Books by Linn Hammergren
Uno de los temas que más preocupa a las sociedades contemporáeas de América Latina es el de la se... more Uno de los temas que más preocupa a las sociedades contemporáeas de América Latina es el de la seguridad. La alta tasa de homicidios en Latinoamérica no basta para dar cuenta de la compleja situación de inseguridad a la que nos enfrentamos. Las preguntas sobre temas como violencia, segruidad pública, democracia y ciudadanía en América Latina han llevado a los autores de este libro a preguntarse sobre las limitaciones de las actuales políticas en los casos de Colombia, México, Brasil, Centroamérica y Perú, con la finalidad de llevarnos a pensar en enfoques más integrales respecto a la generación de políticas públicas.
Papers by Linn Hammergren
Acronyms, Introduction, Chapter I: A Brief Overview of Three Decades of Donor Reforms, Chapter II... more Acronyms, Introduction, Chapter I: A Brief Overview of Three Decades of Donor Reforms, Chapter II: What Is Meant by Failure? Chapter III: Judicial Independence, as Promoted and as Practiced, Chapter IV: Improving Performance: Experience from More and Less Developed Countries, Chapter V: Reform as Access to Formal and Informal Mechanisms, Chapter VI: The Extra-Sector Impacts of Justice Reform, Chapter VII: The Next Steps, Bibliography

América Latina Hoy, 2020
En los últimos veinte años, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala y Costa Rica han realizad... more En los últimos veinte años, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala y Costa Rica han realizado esfuerzos para promover la independencia judicial. La agenda de reformas ha incluido importantes cambios institucionales como la reducción de la influencia política del Ejecutivo en los nombramientos de los magistrados de la Corte Suprema, el establecimiento en la Constitución de un mínimo presupuestario que debe ser asignado al Poder judicial, se han incrementado los salarios de los jueces y se han introducido (o modificado) leyes de la carrera judicial para proporcionar un sistema de selección de los tribunales inferiores de justicia más transparente y meritocrático. Sin embargo, pese a las reformas, la experiencia democrática y una mayor supervisión de la sociedad civil y de los donantes internacionales, la percepción general es que, con la excepción de Costa Rica, los organismos judiciales centroamericanos siguen siendo corruptos, altamente politizados, poco transparentes e incapac...

X Congreso internacional del CLAD el nuevo …, 2005
The Place of Information in Judicial Reforms: As experts in the material are coming to realize, a... more The Place of Information in Judicial Reforms: As experts in the material are coming to realize, a judicial reform, modernization, or development program without empirical data is a proposal armed in an informational vacuum. When the latest round of Latin American reforms began in the early 1980s, planners had to rely on conventional understandings of system problems and their causes, as no judiciary in the region kept good statistics on its own performance. Twenty years later, we are beginning to see that much of this conventional wisdom was misleading when not completely wrong. Presumably overworked judges turn out to have relatively light caseloads; delays are not as exaggerated as the usual collection of anecdotal evidence indicates and may be less problematic than the large number of cases which either never are resolved, or reach judgments that are not enforced; “underfunded” judiciaries are found to receive a higher than average proportion of the national budgets; and much judicial workload may be composed of cases which arguably should not reach the courts.
Latin American Politics and Society, 2007
Access to justice has become a central theme in Latin American judicial reforms. Access to justic... more Access to justice has become a central theme in Latin American judicial reforms. Access to justice has become a central theme in Latin American judicial reforms. Its apparent simplicity belies considerable ambiguity as to its precise meaning, the benefits it confers, and thus the methods whereby it is best advanced. While often interpreted as just a question of getting more people to court, for at least the last three decades observers have noted the inadequacy of this definition. Once it is discarded, the implications for programmes to enhance access are far less clear. This short essay reviews some of these issues and suggests an alternative, if not exactly easier, way of defining and operationalizing the concept. While based on the Latin American experience, the arguments are intended for more general application.
Revista De Metalurgia, 2020
El articulo plantea un estudio sobre la ineficiencia del Poder Judicial en America Latina y como,... more El articulo plantea un estudio sobre la ineficiencia del Poder Judicial en America Latina y como, a pesar de los esfuerzos por realizar una reforma eficaz, los problemas actuales son similares a los de hace dos decadas. Estos problemas han originado que los ciudadanos desconfien de la Institucion Judicial. Se trata de un trabajo que pretende analizar las reformas producidas en la Administracion de justicia latinoamericana y establecer propuestas para asi mejorar la actual situacion.
Routledge Handbook of Law and Society in Latin America, 2019
Can Latin America Compete?, 2008
Page 203. CHAPTER 9 Legal Reform: Some Emerging Paradoxes of Latin America's Legal and Judic... more Page 203. CHAPTER 9 Legal Reform: Some Emerging Paradoxes of Latin America's Legal and Judicial Reform Movement Linn Hammergren Among the several factors cited by observers as affecting Latin America's global ...
Los Actores De La Justicia Latinoamericana 2007 Isbn 978 84 7800 376 1 Pags 87 116, 2007
Conclusiones Preliminares y Documentos para el Debate del - Seminario sobre Tendencias Recientes ... more Conclusiones Preliminares y Documentos para el Debate del - Seminario sobre Tendencias Recientes y Buenas Practicas en la aplicacion de Tecnologias Digitales al Proceso Judicial

Institutional Competition between Common Law and Civil Law, 2014
Access to justice was adopted by donors as part of their justice reform assistance as early as th... more Access to justice was adopted by donors as part of their justice reform assistance as early as the 1990s. It has become more important in recent years because of a belief that the former, top-down reforms (helping institutions reform themselves) had not worked, either in improving overall performance or in ensuring that poor citizens are equally benefited. This chapter takes a different look at access issues, especially as they relate to helping people resolve ordinary civil disputes. It starts with a dilemma faced by many developing countries—the limits of the traditional, court-centered models of dispute resolution in the context of increasing demand and limited resources. It presents a third way for advancing justice reform, combining bottom-up, top-down, and policy approaches to the problem of how not only to deal with disputes but also to reduce their occurrence. It thus redefines the issues—not just conflict resolution but conflict prevention as a means of addressing rising demand for “access to justice.” It also examines differences in civil law and common law traditions, but finds their impact to be minor. Country resources, logistical obstacles, and some within-tradition variations are more important, but both traditions lend themselves to the approach.
Books by Linn Hammergren
Papers by Linn Hammergren