Papers by Lewis Patterson
The Journal of Urology, 1961
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017
Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose... more Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

The American journal of emergency medicine, Jan 31, 2017
This study aimed to validate the criteria for early critical care resource (CCR) use as an outcom... more This study aimed to validate the criteria for early critical care resource (CCR) use as an outcome predictor for seriously injured patients triaged in the field by comparing the effectiveness of the criteria for early CCR use with that of criteria defined by an Injury Severity Score (ISS) >15. We analysed data from seriously injured trauma patients who were triaged using a field triage protocol by emergency medical service providers (EMS-ST patients). Early CCR use was defined as the use of any of the following treatment modalities or outcomes: advanced airway management, blood transfusion, or interventional radiology (<4h), emergency operation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or thoracotomy (<24h), or admission for spinal cord injury. The primary endpoint was inhospital mortality. We generated area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves to compare the value of the early CCR use criteria with that of the ISS >15 criteria in the discrimination between...
Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 1976

Ecojustice philosophy is an exciting approach for science education that can increase student and... more Ecojustice philosophy is an exciting approach for science education that can increase student and community interactions while promoting awareness of culture, science, and learning. The research presented here was collected over one semester of a secondary science teacher preparation course that utilized ecojustice philosophy and citizen science as a framework for instruction. Highlighted in this article are expectations of the professor and university, assignments and daily course activities, the location of courses as they serve as exemplars of enacting ecojustice philosophy, and perspectives from preservice teachers on what they were learning. This research shares that when pre-service teachers are allowed to participate in philosophical and pedagogical approaches to science instruction that contradict the familiar, they express discomfort. However, these learning opportunities have long-term potential benefits. By forcing preservice teachers to step outside of their comfortable spaces and into class being held in the rain, their perceptions of teaching and learning were defied. In turn, these related experiences encouraged them to alter their teaching practices to co-exist alongside a new framework of ecojustice philosophy, a philosophy that highlights the benefit to challenging assumptions and promoting diversity in thought and action. The ability to consider alternative perspectives, at least for these preservice teachers, provided rewards that may be felt by their students, such as a deeper appreciation for and involvement within the local community.

The purpose of this exploratory study was to observe the work of mental health and school counsel... more The purpose of this exploratory study was to observe the work of mental health and school counsellors in their initial supervised experience to determine whether some behaviours become automatic during the first six months of supervision. Attending skills and skills that facilitate disclosure were found to be present significantly more often at the conclusion of the supervision period. However, neither diagnostic nor relationship-building skills improved significantly. Certain behaviours seen as inappropriate to the counselling interaction (e.g., social distancing) declined early in the experience but began to reappear between three-month and six-month observation points. Implications for supervision are presented. Resume Le but de cette etude exploratoire etait d'observer Ie travail des conseillers scolaires et ceux du milieu psychiatrique dans leur experience initiale de supervision pour determiner si certains comportements deviennent automatiques au cours des six premiers mois de supervision. Les habilites d' ecoute et les habiletes qui facilitent I'ouverture ont ete trouvees presentes significativement plus souvent lors de la conclusion de la periode de supervision. Toutefois, ni les habilites de diagnostic et celles de developpement de la relation ne se sont ameJiorees de fa~on significative. Certains comportements vus comme inappropries a I'interaction en counseling (par exemple, distanciation sociale) declinait tot dans I' experience mais commen~aitareapparaitre entre Ie troisieme mois et Ie sixieme mois des points d' observation. Les implications pour la supervision sont presentees.
Proceedings of the 1993 ACM/SIGAPP symposium on Applied computing states of the art and practice - SAC '93, 1993
... An alternate form of aet-watcho, which allows the application to be notified when a tuple is ... more ... An alternate form of aet-watcho, which allows the application to be notified when a tuple is removed from tuple-space, haa proved to be useful in fault tolerant application construction. ... numbers between 1 million and 3 million are calculated using 5 Sun Sparta and 5 Sun 3/50s. ...
Journal of Counseling & Development, 1996
Current research suggests that a majority of at-risk youths do not experience drastic outcomes, b... more Current research suggests that a majority of at-risk youths do not experience drastic outcomes, but many exhibit protective factors that buffer them from negative consequences. Longitudinal studies from Hawaii, the continental United States, and Great Britain have identified several personality, familial, and environmental variables that promote resiliency in youths at risk. This article discusses these variables and provides counselors with an assessment technique and strategies to promote a salutogenesis perspective.

This thesis identifies the convergence between John Dewey's ideas regarding the public and the ev... more This thesis identifies the convergence between John Dewey's ideas regarding the public and the evolution of law enforcement practices. There are four areas covered, those being responses to major shifts in cultural activities and assumptions, learning as continuous, Dewey's ethics and the role of discretion in law enforcement, and community as participatory and inclusive. Dewey's ideas in these four areas are explained and examples are provided that demonstrate the convergence. Particular attention is given to the changes brought about by the migration from the professional model to the community policing model. The thesis also claims that both models are necessary for law enforcement to have a sufficient repertoire to provide their services and that deciding which model to use should be based on what the task is. It also states that law enforcement should be open to future developments that can improve how law enforcement services are provided.
The Career Development Quarterly, 1987
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 1975
Malignant hyperthermia is induced by potent inhalation anesthetics. Enflurane must be added to th... more Malignant hyperthermia is induced by potent inhalation anesthetics. Enflurane must be added to the list of those anesthetic agents (such as halothane and succinylcholine) that are associated with this condition. The patient in our study was a young woman with no history of prior exposure to general anesthetics, and no family history of complications following administration of anesthetics. The other possible causes of hyperthermia in the patient were investigated and eliminated, and the condition was finally associated with enflurane. Enflurane should not be used in patients with a family history of this rare but often lethal disorder.

Counselor Education and Supervision, 1988
Counseling becomes increasingly effective as trainees accumulate autotnatic facilitati\e behavior... more Counseling becomes increasingly effective as trainees accumulate autotnatic facilitati\e behaviors and thereby free attentional capacities to understand the uniqiieness of thc individual client. Beginning counselors faced with a client caseload for the first time t y p ically find that the time spent with clients is very demanding. 'They must simultaneously listen, respond effectively, gather information, formulate diagnostic hypotheses, and develop plans for the helping process. Each task taken by itself is complex. Taken together the several tasks place ;I severe load on the conscious processes of the counselor, although each element has been studied in content courses and has, perhaps, been practiced in a laboratory situation. Trainees report that they have trouble attending to what the client is saying while trying to formulate their own responses. They want to sound competent and "counselor-like" in their responses, and, because the role is new, they search for words. They get lost in their own thoughts and miss important nuances in what the client is saying. Later their supervisor may not only identify that material has been overlooked, but niay also question how the various elements of the client's story fit together diagnostically and what implications there are for building a counseling plan. The message from the supervisor suggests that counselors are able to think about all these agendas at once in the presence of the client. Counselor educators are challenged to find ways of helping novice counselors reduce the load on their attentional capacities and thereby gain a sense of mastery over the counseling process. Rogers (1965) and 191; COUNSELOR EDUCATION AND SUPERVISION b;iiim Associates. Zajonc, P.B., & Sales, S. (1966). Social facilitator of dominant and subordinate responses. ,loiirml of Exp~rientinl Psyholo,gy, 2, 160-168.
Papers by Lewis Patterson