he conventional method when it is applied in teaching English grammar (t = 8.547 and p ˂ 0.000).
Being a teacheris not really easy. There are steps he must take into account to create successful... more Being a teacheris not really easy. There are steps he must take into account to create successful teaching process. During the teaching process, the teacher focusesnot only on preparing and delivering teaching materials, but also on how to organize the students do the class activities individually or groups. However, the teacher also needs to have inner competencies to make his teaching successful. These competencies cover his ability in understanding the truth of learning, knowing the learning principles, getting ideas of the truth of teaching, and finding out his students' character. Improving his inner competencies of teaching continuously will lead him to create smooth teaching process It will of course give big influences for the success of teaching and learning. The teacher can be a better and wiser person while facing difficulties in conducting teaching duties. Meanwhile, he can bring his students achieve better in learning. Keywords-Inner competencies, the truth of learning, the learning principles, the truth of teaching, and knowing the students' character.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa dalam m... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa dalam mendeskripsikan tempat berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 24 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Deskriptif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuis dan pertanyaan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Peneliti memperoleh skor hasil kuis sebesar 66,5%. Itu dikategorikan cukup baik. Dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa berdasarkan indikator berbicara dalam daftar periksa observasi adalah siswa masih malu, kurangnya kosakata dan tata bahasa, kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kata dan kesulitan dalam mengembangkan ide saat berbicara. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan siswa berasal dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Dari faktor internal adalah Kesiapan belajar sebesar 40%, minat dan bakat sebesar 73%, fisiologis sebesar 46% dan kecerdasan sebesar 88. Dari faktor eksternal yaitu metode pengajaran dan kurikulum. Metode pengajaran adalah 26% dan kurikulum adalah 31%.
A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability... more A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability plays a very important role in assessing the learning evaluation. Teacher is also supposed to know its purpose so that he can find out its functions and which kind of assessment will be designed or developed for his students. In addition, this is useful to give the teacher knowledge about his students' achievement and how to increase it.
The method used to conduct this research was the descriptive qualitative method. The sample of th... more The method used to conduct this research was the descriptive qualitative method. The sample of the research was the fourth-semester students of the English Education Department which consisted of 24 students. The aim of this research is to know their ability in using pronouns. To collect the data, a written form of the test was used and it was divided into two categories (multiple choice and essay). The students were then asked to do the test of pronouns of a subject, object, adjective possessive, possessive and reflexive. The design of the test was based on the relevant literature review and the authors’ observation when the teaching and learning process about pronouns took place. After the analysis of the data, the average score obtained from the student's test was 6.4 which belonged to the fair good category. The result of the test showed 23 students (96%) whose abilities were in the middle category, 1 student (4%) whose ability was in the low category, and 0 students (0%) ...
This study aims to investigate the errors committed by students in using punctuation, capitalizat... more This study aims to investigate the errors committed by students in using punctuation, capitalization and spelling in writing business letter. This is descriptive study. The sample of this study was the students of English for Professional Business and Communication Program Academic Year 2021/2022. The finding of the research showed that the common errors committed by students in writing business letter from the highest to the lowest occurrence were spelling, punctuation and capitalization. The errors occur because of omission, addition, misformation and misordering.
A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. It aimed to find out the students’ ab... more A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. It aimed to find out the students’ ability in understanding Past Simple. The instrument of the research to gather the data was in the form of written test which was delivered to the the second semester students. They are asked to do the test of verbal sentence, nominal sentence and irregular or regular verb use. The test was designed based on the relevant literature review and the authors’ observation during the teaching learning process which took time especially when the material of the Past Simple was explained. For the test as a whole, there were only 3 students (12.5%) who had high category level of Past Simple understanding. Meanwhile, 10 students’ ability in understanding Past Simple (41.7%) was in the middle category. There were 11 students (45.83%) whose ability belonged to the low category. In short, the students’ ability in understanding Past Simple was still low. The research findings give some points of view fo...
BHAKTI NAGORI (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)
Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh semua orang tidak terkecuali masyarakat ya... more Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh semua orang tidak terkecuali masyarakat yang ada di Desa Titian Resak. Banyaknya sampah yang ada disekitar lingkungan masyarakat Desa Titian Resak menyebabkan perlu adanya perhatian lebih. Seperti yang diketahui sampah plastik merupakan salah satu limbah anorganik, dimana dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk penguraiannya. Selain itu pencemaran lingkungan akibat banyaknya sampah plastik menyebabkan aktivitas masyarakat terganggu. Minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan pengelolaan sampah menjadi barang yang bermanfaat menyebabkan sampah-sampah yang ada dibiarkan begitu saja. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan menciptakan kreativitas masyarakat dalam mengolah sampah plastic. Terlebih dengan diolahnya sampah menjadi barang yang bermanfaat, masyarakat dapat menjadikannya sebagai usaha. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini masyarakat dapat mengetahui, menambah pengetahuannya, serta meningkatkan kete...
The objective of this research is to know the factors that influence the students’ difficulties i... more The objective of this research is to know the factors that influence the students’ difficulties in describing places based on internal and external factors. The subject of this research consists 24 students. The method used in this study was Descriptive Analysis. The data of this research were gathered through quiz and interview questions. The techniques of data analysis used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The researcher obtained the score of the quiz result were 66,5%. It was categorized fair good. And the factor that influence the students’ difficulties based on indicator of speaking in observation checklist were students still embarrassed, lack of vocabulary and grammar, difficulties in pronouncing word and difficulties in developing ideas while speaking. The factors that influence the students’ difficulties comes from the internal factors and external factors. From internal factors were Readiness to learn which is 40%, interest and talent is 73%, physiological...
Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give e... more Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give effects to the success of language learners. The learning styles comes from personality variables. Take for example; psychology, cognitive make up, socio-culture background and educational experience. Learning strategies relates to the behaviour or thought of learners to enhance their own learning. The functions of learning strategies is to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The combination of language learning styles and strategies will create more independent and autonomous learners.
Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give e... more Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give effects to the success of language learners. The learning styles comes from personality variables. Take for example; psychology, cognitive make up, socio-culture background and educational experience. Learning strategies relates to the behaviour or thought of learners to enhance their own learning. The functions of learning strategies is to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The combination of language learning styles and strategies will create more independent and autonomous learners.
A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability... more A teacher is to understand and have ability to give assessment to his students since this ability plays a very important role in assessing the learning evaluation. Teacher is also supposed to know its purpose so that he can find out its functions and which kind of assessment will be designed or developed for his students. In addition, this is useful to give the teacher knowledge about his students’ achievement and how to increase it.
Abstract: This study was conducted to improve the students’ ability in constructing If conditiona... more Abstract: This study was conducted to improve the students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences by aplying the tense key matching technique. This was a kind of Classroom Action Research. The subject of the study was the second semester students of the English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek in academic year 2019/2020. The total number of the students were 10. The objectives of the study was to improve the second semester students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences by applying the Tense Key Matching Technique at English Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. The study was devided into two cycles in which each cycle has four phases (planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in this study. Through the result of the study, it shows that there is significant improvement on the students’ ability in constructing If conditional sentences. The mean score of the pre-test in cycle I was 60.7 and t...
This research uses descriptive method which tries to find out the students’ ability in pronouncin... more This research uses descriptive method which tries to find out the students’ ability in pronouncing tongue twister. T he data for the research were gathered by delivering a kind of oral test which required the second semester students to pronounce the sentences in tongue twister at the English Education Department of STKIP Insan Madani Airmolek. When the data have been analised for the research finding, the authors concluded that the students’ability in pronouncing tongue twister is considered less because they have limited knowledge and less practice. The findings of the research are then expected to give some points of view for lecturers, escpecially those who teach Pronunciation to have various teaching techniques to get their students’ attention to learn and practice more about Pronunciation. The lecturers can also use interesting auido visual teaching media so that the students know how to pronounce words, phrases or sentences like native speakers do. Key Words: Pronunciation, T...
Abstract: This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the stud... more Abstract: This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students interested in English speech and English teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative study where the data for the research were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all students of the fourth semester at English Study Program of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis – Riau. The technique used to collect the data was done by asking the students to watch a video of a speech and then answer the questionnaire given. The questionnaire was set based on relevant literature review and also focused on condition of the students based on daily observation done by the writer during his teaching Public Speaking subject to the students. After collecting the data, the writer sorted the data by summarizing and choosing the specific category, displaying and verifying the data analysis and making the conclusion from the finding data. The findings of this research are hoped to ...
A teacher has resposibilities in building the students’ character, morality and intellectual capa... more A teacher has resposibilities in building the students’ character, morality and intellectual capability. What he does for the students will give great effect for the future of a nation. A teacher needs to do self-continuous improvementin teaching because he is the one who is responsible to transfer knowledge and value. In performing his teaching task, he needs to understand his students’ personality to ease him find out the precise methods, strategies, approaches and models of teaching applied during teaching and learning process takes time. Understanding the students’ personality in learning will lead the teacher to be successful in teaching because he knows what to do with different students who have different ability. It is a must for a teacher to make someone who knows nothing become the one who knows many things and know how to solve any problem.The teacher will also do his best to apply various methods of teaching in order that he can attract the students’ attention to learn m...
Papers by Loly Novita