Papers by Ljubica Ivanovic Bibic

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)
In Serbia, primary education is compulsory, and it lasts eight years with two educational cycles,... more In Serbia, primary education is compulsory, and it lasts eight years with two educational cycles, while in the Czech Republic, primary education lasts nine years with three cycles. Analysis of the teachers` attitudes toward primary education in Serbia and the Czech Republic has a goal to determine the current educational state in the two countries. Also, in this research it has been shown if there are similarities, as well as differences between the two educational systems. Views of the teachers on this topic are significant for this paper, so the survey was used as an instrument. The survey should have revealed whether the primary education was in line with the need of modernization and enhancement of young peple’s intellectual potential. It was necessary to reveal if the education in the two countries is in accordance with the modern world and whether the teachers agree with this. One of the aims of the research was to determine whether there are statistically significant differen...

The idea of problem-based teaching, i.e. learning through solving problems, is not a new one, but... more The idea of problem-based teaching, i.e. learning through solving problems, is not a new one, but has been fairly neglected in the teaching process. The aim of this research is to consider the possibility of applying this learning model in teaching geography in primary and grammar schools. This teaching model was proposed for the presentation of the teaching unit Australia and Oceania, in the framework of the thematic unit Political/Geographic, Demographic and Economic/Geographic Features of Certain Parts of the World. The model implies group work. The expected successful outcome of the applied teaching model has been verified by the results of a survey and the scores achieved in the knowledge test. The study contains the entire course of the experimental teaching of the unit Australia and Oceania by applying problem-based teaching, and presents and analyzes the results achieved. The classes were modelled by relying on Hill-Slater′s model. A t-test was used for the statistical analy...

Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and softwa... more Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and software, which providing realistic experience and possibility of interaction to the end-user. Benefits provided by immersive virtual reality in educational setting were recognised in the past decades, however mass application was left out due to the lack of development and high price. Intensive development of new platforms and virtual reality devices in the last few years started up with Oculus Rift, and subsequently accelerated in the year 2014 by occurrence of Google Cardboard. Nowadays, for the first time in history, immersive virtual reality is available to millions of people. In the mid 2015 Google commenced developing Expeditions Pioneer Program aiming to massively utilise the Google Cardboard platform in education. Expeditions and other VR apps can enhance geography teaching and learning. Realistic experience acquired by utilisation of virtual reality in teaching process significantly ...

Students' attitudes, Geography teaching, Teaching using computers, Internet in teaching. Beginnin... more Students' attitudes, Geography teaching, Teaching using computers, Internet in teaching. Beginning with the fact that education needs to be oriented towards students and their interests and bearing in mind that today's children get in touch with computers since their earliest childhood, contemporary education needs to recognize the necessity of including them in the teaching process. This work represents a research conducted with the aim of examining the students' attitudes of advantages of using computers and Internet in Geography teaching, as well as determining the extent of their use in Geography teaching in elementary schools. The data were collected using questionnaire constructed for the requirements of this research and the sample covered 273 students of final grades in 7 elementary schools in Vojvodina (The Republic of Serbia). The results showed that computers and Internet are very rarely used in Geography teaching and that this aspect of modernizing the education still has not found its place in the teaching process despite its numerous advantages.

The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic a... more The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics, along with some textbooks for these subjects. The purpose of the paper is to determine whether these subjects include material on Slovenian national minorities and emigrants and objectives closely related to such material, which content and objectives are included and to what extent. Pupils in Slovenian primary school address real issues concerning Slovenian national minorities and emigrants, while the message and quantitative representation differ, depending on the basic definition and purpose of the subject. In addition to curricula and textbooks, the behaviour and attitude of pupils to Slovenians abroad is influenced primarily by teachers and their knowledge of their own subject and other subjects, their understanding of the processes of knowledge construction and knowledge of the school vertical and the horizontal.

Geographica Pannonica, 2020
The aim of this research is to examine the difference in the contribution of the created multimed... more The aim of this research is to examine the difference in the contribution of the created multimedia models and the traditional teaching to the quality and durability of the students' knowledge of geographical content at all cognitive levels in the fourth grade of the primary school (10-11 years). This research included a sample of 142 students, divided into two groups: E (experimental) and C (control). The students in the C group were taught in the traditional way and the students of the E group taught using the created multimedia models. The quality of students' knowledge was examined by a post-test, while the durability of knowledge was examined by re-test. Variations in knowledge on post-test and re-test in both groups were observed at cognitive levels. At a higher cognitive level (analysis), students were better at re-testing than at a post-test. In the application of geographic contents in the fourth grade, multimedia teaching (MT) should be given priority over traditional teaching (TT).

South African Journal of Education, 2019
This study was conducted to determine the attitudes of teachers concerning inclusion in schools a... more This study was conducted to determine the attitudes of teachers concerning inclusion in schools all over Serbia. The respondents were teachers of different subjects who were tasked to anonymously complete the provided closed-type questionnaire (970 respondents). Primary and secondary school teachers from urban and rural areas of the Republic of Serbia participated in the research. The results indicate that the teachers are supportive of inclusion. Despite significant differences in respondents' answers, the results of the research show that there are many similarities in teacher responses toward inclusive education. The results show that it is still necessary to work on the implementation of inclusive education in Serbia, especially to educate the teaching staff and involve experts in the planning and development of individual educational plans.

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2018
This research aims to determine whether internet-assisted teaching is adequate for pupils and whe... more This research aims to determine whether internet-assisted teaching is adequate for pupils and whether they perceive the Internet as useful for cognitive processing of curricula. Pupils' perceptions of cognitive advantages of Internet usage in teaching geography were examined. Specifically, we explored several aspects of cognition: memory, learning, mental schemas, computation and reasoning. We also considered the effects of pupils' gender, grade, type of school they attend and computer possession. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,563 pupils of different grades and types of primary and secondary schools in Serbia. There were two significant main effects-gender and grade and type of school. Furthermore, there were two significant interaction effects-computer possession with grade and type of school and gender with grade and type of school.

Family Forum
Until recently, marriage was the only socially acceptable community of two partners of different ... more Until recently, marriage was the only socially acceptable community of two partners of different gender, with the goal of creating a family and prolonging the human race. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of University students towards marriage and family. The research was based on the survey regarding the attitudes of students from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia towards institution of marriage. Collected data were analysed by using the SPSS statistical software. The main results indicate that 93.8% of respondents want to get married one day; an ideal number of children for a family to have been two (48.4%); 54.6% of respondents strongly agreed that if being in a marriage does not work properly, they should divorce. The results of these analyses and their limitations suggest guiding a future research according to different attitudes of respondents. This research provides the most ambitious and systematic analysis to date the attitudinal evidence on the attitudes ...

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)
Environmental protection contents are characterized by a wide range of interdisciplinarity. They ... more Environmental protection contents are characterized by a wide range of interdisciplinarity. They are realized separately within the teaching of biology and geography (5th–8th grade) in elementary school in Serbia. Numerous concepts and facts are similar, especially within the content Nature Protection. The application of an integrative teaching approach in the realization of environmental protection contents in elementary schools was investigated. Pedagogical experiment with parallel groups of elementary school students was conducted by applying integrative teaching approach in the experimental (E) and traditional approach in control (C) groups of students. The data were obtained through the pre-test and post-test. Integrative teaching approach has proven to be effective in the realization of the above-mentioned program contents.

Tour guide performance has been a hotly debated academic topic, owing to the critical role they p... more Tour guide performance has been a hotly debated academic topic, owing to the critical role they play in facilitating a variety of tourist experiences. Similarly, museum tour guides are the initial point of contact for tourists and have a substantial impact on the total visitor experience, but their performance is far less investigated. Visitors’ satisfaction and behavior intentions are inextricably linked to museum guide performances in this case. The purpose of this research was to implement and test a well-established scale for assessing tour guide performance in the museum context. Moreover, the aim was also to single out and discuss museum guide types based on their performances. The research was conducted during May and June 2021 on a sample of 255 visitors from five museums in Serbia. The data were processed by SPSS, R and RStudio. The results indicate the existence of five museum guide types: Classic Professional, Agile Empath, Operational Erudite, Trustworthy Caretaker, and ...

Педагошка стварност, 2021
Upotreba drame je aktivan pristup u procesu učenja gde se učesnici identifikuju s ulogom koju igr... more Upotreba drame je aktivan pristup u procesu učenja gde se učesnici identifikuju s ulogom koju igraju, kao i situacijama u kojima se nalaze. Ovakav segment nastave zapravo zalazi i u vanjezičku kategoriju, jer socijalna interakcija uključuje komunikaciju na mnogim nivoima. U užem, konkretnijem smislu, tehnika drame uključuje pantomimu, igranje uloga, improvizaciju, simulaciju, interaktivne aktivnosti kao što su različiti oblici dijaloga i dramatizacija narativnog teksta. Dakle, upotreba tehnike drame u nastavi nije novi koncept. Tehnika drame pruža odličnu osnovu za istraživanje teoretskih i praktičnih aspekata nastave. U ovom radu obrađena je tehnika drame u nastavi geografije, način njenog izvođenja i primena u samoj nastavi. Takođe, prikazana je i kao inovacija u nastavi geografije, tehnika koja na poseban način stavlja učenika u prvi plan u nastavi, odstupa od tradicionalnih nastavnih metoda i uključuje učenika u sam nastavni proces. Eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je međ...

Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 2017
In the last decades, the development of transport infrastructure has been necessary because of th... more In the last decades, the development of transport infrastructure has been necessary because of the population increase and expansion of urban centres. Infrastructure development leads to modification and changes in areas characterized by high human population density. The lack of adequate transport infrastructure inhibits local economic and social performance. In the period of economic stability (from 1970 to 1990), important roads that increased the connectedness of the Kolubara District (Western Serbia) with other parts of the country and the surrounding countries were built, but there is still a need for the construction of new roads. In order to examine the attitude of the local population in regard to transport infrastructure, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of closed questions. This topic is one that has not previously been examined. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and showed that local people have a positive attitude towards the existing infrastructure and towards the construction of new roads. There are statistically significant differences between the attitudes of the local population in different municipalities. The results from this research offer an opportunity to develop guidelines which can influence traffic development in these and similar areas.

Geographica Pannonica, 2018
This paper studies the formation and development of the Bosnian town of Teslić from the Austro-Hu... more This paper studies the formation and development of the Bosnian town of Teslić from the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 to the end of the First World War in 1918. The goal is to emphasize the significant characteristics of the town's development: the spread of capitalism; economic modernization; the arrival of a non-Slavic, predominantly German population; and the town as the leader of industrialization in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The industrial origin of Teslić and its structure demonstrate Austria-Hungary's need to economically integrate Bosnia and Herzegovina into its state area. The aim of this paper is to show to what extent the dynamics of industrial development influenced the town's formation and to see how the colonist population, which was mostly of German origin, influenced the industrial development and social life of the town.

To increase the entrepreneurial intention, it is necessary to understand the main drivers that ar... more To increase the entrepreneurial intention, it is necessary to understand the main drivers that are driving students, as carriers of future economic development, towards starting a personal business venture. With regards to that, the main aim of this research was to analyze the entrepreneurial intention among students (managers in training) in the field of tourism and hospitality management. Particular attention was paid to the influence of their socio-demographic characteristics, as well as their parents on entrepreneurial intention. The research was conducted in survey form on a sample of 310 students in Serbia in 2020. The main findings indicated that entrepreneurial intention is higher among the male students, as well as among those students whose parents are entrepreneurs or whose fathers are retired. Besides theoretical contribution, the research results might contribute to scientific and research organizations and institutions in providing the guidelines for forming study prog...

Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2021
The main aim of the research was to determine teachers? opinion on the importance of teaching equ... more The main aim of the research was to determine teachers? opinion on the importance of teaching equipment in geography classroom. The research was conducted during the school year 2020/2021. A total of 134 geography teachers from different districts in Serbia took part in the survey. In general, 57.5% of the participants stated that their school buildings have a specialized and separate geography classroom, while in other schools a classroom is shared between related subjects. It is interesting that 84.3% of the participants stated that in their classrooms they have internet at their disposal. Further, it was concluded that there is no statistically significant correlation between the availability of internet connection and the location of school (rural and urban). On the other hand, one of the biggest problems that 38.8% of the participants highlighted is that maps, which are essential for geography teaching, are approximately 20 years old. On average, the best grade for equipment is...

Geographica Pannonica, 2014
In recent times some publishers are intensively exploiting the model of open access publishing. D... more In recent times some publishers are intensively exploiting the model of open access publishing. During the last several years, studies have shown that there was a substantial increase in the number of fake publishers and hijacked journals. These cyber criminals make money by stealing the identities of legitimate journals and collecting the article processing charges on the papers that are submitted. This is all accomplished by a well developed framework that includes web development steps, intensive e-mail marketing and victim selections. This review article strives to recommend that the Beall's list of predatory publishers and journals should be consulted every time when an author plans to submit scientific work to some of the journals that are indexed by Thomson Reuters/Institute for Scientific Information-ISI and covered by the Journal Citation Report. Also, the authors are advised to be "up to date" with new information regarding this controversial topic by informing themselves through various websites and specialized scientific portals. The review paper itself strives to summarize the most recent investigations on predatory and spurious journals/publishers which affect the entire scientific community, thus representing an outbreak with rising trend not only on national and regional level, but on global level as well.

Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2021
The main aim of the research was to determine teachers? opinion on the importance of teaching equ... more The main aim of the research was to determine teachers? opinion on the importance of teaching equipment in geography classroom. The research was conducted during the school year 2020/2021. A total of 134 geography teachers from different districts in Serbia took part in the survey. In general, 57.5% of the participants stated that their school buildings have a specialized and separate geography classroom, while in other schools a classroom is shared between related subjects. It is interesting that 84.3% of the participants stated that in their classrooms they have internet at their disposal. Further, it was concluded that there is no statistically significant correlation between the availability of internet connection and the location of school (rural and urban). On the other hand, one of the biggest problems that 38.8% of the participants highlighted is that maps, which are essential for geography teaching, are approximately 20 years old. On average, the best grade for equipment is...
Geographica Pannonica, 2013
There has been a small number of publications on the topic of educational work problems in combin... more There has been a small number of publications on the topic of educational work problems in combined classes; they were mostly published immediately after the Second World War, that certainly is not enough (Radevic, 2008
Papers by Ljubica Ivanovic Bibic