Aligning development and climate goals means Africa's energy systems will be based on clean energ... more Aligning development and climate goals means Africa's energy systems will be based on clean energy technologies in the long term, but pathways to get there are uncertain and variable across countries. Although current debates about natural gas and renewables in Africa are heated, they largely ignore the substantial context specificity of the starting points, development objectives and uncertainties of each African country's energy system trajectory. Here wean interdisciplinary and majority African group of authors-highlight that each country faces a distinct solution space and set of uncertainties for using renewables or fossil fuels to meet its development objectives. For example, Ethiopia is headed for an accelerated green-growth pathway, but Mozambique is at a crossroads of natural gas expansion with implicit large-scale technological, economic, financial and social risks and uncertainties. We provide geopolitical, policy, finance and research recommendations to create firm country-specific evidence to identify adequate energy system pathways for development and to enable their implementation. Achieving both development and climate goals requires that clean energy technologies serve as the foundation of African energy systems. Recent research suggests that high renewable energy shares in African energy systems are technically and economically feasible 1-4 , offer high growth and job creation potential 2,5 , improve climate change resilience 5 and minimize environmental and adverse health impacts 1-5. However, the pathways to get there in terms of transition speed, cost and technology mix, are both diverse and uncertain for individual African
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific ... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Remote sensing for groundwater modelling in large semiarid areas: Lake Chad
PurposeThis paper aims to provide an analysis of gender strategies in the planning, programmes to... more PurposeThis paper aims to provide an analysis of gender strategies in the planning, programmes towards the implementation of Africa’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It involved the identification and disaggregation of climate risks on women key climate affected sectors (water, energy, agriculture, health, energy).Design/methodology/approachThis involves review of vast scholarly and academic research, to establishment of linkages and interlinkages between the risks. A diagnostic analysis was done on the NDCs to understand the orientation of gender considerations in the NDCs of African countries, and then an assessment on emerging opportunities and empowerment of women to address climate change was carried out as an un-detachable component of gender considerations.FindingsPoverty, cultural barriers and inequality, climatic risks such as floods, occurrence of infectious diseases and water scarcity create life threatening situations for women as well as their livelihood Ana...
The boundary current is shown to develop in three stages, in the frrst of which the nose moves wi... more The boundary current is shown to develop in three stages, in the frrst of which the nose moves with the appropriate constant gravity current speed. The second stage is characterised by a decay with time t and along-shore distance x of the nose velocity uN(x,t) as frictional stresses assume importance. Scaling arguments are advanced to predict a decay with t-11 4 and x- 114 for uN, and the results show fair agreement with this prediction. In the final stage of development the driving buoyancy pressure gradient is weak and the nose velocity is controlled principally by the tidal forcing. The data show that the spatially-averaged nose velocity, scaled with the gravity current velocity: 1) increases with increasing Rossby number Ro; and 2) decreases with increasing Burger number. The mean width ')... (Xo ,t) of the boundary current at a given along-shore reference station x0 is shown to increase with time as predicted by simple scaling considerations, but there is significant quanti...
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that suppo... more The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation , a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Geology, 2019
INTRODUCTION Groundwater is one of the major and valuable sources of fresh water. At present, mos... more INTRODUCTION Groundwater is one of the major and valuable sources of fresh water. At present, most of the people in rural as well as urban region depend upon the groundwater & their groundwater dependency is
Clean and Improved energy access is the topmost priority in the African continent and the globe a... more Clean and Improved energy access is the topmost priority in the African continent and the globe at large due to persistent energy demand rise and the challenge of climate change. The persistent increase in the energy demand arising from population exponential growth is particular more severe on electricity as more fundamental due to its multiplying impact on virtually all sectors of economy. This paper tries to explore the potentialities of Biopower for Africa’s low carbon development. In doing so, the review of the electricity generation has been done for the continent with the analyzed chances of scaling up the power supply mix by high and efficient utilization of the lignocellulose biomass resource potentials for biopower, and in the same manner, lowering the depleting fossil fuel consumption for environmental concerns and benefits. Manual analyses were done as well as applying M.S EXCEL forecasting and also the incorporation of RETSCREEN Baselines thoughts. The result is obvious on the fact that for the 2014 baseline power assessment, a 50% reduction of fossil fuel uptake and incorporation of 90% of the explored total lignocellulose-based biomass resources for bio-power will ensure electricity increase by 79.9% with a high greenhouse gas emission savings of 171MT. Moreover, on basing the analyses to 2030 power projection scenario showed an electricity increase by 43.46% with the greenhouse gas emission savings of 194MT based on 25% reduction of fossil fuels with addition of 90% of total biomass resource. Therefore, this is obvious to the fact that Africa is fortunate with huge un-tapped Biomass resource of which having appropriate policies in place for their full utilization in a sustainable way as proposed, will give a better room for changing the story-line of energy deficit in the continent particularly as it relates to power sector being an area of most concern with multiplying impacts.
Energy demand continues to rise due to rising population and hence, strong need arises for effici... more Energy demand continues to rise due to rising population and hence, strong need arises for efficient and judicious utilization of clean and alternative energy sources in ensuring a sustainable future. Focussing on the transport sector, there has been a gradual transition from conventional fossil fuels which dominates the sector to not only first-generation biofuels but also advanced / higher-generation biofuels however, the uptake is very slow and minimal especially in the African continent. This paper targeted the assessment of crucial role or the potentialities and benefits of Advanced or higher generation Biofuels in the African transport sector in view of sustainability. The existing affairs of the continent’s energy utilization was looked in to with the vivid evaluation of the possible extent to which biomass could go in up-scaling the transport sector energy supply through the advanced biofuels in avoiding classes with food, coupled with the associated benefits covering the sustainability pillars. In the process, rigorous manual works were done added with aid from M.S EXCEL forecasting in projecting supplies as well as incorporating insightful thoughts from RETSCREEN Baseline. The analyses outputs reveal that for a 2013 baseline year, reduction of fossil-based oils by 50% and augmenting with 90% of the total un-edible biomass resource for higher generations biofuels leads to transport fuel energy increase by 64.16% with massive CO2 emission savings of 155MT; whereas on a 2030 projection scenario ensures transport fuel energy increase by 73.65% with a huge emission savings of 139MT. As a final point, it is evident that Africa could really transform its transport sector sustainably by efficiently and effectively harnessing its un-tapped biomass for advanced biofuels development without any impacts on food nor other possible challenges on process. However, a strong task is needed regarding setting up of appropriate course of actions by the decision makers in favor of such continental bloom at the transport sector level and its benefits.
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes, 1994
The interaction of cooling water discharges with tidal currents in coastal and estuarine sites ha... more The interaction of cooling water discharges with tidal currents in coastal and estuarine sites having complex surrounding topography is very difficult to monitor by conventional boat surveys. Effective monitoring of this interaction is very important because of its consequences for the fate of effluent discharges at such sites. The synoptic capability of remote sensing, together with the high temporal and spatial resolutions offered by airborne remote sensing systems, make such techniques very useful for monitoring effluent discharges of this type. In this study, thermal infrared data from the Daedalus AADS 1268 Airborne Thematic Mapper have been used to study the dynamics of cooling water effluent fields affected by ambient water tides and complex surrounding topography at three nuclear power station sites in the UK, namely, Hunterston and Torness on the west and east coast of Scotland respectively, and Wylfa on the north coast of Wales. It is demonstrated that under certain tidal conditions for these sites, the surrounding topography plays a significant role in the dynamics of the cooling water discharge fields, by steering the resulting effluent field, and hence affecting the level of mixing of the effluent with the receiving ambient water. The study has also confirmed the usefulness of the so-called length scale approach (see, for example Fischer et al., 1979) for the analysis and interpretation of cooling water plume trajectories, by demonstrating the significance of these length scales on surface thermal infrared images of cooling water effluent fields in a cross flow at one these sites.
ABSTRACT This paper presents initial results of a hydrological study and flood assessment of the ... more ABSTRACT This paper presents initial results of a hydrological study and flood assessment of the River Fani catchment in the Mirdita region in the north of Albania. Special attention is paid to Rubik town and its immediate surroundings. In the study multi-source and multi-scale data (published topographic and geological maps and various remote sensing sensors such as the Landsat series, MODIS and ASTER) are used to develop a GIS decision support system that uses hydrological inputs from various hydrological modelling packages - particularly WMS. The GIS is not only used as a link and management system between various data layers and hydrologic model outputs but also as modelling tool itself in an attempt to provide solutions to various catchment conservation issues, and flood prevention and control measure for Rubik town. Preliminary results of change detection analysis using satellite images show high levels of reduced vegetation and increased urbanisation from 1984 to 2000. Changes in the River Fani channel morphology are mapped and analysed to areas of severe erosion, landslides and high flood risks. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS, when used creatively, provide powerful tools for overcoming the hydrological data challenge faced by hydrologists working on remote catchments with little or no structured conventional data acquisition system.
The existence of a very large Lake Chad during the late Quaternary, Megalake Chad, has long been ... more The existence of a very large Lake Chad during the late Quaternary, Megalake Chad, has long been questioned. A Megalake Chad would present strong evidence for climatic fluctuations of great magnitude during the Holocene in tropical Africa. In this paper we used satellite data from Landsat and Modis sensors to collect and analyse new information on landforms in a 2 000 000 km 2 region of the Lake Chad Basin. We detected 2300 km of remains marking the ancient shoreline of Megalake Chad. The satellite data also indicated many Saharan rivers and relict deltas leading to the long paleoshoreline. Large dunefield flattenings were observed and interpreted as the result of wave-cut erosion by the paleolake. Similarities were noticed between the landforms observed along the paleoshoreline of Megalake Chad and that of the former Aral Sea. This finding has significant consequences for reconstructing paleohydrology and paleoenvironments through the Lake Chad basin, and continental climate change.
Healthcare waste streams are persistent waste streams and which are consistently increasing in vo... more Healthcare waste streams are persistent waste streams and which are consistently increasing in volume and complexity in developed and developing countries. When poorly managed, through inappropriate health care waste management systems, they can cause adverse effects to human health and the environment. This paper presents an evaluation of health care waste management systems in Cameroon, based on a survey of five health care facilities in the Southwestern Region of Cameroon. It is established that health care waste collection and handling systems including containers and bins for segregated wastes are generally in a poor state. A proportion of the waste stream is disposed of in open dumps in combination with municipal solid wastes while some are disposed of in incinerators which are often poorly designed. The waste stream is complex and heterogeneous with an average waste generation rate estimated at 44.9 kg/day equivalent to over 16 tonnes/annum comprising 49%, 16% and 14% of general, infectious and sharps respectively for a typical Health Care Facility in Buea which is a medium densely populated town. There is the potential to recover materials from this waste stream, if adequate waste management systems are developed and implemented. Separately recovering the uncontaminated general waste stream for a secondary market ultimately contributes to resource efficiencies and conservation of scarce natural resources. Reducing the waste quantities being incinerated results in less potential for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and greenhouse gases to be released into the environment, thus contributing to global environmental benefits through climate change mitigation and pollution reduction. The study establishes that the little attention given to medical waste management results from a lack of an integrated approach to policy making at the highest level of decision-making. There is the need for legislation to allow for a more defined roles and responsibilities for health care personnel responsible for the handling and disposal of the waste streams at the point of generation in the health care facilities. Overall, there is the need to formulate more sustainable health care waste management legislation.
... Like many other wetlands and shallow lakes, the 'Small' Lak... more ... Like many other wetlands and shallow lakes, the 'Small' Lake Chad includes large areas of water under aquatic vegetation which needs to be accounted for to obtain the total inundated area. ... 87-May 88 and Oct. 90, to having a maximum inundated area of ~6000 km 2 in Feb. ...
Aligning development and climate goals means Africa's energy systems will be based on clean energ... more Aligning development and climate goals means Africa's energy systems will be based on clean energy technologies in the long term, but pathways to get there are uncertain and variable across countries. Although current debates about natural gas and renewables in Africa are heated, they largely ignore the substantial context specificity of the starting points, development objectives and uncertainties of each African country's energy system trajectory. Here wean interdisciplinary and majority African group of authors-highlight that each country faces a distinct solution space and set of uncertainties for using renewables or fossil fuels to meet its development objectives. For example, Ethiopia is headed for an accelerated green-growth pathway, but Mozambique is at a crossroads of natural gas expansion with implicit large-scale technological, economic, financial and social risks and uncertainties. We provide geopolitical, policy, finance and research recommendations to create firm country-specific evidence to identify adequate energy system pathways for development and to enable their implementation. Achieving both development and climate goals requires that clean energy technologies serve as the foundation of African energy systems. Recent research suggests that high renewable energy shares in African energy systems are technically and economically feasible 1-4 , offer high growth and job creation potential 2,5 , improve climate change resilience 5 and minimize environmental and adverse health impacts 1-5. However, the pathways to get there in terms of transition speed, cost and technology mix, are both diverse and uncertain for individual African
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific ... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Remote sensing for groundwater modelling in large semiarid areas: Lake Chad
PurposeThis paper aims to provide an analysis of gender strategies in the planning, programmes to... more PurposeThis paper aims to provide an analysis of gender strategies in the planning, programmes towards the implementation of Africa’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It involved the identification and disaggregation of climate risks on women key climate affected sectors (water, energy, agriculture, health, energy).Design/methodology/approachThis involves review of vast scholarly and academic research, to establishment of linkages and interlinkages between the risks. A diagnostic analysis was done on the NDCs to understand the orientation of gender considerations in the NDCs of African countries, and then an assessment on emerging opportunities and empowerment of women to address climate change was carried out as an un-detachable component of gender considerations.FindingsPoverty, cultural barriers and inequality, climatic risks such as floods, occurrence of infectious diseases and water scarcity create life threatening situations for women as well as their livelihood Ana...
The boundary current is shown to develop in three stages, in the frrst of which the nose moves wi... more The boundary current is shown to develop in three stages, in the frrst of which the nose moves with the appropriate constant gravity current speed. The second stage is characterised by a decay with time t and along-shore distance x of the nose velocity uN(x,t) as frictional stresses assume importance. Scaling arguments are advanced to predict a decay with t-11 4 and x- 114 for uN, and the results show fair agreement with this prediction. In the final stage of development the driving buoyancy pressure gradient is weak and the nose velocity is controlled principally by the tidal forcing. The data show that the spatially-averaged nose velocity, scaled with the gravity current velocity: 1) increases with increasing Rossby number Ro; and 2) decreases with increasing Burger number. The mean width ')... (Xo ,t) of the boundary current at a given along-shore reference station x0 is shown to increase with time as predicted by simple scaling considerations, but there is significant quanti...
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that suppo... more The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation , a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Geology, 2019
INTRODUCTION Groundwater is one of the major and valuable sources of fresh water. At present, mos... more INTRODUCTION Groundwater is one of the major and valuable sources of fresh water. At present, most of the people in rural as well as urban region depend upon the groundwater & their groundwater dependency is
Clean and Improved energy access is the topmost priority in the African continent and the globe a... more Clean and Improved energy access is the topmost priority in the African continent and the globe at large due to persistent energy demand rise and the challenge of climate change. The persistent increase in the energy demand arising from population exponential growth is particular more severe on electricity as more fundamental due to its multiplying impact on virtually all sectors of economy. This paper tries to explore the potentialities of Biopower for Africa’s low carbon development. In doing so, the review of the electricity generation has been done for the continent with the analyzed chances of scaling up the power supply mix by high and efficient utilization of the lignocellulose biomass resource potentials for biopower, and in the same manner, lowering the depleting fossil fuel consumption for environmental concerns and benefits. Manual analyses were done as well as applying M.S EXCEL forecasting and also the incorporation of RETSCREEN Baselines thoughts. The result is obvious on the fact that for the 2014 baseline power assessment, a 50% reduction of fossil fuel uptake and incorporation of 90% of the explored total lignocellulose-based biomass resources for bio-power will ensure electricity increase by 79.9% with a high greenhouse gas emission savings of 171MT. Moreover, on basing the analyses to 2030 power projection scenario showed an electricity increase by 43.46% with the greenhouse gas emission savings of 194MT based on 25% reduction of fossil fuels with addition of 90% of total biomass resource. Therefore, this is obvious to the fact that Africa is fortunate with huge un-tapped Biomass resource of which having appropriate policies in place for their full utilization in a sustainable way as proposed, will give a better room for changing the story-line of energy deficit in the continent particularly as it relates to power sector being an area of most concern with multiplying impacts.
Energy demand continues to rise due to rising population and hence, strong need arises for effici... more Energy demand continues to rise due to rising population and hence, strong need arises for efficient and judicious utilization of clean and alternative energy sources in ensuring a sustainable future. Focussing on the transport sector, there has been a gradual transition from conventional fossil fuels which dominates the sector to not only first-generation biofuels but also advanced / higher-generation biofuels however, the uptake is very slow and minimal especially in the African continent. This paper targeted the assessment of crucial role or the potentialities and benefits of Advanced or higher generation Biofuels in the African transport sector in view of sustainability. The existing affairs of the continent’s energy utilization was looked in to with the vivid evaluation of the possible extent to which biomass could go in up-scaling the transport sector energy supply through the advanced biofuels in avoiding classes with food, coupled with the associated benefits covering the sustainability pillars. In the process, rigorous manual works were done added with aid from M.S EXCEL forecasting in projecting supplies as well as incorporating insightful thoughts from RETSCREEN Baseline. The analyses outputs reveal that for a 2013 baseline year, reduction of fossil-based oils by 50% and augmenting with 90% of the total un-edible biomass resource for higher generations biofuels leads to transport fuel energy increase by 64.16% with massive CO2 emission savings of 155MT; whereas on a 2030 projection scenario ensures transport fuel energy increase by 73.65% with a huge emission savings of 139MT. As a final point, it is evident that Africa could really transform its transport sector sustainably by efficiently and effectively harnessing its un-tapped biomass for advanced biofuels development without any impacts on food nor other possible challenges on process. However, a strong task is needed regarding setting up of appropriate course of actions by the decision makers in favor of such continental bloom at the transport sector level and its benefits.
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes, 1994
The interaction of cooling water discharges with tidal currents in coastal and estuarine sites ha... more The interaction of cooling water discharges with tidal currents in coastal and estuarine sites having complex surrounding topography is very difficult to monitor by conventional boat surveys. Effective monitoring of this interaction is very important because of its consequences for the fate of effluent discharges at such sites. The synoptic capability of remote sensing, together with the high temporal and spatial resolutions offered by airborne remote sensing systems, make such techniques very useful for monitoring effluent discharges of this type. In this study, thermal infrared data from the Daedalus AADS 1268 Airborne Thematic Mapper have been used to study the dynamics of cooling water effluent fields affected by ambient water tides and complex surrounding topography at three nuclear power station sites in the UK, namely, Hunterston and Torness on the west and east coast of Scotland respectively, and Wylfa on the north coast of Wales. It is demonstrated that under certain tidal conditions for these sites, the surrounding topography plays a significant role in the dynamics of the cooling water discharge fields, by steering the resulting effluent field, and hence affecting the level of mixing of the effluent with the receiving ambient water. The study has also confirmed the usefulness of the so-called length scale approach (see, for example Fischer et al., 1979) for the analysis and interpretation of cooling water plume trajectories, by demonstrating the significance of these length scales on surface thermal infrared images of cooling water effluent fields in a cross flow at one these sites.
ABSTRACT This paper presents initial results of a hydrological study and flood assessment of the ... more ABSTRACT This paper presents initial results of a hydrological study and flood assessment of the River Fani catchment in the Mirdita region in the north of Albania. Special attention is paid to Rubik town and its immediate surroundings. In the study multi-source and multi-scale data (published topographic and geological maps and various remote sensing sensors such as the Landsat series, MODIS and ASTER) are used to develop a GIS decision support system that uses hydrological inputs from various hydrological modelling packages - particularly WMS. The GIS is not only used as a link and management system between various data layers and hydrologic model outputs but also as modelling tool itself in an attempt to provide solutions to various catchment conservation issues, and flood prevention and control measure for Rubik town. Preliminary results of change detection analysis using satellite images show high levels of reduced vegetation and increased urbanisation from 1984 to 2000. Changes in the River Fani channel morphology are mapped and analysed to areas of severe erosion, landslides and high flood risks. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS, when used creatively, provide powerful tools for overcoming the hydrological data challenge faced by hydrologists working on remote catchments with little or no structured conventional data acquisition system.
The existence of a very large Lake Chad during the late Quaternary, Megalake Chad, has long been ... more The existence of a very large Lake Chad during the late Quaternary, Megalake Chad, has long been questioned. A Megalake Chad would present strong evidence for climatic fluctuations of great magnitude during the Holocene in tropical Africa. In this paper we used satellite data from Landsat and Modis sensors to collect and analyse new information on landforms in a 2 000 000 km 2 region of the Lake Chad Basin. We detected 2300 km of remains marking the ancient shoreline of Megalake Chad. The satellite data also indicated many Saharan rivers and relict deltas leading to the long paleoshoreline. Large dunefield flattenings were observed and interpreted as the result of wave-cut erosion by the paleolake. Similarities were noticed between the landforms observed along the paleoshoreline of Megalake Chad and that of the former Aral Sea. This finding has significant consequences for reconstructing paleohydrology and paleoenvironments through the Lake Chad basin, and continental climate change.
Healthcare waste streams are persistent waste streams and which are consistently increasing in vo... more Healthcare waste streams are persistent waste streams and which are consistently increasing in volume and complexity in developed and developing countries. When poorly managed, through inappropriate health care waste management systems, they can cause adverse effects to human health and the environment. This paper presents an evaluation of health care waste management systems in Cameroon, based on a survey of five health care facilities in the Southwestern Region of Cameroon. It is established that health care waste collection and handling systems including containers and bins for segregated wastes are generally in a poor state. A proportion of the waste stream is disposed of in open dumps in combination with municipal solid wastes while some are disposed of in incinerators which are often poorly designed. The waste stream is complex and heterogeneous with an average waste generation rate estimated at 44.9 kg/day equivalent to over 16 tonnes/annum comprising 49%, 16% and 14% of general, infectious and sharps respectively for a typical Health Care Facility in Buea which is a medium densely populated town. There is the potential to recover materials from this waste stream, if adequate waste management systems are developed and implemented. Separately recovering the uncontaminated general waste stream for a secondary market ultimately contributes to resource efficiencies and conservation of scarce natural resources. Reducing the waste quantities being incinerated results in less potential for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and greenhouse gases to be released into the environment, thus contributing to global environmental benefits through climate change mitigation and pollution reduction. The study establishes that the little attention given to medical waste management results from a lack of an integrated approach to policy making at the highest level of decision-making. There is the need for legislation to allow for a more defined roles and responsibilities for health care personnel responsible for the handling and disposal of the waste streams at the point of generation in the health care facilities. Overall, there is the need to formulate more sustainable health care waste management legislation.
... Like many other wetlands and shallow lakes, the 'Small' Lak... more ... Like many other wetlands and shallow lakes, the 'Small' Lake Chad includes large areas of water under aquatic vegetation which needs to be accounted for to obtain the total inundated area. ... 87-May 88 and Oct. 90, to having a maximum inundated area of ~6000 km 2 in Feb. ...
Papers by Linus Mofor