Papers by Liliana Teixeira

Adhesive resins with guided application protocols have been developed with the main goal of reduc... more Adhesive resins with guided application protocols have been developed with the main goal of reducing the number of clinical steps. Universal Adhesives (UA) can be applied with both Self-Etch (SE) or Etch-and-Rinse (ER) adhesion strategies. This review aims to evaluate the bond strength of UA, applied to dental tissues, by a systematic bibliometric review of in vitro studies. The research question, through the PICO model, aimed to assess the current knowledge of the immediate and long-term bond strength of UA, applied with a direct restorative technique. PubMed and ScienceDirect database searches focused on the bond resistance of UA applied with the ER and SE strategies. Studies assessing shear bond strength and microtensile bond strength, in both enamel and dentin, were included. From 1109 screened articles, 12 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The bond strength of UA to enamel showed better results with the ER approach, while the adhesion strategy did not significantly affect the b...

Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2004
Nowadays crown fractures of anterior teeth are getting more common in children and teenagers. The... more Nowadays crown fractures of anterior teeth are getting more common in children and teenagers. These kinds of accidents can affect them for the rest of them lives, behalf of their age, gender or socioeconomic status. This is one of the reasons why dentists are always trying to find different solutions for the treatment of these cases. Mainly in anterior teeth fractures involving enamel or enamel and dentin, one has the direct restoration solution, using composite resin. In this case, the introduction of the "self-etch" technique, and the evolution of adhesive systems and the better physical and aesthetic behaviour of the composite resins, lead to better results. Thus, one can consider the direct restoration as a valid solution that can be done quickly and still is aesthetic and as an excellent clinical behaviour. The authors present a clinical case of an extended traumatic fracture treated with a micro-hibrid composite resin. resumo As fracturas coronárias de dentes anteriores por traumatismo são cada vez mais frequentes em crianças e jovens, marcando, muitas vezes, as pessoas de forma indelével para o resto da vida, independentemente da idade, do sexo e do nível sócio-económico do paciente. Por esse motivo, a restauração adequada destes dentes tem sido uma preocupação constante dos médicos dentistas, existindo neste momento várias soluções disponíveis. Principalmente nas fracturas coronárias de dentes anteriores em que está envolvido apenas o esmalte ou o esmalte e a dentina, uma das várias hipóteses de tratamento é a sua reconstrução directa, através do uso de resinas compostas.

Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, 2008
Resumo: Nos últimos anos a sociedade tem-se confrontado com estereótipos de beleza e harmonia, em... more Resumo: Nos últimos anos a sociedade tem-se confrontado com estereótipos de beleza e harmonia, em que a palavra estética é usada nas mais diversas áreas. A concepção do sorriso ideal é feita tendo como base critérios objectivos mensuráveis mas também depende de parâmetros subjectivos. A pré-visualização do resultado final de uma reabilitação anterior planeada, permite ao profissional e ao paciente avaliar se as alterações a realizar, correspondem às expectativas de ambos, aos níveis estético e funcional. Objectivo: Descrever uma técnica de simulação semi-directa de restaurações de dentes anteriores com base em casos clínicos, bem como enumerar as vantagens e limitações da mesma no planeamento de restaurações directas com compósitos. Métodos: Numa primeira consulta tiram-se fotografias, e realizam-se as impressões preliminares. Os modelos de trabalho são articulados em relação cêntrica. Nestes modelos, realiza-se o enceramento diagnóstico utilizando uma resina composta. Realiza-se a impressão do modelo alterado, com um silicone de alta viscosidade com o intuito de criar uma chave. Na segunda consulta aplica-se um acrílico autopolimerizável na chave, levase à boca do paciente para uma pré-visualização do potencial resultado final. Estas restaurações provisórias poderão ser cimentadas para que o paciente possa adaptar-se à nova imagem. Conclusões: Esta técnica demonstrou ser de fácil execução, rápida e eficaz, não podendo no entanto ser utilizada em situações de dentes muito vestibularizados ou extruídos. Tem a vantagem de ser aditiva e reversível, podendo a chave de silicone funcionar como guia para a restauração definitiva com compósitos.

Journal of Dental Sciences, 2016
This study aims to perform a meta-analysis on the effect of prophylactic/therapeutic agents in en... more This study aims to perform a meta-analysis on the effect of prophylactic/therapeutic agents in enamel tissue loss due to erosion. A paper search was done on Medline, PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library, and 732 papers were identified. The inclusion criteria were very restrictive in order to be able to compare different protocols and methodologies used on those studies. Sixteen papers were eligible, grouped according to the measurement method of enamel tissue loss, and a meta-analysis was done for each type of fluoride-and casein-based agent applied. Standardized mean differences were pooled across studies. There was a significant difference between all the treatment groups and their respective control groups. The highest standardized mean difference on enamel tissue loss (mean; 95% confidence interval) was obtained by stannous fluoride (4.789 mm; 1.968e7.610; P < 0.001), followed by amine fluoride (2.485 mm; 0.746e4.225; P < 0.010), and titanium tetrafluoride (1.787 mm; 1.106e2.469; P < 0.001); the lowest difference was obtained by casein phosphopeptideeamorphous calcium phosphate (0.869 mm; 0.007e1.731; P < 0.050) and sodium fluoride (0.820 mm; 0.417e1.223; P < 0.001). Stannous fluoride as a fluoride-based prophylactic/therapeutic agent allowed the lowest enamel tissue loss in erosive conditions. Standardization among future study protocols will allow better comparison regarding the prophylactic/therapeutic agent with the best clinical efficacy.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry, 2019
Aim: Compare clinical performance and success/retention rates of two multi-mode (MM) adhesives, a... more Aim: Compare clinical performance and success/retention rates of two multi-mode (MM) adhesives, applied in self-etch (SE) or etch-and-rinse (ER) modes, with SE-all-in-one adhesive (SE/SE with enamel etching) in NCCL restorations at one-year follow-up. Material and methods: Prospective, double-blind RCT approved by the University Fernando Pessoa and the National-Clinical-Research-Ethics Committees (CEIC-20150305), registered (NCT02698371), in 38 participants with 210 restorations (AdmiraFusion V R) randomly allocated to six groups (Adhesives_Adhesion mode), each with 35 restorations: G1-Control Futurabond V R DC_SE; G2-Control Futurabond V R DC_SE with enamel etching; G3-Futurabond V R U_ER; G4-Futurabond V R U_SE; G5-Adhese V R Universal_ER; G6-Adhese V R Universal_SE. Restorations evaluated at baseline and one-year by three calibrated examiners (ICC !0.952) using FDI criteria and statistical analysis with nonparametric tests (alpha ¼ 0.05). Results: At one-year recall 36 participants, 199 restorations were available for examination; five (2.5%) restorations (G1 n ¼ 2; G2, G3, G4 n ¼ 1) were lost due to retention (p > .05); G1 showed less satisfying marginal adaptation (p < .05) than G2 and MM adhesives groups, particularly G6. Overall success rates (p > .05) were: 93.9% (G1), 97.0% (G2; G3; G4) and 100.0% (G5; G6). Conclusions: MM adhesives (Futurabond V R U and Adhese V R Universal) showed similar and acceptable performance/success rates but also better clinical outputs than the SE-all-in-one adhesive (Futurabond V R DC), particularly in SE mode. Success and retention rates were similar and not dependent on materials or adhesion modes.

Clinical Oral Investigations, 2016
Objectives The objective of the study was to determine the erosive tooth wear (ETW) status of ins... more Objectives The objective of the study was to determine the erosive tooth wear (ETW) status of institutionalized patients for alcohol misuse rehabilitation therapy in the north of Portugal. Material and methods Descriptive, analytical, and crosssectional study, conducted on 277 individuals (83.4 % men) with an average age of 43.6 ± 8.4 years, institutionalized at Instituto da Droga e Toxicodependência-Delegação Regional Norte (IDT-Norte). ETW prevalence and severity were assessed by Eccles and Jenkins index. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify ETW risk factors. Subjects with ETW risk identification according to biological and behavioral exposure were determined in the study. Results ETW prevalence was 98.6 %. In the cohort, 51.3 % showed localized ETW lesions, 40.1 % generalized ETW lesions, and 7.2 % enamel ETW lesions, more frequently localized in maxilla. From the examined dental surfaces (n = 15, 598), 11,493 had erosive wear lesions: 92.4 % (95 % CI 91.7-93.1 %) of all occlusal surfaces, 71.9 % (95 % CI 70.7-73.1 %) of all palatal/lingual, and 56.7 % (95 % CI 55.4-58.1 %) of all buccal surfaces. Buccal and lingual surfaces showed 43.2 and 41.8 % enamel erosive wear lesions; occlusal surfaces had 43.4 % localized erosive wear lesions in dentin. The main ETW risk factors were as follows: age, gastroesophageal reflux disease over 1 year, daily intake of alcohol ≥240 g (grams), and intra-oral location in anterior region; 46.2 % of the participants had erosive risk by exposure to biological and behavioral factors. Conclusions The ETW status showed high values for disease prevalence and severity, mainly located in the maxilla, and high frequency of erosive wear lesions at occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces, resulting from simultaneous exposure to several risk factors. Clinical implications For ETW differential diagnosis, the association of both clinical and biological/nutritional/behavioral risk factors should be done for each studied population.
Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, 2013
r e v p o r t e s t o m a t o l m e d d e n t c i r m a x i l o f a c. 2 0 1 3;5 4(S 1):e1-e59 e4... more r e v p o r t e s t o m a t o l m e d d e n t c i r m a x i l o f a c. 2 0 1 3;5 4(S 1):e1-e59 e47 estética e de estabilizaç ão/alivio oclusal de dentes adjacentes, pela manutenç ão da viabilidade funcional destes pilares.
... Liliana Teixeira Docente de Dentística na licenciatura em Medicina Dentária Faculdade de Ciên... more ... Liliana Teixeira Docente de Dentística na licenciatura em Medicina Dentária Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde - UFP ... a cunha de madeira é um fenómeno dependente do tempo, isto é, quanto mais tempo estiver colocada, maior é a eficácia do afastamento dentário, devi-do à ...
Rev Port Est, Med Dent …, 2005
Resumo: Durante um período de dois anos, realizou-se um estudo prospectivo de saúde oral na área ... more Resumo: Durante um período de dois anos, realizou-se um estudo prospectivo de saúde oral na área de influência do Centro de Saúde de Vizela com o objectivo de comparar a acção preventiva sobre a cárie dentária de duas formas diferentes de administração de flúor. Para tal ...
Papers by Liliana Teixeira