M. Liebsch
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University of Kalyani
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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST)
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Tanta University
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Vietnam National University, Hanoi
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National Research Centre
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Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Papers by M. Liebsch
Regulatory requirements
According to the current Notes for Guidance of the
Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and
Non-Food Products (SCCNFP), cosmetic ingredients
and mixtures of ingredients absorbing UV
light (in particular UV filter chemicals used, for
example, to ensure the light stability of cosmetics or
used in sun protection products) should be tested
for acute phototoxic and photogenotoxic potential.
Testing for photosensitisation (immunological photoallergy)
potential is not specifically required, but
it is nevertheless often performed.
Acute phototoxicity
Due to a thorough multi-stage and multi-centre validation
trial (1992–1998) the In Vitro 3T3 Neutral
Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test (3T3-NRU-PT) had
already gained acceptance by the SCCNFP in 1998,
and it is recommended by the EMEA/CPMP as a
basic preclinical test for acute phototoxicity. It was
accepted as Method No. 41 in Annex V to Directive
67/548/EEC in the year 2000, and was accepted as
the new Test Guideline 432 by the OECD in 2002.
The 3T3-NRU-PT is regarded as a basic screen for
identifying acute phototoxic potential.
Two additional in vitro tests, formally evaluated
in controlled blind trials, the RBC Phototoxicity
Test (RBC-PT) and the Human 3-D Skin Model
Phototoxicity Test (H3D-PT), are regarded as useful
and important adjunct tests to overcome some
limitations of the 3T3-NRU-PT, namely the fairly
low UVB tolerance of the 3T3 fibroblasts and the
inability to model the bioavailability of test materials
topically applied to the skin. In addition, the
RBC-PT permits an evaluation of the phototoxic
mechanisms involved. In conclusion, the identification
of acute phototoxic hazards is now regarded as
being sufficiently covered by in vitro tests, so that
animal testing for that endpoint can now be 100%
In the area of photogenotoxicity, almost the whole
battery of in vitro genetic toxicity tests have been
(or are currently being) converted into test protocols
of photogenotoxicity tests. Tests exclusively
predictive for gene mutation, for example, the
Photo-Ames (P-Ames) Test and the Photo-
Thymidine Kinase Test (P-TKT), have become less
important than tests for clastogenic effects (for
example, the Photo-Chromosome Aberration Test
[P-CAT] and the Photo-Micronucleus Test [PMNT].
In addition, a number of promising indicator
tests, such as the Photo-Comet Assay (P-Comet)
have been developed. Although routinely used, to
date none of the new photogenotoxicity tests have
been formally validated. Therefore, the P-MNT and
the P-Comet are currently being evaluated in a formal
interlaboratory validation study. It is expected
that these in vitro photogenotoxicity test methods
may become available as validated and accepted
methods within the next five years.
Photoallergy (Photosensitisation)
In the area of photoallergy (photosensitisation), as
development of predictive in vitro tests for delayed
contact sensitisation (allergenicity) potential without
the involvement of light, due to a lack of ability
to model the complex mechanisms underlying
allergy, no promising in vitro methods to predict
photo-sensitisation potential are currently in sight
(see the section on skin sensitisation). One in vitro
screening method, which models the covalent binding
of a light activated chemical to human serum
albumin, may become relevant. However, while the
binding of an excited chemical to proteins is a prerequisite
for photoallergy, this is not a sufficient
predictor on its own. The only promising alternatives
currently under development are in vivo
refinements, like the Photo Local Lymph Node
Assay (PLLNA). Once a reliable and predictive in
vitro test battery and strategy for the assessment of
“dark” sensitisation potential have been developed
and accepted, their adaptation into similar photosensitisation
testing will become possible.
Regulatory requirements
According to the current Notes for Guidance of the
Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and
Non-Food Products (SCCNFP), cosmetic ingredients
and mixtures of ingredients absorbing UV
light (in particular UV filter chemicals used, for
example, to ensure the light stability of cosmetics or
used in sun protection products) should be tested
for acute phototoxic and photogenotoxic potential.
Testing for photosensitisation (immunological photoallergy)
potential is not specifically required, but
it is nevertheless often performed.
Acute phototoxicity
Due to a thorough multi-stage and multi-centre validation
trial (1992–1998) the In Vitro 3T3 Neutral
Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test (3T3-NRU-PT) had
already gained acceptance by the SCCNFP in 1998,
and it is recommended by the EMEA/CPMP as a
basic preclinical test for acute phototoxicity. It was
accepted as Method No. 41 in Annex V to Directive
67/548/EEC in the year 2000, and was accepted as
the new Test Guideline 432 by the OECD in 2002.
The 3T3-NRU-PT is regarded as a basic screen for
identifying acute phototoxic potential.
Two additional in vitro tests, formally evaluated
in controlled blind trials, the RBC Phototoxicity
Test (RBC-PT) and the Human 3-D Skin Model
Phototoxicity Test (H3D-PT), are regarded as useful
and important adjunct tests to overcome some
limitations of the 3T3-NRU-PT, namely the fairly
low UVB tolerance of the 3T3 fibroblasts and the
inability to model the bioavailability of test materials
topically applied to the skin. In addition, the
RBC-PT permits an evaluation of the phototoxic
mechanisms involved. In conclusion, the identification
of acute phototoxic hazards is now regarded as
being sufficiently covered by in vitro tests, so that
animal testing for that endpoint can now be 100%
In the area of photogenotoxicity, almost the whole
battery of in vitro genetic toxicity tests have been
(or are currently being) converted into test protocols
of photogenotoxicity tests. Tests exclusively
predictive for gene mutation, for example, the
Photo-Ames (P-Ames) Test and the Photo-
Thymidine Kinase Test (P-TKT), have become less
important than tests for clastogenic effects (for
example, the Photo-Chromosome Aberration Test
[P-CAT] and the Photo-Micronucleus Test [PMNT].
In addition, a number of promising indicator
tests, such as the Photo-Comet Assay (P-Comet)
have been developed. Although routinely used, to
date none of the new photogenotoxicity tests have
been formally validated. Therefore, the P-MNT and
the P-Comet are currently being evaluated in a formal
interlaboratory validation study. It is expected
that these in vitro photogenotoxicity test methods
may become available as validated and accepted
methods within the next five years.
Photoallergy (Photosensitisation)
In the area of photoallergy (photosensitisation), as
development of predictive in vitro tests for delayed
contact sensitisation (allergenicity) potential without
the involvement of light, due to a lack of ability
to model the complex mechanisms underlying
allergy, no promising in vitro methods to predict
photo-sensitisation potential are currently in sight
(see the section on skin sensitisation). One in vitro
screening method, which models the covalent binding
of a light activated chemical to human serum
albumin, may become relevant. However, while the
binding of an excited chemical to proteins is a prerequisite
for photoallergy, this is not a sufficient
predictor on its own. The only promising alternatives
currently under development are in vivo
refinements, like the Photo Local Lymph Node
Assay (PLLNA). Once a reliable and predictive in
vitro test battery and strategy for the assessment of
“dark” sensitisation potential have been developed
and accepted, their adaptation into similar photosensitisation
testing will become possible.