I declare that A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors: A multidisciplinary perspe... more I declare that A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors: A multidisciplinary perspective is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references.
This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting... more This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting. A quantitative survey was conducted with a sample of 1392 employees within a higher education institution in South Africa. Structural analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three enablers with acceptable psychometric properties, namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career-enablers within a higher education institution need to address these three factors.
This study examined the employability self-perceptions of South African open distance learning (O... more This study examined the employability self-perceptions of South African open distance learning (ODL) higher education students. Although studies have been conducted within an ODL environment on graduates' employability, rising unemployment together with a lack of industry-specific skills requires more investigation into the concept of employability. It is therefore envisaged that this study will provide valuable information in this regard and add to the current body of knowledge on employability. The employability attributes scale (EAS) was administered to a target population of N = 1 706 ODL students (second to fourth year) in the economic and management sciences field. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design approach was used. The data were analysed to determine students' demographic effects on self-perceived employability. Results suggest that white and younger students perceive themselves as more employable than other ethnic groups by age groupings. Results may reflect historical opportunity structure effects on employability in a modern South African economy. The findings provide valuable information that organisations can use for career development support and counselling practices in the contemporary world of work. They further provide important insights informing human resource practices aimed at addressing the career needs of different age and race groups. The implications of this study will be helpful in guiding both industry and academia in incorporating and enhancing these skills among professionals. ML BEZUIDENHOUT EC RUDOLPH AM FURTAK Self-perceived employability attributes of adult learners within an open distance learning environment
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 2015
Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guid... more Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guidance and recruitment and selection processes; however, only a few studies focused on the actual health of second-year students, as entry-level employees for business in South Africa. The main research purpose was to determine the cardiovascular health of second-year university students’ (as young entry-level employees). The motivations for the study are two-fold: to determine the current cardiovascular health risk of students, and to educate the students about such risk. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study to determine university students’ cardiovascular health. The sample used in this research study consisted of 162 university students in South Africa, between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The results indicated that 55.6% students had high blood pressure. Then 81.1% of the latter group of students were identified as prehypertensive, while 18.9% were considered as having st...
The purpose of this study is to report on the development of a three factor career enabler framew... more The purpose of this study is to report on the development of a three factor career enabler framework within an ODeL university in South Africa. The rationale behind this ODeL University career enabler framework was to develop a simple framework with only three elements or factors, based on Schein’s (1978) eight career anchors, to look at interventions or enablers to enhance the career anchors. A quantitative approach was used in the study. The population consisted of 4 200 employees within an ODeL University in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three factors with acceptable psychometric properties. These factors were self- transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career enablers within an ODeL university may contribute to people’s transferable skills and abilities that can help them to succeed in their careers and for the university to keep ...
Abstract: The prevalence of burnout has increased in the past 30 years. A review of the literatur... more Abstract: The prevalence of burnout has increased in the past 30 years. A review of the literature suggested that burnout could be prevented through the application of interpersonal as well as intrapersonal strategies. Interpersonal strategies consist of employees having access to social support systems and human resources management’s ability that may have a positive influence on job satisfaction. Intrapersonal strategies take the form of training individuals to become mindful, thus being aware of their physical as well as psychological states. Little research has been conducted on the successfulness of such strategies and the need was identified to explore the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness among employees in a South African corporate organisation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness within a South African corporate organisation. The study was a...
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation... more Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the employees of the South African Police Service (SAPS) towards the Employment Assistance Services (EAS) from which strategies should be developed and implemented to address the issues regarding the employees’ perceptions, expectations and experiences regarding the EAS. This article expands on the expectation disconfirmation model identified in previous research. All available employees were included in the study (N = 37 816), therefore no sampling strategy was used. The Employee Assistance Services professionals administered the survey instrument. The results of the study indicated that the employees of the SAPS experienced a negative disconfirmation regarding the EAS physical factors Key phrases: disconfirmation, Employee Assistance Services (EAS), expectation, South African Police Service
The increasing prevalence of work/life balance challenge professionals (psychologists, human reso... more The increasing prevalence of work/life balance challenge professionals (psychologists, human resource managers and management) to create a welcoming, safe and inclusive organisational environment, without becoming directly involved. It is natural to look after the sick, elderly, children and disabled. Those who care for these people tend to be forgotten. Working with people necessitates fundamental understanding of the uniqueness of each individual. The objective of the paper was to reconstruct the work/life journey of a respondent that care for her disabled mother. The research methodology used a multi-qualitative research paradigm with a narrative approach. The respondent had an active role to voice her story as transcribed in her diaries. The complexity thereof was holistically processed by means of Gabek (GAnzheitliche BEwältigung von Komplexität – a holistic processing of complexity). The conclusion was that the uniqueness of this story can not necessarily be generalised though...
Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of... more Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of various reasons. substance abuse is a serious issue for employer due to its impact on employee productivity and therefore organisations insist on a drug- and alcohol-free (substance abuse) workplace. The purpose of the study was to gain insight of individuals' in rehabilitation for substance abuse experiences of the workplace.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether: there are any dominant career anchor in the or... more The purpose of this study is to determine whether: there are any dominant career anchor in the organisation; demographic variables play a role in the short- and medium term regarding career anchors within a sample of respondents from a South African ODeL University work context; there are significant differences between the short- and medium-term aspirations of employees; there is a dynamic or a static characteristic; and there are secondary career anchors present for employees. The rationale for the study is that there seems to be a paucity of studies that have investigated career anchors in South Africa’s multi-cultural organisational context. A quantitative approach was used in the study. The population consisted of 4 200 employees within an ODeL University in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA as well as a Scheffe post hoc test. The findings of this study suggest that a career conversation has some dynamic nature (change) over a period of time. ...
Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured caree... more Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s eight career anchors in an open distance and e-learning (ODeL) university in South Africa.Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model.Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context.Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test.Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. ...
Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of... more Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of various reasons. substance abuse is a serious issue for employers due to its impact on employee productivity and therefore organisations insist on a drug- and alcohol-free (substance abuse) workplace. The purpose of the study was to gain insight of individuals' in rehabilitation for substance abuse experiences of the workplace.
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Traditionally, individuals’... more Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guidance and recruitment and selection processes; however, only a few studies focused on the actual health of second-year students, as entry-level employees for business in South Africa. The main research purpose was to determine the cardiovascular health of second-year university students’ (as young entry-level employees). The motivations for the study are two-fold: to determine the current cardiovascular health risk of students, and to educate the students about such risk. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study to determine university students’ cardiovascular health. The sample used in this research study consisted of 162 university students in South Africa, between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The results indicated that 55.6% students had high blood pressure. Then 81.1% of the latter group of students were identified as prehypertensive, while 18.9% were considered as having stage-1 hypertension. Students exhibited elevated cardiac stress as well. Altogether 64.8% of all the participating students scored in the elevated range of the Cardiac Stress Index (CSI). Unfortunately, 61% of the students with elevated CSI readings also exhibited high blood pressure. Furthermore, of the latter group, 15.2% exhibited poor heart rate variability, as well as elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, nearly 10% of the total sample exhibited elevated cardiac stress, an elevated heart rate and high blood pressure levels. The implications of the results are that university students are unaware of their cardiovascular health and that it may have an effect on their careers. Career counsellors, industrial psychologists, educational psychologists, and human resource management practitioners may benefit from this information in their scope of practice to guide physiology students in their career. This practical approach also allows physiology students to determine their own cardiovascular health risks
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Available from:
This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting... more This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting. A quantitative survey was conducted with a sample of 1392 employees within a higher education institution in South Africa. Structural analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three enablers with acceptable psychometric properties, namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career-enablers within a higher education institution need to address these three factors.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the em... more The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the employees of the South African Police Service (SAPS) towards the Employment Assistance Services (EAS) from which strategies should be developed and implemented to address the issues regarding the employees’ perceptions, expectations and experiences regarding the EAS. This article expands on the expectation disconfirmation model identified in previous research. All available employees were included in the study (N = 37 816), therefore no sampling strategy was used. The Employee Assistance Services professionals administered the survey instrument. The results of the study indicated that the employees of the SAPS experienced a negative disconfirmation regarding the EAS physical factors
Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversat... more Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s eight career anchors in an open distance and e-learning (ODeL) university in South Africa. Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model. Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context. Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test. Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. Consequently, career development interventions in the workplace need to approach the workforce holistically. Practical/managerial implications: The findings and results will assist managers, practitioners and career development specialists in the practical implementation of the career anchor concept.
I declare that A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors: A multidisciplinary perspe... more I declare that A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors: A multidisciplinary perspective is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references.
This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting... more This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting. A quantitative survey was conducted with a sample of 1392 employees within a higher education institution in South Africa. Structural analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three enablers with acceptable psychometric properties, namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career-enablers within a higher education institution need to address these three factors.
This study examined the employability self-perceptions of South African open distance learning (O... more This study examined the employability self-perceptions of South African open distance learning (ODL) higher education students. Although studies have been conducted within an ODL environment on graduates' employability, rising unemployment together with a lack of industry-specific skills requires more investigation into the concept of employability. It is therefore envisaged that this study will provide valuable information in this regard and add to the current body of knowledge on employability. The employability attributes scale (EAS) was administered to a target population of N = 1 706 ODL students (second to fourth year) in the economic and management sciences field. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design approach was used. The data were analysed to determine students' demographic effects on self-perceived employability. Results suggest that white and younger students perceive themselves as more employable than other ethnic groups by age groupings. Results may reflect historical opportunity structure effects on employability in a modern South African economy. The findings provide valuable information that organisations can use for career development support and counselling practices in the contemporary world of work. They further provide important insights informing human resource practices aimed at addressing the career needs of different age and race groups. The implications of this study will be helpful in guiding both industry and academia in incorporating and enhancing these skills among professionals. ML BEZUIDENHOUT EC RUDOLPH AM FURTAK Self-perceived employability attributes of adult learners within an open distance learning environment
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 2015
Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guid... more Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guidance and recruitment and selection processes; however, only a few studies focused on the actual health of second-year students, as entry-level employees for business in South Africa. The main research purpose was to determine the cardiovascular health of second-year university students’ (as young entry-level employees). The motivations for the study are two-fold: to determine the current cardiovascular health risk of students, and to educate the students about such risk. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study to determine university students’ cardiovascular health. The sample used in this research study consisted of 162 university students in South Africa, between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The results indicated that 55.6% students had high blood pressure. Then 81.1% of the latter group of students were identified as prehypertensive, while 18.9% were considered as having st...
The purpose of this study is to report on the development of a three factor career enabler framew... more The purpose of this study is to report on the development of a three factor career enabler framework within an ODeL university in South Africa. The rationale behind this ODeL University career enabler framework was to develop a simple framework with only three elements or factors, based on Schein’s (1978) eight career anchors, to look at interventions or enablers to enhance the career anchors. A quantitative approach was used in the study. The population consisted of 4 200 employees within an ODeL University in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three factors with acceptable psychometric properties. These factors were self- transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career enablers within an ODeL university may contribute to people’s transferable skills and abilities that can help them to succeed in their careers and for the university to keep ...
Abstract: The prevalence of burnout has increased in the past 30 years. A review of the literatur... more Abstract: The prevalence of burnout has increased in the past 30 years. A review of the literature suggested that burnout could be prevented through the application of interpersonal as well as intrapersonal strategies. Interpersonal strategies consist of employees having access to social support systems and human resources management’s ability that may have a positive influence on job satisfaction. Intrapersonal strategies take the form of training individuals to become mindful, thus being aware of their physical as well as psychological states. Little research has been conducted on the successfulness of such strategies and the need was identified to explore the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness among employees in a South African corporate organisation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness within a South African corporate organisation. The study was a...
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation... more Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the employees of the South African Police Service (SAPS) towards the Employment Assistance Services (EAS) from which strategies should be developed and implemented to address the issues regarding the employees’ perceptions, expectations and experiences regarding the EAS. This article expands on the expectation disconfirmation model identified in previous research. All available employees were included in the study (N = 37 816), therefore no sampling strategy was used. The Employee Assistance Services professionals administered the survey instrument. The results of the study indicated that the employees of the SAPS experienced a negative disconfirmation regarding the EAS physical factors Key phrases: disconfirmation, Employee Assistance Services (EAS), expectation, South African Police Service
The increasing prevalence of work/life balance challenge professionals (psychologists, human reso... more The increasing prevalence of work/life balance challenge professionals (psychologists, human resource managers and management) to create a welcoming, safe and inclusive organisational environment, without becoming directly involved. It is natural to look after the sick, elderly, children and disabled. Those who care for these people tend to be forgotten. Working with people necessitates fundamental understanding of the uniqueness of each individual. The objective of the paper was to reconstruct the work/life journey of a respondent that care for her disabled mother. The research methodology used a multi-qualitative research paradigm with a narrative approach. The respondent had an active role to voice her story as transcribed in her diaries. The complexity thereof was holistically processed by means of Gabek (GAnzheitliche BEwältigung von Komplexität – a holistic processing of complexity). The conclusion was that the uniqueness of this story can not necessarily be generalised though...
Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of... more Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of various reasons. substance abuse is a serious issue for employer due to its impact on employee productivity and therefore organisations insist on a drug- and alcohol-free (substance abuse) workplace. The purpose of the study was to gain insight of individuals' in rehabilitation for substance abuse experiences of the workplace.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether: there are any dominant career anchor in the or... more The purpose of this study is to determine whether: there are any dominant career anchor in the organisation; demographic variables play a role in the short- and medium term regarding career anchors within a sample of respondents from a South African ODeL University work context; there are significant differences between the short- and medium-term aspirations of employees; there is a dynamic or a static characteristic; and there are secondary career anchors present for employees. The rationale for the study is that there seems to be a paucity of studies that have investigated career anchors in South Africa’s multi-cultural organisational context. A quantitative approach was used in the study. The population consisted of 4 200 employees within an ODeL University in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA as well as a Scheffe post hoc test. The findings of this study suggest that a career conversation has some dynamic nature (change) over a period of time. ...
Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured caree... more Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s eight career anchors in an open distance and e-learning (ODeL) university in South Africa.Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model.Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context.Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test.Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. ...
Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of... more Organisations use various intervention methods that focus on organisational well-being because of various reasons. substance abuse is a serious issue for employers due to its impact on employee productivity and therefore organisations insist on a drug- and alcohol-free (substance abuse) workplace. The purpose of the study was to gain insight of individuals' in rehabilitation for substance abuse experiences of the workplace.
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Traditionally, individuals’... more Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guidance and recruitment and selection processes; however, only a few studies focused on the actual health of second-year students, as entry-level employees for business in South Africa. The main research purpose was to determine the cardiovascular health of second-year university students’ (as young entry-level employees). The motivations for the study are two-fold: to determine the current cardiovascular health risk of students, and to educate the students about such risk. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study to determine university students’ cardiovascular health. The sample used in this research study consisted of 162 university students in South Africa, between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The results indicated that 55.6% students had high blood pressure. Then 81.1% of the latter group of students were identified as prehypertensive, while 18.9% were considered as having stage-1 hypertension. Students exhibited elevated cardiac stress as well. Altogether 64.8% of all the participating students scored in the elevated range of the Cardiac Stress Index (CSI). Unfortunately, 61% of the students with elevated CSI readings also exhibited high blood pressure. Furthermore, of the latter group, 15.2% exhibited poor heart rate variability, as well as elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, nearly 10% of the total sample exhibited elevated cardiac stress, an elevated heart rate and high blood pressure levels. The implications of the results are that university students are unaware of their cardiovascular health and that it may have an effect on their careers. Career counsellors, industrial psychologists, educational psychologists, and human resource management practitioners may benefit from this information in their scope of practice to guide physiology students in their career. This practical approach also allows physiology students to determine their own cardiovascular health risks
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Available from:
This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting... more This study developed a preliminary career-enabler framework for use in a higher education setting. A quantitative survey was conducted with a sample of 1392 employees within a higher education institution in South Africa. Structural analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis. The analysis yielded three enablers with acceptable psychometric properties, namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement and self-conservation through work motives and needs. Interventions that focus on career-enablers within a higher education institution need to address these three factors.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the em... more The purpose of this paper is to determine the degree of the expectation-disconfirmation of the employees of the South African Police Service (SAPS) towards the Employment Assistance Services (EAS) from which strategies should be developed and implemented to address the issues regarding the employees’ perceptions, expectations and experiences regarding the EAS. This article expands on the expectation disconfirmation model identified in previous research. All available employees were included in the study (N = 37 816), therefore no sampling strategy was used. The Employee Assistance Services professionals administered the survey instrument. The results of the study indicated that the employees of the SAPS experienced a negative disconfirmation regarding the EAS physical factors
Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversat... more Orientation: This study constituted and reported on the outcomes of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s eight career anchors in an open distance and e-learning (ODeL) university in South Africa. Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model. Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context. Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test. Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. Consequently, career development interventions in the workplace need to approach the workforce holistically. Practical/managerial implications: The findings and results will assist managers, practitioners and career development specialists in the practical implementation of the career anchor concept.
Papers by Liné Rudolph
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Available from:
Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model.
Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context.
Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study.
The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test.
Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. Consequently, career development interventions
in the workplace need to approach the workforce holistically.
Practical/managerial implications: The findings and results will assist managers, practitioners and career development specialists in the practical implementation of the career anchor concept.
Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa. Available from:
Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model.
Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context.
Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study.
The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as a Scheffe post hoc test.
Main findings: The findings of this study suggest that career conversation has a dynamic nature (i.e. it changes) over a period of time. Consequently, career development interventions
in the workplace need to approach the workforce holistically.
Practical/managerial implications: The findings and results will assist managers, practitioners and career development specialists in the practical implementation of the career anchor concept.